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性に目覚めた瞬間 The moment of sexual awakening

66anonymous@fusianasan:2021/10/17(日) 08:00:44
While preparing finals of my last year in elementary school, I got a private teacher for English Language, my weakness.
She was in college, about 23 I think. I don't know if it because I couldn't stop looking at her revealing chest.
I think she took it slowly, I never got afraid, at some point she would take my hand to make me move the computer's mouse, would start having me seat on her lap, she was always very warm.
And at some point, since I didn't resist, she would slip her hand in my pants and slowly rub and pinch. It was the first time for me, but it felt good so I was happy even if I felt dirty.
After a while she even added a finger in behind to reach what I learned was the prostate. She would rub my head after and leave a tissue with her perfume on it, I think to use it for jacking off.
We never went further, the lessons only lasted 3 months, but because of that, I got into older bossy women and pegging.
In the end, it taught me much more about myself than the school sexual's education, sometimes it's something that could be made legal in specific cases, I chose to let her continue back then and only benefited from it.


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