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Foreigner's thread : QnAs

109普通の名無しさん:2022/05/24(火) 21:35:10 ID:.EXJXVJI
Hello. I am sorry if there is something wrong with this text as I am making this text from DeepL text.

My question is: "I don't want my modifications to be included in MLT".
I am not sure how much you mean by "I don't want you to put the changes in MLT.

I know it's selfish of me to ask, but in adapting this case in the MLT recording discussion thread, I was wondering if there is any chance that you would be willing to make a change to the guidelines.
I'm not sure how much we want people to be aware of the guidelines as time goes on.
I think we should put a note on the MLT.

I got four replies with the question, "What is the best way to do this?
Three of them said that a warning is good because there is a precedent, but it is not acceptable to apply the AA author's personal rules.
The only way to ensure that no modifications are made is to not create an MLT.

To summarize the opinions

1. The author's personal rules are a burden on the compilation process.
  Also, if we adapt the rules, other people will try to add their own rules, and it will be difficult to keep them in place.
  (Currently, the checking process for MLT recordings is extremely complicated, and even now there are many mistakes.
  Adding personal rules to this process could cause even more mistakes.)

2、It is difficult to determine whether a file has been altered by another person or by the person himself/herself.
  (Also, even if there is a way to determine this
  (Even if there is a way to determine this, it would add more work and complexity to the confirmation process for MLT recording.)

3, Even if the person recording the AA knows the rules, there is no guarantee that he/she knows the source of the modified AA.
  (If the modification is dropped in a support thread, etc., there is a possibility that the modification will be recorded without knowledge or malicious intent.)

This is the reason why we have been working on this issue.


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