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Foreigner's thread : QnAs

1foreigner ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2016/09/18(日) 23:30:53 ID:gzgP7d6g
                     >-+ '"""' .,+ 、
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Well, I hope I'm following directions correctly. I'm not really used to it.

Anyway, If this thread is created successfully, Hello Japanese people. It's glad to communicate with you.

70スレッド上限に達した際は、緊急避難板(jbbs.shitaraba.net/internet/3408/)をお使いください:2016/09/24(土) 00:10:14 ID:gyNJzfU6
That too bad…

and,it may be misreading , 酉 is individual name, forexample 'foreigner ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A' [particularl after “◆”.]

71foreigner ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2016/09/24(土) 00:10:20 ID:P4JTHfh6
>>69 11 AAs of Pete-chan are ready to be posted. I'll make some more and release them tomorrow.投

72スレッド上限に達した際は、緊急避難板(jbbs.shitaraba.net/internet/3408/)をお使いください:2016/09/24(土) 00:19:38 ID:jmuNGCi.
I was wrong.
What I want to hear is that of whether there are apprenticeship to other him.

73foreigner ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2016/09/24(土) 00:35:28 ID:P4JTHfh6
>>72 Ah, the two were his only works. That's why we call him apprentice.

We call those who wants to be an AA takumi but never made successfully crafted AA alone as apprentice.あ

He have to prove himself with his own AA to be appreciated as an AA takumi.

74スレッド上限に達した際は、緊急避難板(jbbs.shitaraba.net/internet/3408/)をお使いください:2016/09/24(土) 05:00:30 ID:jmuNGCi.
Thank you.
What is history that was able to apprentice's?

75スレッド上限に達した際は、緊急避難板(jbbs.shitaraba.net/internet/3408/)をお使いください:2016/09/24(土) 15:54:14 ID:gJg8URSY
I just would like to let you know that filling "sage" in mailing address area is recomended
when posting a message or AA in shared threads such as AAs published one.

When a comment is posted in a thread, it becomes a first thread in the board list.
It makes the thread more evident, and helps people from finding it.
Thus, when posting in your thread, it'll be benefit.

On the other hand, making thread evident leads to some decimal situations.
One example is that some commercial comments (spam messages) might be posted by machines and/or humans.
Thus, inhabitants in a shared thread do not want to appear their thread to outer malicious spam maker.

Entering "sage" in a mailing address area prevents the thread from being first in the list,
(In that case, the order of the thread list do not change any more.)
That's why using "sage" is recommended.

If you find spam massages in your thread, you can access to the managing thread in this board
(which is usually named "管理スレ" in Japanese) and ask the manager to delete it.
You need to fill in some information to delete massage.
If needed, some guy will let you know (of course, no need to delete a message is the best).

Yaruo's thread is originally from 2ch, which is the biggest Japanese web board, and there are some local rules.
Using "sage" in a shared thread is one of those historical manners.
We know you are not familiar with the rules so much. Do not worry about breaking the rules at first time.

We are really thrilled knowing a foreign AA maker, and hoping to help you from participating us.

And personally speaking, I DO want to see Fumika Sagisawa AA :)

76foreigner ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2016/09/24(土) 17:26:05 ID:P4JTHfh6
>>74 I can't understand what you are asking for.
I'm truly sorry to say this but your English skill isn't that good.
Please just add sentences in Japanese if you are not sure about your English writings.

>>75 Oh, thanks for noticing. I think some people told me that before but
I didn't know what were they talking about because I couldn't read Japanese and the English sentences were poorly written.
I'll pay some care about that from now on. Thank you.

And by the way, I love Fumika too but there are enough quantitys for her already.
I would like to make some if I don't have any characters left, but it might be a far future.レ

77スレッド上限に達した際は、緊急避難板(jbbs.shitaraba.net/internet/3408/)をお使いください:2016/09/24(土) 18:00:28 ID:jmuNGCi.
I'm sorry.
My English is clumsy thing.
I want to know you in was why can apprentice.
I will give up if impossible in this question.

78スレッド上限に達した際は、緊急避難板(jbbs.shitaraba.net/internet/3408/)をお使いください:2016/09/24(土) 18:08:06 ID:enbHJvIg

79スレッド上限に達した際は、緊急避難板(jbbs.shitaraba.net/internet/3408/)をお使いください:2016/09/24(土) 19:06:16 ID:ZNCDpO2M

80スレッド上限に達した際は、緊急避難板(jbbs.shitaraba.net/internet/3408/)をお使いください:2016/09/24(土) 19:22:28 ID:eQU7RrxY

81スレッド上限に達した際は、緊急避難板(jbbs.shitaraba.net/internet/3408/)をお使いください:2016/09/24(土) 19:32:16 ID:ZNCDpO2M

82スレッド上限に達した際は、緊急避難板(jbbs.shitaraba.net/internet/3408/)をお使いください:2016/09/24(土) 19:34:35 ID:jmuNGCi.

83スレッド上限に達した際は、緊急避難板(jbbs.shitaraba.net/internet/3408/)をお使いください:2016/09/24(土) 19:38:11 ID:ZNCDpO2M

84スレッド上限に達した際は、緊急避難板(jbbs.shitaraba.net/internet/3408/)をお使いください:2016/09/24(土) 19:41:38 ID:eQU7RrxY

85スレッド上限に達した際は、緊急避難板(jbbs.shitaraba.net/internet/3408/)をお使いください:2016/09/24(土) 19:41:45 ID:r2x8jRnw

86スレッド上限に達した際は、緊急避難板(jbbs.shitaraba.net/internet/3408/)をお使いください:2016/09/24(土) 19:44:16 ID:ZNCDpO2M
わかりやすい! ありがとう!!

87蒼穹 ◆qmMwoA7FfU:2016/09/24(土) 21:10:12 ID:DLpbFLc6
First of all, I'm the same individual who posted >>64 yesterday.
Since I gained >>1's permission, I will use my handle-name when I make comments here.
Once again, nice to meet you >>1

In regards to >>77, I believe he was asking how this person (i.e. the one who posted Anastasia AAs)
became your apprentice in the first place. Considering that not many non-Japanese people would be
showing interest in becoming an AA takumi, it is quite an understandable question I suppose. 


8875:2016/09/25(日) 01:38:36 ID:KEB0mkiM
Thanks for adopting "sage" rule in the AA thread.
And I was just kidding about Fumika's AA. Don't care about it.



89foreigner ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2016/09/25(日) 22:24:41 ID:vwW1aT3E
>>87 Ah, he's not 'my' apprentice. 'Apprentice' is a kind of a slang we use.
You know there are some people who want to be an AA takumi but not skilled enough right?
We call them 'apprentice'. Because they are not that good at making AAs and require help,
we think they don't match for a word 'artisan' so we made a new word to assort skilled and non-skilled.

90スレッド上限に達した際は、緊急避難板(jbbs.shitaraba.net/internet/3408/)をお使いください:2016/09/27(火) 16:20:34 ID:e5EdE/d2
Hi, Foreigner.
Do you know recently famous deformed AA types which named "OMANJU"(おまんじゅう)?
I saw what you made "CHU-RU-YA"(ちゅるや) type AA.

Let's challenge creation of "OMANJU"(おまんじゅう)


91スレッド上限に達した際は、緊急避難板(jbbs.shitaraba.net/internet/3408/)をお使いください:2016/10/01(土) 22:03:06 ID:J/R87p6Q
Did you watch yo-jo senki's new PV?


92foreigner ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2016/10/02(日) 23:53:12 ID:XJfFwIqY

oh, I haven't watch that yet. I'll go watch it right now.た

93Soukyu ◆qmMwoA7FfU:2016/10/05(水) 21:05:03 ID:epcuT0ew
Ah, I see. Now that was my misunderstanding, sorry about that.ア

94普通の名無しさん:2017/01/26(木) 18:01:16 ID:NGHnSI9o
Long time no see Gaigokujin(foreigner).
How have you been?

95普通の名無しさん:2017/02/21(火) 22:48:52 ID:gV2dRYlk

96普通の名無しさん:2017/04/17(月) 14:45:55 ID:3ZlWTjR.

97普通の名無しさん:2018/02/18(日) 05:01:25 ID:q7apzC7k

98Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2018/04/02(月) 18:46:34 ID:1b4/nKYU
                 : : : : ノ(: :
                : :/(: : ⌒^ : :
           : :ノ} : : : : / )ィ_: : ,ノ〉: :
         : : )v( (ィ ''^~ ノ( ∧Y(: :_
         : :'  У/\   / ∧//: :
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        : :`⌒} V〉{  _,V〉 .{i:i:i:V〉v} ノ:人:.:.:.:.:⌒ミy
         : :〈. V〉. j{i:i:V〉. `ー V〉}}〉/( ⌒ミミ:.:.:.ミ
            : : \.V〉、`.ーV〉}_ノ_ノ_.V〉}( }ィ. . .  }ミ_ソ
            r‐<_ノ-=ニ.V〉ニ=-<⌒ } y/ . . . /
         _ノ⌒〕iト   <_ノ Yi:i:i}i   {!. . ./
          )_ ⌒> )ノ    |i:i:i:}i⌒Y( . i /
            / )__ ⌒ヽ^⌒〕iト (i:i:i:i}  ノ^ .|{
         /. . .  ⌒>   ̄~)ノィノi:i:i:i|⌒   |i
        __/. . .   / /⌒〕iト _ }i:i:i:i|i     .| :.
     ソ.:.:⌒〕iトィ /{ .{  :.   Yi:i:i:i:i:|      \
     ミ: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:^( { .{   \  }i:i:i:i:i:|     ヽ .}
      ミ_:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.ミ   ',    .j{i:i:i:i:i:|   /    v}
       L[_[_[^~. . .  \   j{i:i:i:i:i:i:|  /     ',
       / . . . . . . .        j{i:i:i:i:i:i:i| ./     . . \
       Y. / . . . . . .     /i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:|    . . . . . . . .}
     ノ( |/ . . . . . .   /  /i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:|  . . .. . . . .  (
     ⌒.ノイ . . . . ィ ./  /⌒)ノ⌒}/)|     ノ}_ノ⌒)>
          !/)ノ⌒)/}  ノ}/         |/)/⌒  ノ(
             ⌒^                ^⌒
Is this thread still alive? How amazing

99Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2018/04/02(月) 18:47:28 ID:1b4/nKYU
                 : : : : ノ(: :
                : :/(: : ⌒^ : :
           : :ノ} : : : : / )ィ_: : ,ノ〉: :
         : : )v( (ィ ''^~ ノ( ∧Y(: :_
         : :'  У/\   / ∧//: :
        : : _乂_ ./ .O.〉-=ニV〉/{lV: :
        : :\ヽ-=\/〉=- ..V〉 v}ノ(: : :    r┬.、__
       : : ノ(_V〉''^~ V〉_ -=V〉.v} ノ: : <\|. | 「 h
       : : { ^ V〉.>'^V〉.  __V〉v}(ヽ: :xミ- ⌒ _ ././
        : :`⌒} V〉{  _,V〉 .{i:i:i:V〉v} ノ:人:.:.:.:.:⌒ミy
         : :〈. V〉. j{i:i:V〉. `ー V〉}}〉/( ⌒ミミ:.:.:.ミ
            : : \.V〉、`.ーV〉}_ノ_ノ_.V〉}( }ィ. . .  }ミ_ソ
            r‐<_ノ-=ニ.V〉ニ=-<⌒ } y/ . . . /
         _ノ⌒〕iト   <_ノ Yi:i:i}i   {!. . ./
          )_ ⌒> )ノ    |i:i:i:}i⌒Y( . i /
            / )__ ⌒ヽ^⌒〕iト (i:i:i:i}  ノ^ .|{
         /. . .  ⌒>   ̄~)ノィノi:i:i:i|⌒   |i
        __/. . .   / /⌒〕iト _ }i:i:i:i|i     .| :.
     ソ.:.:⌒〕iトィ /{ .{  :.   Yi:i:i:i:i:|      \
     ミ: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:^( { .{   \  }i:i:i:i:i:|     ヽ .}
      ミ_:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.ミ   ',    .j{i:i:i:i:i:|   /    v}
       L[_[_[^~. . .  \   j{i:i:i:i:i:i:|  /     ',
       / . . . . . . .        j{i:i:i:i:i:i:i| ./     . . \
       Y. / . . . . . .     /i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:|    . . . . . . . .}
     ノ( |/ . . . . . .   /  /i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:|  . . .. . . . .  (
     ⌒.ノイ . . . . ィ ./  /⌒)ノ⌒}/)|     ノ}_ノ⌒)>
          !/)ノ⌒)/}  ノ}/         |/)/⌒  ノ(
             ⌒^                ^⌒
sup boys, are you there? Must I type 'sage' although this is my own thread?

100Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2018/04/02(月) 18:48:45 ID:1b4/nKYU
                 : : : : ノ(: :
                : :/(: : ⌒^ : :
           : :ノ} : : : : / )ィ_: : ,ノ〉: :
         : : )v( (ィ ''^~ ノ( ∧Y(: :_
         : :'  У/\   / ∧//: :
        : : _乂_ ./ .O.〉-=ニV〉/{lV: :
        : :\ヽ-=\/〉=- ..V〉 v}ノ(: : :    r┬.、__
       : : ノ(_V〉''^~ V〉_ -=V〉.v} ノ: : <\|. | 「 h
       : : { ^ V〉.>'^V〉.  __V〉v}(ヽ: :xミ- ⌒ _ ././
        : :`⌒} V〉{  _,V〉 .{i:i:i:V〉v} ノ:人:.:.:.:.:⌒ミy
         : :〈. V〉. j{i:i:V〉. `ー V〉}}〉/( ⌒ミミ:.:.:.ミ
            : : \.V〉、`.ーV〉}_ノ_ノ_.V〉}( }ィ. . .  }ミ_ソ
            r‐<_ノ-=ニ.V〉ニ=-<⌒ } y/ . . . /
         _ノ⌒〕iト   <_ノ Yi:i:i}i   {!. . ./
          )_ ⌒> )ノ    |i:i:i:}i⌒Y( . i /
            / )__ ⌒ヽ^⌒〕iト (i:i:i:i}  ノ^ .|{
         /. . .  ⌒>   ̄~)ノィノi:i:i:i|⌒   |i
        __/. . .   / /⌒〕iト _ }i:i:i:i|i     .| :.
     ソ.:.:⌒〕iトィ /{ .{  :.   Yi:i:i:i:i:|      \
     ミ: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:^( { .{   \  }i:i:i:i:i:|     ヽ .}
      ミ_:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.ミ   ',    .j{i:i:i:i:i:|   /    v}
       L[_[_[^~. . .  \   j{i:i:i:i:i:i:|  /     ',
       / . . . . . . .        j{i:i:i:i:i:i:i| ./     . . \
       Y. / . . . . . .     /i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:|    . . . . . . . .}
     ノ( |/ . . . . . .   /  /i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:|  . . .. . . . .  (
     ⌒.ノイ . . . . ィ ./  /⌒)ノ⌒}/)|     ノ}_ノ⌒)>
          !/)ノ⌒)/}  ノ}/         |/)/⌒  ノ(
             ⌒^                ^⌒
Mmm... I guess I don't have to.

101Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2018/04/02(月) 18:50:32 ID:1b4/nKYU
                 : : : : ノ(: :
                : :/(: : ⌒^ : :
           : :ノ} : : : : / )ィ_: : ,ノ〉: :
         : : )v( (ィ ''^~ ノ( ∧Y(: :_
         : :'  У/\   / ∧//: :
        : : _乂_ ./ .O.〉-=ニV〉/{lV: :
        : :\ヽ-=\/〉=- ..V〉 v}ノ(: : :    r┬.、__
       : : ノ(_V〉''^~ V〉_ -=V〉.v} ノ: : <\|. | 「 h
       : : { ^ V〉.>'^V〉.  __V〉v}(ヽ: :xミ- ⌒ _ ././
        : :`⌒} V〉{  _,V〉 .{i:i:i:V〉v} ノ:人:.:.:.:.:⌒ミy
         : :〈. V〉. j{i:i:V〉. `ー V〉}}〉/( ⌒ミミ:.:.:.ミ
            : : \.V〉、`.ーV〉}_ノ_ノ_.V〉}( }ィ. . .  }ミ_ソ
            r‐<_ノ-=ニ.V〉ニ=-<⌒ } y/ . . . /
         _ノ⌒〕iト   <_ノ Yi:i:i}i   {!. . ./
          )_ ⌒> )ノ    |i:i:i:}i⌒Y( . i /
            / )__ ⌒ヽ^⌒〕iト (i:i:i:i}  ノ^ .|{
         /. . .  ⌒>   ̄~)ノィノi:i:i:i|⌒   |i
        __/. . .   / /⌒〕iト _ }i:i:i:i|i     .| :.
     ソ.:.:⌒〕iトィ /{ .{  :.   Yi:i:i:i:i:|      \
     ミ: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:^( { .{   \  }i:i:i:i:i:|     ヽ .}
      ミ_:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.ミ   ',    .j{i:i:i:i:i:|   /    v}
       L[_[_[^~. . .  \   j{i:i:i:i:i:i:|  /     ',
       / . . . . . . .        j{i:i:i:i:i:i:i| ./     . . \
       Y. / . . . . . .     /i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:|    . . . . . . . .}
     ノ( |/ . . . . . .   /  /i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:|  . . .. . . . .  (
     ⌒.ノイ . . . . ィ ./  /⌒)ノ⌒}/)|     ノ}_ノ⌒)>
          !/)ノ⌒)/}  ノ}/         |/)/⌒  ノ(
             ⌒^                ^⌒
To be honest, I completely forgot about this thread til today, but one of you reminded me of this thread

So I decided to run it again; There are some other purposes but meh, who cares.

102Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2018/04/02(月) 18:52:18 ID:1b4/nKYU
                 : : : : ノ(: :
                : :/(: : ⌒^ : :
           : :ノ} : : : : / )ィ_: : ,ノ〉: :
         : : )v( (ィ ''^~ ノ( ∧Y(: :_
         : :'  У/\   / ∧//: :
        : : _乂_ ./ .O.〉-=ニV〉/{lV: :
        : :\ヽ-=\/〉=- ..V〉 v}ノ(: : :    r┬.、__
       : : ノ(_V〉''^~ V〉_ -=V〉.v} ノ: : <\|. | 「 h
       : : { ^ V〉.>'^V〉.  __V〉v}(ヽ: :xミ- ⌒ _ ././
        : :`⌒} V〉{  _,V〉 .{i:i:i:V〉v} ノ:人:.:.:.:.:⌒ミy
         : :〈. V〉. j{i:i:V〉. `ー V〉}}〉/( ⌒ミミ:.:.:.ミ
            : : \.V〉、`.ーV〉}_ノ_ノ_.V〉}( }ィ. . .  }ミ_ソ
            r‐<_ノ-=ニ.V〉ニ=-<⌒ } y/ . . . /
         _ノ⌒〕iト   <_ノ Yi:i:i}i   {!. . ./
          )_ ⌒> )ノ    |i:i:i:}i⌒Y( . i /
            / )__ ⌒ヽ^⌒〕iト (i:i:i:i}  ノ^ .|{
         /. . .  ⌒>   ̄~)ノィノi:i:i:i|⌒   |i
        __/. . .   / /⌒〕iト _ }i:i:i:i|i     .| :.
     ソ.:.:⌒〕iトィ /{ .{  :.   Yi:i:i:i:i:|      \
     ミ: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:^( { .{   \  }i:i:i:i:i:|     ヽ .}
      ミ_:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.ミ   ',    .j{i:i:i:i:i:|   /    v}
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Is there no one or you guys just trying damn hard to type something in English?

103Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2018/04/02(月) 18:55:05 ID:1b4/nKYU
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             ⌒^                ^⌒
Welp, I can come later. If you are not that sure about your English skill,

you can just type in Japanese since I am using Google translator now

104普通の名無しさん:2018/04/02(月) 20:15:41 ID:5Si7RBC6
Welcome back 外国人-san!
I like AA of Nerauo with Poke Ball you posted today.

105普通の名無しさん:2018/04/02(月) 21:56:32 ID:vYhY9LLc

106Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2022/05/22(日) 23:02:14 ID:AGxI1.oM
Christ in heaven I never thought that I would post something on this thread again人

107Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2022/05/22(日) 23:03:36 ID:AGxI1.oM
It seems like the note that I left today is making you confused because of my poor English skill so let me just set the guideline here.人

108Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2022/05/22(日) 23:07:53 ID:AGxI1.oM
Uploading my original characters' AAs on Yaruyomi or other matome websites: Okay.

Using my OCs in any kinds of situations(including erotic and gore and etc): Okay. Just don't show it to me.

Altering my AAs and using it in someone's thread: Okay.

Altering my AAs and uploading it on Yaruyomi or other matome websites: Not okay. never allowed. I don't want to face with Frankenstein again.

If you have any questions, plz leave it here. I wouldn't be here everyday but I'll try to check and answer it as often as I can.人

109普通の名無しさん:2022/05/24(火) 21:35:10 ID:.EXJXVJI
Hello. I am sorry if there is something wrong with this text as I am making this text from DeepL text.

My question is: "I don't want my modifications to be included in MLT".
I am not sure how much you mean by "I don't want you to put the changes in MLT.

I know it's selfish of me to ask, but in adapting this case in the MLT recording discussion thread, I was wondering if there is any chance that you would be willing to make a change to the guidelines.
I'm not sure how much we want people to be aware of the guidelines as time goes on.
I think we should put a note on the MLT.

I got four replies with the question, "What is the best way to do this?
Three of them said that a warning is good because there is a precedent, but it is not acceptable to apply the AA author's personal rules.
The only way to ensure that no modifications are made is to not create an MLT.

To summarize the opinions

1. The author's personal rules are a burden on the compilation process.
  Also, if we adapt the rules, other people will try to add their own rules, and it will be difficult to keep them in place.
  (Currently, the checking process for MLT recordings is extremely complicated, and even now there are many mistakes.
  Adding personal rules to this process could cause even more mistakes.)

2、It is difficult to determine whether a file has been altered by another person or by the person himself/herself.
  (Also, even if there is a way to determine this
  (Even if there is a way to determine this, it would add more work and complexity to the confirmation process for MLT recording.)

3, Even if the person recording the AA knows the rules, there is no guarantee that he/she knows the source of the modified AA.
  (If the modification is dropped in a support thread, etc., there is a possibility that the modification will be recorded without knowledge or malicious intent.)

This is the reason why we have been working on this issue.

110普通の名無しさん:2022/05/24(火) 21:35:33 ID:.EXJXVJI
So, if you do not want to include AA modifications in MLT If you do not want to include AA modifications in MLT, then

1. do not create the MLT itself (i.e., bring the changes from the new work threads)

The only way is to

If you want to include AA in the MLT, please ask for acceptance to include AA modifications in the MLT.

2, Create the MLT, but do not put any notes in the MLT.
  (In this case, please contact us.
  (In this case, please clarify the correction of the policy in the new AA thread.)

I think it will be something like this.

As an AA member, I understand that you do not want to see Frankenstein AA.
However, if you try to remove it, you will have the problem I mentioned earlier.

I am sorry, but I do not want to include AA modifications in MLT. If you do not want to include AA modifications in the MLT
If you do not want to include AA modifications in MLT, the only way is to give up the MLT recording itself or change the policy.
Thank you for your understanding.

111Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2022/05/24(火) 22:26:53 ID:FgcwS0YE
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooookay. Got it.

Well. somewhat sad to be honest but prohibiting my AAs to be archived is not what I want.

I'll choose the option 2. Forget about what I mentioned about my OCs earlier.人

112Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2022/05/24(火) 22:43:30 ID:FgcwS0YE
What I was afraid of was taking off my OC's head and modifying it into a low quality erotic AAs.

Honestly, I don't like it. But I admit that I don't have a right to stop it. I know that's one of the way you show love to my AAs.

So here's the deal. I will make a set of Aschenia's erotic AAs someday, within this year. So please refrain from making Frankensteins out of her.

I'm not forcing you to stop it. This is just a small request.

I know this is hard to be acheived but... well, I'll just leave it to your conscience.人

113普通の名無しさん:2022/05/24(火) 22:43:42 ID:.EXJXVJI
Thank you for your wise decision.

I can't apologize enough, but at least the first MLT recording of the original character in question.
I would like to do it.
In that case, do you have any orders on how to divide the MLT items?

Personally, I would like to have the AA's lined up in a neat way.
I would like to divide them by 【front】, 【right】, 【left】, 【close-up of face (at the eyes)】, 【back】, 【deformation】, 【battle】, etc.
I would like to divide them by

114Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2022/05/24(火) 22:47:05 ID:FgcwS0YE
>>113 Hmm... Casual, Battle, Deformations and etcs please if possible. Thanks for telling me about the policy anyway.人

115普通の名無しさん:2022/05/24(火) 23:05:53 ID:.EXJXVJI

I guess casual is the facial expression part and etc is the face-up part.
For now, I will record it in casual, battle, deformation, etc.

Will you check the MLT before submitting?
If not, tomorrow is the deadline, so I will submit as is.

116Gaigokujin ◆ZGj9q8XQ7A:2022/05/24(火) 23:10:50 ID:FgcwS0YE
I'll just leave it to you. Thanks to your effort.人

117普通の名無しさん:2022/05/24(火) 23:44:06 ID:.EXJXVJI
Now I will go create and submit it.

Please don't hate the MLT recording people on this matter, as any AA craftsman would hope.
Once the checker of the recording retired, and now he is the second generation. At that time, the MLT checking system is about to collapse,
and we have to be wary of matters that will put a burden on the checkers.

Now, if you'll excuse me, thank you for your cooperation. 人

118 ◆BEA3T5L3dE:2022/05/25(水) 02:10:04 ID:HO/2ESg6

119普通の名無しさん:2022/10/31(月) 20:09:58 ID:pOR32EuM


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