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新【たった一人の反乱】太田述正 目指せ!日本独立3【避難所スレ】

27文責・名無しさん:2016/05/11(水) 11:57:11 ID:nBRRbeH2
The Cultural Revolution: all you need to know about China's political convulsion

> Mao had hoped his revolutionary movement would turn China into a beacon of communism. But 50 years on many believe it had the opposite effect, paving the way for China’s embrace of capitalism in the 1980s and its subsequent economic boom.
> “A common verdict is: no Cultural Revolution, no economic reform,” Roderick MacFarquhar and Michael Schoenhals write in their book on the period, Mao’s Last Revolution. “The Cultural Revolution was so great a disaster that it provoked an even more profound cultural revolution, precisely the one that Mao intended to forestall.”

"economic reform" でなく "civilizational succession" とでも言うところなんだろうか。

> Another enduring legacy, experts say, is the obsession of today’s rulers with stability and political control.


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