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57可愛い奥様@避難所生活:2011/07/21(木) 21:12:42 ID:64qc9w.c
June 9, 2004
Japanese Crown Prince demands palace reform
From Richard Lloyd Parry in Tokyo
CROWN Prince Naruhito of Japan appealed to courtiers yesterday to relax the stifling protocol and isolation which have driven his wife, Princess Masako, into depression.
In a written statement broadcast on Japanese television, the Prince talked of the burdens that have transformed his wife from a confident diplomat to an unhappy woman who is a virtual prisoner in her own palace.
Last month Japanese were stunned when the habitually reticent Prince used a routine press conference to speak of “moves which nullified Masako’s career, and nullify her personality based on that career”. His words suggested something unthinkable in the closed, discreet world of Japanese royalty: an open split between the Crown Prince and his courtiers, particularly Toshio Yuasa, head of the Imperial Household Agency.
More remarkably, his comments seemed to hint at a falling-out with Emperor Akihito, who was said to be “surprised” by his son’s statement. Since his return from a ten-day visit to Europe the Crown Prince has been under pressure to clarify his words.
Yesterday, far from withdrawing complaints about the treatment of his wife, he added to them. “Problems such as the so-called heir to the imperial throne and the fact that we are not allowed to visit foreign countries are attracting excessive attention,” he said in the statement. “The Crown Princess has had to make tremendous efforts not only with those problems, but also with tradition and customs, dealing with the press, and adapting herself to the environment of the Imperial Family.”
He continued: “Henceforth, I want Masako to engage in activities which will reflect the modern era, fully drawing on her career and recovering the confidence she used to have.”

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