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2017年 ヴァン・クライバーン国際ピアノコンクール

895名無しさん:2017/06/11(日) 12:00:24 ID:bxjaK0bs0
Prize Winners of the Fifteenth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition

Nancy Lee and Perry R. Bass Gold Medal
Yekwon Sunwoo, 28, South Korea

Silver Medal
Kenneth Broberg, 23, United States

Bronze Medal
Daniel Hsu, 19, United States

Audience Award
Rachel Cheung, 25, Hong Kong

Steven De Groote Memorial Award for the Best Performance of Chamber Music
Daniel Hsu, 19, United States

Beverley Taylor Smith Award for the Best Performance of a New Work
Daniel Hsu, 19, United States

John Giordano Jury Chairman Discretionary Award
Dasol Kim, 28, South Korea

Raymond E. Buck Jury Discretionary Award
Leonardo Pierdomenico, 24, Italy

Jury Discretionary Award
Tony Yike Yang, 18, Canada


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