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198ポタリ案さん:2008/01/19(土) 00:19:43
>>197です。さっきの書き込みだけでは、なんのことだがさっぱりという人の為に、lexiconの人物紹介を引用しておきます。ここにはまだ、Elder Wandに関係しているということは書き込んでありません。
Fortescue, Florean (d. 1996)
Owned an ice cream parlor in Diagon Alley. Florean knows quite a bit about medieval wizardry; When Harry was living at the Leaky Cauldron for a couple of weeks, he spent part of his days working on his homework at Florean's shop. Florean gave him free sundaes every half hour and helped with his essay on medieval wizardry (PA4).
Fortescue was one of the first victims of Death Eaters in the Second Wizarding War (late June or early July 1996). when he was dragged off from his shop and killed. Rowling has hinted that there was more to him than was revealed in the books (HBP6, PC/JKR2).


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