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1ボクサー:2009/03/09(月) 23:19:00

battele tutorials 戦いのチュートリアル

war on lamd    陸上での戦い
war at ser    海上での戦い

being a practical accounting for military officers of the rudimentary arts of generalship
in the main comprising instruction in the methods of drill,
formation and the corrective purposes of discipline upon formed bodies of men

A Rehearsal of high seas adventure. including GENUINE naval stratagems to set a fire in the blood of all jolly tars!

2アウルス:2009/03/10(火) 00:30:37





今日は公海で演習します。ここでは、すべての(the blood of all jolly tars)ですら葬る真の海戦術も教えます!

海賊旗(jolly roger)じゃなくてタール(tar)を葬る(燃やす)って…。。


3Hageus:2009/03/10(火) 01:44:00



4Hageus:2009/03/10(火) 01:49:37

5Hageus:2009/03/10(火) 03:15:42
上で全文だったみたいですね 失礼しましたw



8ボクサー:2009/03/10(火) 04:38:38
Austria          1    2      3      4     5      6      7
             猟師   民兵  手榴弾兵?   狙撃兵  ライン歩兵    ?    近衛兵
            [jaegers][militaia][grenadiers][grenzers][line infantry][wind buchse [guards]
[人数]           80    160    80       80    200      60      160
[range   射程]     125    70    70       80     70      125     70
[accurary 精度]      65    40    50       50     40      65      50
[reloading リロード    25    20    35       35     20      30      40
[ammunition 弾薬? ]    15    10    10       30     10      15      10
[melee  a  乱戦攻撃]   5    8     12       7     9       5      13
[Charge  突撃]      3    7     10       4     7       4      9
[defence 防御]       6    11     17       7    11       8      17
[morale 士気]       7    5     12       9     8       9      14
[cust  コスト]     460    590    660      680     790     810      900
[upkeep 維持費]    180    230    260      270     310     320      360

[light infantry tactic]
軽装?                              4*          6*  

[can place staks]
積み重ねを置くことができる                    4*          6*  

[can skirmish]
小競り合いできる                         4*          6*  

[can hide in wood land]
木に隠れる事ができる     1*    2*    3*       4*    5*     6*      7*

[can hide in light aerib]
低木の茂みに隠れることができる 1*   2*    3*       4*          6*      7*

[can hide in long grass]
草に隠れる事ができる                       4*          6* 

[can hide in buiding]
構造物に隠れる事ができる                     4*          6* 

[good stamina]
良いスタミナ                           4*          6* 

[sucket bayonet]
乱戦でボーナス             2*                 5*            7*

[can throw grenades]
手榴弾を投げることができる             3*

[platoon fling drill]
ドリルを飛ばす事ができる              3*                        7*

[can use the fire
and advance drill]
火および前進ドリルを使用できる                       5*            7* 

[rank fly drill]
なんとかドリルを飛ばす事ができる?                     5*    

[can abopt square fomation]
正方形のフォーメーションが組める                      5*            7* 

[resis tant to morale shocks]
敵を恐怖させる                               5*            7* 

[remains hidden whilst walking]                            6* 

[inspires ncarby units]
隣接する仲間を鼓舞                                          7*

9ボクサー:2009/03/10(火) 04:49:38




10アウルス:2009/03/10(火) 13:09:04




wind〜は精鋭? ドイツ語で「風の本」か。カッコよく言えば「疾風の密林猟兵」?(buchはフランス語で薪という意味から推測。辞書はもっていないのでTT)




11Hageus:2009/03/10(火) 19:03:20

12Hageus:2009/03/10(火) 19:29:44
[sucket bayonet]=ソケット式銃剣 でしょう。

[platoon fling drill]=一斉射撃 だと思われます。

[can use the fire
and advance drill]=これは前進射撃?

[rank fly drill]= 階差射撃?
Fire by rank(列ごとに連続して射撃する奴)のことだと思います。
すいません、Fire by rankの日本語での正しい用語が解りませんw

[resis tant to morale shocks]=士気低下に対する耐性

13アウルス:2009/03/10(火) 22:03:35
[rank fly drill]=順列射撃


[can use the fire and advance drill]

[platoon fling frill]


14ボクサー:2009/03/10(火) 22:14:03
[rank fly drill]

てな感じでお願いします 編集しやすいのでw


15ボクサー:2009/03/10(火) 22:49:47

16ボクサー:2009/03/10(火) 23:19:37
[vuctory conditions] 「勝利条件」

capture and hold 15 regions by the end of the year 1750.

in cluding the regions shown.

listed victory region held: 2/7

total victory regions held: 6/15

17アウルス:2009/03/10(火) 23:19:43
4.board enemy 接舷

round shot 通常弾(球形弾)
grape shot 葡萄弾
chain shot 鎖付き二連弾(chainは“二つつながったもの”という意味で)

[remains hidden whilst walking]



18アウルス:2009/03/10(火) 23:21:45
[listed victory region held]


19ボクサー:2009/03/10(火) 23:24:08
ヘタリア アイコンで検索して使用許可もらうほうが早いどすw

20アウルス:2009/03/10(火) 23:30:35



21ボクサー:2009/03/10(火) 23:47:12


[key] [キー]
[]military 軍隊 []enlightenment 啓蒙
[]naval 海軍 []economics and industry 経済学と工業

22Hageus:2009/03/12(木) 12:20:53

[light infantry tactic]

[can place staks]

[can skirmish]

[remains hidden whilst walking]


listed victory region held: 2/7 = 制圧済みの勝利リストの地域


Grand Campaignだと国家ごとに

23ボクサー:2009/03/12(木) 17:52:39


24Hageus:2009/03/12(木) 18:52:10

25ボクサー:2009/03/12(木) 23:15:45


26ボクサー:2009/03/12(木) 23:29:18
1 head 指導者的地位 (he adds bonuses to your prestige diplomacy and economic growth)????????????
2 treaury 財務省大臣(he affects your tax and trede efficiciency and your economic growth)???????
3 justice 正義 裁判 (he affects your public order by adding bonuses to repression)??????????????
4 amy 陸軍軍司令 (e affects your military costs by adding bonuses to unit recruitment and upkeep costs)???????
5 novy 海軍軍司令 (e affects your naval costs by adding bonuse to ship recruitment and upkeep costs)???????

27Hageus:2009/03/13(金) 00:53:35


1.head 首脳(彼は外交の威信と経済成長にボーナスを与えます。)
2.treasury 財務相(彼は税収と交易の効率と経済成長に影響します。)
3.justice 法務相(彼は治安にボーナスを加えることにより公衆安全に影響します。)
4.army 陸軍相 (彼は部隊の雇用費と維持費にボーナスを加えることにより陸軍の費用に影響します。)
5.navy 海軍相(彼は船の雇用費と維持費にボーナスを加えることにより海軍の費用に影響します。)

28ボクサー:2009/03/13(金) 01:36:56






29ボクサー:2009/03/13(金) 03:45:15

Plug Bayonetから

【Plug Bayonet】  差し込み型銃剣

Enables infantry to fix bayonets in battle

A plug bayonet turns a musket into a crude spear or half-pike by plugging the muzzle with a blade handle, like a cork into a bottle.

At one time "marching regiments" were composed of musketeers and pikemen.
The pikes provided protection for the musketeers while they slowly reloaded and in the event of a cavalry attack.
In a melee the musketeers reversed their guns and used them as clubs, or dropped them and drew swords.
Neither solution was ideal, and equipping half a unit with a pikes also halves its potential firepower.
As muskets became lighter and no longer needed a firing rest, it became practical to attach a blade to the muzzle,
giving the user a better-than-makeshift weapon in melee.

Ramming a blade, hilt first, into a muzzle is a practical solution.
The soldier then has a short pike to fend off cavalry and use in hand-to-hand combat.
The drawbacks are that it is often difficult to remove the plug bayonet once used in anger and resume firing,
the user cannot reload - and only a fool fires a gun when the barrel is blocked!

Historically, muskets with plug bayonets were the equivalent of short pikes,
and old-fashioned pike drill applied; men advanced with their muskets held shoulder high, and levelled at the enemy.

30アウルス:2009/03/13(金) 11:26:55


[gabinet] 内閣

[leopold i] レオポルド1世 

[wind buchse jaegers] もし「u」が「ü」という変母音なら小銃で、「機動(疾風の)ライフル猟兵隊」の方がしっくりくるかもしれません。



31ボクサー:2009/03/13(金) 20:43:20

【Carbines】 カービン銃

Enables carbines.This allows the recruitment of carbine-wielding cavalry units.
Enables recruitment of; Dragoon, Light Dragoon, Colonial Dragoon
以下の徴兵が可能に 竜騎兵, 軽竜騎兵, 植民地竜騎兵

A carbine is a smoothbore musket, lighter than a standard infantry weapon, for use by cavalrymen.

An infantry musket fires a ball about the width of a man's thumb;
a pound of lead is melted down to make about 10 or 12 rounds.
A carbine fires a smaller ball;some 15-17 rounds from the same amount of lead.
This smaller bullet does slightly reduce its killing potential,
but the reduction in recoil when fired drom horsback is welcome.
A carbine is, however, just as long as a regular infantry musket,
something that makes it awkward to reload while mounted.
A carbine is often fitted with a sling-and-swivel to attach it to a cavalryman's shoulder belt,
so that it cannot be lost while riding at speed.

Historically,there was some debate over whether or not regiments of horse should be equipied with firearms at all.
John Churchill, the Duke of Marlborough, favoured cavalry using cold steel against the enemy.
He felt that the morale impact of a cavalry charge was more important than any marginal increase in firepower.
As a result, his cavalrymen received a tiny allocation of three rounds apiece -
for the whole of a campaign season, not each battle!

32ボクサー:2009/03/13(金) 21:26:30
imminent bankruptcy!

you are spending too muxh money and the
upkeep of your armed forces is cripplinng your
treasury.Unless taxes are reised or unnsecessary
units are disbanded,bankruptcy seems
inevitable.are you sure you wish to end turn?

33ボクサー:2009/03/13(金) 21:27:00

34ボクサー:2009/03/13(金) 21:33:37

request trade agreement
rewuest alliance
present state gift
declare war
military access

35Hageus:2009/03/14(土) 04:49:10

imminent bankruptcy!

you are spending too muxh money and the
upkeep of your armed forces is cripplinng your
treasury.Unless taxes are reised or unnsecessary
units are disbanded,bankruptcy seems
inevitable.are you sure you wish to end turn?


36Hageus:2009/03/14(土) 07:32:56

you are spending too muxh money and the
upkeep of your armed forces is cripplinng your
treasury.Unless taxes are reised or unnsecessary
units are disbanded,bankruptcy seems
inevitable.are you sure you wish to end turn?


37Hageus:2009/03/14(土) 10:32:03

request trade agreement 交易権を要求
request alliance 同盟を要求
present state gift 国家の贈り物を贈呈 *(これはどんな物か自分もまだ良く解らないです)
declare war 宣戦布告
military access 軍隊通行権
regions 地域 (の交換)
technoligy 技術(の交換)
payments 金銭譲渡

38名無しさん:2009/03/14(土) 23:22:26

39ボクサー:2009/03/15(日) 10:07:42




40ボクサー:2009/03/15(日) 11:18:53
army encampment

○recruit capacity(units in training):1
○enables rescarch of :□□
○enables recruitment of:

○recruit capacity(units in training):1
○enables rescarch of :□□□
○enables recruitment of:

drill school
○recruit capacity(units in training):2
○enables rescarch of :□□□□
○enables recruitment of:

military academy
○recruit capacity(units in training):2
○enables rescarch of :□□□□
○enables recruitment of:

army board
○recruit capacity(units in training):3
○enables rescarch of :□□□
○enables recruitment of:

army board
○recruit capacity(units in training):3
○enables rescarch of :□□□
○enables recruitment of:

41ボクサー:2009/03/15(日) 11:19:17
○+1 to repression in the region
○recruitment capaxity(units in training):1
○enables recruitment of:

governor's residence
○+1 to repression in the region
○+2% bonus to region tax income
○recruitment capaxity(units in training):1
○enables recruitment of:

governor's mansion
○+2 to repression in the region
○+4% bonus to region tax income
○recruitment capaxity(units in training):1
○enables recruitment of:

governor's mansion palace
○+3 to repression in the region
○+6% bonus to region tax income
○recruitment capaxity(units in training):2
○enables recruitment of:

royal palace
○+4 to repression in the region
○+8% bonus to region tax income
○recruitment capaxity(units in training):2
○enables recruitment of:

imrerial palace
○+5 to repression in the region
○+10% bonus to region tax income
○recruitment capaxity(units in training):3
○enables recruitment of:

○+10 to management for army administration
○+1 happiness(lower classes)
○+1 happiness(nobility)
○+5 to repression in the region
○+10% bonus to region tax income
○recruitment capaxity(units in training):3
○enhances national prestige
○enables recruitment of:

42ボクサー:2009/03/15(日) 11:47:45
○+1 happiness(lower classes)
○+1 happiness(nobility)

opera house
○+2 happiness(lower classes)
○+2 happiness(nobility)

↓ →grand opera house
   ○+3 happiness(lower classes)
  ○+3 happiness(nobility)
   grest museum
○enhances national prestige
   ○+4 happiness(lower classes)
  ○+4 happiness(nobility)
   albertina museum
○enhances national prestige
   ○+5 happiness(lower classes)
  ○+5 happiness(nobility)

royal observatory
○+2 happiness(lower classes)
○+2 happiness(nobility)
○+4% to technology research rate
○spawns gentlemen maximum number +1
○enhances national prestige

royal acabemy
○+2 happiness(lower classes)
○+2 happiness(nobility)
○+8% to technology research rate
○spawns gentlemen maximum number +1
○enhances national prestige

43ボクサー:2009/03/15(日) 11:54:02

44ホメロス:2009/03/15(日) 16:29:45


というわけで、Empire wikiの「各国戦略の指南」のスペイン〜マラータまでの英語表記の部分を和訳してみましたが、おかしなところがあったら教えてください^^;

45ボクサー:2009/03/15(日) 18:02:44

足 garrisoned forces(repression)守備隊で守られた力(抑圧)
横顔 tawn watch(repression) 警備?
ハートpeople in government 政府
建物 government buildings 政府の建物
天使 patriotic fervour 愛国心が強い
government type(repression)顔 entertainment and culture

拳 resistance to foreign occupation
旗 resistance to occupation
ハート people in government
金 tax burden 税負担
government type
火 religious unrest 宗教不安

建物 town wealth
船 port 海上貿易
つるはし mining 鉱山
工場 industy 産業
稲 farming
にんじんsubsistence agriculture

46ボクサー:2009/03/15(日) 23:48:18

1.head 首脳(彼は外交の威信と経済成長にボーナスを与えます。)
prestige per turn
to diplomatic relation
per turn to town wealth in the home theatre

2.treasury 財務相(彼は税収と交易の効率と経済成長に影響します。)
bonus to global tax income
bonus to the growth in trade route income
per turn to town wealth in the home theatre

3.justice 法務相(彼は治安にボーナスを加えることにより公衆安全に影響します。)
to repression across the theatre
to the cost of town watch
to maximum repression bonus from tron watch

4.army 陸軍相 (彼は部隊の雇用費と維持費にボーナスを加えることにより陸軍の費用に影響します。)
recruitment cost for all land units
to land military technology research rate
upkeep costs for all army units

5.navy 海軍相(彼は船の雇用費と維持費にボーナスを加えることにより海軍の費用に影響します。)
recruitment cost for all naval units
upkeep costs for all naval units
to naval militaru technology research rate

47ルイ13世:2009/03/16(月) 00:11:41
prestige per turn
to diplomatic relation
per turn to town wealth in the home theatre

bonus to global tax income
bonus to the growth in trade route income
per turn to town wealth in the home theatre

to repression across the theatre
to the cost of town watch
to maximum repression bonus from tron watch

>army 陸軍相 (彼は部隊の雇用費と維持費にボーナスを加えることにより陸軍の費用に影響します。)
recruitment cost for all land units
to land military technology research rate
upkeep costs for all army units

recruitment cost for all naval units
upkeep costs for all naval units
to naval militaru technology research rate

48ルイ13世:2009/03/16(月) 01:26:38
1.army encampment 軍野営地

○recruit capacity(units in training):1 兵を補充
○enables rescarch of :□□研究可能になる
○enables recruitment of:募兵可能になる兵
2.barracks 兵舎
3.drill school 訓練学校
4.military academy 軍事学院
5.army board 軍事会議所 軍事評議会

1.magistrate 行政官
○+1 to repression in the region 都市の抑制
○recruitment capaxity(units in training):1新兵募集能力
○enables recruitment of:募兵可能になる兵

2.governor's residence 知事の住居
bonus to region tax income 地域税収入へのボーナス

3.governor's mansion 知事の大邸宅
4.governor's mansion palace 知事の大邸宅宮殿
5.royal palace 王宮
6.imrerial palace皇帝の宮殿
7.hofdurg ハンブルグ

49ルイ13世:2009/03/16(月) 01:27:39
1.conservatorium 芸術学校, 音楽学校
○+1 happiness(lower classes) 幸せ(下層階級)
○+1 happiness(nobility)幸せ(貴族)

2-1.opera house オペラハウス
○+2 happiness(lower classes) 幸せ(下層階級)
○+2 happiness(nobility)幸せ(貴族)

2-2.grand opera house 雄大なオペラハウス
○+3 happiness(lower classes) 幸せ(下層階級)
○+3 happiness(nobility)幸せ(貴族)

2.3.great museum 大きな博物館
○+4 happiness(lower classes) 幸せ(下層階級)
○+4 happiness(nobility)幸せ(貴族)

2.4.albertina museumアルベルティーナ博物館
○+5 happiness(lower classes) 幸せ(下層階級)
○+5 happiness(nobility)幸せ(貴族)

3.royal observatory 国王の天文台
○+2 happiness(lower classes) 幸せ(下層階級)
○+2 happiness(nobility)幸せ(貴族)
4%to technology research rate テクノロジー研究率
○spawns gentlemen maximum number +1 紳士最大数+1
○enhances national prestige 国威を強化

4.royal academy 学士院
○+2 happiness(lower classes) 幸せ(下層階級)
○+2 happiness(nobility)幸せ(貴族)
8%to technology research rate テクノロジー研究率
○spawns gentlemen maximum number +1 紳士最大数+1
○enhances national prestige 国威を強化

50ルイ13世:2009/03/16(月) 01:32:22
足 garrisoned forces 駐留する軍隊
横顔 town watch(repression) 警備
ハートpeople in government 法務相による
建物 government buildings 政府の建物
天使 patriotic fervour 愛国的な熱情
government type(repression)政府タイプ(抑制)
顔 entertainment and culture 娯楽と文化

拳 resistance to foreign occupation 外国の文化?に対する抵抗
旗 resistance to occupation 占領に対する抵抗
ハート people in government 法務相による
金 tax burden 税負担
government type 政府に対する不安
火 religious unrest 宗教不安

51ホメロス:2009/03/16(月) 11:24:07
建物 town wealth 建物による収入?
船 port 海上貿易
つるはし mining 鉱山
工場 industy 産業
稲 farming 農業
にんじんsubsistence agriculture 自耕自給農業(特産品or自給自足?)

52ボクサー:2009/03/17(火) 01:33:18

Special Force Editionに登場する6ユニットについてちょっと和訳してみました

1. HMS Victory.- The Royal Navy’s most distinguished and formidable first rate ship of the line; Lord Nelson’s 104 gun flagship is one of the most heavily armed ships of the 18th Century
1、イギリス海軍 軍艦ヴィクトリー号−英国海軍の中でも、最も優れ、最も恐るべき最初の戦列艦です。ホレーショ・ネルソン提督(ネルソン卿)の誇る、104もの砲門を持つこの旗艦は、18世紀で最も重装備の軍艦のうちの1隻です。

2. Rogers’ Rangers- Major Robert Rogers’ company of rangers are highly trained elite light infantry, specialising in reconnaissance and special operations. They are extremely mobile in even the most challenging environments.
2、ロジャーズ レンジャーズ−優れたレンジャーであるロバート・ロジャーズ少佐の指揮する隊は、非常に良く訓練された、精鋭軽歩兵師団です。そして、調査(密偵・隠密)や、その他の特別な活動を専門に行います。彼らは、最も過酷とも言える環境でさえ、機敏に動けます。

3. Ottoman Organ Gun- A viciously powerful field gun, able to inflict incredible damage on the opposing army. Emphatic proof of the Ottoman Empire’s advanced knowledge of gunpowder and firearms technology.

4. Ghoorkas- "Better to die than be a coward" has been the motto of these elite Nepalese soldiers for centuries. Disciplined, tough and courageous, they carry a deadly 18-inch long, curved knife known as the kukri.

5. Corso Terrestre Guerillas- An independent light infantry guerrilla regiment, experienced in skirmish and stealth tactics. Surprise raids and ambushes are the guerillas’ favoured tactics, a way to compensate for their limited number and light armour.
5、コーソ テレストル ゲリラ(?)−独立軽歩兵師団の中のゲリラ連隊で、白兵戦と隠密行動に熟達しています。不意の急襲と待ち伏せは、彼らの限られた数と軽装甲をカバーする有効な戦術です。

6. Bulkeley's Regiment- A French unit of Irish mercenaries with a fearsome reputation for hardiness. Exceptionally tough and resilient, they make for a highly flexible and dependable regiment

53Hageus:2009/03/17(火) 09:38:10

3. Ottoman Organ Gun- A viciously powerful field gun, able to inflict incredible damage on the opposing army. Emphatic proof of the Ottoman Empire’s advanced knowledge of gunpowder and firearms technology.
x オスマン帝国によって生み出されたこの兵器の力は強調的に証明され、それによって彼らは火薬と銃技術についての知識をより深めました。
o (オルガン砲は)オスマン帝国の先進的な火薬と火器の知識の確固たる証明です。

54ホメロス:2009/03/17(火) 11:01:53

55ボクサー:2009/03/17(火) 22:42:20

ring bayonet

○enables ring bayonets. these replace plug bayonets

this long blade has a ring which fits round the outside of a mutside of a musket barrel,allowing the
weapon to be fired while it is attached.

the ring bayonet serves to turn a musket into a shot, and rether heavy, pike, this is
considerably more threatening to enemies then using the weapon as a clumsy club in a
hand-to-hand fight.the bayonet is a push fit, and it is the tightness of the ring around
the bayonet that keeps it in place, most of the taime, ring bayonets can be pulled off in
the heat of combat by becoming wedged in enemy flesh, and they can be pushed back
alomg the barrel, they are, however, a considerable advance over the plug bayonet,

there is some dispute over the origin of the ring bayonet, and it may be the case thar
several military men in different countries developed it at almost the same time its
advantage over the plug bayonet - the user could still give fire - made sure that it was
popular, A ring bayonet was not ofset from the barrel, making it awkwand to reload a
musket with one fitted.

56ボクサー:2009/03/18(水) 02:17:47
Square Formation

○Enables infantry aquare formation
○Enhances national prestige

A degensive posture for muket-armed infantry units, cvreationg an impassable wall of
steel to fend off cavalry attacks.

As the name suggests, this is four two-or three-rank lines of infantry arranged as a
hollow square, with everyone facing outwards.It is a version of the obsolete pike
"hedgehog", making any cavalry charge a suicidal exercise, Bayinets are fixed to
muskets when apporopriate and possible.

Forming a aqusare requires good order in the ranks, The outer companies of an infantry
unit in line have to "told back" to form the sides and back of the square, without losing
cohesion in the proces, The unit colours take up station in the centre,a final rallying
point should the square be brolen, It is also passible to form larger squares with more
than one unit.

the square is , of course, a rempting target for enemy artillery, Whether it is better to
form square in the face of cavalry and risk an artillery barrage, or stay in line to
mitigate artillery fire and risk a cavalry charge can be a tactical conundrum!

theoreticians argued infantry could defeat a cavalry charge by firepower alone,
Brigadier General Richard Kane (Iarer Military Governor of Gibraltar)remaked,"If a
body of foot have but Resolution and keep their Order, there is no Bodyof Horse dare
a line, He was arguing for discipline as the key to success,

57ボクサー:2009/03/18(水) 02:46:28
Military Syllabus

(剣) -5% upkeep costs for all army units
(壺) Enhances national prestige
(金槌)Enables building of;
Drill School

This is a formal system of studies for all young gentlemen seeking a career a career and success
as senior military offcers.

While gifted amaateurusm and the minor gentry's natural leadership and impressive
shouting can do wonders at regimental level, for higher level commands a militaty
cducation is a nccessity, There are matters of co-operation between the different arms
of infantry, cavalry and artillery;there are considerations of supply, intelligence,military
cngineering, politics and grand strategy, These are not truvual subjexts, and require some
study if they are to be useful to a general offcer, A military syllabus approaches these
undertake, At the very least, the reading list will keep the less cerebral officers form
attaining high rank!

The development of a system of military education aided the creation of a centralised
army staff, as it produced the professional officers needed to carry out the necessary
duties, In many countries, professionalism was often viewed with deep suspicion,
because it challenged the idea of the nobility and prooertied clases haveing an automatic
right to command, Talent and preoper training could trump the settled and natural
order of things!



60ボクサー:2009/03/18(水) 03:25:18

ring bayonet

this long blade has a ring which fits round the outside of a mutside of a musket barrel,allowing the
weapon to be fired while it is attached.

the ring bayonet serves to turn a musket into a shot, and rether heavy, pike, this is
considerably more threatening to enemies then using the weapon as a clumsy club in a
hand-to-hand fight.

the bayonet is a push fit, and it is the tightness of the ring around
the bayonet that keeps it in place, most of the taime, ring bayonets can be pulled off in
the heat of combat by becoming wedged in enemy flesh, and they can be pushed back
alomg the barrel, they are, however, a considerable advance over the plug bayonet,

there is some dispute over the origin of the ring bayonet, and it may be the case thar
several military men in different countries developed it at almost the same time its
advantage over the plug bayonet - the user could still give fire - made sure that it was



多分この上の技術英文はプラグ式銃剣→リング式銃剣 の説明じゃないかな?と思いますよ

61ボクサー:2009/03/18(水) 15:57:13


there is some dispute over the origin of the ring bayonet, and it may be the case thar
several military men in different countries developed it at almost the same time its
advantage over the plug bayonet - the user could still give fire - made sure that it was

case tharという単語が探しても載っていなかったので、多分「case that」のタイプミスじゃないかな?と考えて訳しました
made sure thatの部分は確かめる、念を押すという意味なので、ちょっと文脈に合わないかな?と思いましたがぶちこみましたよ


62ボクサー:2009/03/18(水) 15:57:42

A ring bayonet was not ofset from the barrel, making it awkwand to reload a
musket with one fitted.



63ボクサー:2009/03/18(水) 15:59:46
>56への ホメロスさんからのレポート届きました

Square Formation

●Enables infantry aquare formation
●Enhances national prestige

A defensive posture for musket-armed infantry units, creationg an impassable wall of
steel to fend off cavalry attacks.

As the name suggests, this is four two-or three-rank lines of infantry arranged as a
hollow square, with everyone facing outwards.It is a version of the obsolete pike
"hedgehog", making any cavalry charge a suicidal exercise, Bayinets are fixed to
muskets when apporopriate and possible.

Forming a square requires good order in the ranks, The outer companies of an infantry
unit in line have to "told back" to form the sides and back of the square, without losing
cohesion in the process, The unit colours take up station in the centre, a final rallying
point should the square be broken, it is also possible to form larger squares with more
than one unit.

the square is , of course, a tempting target for enemy artillery, whether it is better to form square in the face of cavalry and risk an artillery barrage, or stay in line to mitigate artillery fire and risk a cavalry charge can be a tactical conundrum!

theoreticians argued infantry could defeat a cavalry charge by firepower alone, Brigadier General Richard Kane (Iarer Military Governor of Gibraltar) remake, "If a body of foot have but resolution and keep their Order, there is no body of horse dare a line. He was arguing for discipline as the key to success,
理論家は、歩兵連隊が単独で、火力によって騎兵隊の突撃を退けることが出来ると主張しました。リチャード・ケーン(ジブラルタルのIarer Military知事)が再制作したことには、「もし、体と足が決意を持っているなら、そして彼らの勲位と付き合うかどうかで(名誉を守るために?)、騎兵にもぶつかっていけるだろう。」彼は成功の鍵として、(方陣の)練習をすることを推奨しました。

最後の方のIarer Military以下は再度考え直します^^;

64ボクサー:2009/03/23(月) 22:26:54

Canister Shot

This ammunition for cannons is a cylinder stuffed with musket bullets that bursts as
soon as it leaves the gun barrel.

Any cannon can be turned into a giant shotgun using the appropriate size of round.
Normal cannon balls are terrible enough when then they hit,but they will usually only kill or
injure a few men. Canister is a short-renge weapon,and used as a last-diteh defence
against a massed attack.The slaughter infliered on neardy enemies can be fearsome
indeed.Usually,canister shots are made of tin, which serves to keep everything together
while it is rammed down the barrel. but is no impediment to bursting effect, It is not
uncommon for artillery crews to load a canister shot on top of a narmal cannon boll,if
they have time, to maximise the killing power.

Canister is still used by armies today, and has been refined over the years: beehive
rounds used flechettes(small darts)rather than round shot, but the principle is the
same. The 120mm main gun on the modern US MI Abrams tank is capable of firing
canister ammunition, making it a 60-tonne armoured shotgun!

65ボクサー:2009/03/23(月) 22:52:25

Improved Grenades

Advances in ironwork and in the development of more reliable fuses can be applied to
that most dangerous of hand-held weapons, the grenade.

Grenades are dangerous weapons to their users as well as enemies,Premature
detonation is always a risk, one that will probably kill and certainly maim the grenadier
and anyone else neardy, There is also the need fow a grenadier to throw the grenabe
further than its explosive killing radius! By making the hollow case thinner and being
careful with the powder composition in fuses, it is possible to make grenades slighrly
safer for the user.

Historically, grenadiers were the strongest and largest soldiers, It was rightly assumed
that a big chap could throw a cricket ball(baseball)sized grenade at a distant enemy,
The weighr of a dozen grenades in a pack was not a trivial load, Flintlock grenade
throwers were developed; these had very short, wide barrels and used gunpowder to
launch the grenade - a man-portable mini-mortar! The need to load a musket, light a
fuse and fire at an enemy promptly before the grenade exploded mode them tricky(and
nerve-wracking)to use.


66ボクサー:2009/03/23(月) 23:28:36

Explosive Shells

Hollow projectiles, filled with gunpowder, which, by use of a timed fuse, explode near

Cannonballs are usually exactly that: solid lumps of iron(or stone, for some early
weapons)that do damage on impact, They must hit the target to have an effect,
Explosive shells, however, are cunningly contrived to explode after a set time, causing
damage and in jury to everything within the blast, A cast iron sphere contains
gunpowder: a lit fuse burns down at a set rate until the bursting charge is reached, The
skill of the gunner is in judging the trajectory of the shot and the length of fuse
required to explode the shell ovre or amongst the enemy.

Historically the weapons used fow shells were most ofren short-barrelled mortars or
howitzers, Apart from anything else, the gunner had to reach down the barrel to ignite
the shell fuse, and then gen out of the way before the piece fired or the shell exploded,
It was not unknown fow gunners to be killed by premature shell bursts, either in the
barrel or shortly after firing! The explosive shell lives on today in the from of cartoon
bombs with the word "BOMB" on the side in large, unfriendly letters.

67ボクサー:2009/03/24(火) 01:31:21
Naval Shore Facilities

Enablres construction of:
Naval Board
Naval Architecture Sdvances

碇-5%ecruitment cost for all naval units
壺Enhances national prestige
Enablres construction of:
   Refotmed Naval Administration
壺Enhances national prestige
Enablres construction of:
    Flintlock Cannon
碇-5% reduction to naval cannons'reloading time
壺Enhances national prestige

Improved Grape Shot
本 Improves the effectiveness of grape shot

壺Enhances national prestige
×Enacles recruitment of
Rified Cannons
本Enacles rifled naval cannons
壺Enhances national prestige

Sheet Lead Cartridges
碇-5%reduction to naval connons'reloading time
碇-5%reduction to misfires naval cannons
壺Enhances national prestige

碇-10% upkeep costs for all naval units
碇+5% recruitment cost for all naval units
壺Enhances national prestige

Copper Bottoms
碇+5% recruitment cost for all naval units
碇+10% topspeed of ships in battle
碇+5  movement range for ships on campaign map

Improved Coppering
碇+5% recruitment cost for all naval units
碇+10% topspeed of ships in battle
碇+5  movement range for ships on campaign map

Top Gallants
碇+5% recruitment cost for all naval units
碇+10% topspeed of ships in battle
碇+10 increase to movement range on campaign map forships
with top gallants

碇+5% movement range for ships on campaign map
壺Enhances national prestige

Longitude Watch
碇+10% movement range for ships on campaign map
壺Enhances national prestige

Line Juice and Sauerkraut
碇+5% upkeep costs for all naval units
壺Enhances national prestige
×Enacles recruitment of
Preserved Foods
壺Enhances national prestige
剣+2 to morale in battles

68ボクサー:2009/03/24(火) 01:32:03
■Agriculture 農業技術■
Common Land Enclosures
顔 -1 happiness from industrialisation(liwer clases)
人+0.2 to the population growth impact of farms
人Reduces the chance of food shortages
×Enacles building of
Improved Animal Husbandry
人Reduces the chance of food shortages
金+5% wealth generated by farms

Four Field Crop Rotation
人+0.2 to the population growth impact of farms
人Reduces the chance of food shortages
×Enacles building of

Selective Breeding
金 +15% wealth generated by forms
×Enacles building of

   Seed Planting Drill
×-15% to cost of constructing farm buildings
×-15% to cost of constructing plantations
壺 Enhances national prestige

   Advanced Irrigation
人 +0.4% to the population growth impact of farms
人 Reduces the chance of food shortages
金 +10% wealth generared by farms
壺 Enhances national prestige

   Steam-Pumped Land Drainage
人 +0.5% to the population growth impact of farms
人 Reduces the chance of food shortages
壺 Enhances national prestige

人Rrduces the chance of shortages
金+25% wealth generated by farmas
壺Enhances national presige

69ボクサー:2009/03/24(火) 02:18:06
■Metal industry金属産業■

   Basic Stram Pump
×-10% to cost of constructing metalworking buildings
×-10% to cost of constructing mines
× Enables building of: ////////////

   Coke Blast Furnace
金 +10% wealth generated by metalworking buildings
壺 Enhances national prestige
× Enables building of: ////////////

   Measuring Tools
金 +5% bouns to town wealth from all buildings
金 +5% wealth generated by metalworking buildings
× Enables building of: ////////////

   Csteam Engine
金 +15% wealth generated by metalworking buildings
壺 Enhances national prestige
× Enables building of: ////////////

Machine Tools
剣 -15% recruitment cost for all land units
金 +5% bouns to town wealth from all buildings
壺 Enhances national prestige
× Enables building of: ////////////

Puddling Furnace
剣 -15% recruitment cost for artillery
金 +20% wealth generated by metalworking buildings
壺 Enhances national prestige

   Interchangeable Parts
剣 -5% upkeep costs for all army units
碇 -10%upkeep costs for all army units
金 +5% bouns to town wealth from all buildings
壺 Enhances national prestige

■Textile industry 繊維工業■
Spinning Jenny
金 +10% bounus to town wealth forom textile industry buildings
壺 Enhances national prestige

Spinning Mule
金 +5% bounus to town wealth forom textile industry buildings
壺 Enhances national prestige
× Enables building of: ////////////

Flying Shuttle
金 +15% bounus to town wealth forom textile industry buildings
壺 Enhances national prestige

Punch-Card Loom
金 +15% bounus to town wealth forom textile industry buildings
壺 Enhances national prestige

Power Loom
金 +5% wealth generared by textile workshops and factories
金 +20% bounus to town wealth forom textile industry buildings
壺 Enhances national prestige
× Enables building of: ////////////

Mass Production 大量生産
剣 -10% recruitment cost for all land units
碇 -10% recruitment cost for all naval units
金 +20% bounus to town wealth forom textile industry buildings
壺 Enhances national prestige

70名無しさん:2009/03/24(火) 22:44:36

71ボクサー:2009/03/25(水) 00:58:36
Naval Shore Facilities 海軍岸施設

Enables construction of:建設を可能にする
Dockyad 造船所
Naval Board
Naval Architecture Sdvances

碇 -5% recruitment cost for all naval units 海軍募集コスト -5%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化
Enables construction of:建設を可能にする
   Refotmed Naval Administration
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化
Enables construction of:建設を可能にする
    Flintlock Cannon
碇-5% reduction to naval cannons'reloading time 船の砲弾充填速度 -5%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

Improved Grape Shot
本 Improves the effectiveness of grape shot  Grape Shotの改善

Carronades カロネード砲撃(連射)
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化
× Enables recruitment of 新しく雇うことができる
Rified Cannons
本 Enacles rifled naval cannons ?????
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

Sheet Lead Cartridges
碇 -5% reduction to naval connons'reloading time 船の砲弾充填速度 -5%
碇 -5% reduction to misfires naval cannons 不発砲の確率 -5%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化


碇 -10% upkeep costs for all naval units すべての海軍の維持費 -10%
碇 +5% recruitment cost for all naval units すべての海軍の募集コスト +5%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

Copper Bottoms
碇 +5% recruitment cost for all naval units すべての海軍の募集コスト +5%
碇 +10% topspeed of ships in battle 戦闘時海軍のスピード +10%
碇 +5% movement range for ships on campaign map キャンペーンマップでの海軍の移動を +5%

Improved Coppering
碇 +5% recruitment cost for all naval units すべての海軍の募集コスト +5%
碇 +10% topspeed of ships in battle 戦闘時海軍のスピード+10%
碇 +5% movement range for ships on campaign map キャンペーンマップでの海軍の移動を +5%

Top Gallants
碇 +5% recruitment cost for all naval units すべての海軍の募集コスト +5%%
碇 +10% topspeed of ships in battle 戦闘時海軍のスピード +10%
碇 +10% increase to movement range on campaign map ???????
    for ships with top gallants

碇 +5% movement range for ships on campaign map キャンペーンマップでの海軍の移動を +5%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

Longitude Watch
碇 +10% movement range for ships on campaign map キャンペーンマップでの海軍の移動を+10%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

Line Juice and Sauerkraut
碇 +5% upkeep costs for all naval units すべての海軍の維持費 +5%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化
× Enables recruitment of 新しく雇うことができる
Preserved Foods
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化
剣 +2 to morale in battles 戦いの士気 +2(海軍だけ?)

72ボクサー:2009/03/25(水) 00:59:22
■Agriculture 農業技術■
Common Land Enclosures
民 -1 happiness from industrialisation(liwer clases) 下層階級の幸せ -1
人 +0.2 to the population growth impact of farms 農場人口増加 +0.2
人 Reduces the chance of food shortages 食物不足の確率を減らす
× Enables building of 高まることを可能にします
Improved Animal Husbandry
人 Reduces the chance of food shortages 食物不足の確率を減らす
金 +5% wealth generated by farms 農場によって発生する富 +5%

Four Field Crop Rotation
人 +0.2 to the population growth impact of farms 農場人口増加 +0.2%
人 Reduces the chance of food shortages 食物不足の確率を減らす
× Enables building of 高まることを可能にします

Selective Breeding
金 +15% wealth generated by forms 農場によって発生する富 +15%
× Enables building of 高まることを可能にします

   Seed Planting Drill
×-15% to cost of constructing farm buildings 農家費用-15%
×-15% to cost of constructing plantations 農場費用-15%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

   Advanced Irrigation
人 +0.4% to the population growth impact of farms 農場人口増加 +0.4%
人 Reduces the chance of food shortages 食物不足の確率を減らす
金 +10% wealth generared by forms 農場によって発生する富 +10%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

    Steam-Pumped Land Drainage
人 +0.5% to the population growth impact of farms 農場人口増加 +0.5%
人 Reduces the chance of food shortages 食物不足の確率を減らす
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

Threshing Machine
人 Reduces the chance of food shortages 食物不足の確率を減らす
金 +25% wealth generated by farmas 農場によって発生する富 +25%
壺 Enhances national presige 国威を強化

73ボクサー:2009/03/25(水) 00:59:45
■Metal industry金属産業■

   Basic Stram Pump
×-10% to cost of constructing metalworking buildings 金工建設費-10%
×-10% to cost of constructing mines 鉱山建設費-10%
× Enables building of: //////////// 高まることを可能にします

   Coke Blast Furnace
金 +10% wealth generated by metalworking buildings 金工での収入+10%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化
× Enables building of: //////////// 高まることを可能にします

   Measuring Tools
金 +5% bouns to town wealth from all buildings すべての建物からの収入+5%
金 +5% wealth generated by metalworking buildings 金工での収入+5%
× Enables building of: //////////// 高まることを可能にします

    Csteam Engine
金 +15% wealth generated by metalworking buildings 金工での収入+15%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化
× Enables building of: //////////// 高まることを可能にします

Machine Tools
剣 -15% recruitment cost for all land units すべての陸軍隊の募集費-15%
金 +5% bouns to town wealth from all buildings すべての建物からの収入+5%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化
× Enables building of: //////////// 高まることを可能にします

Puddling Furnace
剣 -15% recruitment cost for artillery 大砲兵募集コスト -15%
金 +20% wealth generated by metalworking buildings 金工での収入+20%
壺  Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

    Interchangeable Parts
剣 -5% upkeep costs for all army units すべての陸軍隊の維持費-5%
碇 -10% upkeep costs for all army units すべての海軍隊の維持費-10%
金 +5% bouns to town wealth from all buildings すべての建物からの収入+5%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

74ボクサー:2009/03/25(水) 01:01:01
■Textile industry 繊維工業■
Spinning Jenny
金 +10% bounus to town wealth forom textile industry buildings 繊維工業の建物収入+10%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

Spinning Mule
金 +5% bounus to town wealth forom textile industry buildings 繊維工業の建物収入+5%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化
× Enables building of: //////////// 高まることを可能にします

Flying Shuttle
金 +15% bounus to town wealth forom textile industry buildings 繊維工業の建物収入+15%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

Punch-Card Loom
金 +15% bounus to town wealth forom textile industry buildings 繊維工業の建物収入+15%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

Power Loom
金 +5% wealth generared by textile workshops and factories ??????
金 +20% bounus to town wealth forom textile industry buildings 繊維工業の建物収入+20%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化
× Enables building of: //////////// 高まることを可能にします

Mass Production 大量生産
剣 -10% recruitment cost for all land units すべての陸軍隊の維持費-10%
碇 -10% recruitment cost for all naval units すべての海軍隊の維持費-10%
金 +20% bounus to town wealth forom textile industry buildings 繊維工業の建物収入+20%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

75ボクサー:2009/03/25(水) 01:02:19
本 +5% to technology research rete 技術の研究率に 5%
金 +2 per turn to town wealth in the region ターンごとの地域収入 +2
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化
× Enables building of:///// 高まることを可能にします

Social Contract 
本 +10% to technology research rete 技術の研究率に +10%
金 +2 per turn to town wealth in the region ターンごとの地域収入 +2
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

金 +3 per turn to town wealth in the region ターンごとの地域収入 +3
金 +15% wealth generated by farms 農場収入 +15%
× Enables building of:///// 高まることを可能にします

民 -1 happiness, Clamour for reform 幸福改良のための叫び-1
金 +3 per turn to town wealth in the region ターンごとの地域収入 +3
× -20% to cost of constructing cultural buildings 文化的な建物の建設費-20%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

Government by Consent
民 -1 happiness, Clamour for reform 幸福改良のための叫び-1
本 +5% to technology research rete ターンごとの地域収入 +5%
金 +3 per turn to town wealth in the region ターンごとの地域収入 +3
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

Division of Labour
民 -1 happiness, Clamour for reform 幸福改良のための叫び-1
金 +4 per turn to town wealth in the region ターンごとの地域収入 +4
金 +10% wealth generated by industrial buildings 産業建物による収入+10%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

76ボクサー:2009/03/25(水) 01:02:58
Rights of Man
民 -2 happiness (liwer clases),Clamour for reform 下層階級の幸せ -2
本 +10% to technology research rete 技術の研究率に +10%
金 +5 per turn to town wealth in the region ターンごとの地域収入 +5
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

Separation of Powers
民 -1 happiness (liwer clases),Clamour for reform 下層階級の幸せ -1
金 +4 per turn to town wealth in the region ターンごとの地域収入 +4
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

National Debt
民 -1 happiness (liwer clases),Clamour for reform 下層階級の幸せ -1
剣 -5% upkeep costs for all army units すべての陸軍部隊のための維持経費-5%
碇 -5% upkeep costs for all army units すべての海軍部隊のための維持経費-5%
金 +8 per turn to town wealth in the region ターンごとの地域収入 +8
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

Joint Stock Companies
民 -1 happiness, Clamour for reform 幸福改良のための叫び-1
金 +5 per turn to town wealth in the region ターンごとの地域収入 +5
金 +10% wealth generated by all buildings すべての建物での収入+10%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

Wealth of Nations
民 -1 happiness, Clamour for reform 幸福改良のための叫び-1
金 +25% bonus to the growth in trade route income 貿易ルートの収入のボーナス+25
金 +8 per turn to town wealth in the region ターンごとの地域収入 +8
金 +5% wealth generated by all buildings すべての建物での収入+5%

民 -2 happiness (liwer clases),Clamour for reform 下層階級の幸せ -2
剣 -10% recruitment cost for infantry 歩兵隊募集コスト-10%
金 +6 per turn to town wealth in the region ターンごとの地域収入 +6
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

Abolition of Slavery
民 +4 happiness (liwer clases),Clamour for reform 下層階級の幸せ +4
民 -4 happiness (nobility),Clamour for reform 貴族の幸せ -4
金 +8 per turn to town wealth in the region ターンごとの地域収入 +8
× +30% to cost of constructing plantations ????建設費+30%
壺 Enhances national prestige  国威を強化

Secular Humanism
民 -50% to religious unrest 宗教的不安-50%
民 -1 happiness, Clamour for reform 幸福改良のための叫び-1
金 +6 per turn to town wealth in the region ターンごとの地域収入+6
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

Free Trade Doctrine 自由貿易主義
民 -1 happiness, Clamour for reform 幸福改良のための叫び-1
金 +25% bonus to the growth in trade route income 貿易ルートの収入のボーナス+25
金 +10 per turn to town wealth in the region ターンごとの地域収入+10
金 +25% wealth generated by ports  港での収入+25%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化
Classical Economics 古典的な経済学
民 -1 happiness, Clamour for reform 幸福改良のための叫び-1
金 +14 per turn to town wealth in the region ターンごとの地域収入+14
金 +15% wealth generated by all buildings  すべての建物での収入+15%
壺 Enhances national prestige 国威を強化

77名無しさん:2009/03/27(金) 17:47:44

78ボクサー:2009/04/06(月) 06:20:45
Austria 1   2   3   4 5 6 7
護衛兵   騎銃兵 ハンガリーの軽騎兵  軽竜騎兵 槍騎兵  重騎兵    近衛騎兵
  [General's Bodyguard][Carabineers][Hungarian Hussars][Light Dragoons][Uhlans][Cuirassiers][Household]
[人数] 32 60 60 80 60 60 60
[range 射程]   0 70 0 70 0 0 0
[accurary 精度]   0 55 0 45 0 0 0
[reloading リロード] 0 10 0 10 0 0 0
[ammunition 弾丸数 ] 0 15 0 15 0 0 0
[melee a 乱戦攻撃] 15 11 11 11 10 15 17
[Charge 突撃] 12 7 9 7 19 13 13
[defence 防御] 11 6 6 6 4 8 10
[morale 士気] 14 10 8 10 9 12 16
[cust コスト] 1300 660 700 730 740 890 920
[upkeep 維持費] 150 330 330 340 350 400 410

79Hageus:2009/04/08(水) 21:13:26

Canister Shot(散弾)

This ammunition for cannons is a cylinder stuffed with musket bullets that bursts as
soon as it leaves the gun barrel.
Any cannon can be turned into a giant shotgun using the appropriate size of round.
Normal cannon balls are terrible enough when then they hit,but they will usually only kill or
injure a few men.
Canister is a short-renge weapon,and used as a last-diteh defence
against a massed attack.
The slaughter infliered on neardy enemies can be fearsome
Usually,canister shots are made of tin, which serves to keep everything together
while it is rammed down the barrel.
but is no impediment to bursting effect, It is not
uncommon for artillery crews to load a canister shot on top of a narmal cannon boll,if
they have time, to maximise the killing power.

Canister is still used by armies today, and has been refined over the years: beehive
rounds used flechettes(small darts)rather than round shot, but the principle is the
same. The 120mm main gun on the modern US MI Abrams tank is capable of firing
canister ammunition, making it a 60-tonne armoured shotgun!

80名無しさん:2009/04/08(水) 23:25:46

81ボクサー:2009/04/09(木) 01:54:24
大臣のスキル集です 順番ばらばらです
+1 to Management for navy

Bon Vivant
+1 to Management
+1happiness(lower classes)

jug Head
+1 happiness(lower classes)
-1 happiness(nodility)
+3% to clamour for reform 改革を求める叫び

Harsh Reputation
+1 to Management 管理
-1 happiness(lower classes)
+1 to Management for justice 正義

Industrial Revolutionary
+1 to Management for treasury

+1 happiness(middle classes)
+1 to Management for treasury

+1 to Zeal 熱意
-5% to religious unrest 宗教的な不安

Bon Vibant
+1 to Management
+1 happiness(lower classes)

+1 to Management

+1 to Management for army

Status Quo
-1 happiness (lower classes)
+1 happiness(nodility)
-3% to clamour for reform

+1 to Management
-1 happiness(lower classes)
-1 happiness(middle classes)

-1 to Management
+1 happiness(nodility)

[Controller of Works]
+1 to Management
-5% to cost of constructiong
cultural buildings
-5% to cost of constructiong
metalorking buildings

82Hageus:2009/04/09(木) 18:56:38

Improved Grenades(改良手榴弾)

Advances in ironwork and in the development of more reliable fuses can be applied to
that most dangerous of hand-held weapons, the grenade.

Grenades are dangerous weapons to their users as well as enemies,Premature
detonation is always a risk, one that will probably kill and certainly maim the grenadier
and anyone else neardy, There is also the need fow a grenadier to throw the grenabe
further than its explosive killing radius! By making the hollow case thinner and being
careful with the powder composition in fuses, it is possible to make grenades slighrly
safer for the user.

Historically, grenadiers were the strongest and largest soldiers, It was rightly assumed
that a big chap could throw a cricket ball(baseball)sized grenade at a distant enemy,
The weighr of a dozen grenades in a pack was not a trivial load, Flintlock grenade
throwers were developed; these had very short, wide barrels and used gunpowder to
launch the grenade - a man-portable mini-mortar! The need to load a musket, light a
fuse and fire at an enemy promptly before the grenade exploded mode them tricky(and
nerve-wracking)to use.
火打ち式榴弾発射機が開発されました; 極端に短く、幅の広い銃身を持ち、
火薬を使い榴弾を発射する - 個人携帯式小臼砲!

83Hageus:2009/04/13(月) 20:09:50

Naval Shore Facilities 海軍沿岸施設

Enablres construction of: 建設可能:
Dockyad 造船所

Naval Board

Naval Architecture Sdvances(誤Sdvances 正Advances) 海軍建築発展

碇-5%ecruitment cost for all naval units -5% すべての海軍Unitの雇用費用
壺Enhances national prestige 国威の向上
Enablres construction of: 建設可能:
   Refotmed(誤Refotmed 正Reformed) Naval Administration 海軍組織の変革
壺Enhances national prestige 国威の向上
Enablres(誤Enablres Enables) construction of: 建設可能:
    Flintlock Cannon 燧石式大砲
碇-5% reduction to naval cannons'reloading time -5% 艦砲の装填時間短縮
壺Enhances national prestige 国威の向上

Improved Grape Shot 改良型散弾
本 Improves the effectiveness of grape shot 散弾の威力の向上

Carronades Carronades(キャロネード)砲
壺Enhances national prestige 国威の向上
×Enacles(誤Enacles 正Enables) recruitment of 雇用可能
Rified(誤Rified 正Refined) Cannons 改良砲
本Enacles(誤Enacles 正Enables) rifled(誤rifled 正refined?) naval cannons 艦砲の改良
壺Enhances national prestige 国威の向上

Sheet Lead Cartridges 紙薬きょう?
碇-5%reduction to naval connons'reloading time -5% 艦砲の装填時間短縮
碇-5%reduction to misfires naval cannons -5% 艦砲の不発の減少
壺Enhances national prestige 国威の向上

Seasoning 調味料
碇-10% upkeep costs for all naval units -10% すべての海軍Unitの維持費用
碇+5% recruitment cost for all naval units +5% すべての海軍Unitの雇用費用
壺Enhances national prestige 国威の向上

Copper Bottoms 銅製船底
碇+5% recruitment cost for all naval units +5% すべての海軍Unitの雇用費用
碇+10% topspeed of ships in battle +10% 戦闘での船の最大速度
碇+5  movement range for ships on campaign map +5 CampaignMapでの船の移動範囲

Improved Coppering 改良型銅製船体
碇+5% recruitment cost for all naval units +5% すべての海軍Unitの雇用費用
碇+10% topspeed of ships in battle +10% 戦闘での船の最大速度
碇+5  movement range for ships on campaign map +5 CampaignMapでの移動範囲

Top Gallants トゲルンマスト
碇+5% recruitment cost for all naval units +5% すべての海軍ユニットの雇用費用
碇+10% topspeed of ships in battle +10% 戦闘での船の最高速度
碇+10 increase to movement range on campaign map forships +10 トゲルンマストを装備した船のCampaignMapでの移動範囲
with top gallants

Sextant 6文儀
碇+5% movement range for ships on campaign map +5% Campaign mapでの船の移動範囲
壺Enhances national prestige 国威の向上

Longitude Watch 経度の測定
碇+10% movement range for ships on campaign map +10% Campaign mapでの船の移動範囲
壺Enhances national prestige 国威の向上

Line Juice(誤Line Juice 正Lime Juice) and Sauerkraut ライムジュースとザワークラフト
碇+5% upkeep costs for all naval units +5% すべての海軍の維持費用
壺Enhances national prestige 国威の向上
×Enacles(誤Enacles 正Enables) recruitment of 雇用可能
Preserved Foods 保存食
壺Enhances national prestige 国威の向上
剣+2 to morale in battles +2 戦闘時の士気

84ボクサー:2009/04/19(日) 00:23:44
Socket Bayonet

本 Enables socket bayonets. These replace ring bayonets
壺 Enhances national prestige
× Enables construction of: Military Academy

A blade fitted with a collar that attaches to a musket barrel and then locks in place,
turning the weapon into a useful short pike.

The socket bayonet is a development of earlier bayonets,and corrects their defective
methods of attaching the blade to the musket,Prebious designs simply jammed the
bayonet into the barrel or relied on a tight fit around the barrel,The socket bayonet has
a collar with an L-shaped slot that fits over a lug on barrel,and then turns to locl it in
place,The blade is also offset from the barrel centreline,so thet a soldier can still fire
and then reload his piece without cutting off his own fingers!

Historically,this improvement has stood the rest of time,Sicket vayonets are still
issued for modern rifles and carbines,and still used in combat,The"twist and lock"
mechanism is still used for cicilian purposes as diverse light bulbs and vacuum cleaner
tubes,There is,however,no really satisfactory explanation as to why the French military
decided to offset the bayonet above the barrel,right into the sight line of the user!

New Model Bayonet Drill

剣 +3% to charge bonus for bayonet-equipped units
壺 Enhances national prestige

A drill which has been refined to formalise the latest fashions in bayonet usage,making
for a more effective melee attack.

The first bayonets did a fine job of providing musketeers with the ewuivalent of a short
pile to use in an emergrncy, Because they were pike reolacements, the drills used were
largely based on the well -known and understood pike drills,Now,hawever,bayonets are
seen as something more than substitute pikes,something that pragmatic soldiers
discovered for themselves, New books are emerging a new fashion of
bayonet drill;holding the bayonet-carrying musket at waist height, rather than
advancing with it levelled at shoulder height,There is also an emphasis on the offensive
use of the bayonet,carrying the fight to the enemy, rather than using it defensively to
keep attackers at bay,In the thick of hand-to-hand fighring,however,many soldiers use
their muskets as clubs,as the need to live takes precedence over formal training!

85ボクサー:2009/04/19(日) 00:25:33

New Model Bayonet Drill

剣 +3% to charge bonus for bayonet-equipped units
壺 Enhances national prestige

A drill which has been refined to formalise the latest fashions in bayonet usage,making
for a more effective melee attack.

The first bayonets did a fine job of providing musketeers with the ewuivalent of a short
pile to use in an emergrncy, Because they were pike reolacements, the drills used were
largely based on the well -known and understood pike drills,Now,hawever,bayonets are
seen as something more than substitute pikes,something that pragmatic soldiers
discovered for themselves, New books are emerging a new fashion of
bayonet drill;holding the bayonet-carrying musket at waist height, rather than
advancing with it levelled at shoulder height,There is also an emphasis on the offensive
use of the bayonet,carrying the fight to the enemy, rather than using it defensively to
keep attackers at bay,In the thick of hand-to-hand fighting,however,many soldiers use
their muskets as clubs,as the need to live takes precedence over formal training!

86ボクサー:2009/04/19(日) 00:33:16
New Model Bayonet Drillの追加です

Historically,this development is the birth of the "spirit of the bayonet"and the belief
in the efficacy of "cold steel"which was to last for the next two centuries in some armies.

87ボクサー:2009/04/19(日) 02:43:01
Reorganised Procurement

剣 -5% recruitment cost for all kand units
× Enables building of; Army Council Gunnery School

As armies grow in size and complexity, foraging and looting tarely support military
operations for long perionds, Supply must be put on a formal footing.

Traditionally, the colonel of each regiment is responsibel for making sure that his men
are adequately clothed and shod, and carry weapons and ammunition to see them
through a campaign, However, as armies increase in size military officers actualy begin
to compete with each other for scarce resources, and this only serves to drive up prices-
and the profits of the unscrupulous and unpatriotic, It also turns the centralised
co-ordination of, and sharing of, campaigh supplies into an administrative tangle, It is
true that it does not matter if an seemingly simple as a common size of cannon ball can
become problematic if every colonel of every regiment is allowed to organised and
order his own weapons.

In addition to laying down standards for drill and military evolutions, during the 18th
Century the army staffs of various nations (such as they were)also began to sort out
the tangle of supply, The whole business was, in many nations, riddled with corruption
and prefential treatment for friends, with bribes and kickbacks as well, While a certain
amount of putting money into friends` pockets was considered acceptable, there were limits.

88ボクサー:2009/04/19(日) 02:43:28
Light Infantry Doctrine

本 Enables advanced light infantry drill

"Being, in the main, a newly improved method of deployment for the correct use of
light troops upon the field of battle..."

Skirmishers deploy as a screen ahead of the main battle line, usually as a widely spaced
line of men, It is their job to harassthe enemy line by peooering them with a few
musket balls and scout for weaknesses, Most importantly, they must prevent the enemy
from doing the same thing, They will not stop a serious enemy attack only delay it.

Advanced skirmishing requires a degree of intelligence from those in the ranks, They
form small groups, spotting impartant targets in the enemy ranks and deliberately
shooting them, For preference, enemy officers and sergeants are the main victims, as
their loss causes confusion and doubt in the rank-and-file, Lightinfantry officers direct
their men, rather than rigidly control them, leaving the brightest and bost in the army
to make their own kills.

Historically, light troops were hunters, poachers and the like of the complete light
companies from existing regiments gathered into a new unit, A few nations, such as
Great Britain, chose to arm their elite skirmishers with rifles rather than smoothbore muskets.

89ボクサー:2009/04/19(日) 02:43:58
Platoon Firing

本 Enables platoon firing drill
× Enables building of; Army Staff College

This firing plan for musketry ensures an infantry unit keeps up a continual barrage of
shots against an enemy,

Nearly all line infantry carry smoothbore, muzzle-loading muskets, These take
considerable taime to reload aftera firing; anything up to a minute for poorly trained or
nervous troops, During that time, the enemy can close or return fire unmolested, In the
time it takes to reload, a unit can be cut down, its half-loaded weapons useless in the
face of an aggressive for, It is sensible to make sure that not evetyone in an infantry
unit is reloading at the same moment; this, in turn, means that not everyone should be
firing at the same time.

Platoon fire is a way of dividing a unit into smaller groups that each fire, reload and fire
again in turn The result is a "rippling fire" down a line formation and, as the last
platoon fires its muskets, the first is ready to fire again, A unit can always give some fire
to the enemy at all the troops in every first platoon fire, followed by all the second
platoons, and so on, creating several ripping barrages down the battle line,

Yhe word "platoon" in this context does not have the modern meaning of being a
sub-unit of a military company, Platoon assignment to what was a "fire group" was
made on an ad hoc or informal basis, and could mean a whole regiment being assigned to a "platoon".

90ボクサー:2009/04/19(日) 02:44:22
Machined Rifling

壺 Enhances national prestige

Thanks to precision machinery, barrels can now have very accurate grooves for rifling,
without troubling a master gunsmith to do the work.

Rifling in a barrel imparts a spain to a projectile, making it fry with greater accuracy once
it leaves the barrel, Grooves are cut in a spiral helix pattern on the inner surface is actually
distorted by the gunpowder explosion, and forced into the grooves,

Making such a barrel was a task for a highly skilled gunsmith, meanig that rifling was
reserved for hunting rifles for the extremely wealthy and the no bility, A machine tool
that can do the job means that rifled barrels can be turned out in some quantity, and
that they will be the same time after time, The machine cuts one groove at a time,
meaning that at least six or seven passes are required to preperly rifle a barrel,

Historically, only the British fielded a large force of rifleman, armed with Ezekiel
Baker`s outstanding weapon.

91ボクサー:2009/04/19(日) 03:16:13
Cadenced Marching

本 Improves campaign map movement speed
壺 Enhances national prestige

Marching to a beat beat unifies the movement of solders, and makes it posible to more
accurately measure pace.

Originally drums were not carried onto the battlefield to provide musical
accompaniment to the business of killing, They were there as a "repeater" system for
the shouted orders, as it was soon realised that a single voice would be lost in the murderous
hubbub of battle,However, it was soon realised that a regular beat was useful in
teaching men how to load, present and fire their muskets, From that idea it is a short
step to making sure that soldiers are trained to do beat a coded tattoo for
particular orders, can also keep taime for a wholeregiment, With cadenced marching, a
unit no longer ambles to its destination, it steps out with determinationl A cunning
colonel can even up the pace and have his men cover more ground by having the

Historically, many colonels of infantry regiments did pay for bands out of their own
pockets, knowing that music could lift the spirits of "the lads" as surely as a bottle of gin.

92ボクサー:2009/04/19(日) 03:27:18

93ボクサー:2009/04/30(木) 19:38:33



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