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English thread

6Fresh Doumbledoor:2009/06/28(日) 18:42:58
Next bug i found on euro odin. In partys with more then one people and i cast angelus with my priest i get the angelus 10 timer under me but the rest of the party only angelus 1! I think with power trust and weapon perferktion is the same! i used the last RCX build

7redchat:2009/06/28(日) 21:50:07
hi Testor

Since I am not playing fRO, details cannot be said.
but, it may be good to customize the file of
EnglishSettingFilePack of an RCX zip archive.
hi Fresh Doumbledoor.
this problem is uncorrectable.

it's because the RO Server has send this Packet
which becomes a >>6 case.

thanks users.

8Fresh Doumbledoor:2009/06/29(月) 03:46:31
Thanks for the fast answere. an other question=
maybe an funktion in planing where i can disable singel displays. i mean all of and i can only see the asumptio timer no agi no bless etc?!

9redchat:2009/07/01(水) 09:13:46
I have not done iRO and jRO other than playing.
fRO cannot be tried although operation is
checked in the this servers.
fRO client analyzed and the check has ended normally.
but, normal operation is not expectable if the structure
of a packet differs from iRO and jRO.

If account of fRO is borrowed, it cannot recommend,
although management may be possible.

thanks you.

10redchat:2009/07/15(水) 18:55:39
to all iRO users.

It became possible to carry out the filter of the advertising chat(SPAM open chat)
of a Real Money Trade by NGWORD from the RCX version of Build025.
Please live in the town of comfortable Prontera - Capitol of Rune-Midgarts.:)

11redchat:2009/07/29(水) 19:12:14
to all iRO users.

RCX Alpha Build032 Relesed.

Build025 NGWORD has been implemented in more power.
please enjoy in the very very silent town of Prontera - Capitol of Rune-Midgarts.

Valkyrie Server other users need to create the file yourself.
US_Chaos.txt or
US_Iris.txt or

BBS will be adopted if the next version of the post.

I continue to struggle with the development of Multiple Sclerosis.
Donations are welcome.

12redchat:2009/07/31(金) 16:14:40
to all iRO users.

In this BBS NGWORD additional work is being conducted.


13crys:2009/08/14(金) 05:40:26
Hi there :3
Just two little question:
Does a english guide exists of all rcx functions?

And how can i find the mobID? there must be an easier way to get them.
I actually use this one: Start old ver. rcx -> show me mobid

Thanks :3

14名無しさん:2009/08/25(火) 12:31:13
Can't seem to get the ground tiles to display that there are skills effecting them.
(Pneuma showing you a 3x3 grid that it effects, tiles Storm Gust is currently 'hitting', ETC.)

Tried messing around with the rcx.ini file but could not find anything that fixed this problem.

Alpha Version Build036

15redchat:2009/08/25(火) 13:10:05
look at this screenshot.

may have been M2E(min skill effecting) switched off.
please click this switch.(OFF -> ON1 -> ON2 -> OFF...toggle)

16redchat:2009/09/18(金) 18:07:44
Valkyrie Server IP was changed.

Please modify RCX.ini.
RCX.ini [CharServer] section

17Anonymous:2009/09/29(火) 18:59:26
How can I get it to show the delay after Snap/Body Relocation before I can use Guillotine Fist/Asura?

18redchat:2009/09/29(火) 23:29:45
In the next Version RCX, Snap to implement the display of the 2sec delay.
(Guillotine Fist special delay :3)


19名無しさん:2009/10/07(水) 22:18:28
How do I remove buff bars? It crowds the screen too much

20yellow:2009/10/14(水) 18:00:02
How can I disable/turn off the buff timers that appear above a character? If you have too many buffed characters on screen it won't let you see anything. Anyway to enable it? (Make it WoE/PvP mode), Thank you.

21名無しさん:2009/10/17(土) 04:08:28
how do i set it up for another server like pRO Valhalla?

22Tolken:2009/10/18(日) 03:16:35
Evidently a recent client upgrade for iRO broke some parts of RCX. (*all iro servers)

V41: (*Problem reported in versions earlier to v41 as well)
Currently Working:
The Config and EXP / Job window seems to be registering fine, it did need 1 kill to re-associate correctly which knocked off the hr counter for a little bit...other than that working fine.

Spam blocking: still fine

GPS system

BB lines and other such positional information

Currently Broken:
All timers. Including party buffs, ground spells, self buffs and such.

Mob Info on soloing: Not reporting self dmg correctly so you never get a mobinfo listing.

Mob Info in parties: Not reporting self dmg correctly so you only see the dmg inflicted by OTHER people.
(*IE you and another each do 50% dmg to a mob...you will see it die at 50% hp on your end)

23名無しさん:2009/10/26(月) 02:12:04
Hey what's wrong with RCX?

Okay I'll be playing and I'll hit a monster and to the right side of the screen it'll show
the HP going down.. it'll show the monster's hp on the monster... then
exp will popup ontop of the monster once it's killed.

Then it will stop doing this.

Why and what option do I need to select to make sure it always does that?

24名無しさん:2009/10/26(月) 02:46:19
Hi can someone please tell me what's wrong with RCX?

I'll be playing and at first it will show me the hp left on the monster,
have a monster health bar to the right, and exp
will pop up from the monster.

Later it will quit doing that.

Am I doing something to disable it? What do I need to do to make
sure it always does that?

Also sometimes it will stop showing buff timers.

25nanashi:2009/10/26(月) 20:33:13
Since this text is machine translation, it may be wrong.

Hello, everyone

| Mr. redchat's writing BBS(Japanese)
| ttp://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/computer/42078/1240581853/l50

Mr. redchat is in the state which multiple sclerosis and depression show
the symptoms of now, and cannot be committed.
Please wait until it recovers.

26Anon:2009/11/11(水) 15:27:20

When I use RCX with my client, it gives me an error:

RCX: Analysis of ROaddr went wrong

What can I do?

27Noodle:2009/12/18(金) 10:41:32
Hi! i can't extract versions 042 or 043, i get an error with the extractor that says access denied
i run the extractor as administrator, didn't work
i put the ZIP file in other places and extract it, didn't work
i take my antivirus down, it didn't work

28名無しさん:2010/01/02(土) 12:38:00
Would it be possible to add a feature for automatic screenshot when leveling up? AutoIMO had this feature, so I was hoping you could implement this in future versions?

Maybe an option for taking lossy (Print Screen = JPG) or lossless (Ctrl + Print Screen = BMP) screenshots?

When using some laptops, Scroll Lock can be used to capture a screenshot. When used this way, RCX doesn't unload temporarily for the screenshot (where Print Screen unloads RCX for the screenshot). Would you be able to add this support as well?

Sorry to ask for so many features at once. Thank you for the development of RCX, it is a very useful utility. I hope your multiple sclerosis is under control and you are feeling better.

Keep up the great work!

29Yoyoman:2010/01/13(水) 02:26:35
How can you setup the GPS to use with other people?

30Questess:2010/01/28(木) 05:09:18
RCX fails to work when Ragnarok Online is set to Windows 98/ME compatibility (more stable and allows one to keep last used skins during each log-in attempt.)

31Althares:2010/05/18(火) 08:50:41
Is it possible to edit the range of ShowChatScope?

From what I can tell it would require a source edit, so I have to ask- Is the program's source open?

Thank you for the development of this very useful program, hope all goes well =].


33Zatoh:2010/06/21(月) 10:59:22

Anyone can tell me if exist  a guide to confifure RCX?

Thanks for answer.


35名無しさん:2010/09/23(木) 16:56:54 ID:cXQamk6E0
First, thank you for this wonderful program

I am having a problem with the "sound" section, I cannot get my Homunculus alarm to work right. I am using windows 7 and entered the full path name for a .wav file.

Also, RCX conflicts with the program "SMplayer" but does not conflict with any other games, why is this?

36名無しさん:2010/10/18(月) 15:15:38 ID:WCJ3g4UU0
For some reason I can't get the menu for kro renewal to open with the suggested ctrl+1 and ctrl+B is there some way of fixing it like a setting that i'm missing or is it not yet supported for kro renewal client?

37名無しさん:2011/05/10(火) 15:11:02 ID:6BAHWKIw0
The iro rcx doesn't work anymore. I don't know if you guys know that already.

38名無しさん:2011/09/20(火) 07:33:11 ID:XjCfib9U0

I think this program is very useful for a RO player.
I am a spanish C/C++ developer and I would like to see the source code.
Is there a svn repository or something like that?
I would like to translate a tutorial/howto to spanish so that spanish community enjoy this program, too.



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