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English thread

28名無しさん:2010/01/02(土) 12:38:00
Would it be possible to add a feature for automatic screenshot when leveling up? AutoIMO had this feature, so I was hoping you could implement this in future versions?

Maybe an option for taking lossy (Print Screen = JPG) or lossless (Ctrl + Print Screen = BMP) screenshots?

When using some laptops, Scroll Lock can be used to capture a screenshot. When used this way, RCX doesn't unload temporarily for the screenshot (where Print Screen unloads RCX for the screenshot). Would you be able to add this support as well?

Sorry to ask for so many features at once. Thank you for the development of RCX, it is a very useful utility. I hope your multiple sclerosis is under control and you are feeling better.

Keep up the great work!


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