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77やま健:2017/10/26(木) 10:28:49
>>76 Wow you also said "NEET"!Many of Japanese people extremely often use NEET as a defnite article on person's name, occupation and nickname. That's way too weird and ridiculous!
Anyway you're completely wrong. First of all, I couldn't leave the convenience stores business because I've never belonged to this fuckin business circle. No belonging No leaving!Do you understand? Then I'm engaged now, never have dismal NEET experience fortunately hahaha!
I think you guys have tremendous narrow sight. You guys damn identify me and Translation man as the same since you're NOT able to imagine alternative possibilities. You guys are always surrounded by the exact same race but you should know that's rare peculiarity. I see different races, different color of skins man, different language speakers every day here in CA, in other advanced nations as well. I think you're NOT familiar with heterogeneous people and cultures due to historical country isolation. I don't fake myself. You, don't be shy, try to know there's diversity around the world!I recommend you guys travel in America for weeks. Get touch with differences of you!It's on the ball!


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