The Supreme Council of Antiquities ordered the postponement of the increase of the archeological sites and museums ticket fees for foreigners and Egyptians until November, instead of October.
According to the letter sent by the Supreme Council of Antiquities to the Egyptian Travel Agencies Association, the council has agreed that the visit to the Egyptian civilisation panorama at the headquarters of the National Authority for Civilization Coordination is a part of the visit to the Citadel area, according to a monthly programme on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays of each week and be separate tickets to be printed and collected by the Ministry of Antiquities. This will be applicable starting July.
The area of the pyramids is one of the most prominent areas, where ticket prices have been increased from EGP 80 to EGP 120 for foreigners and from EGP 30 to EGP 60 for foreign students.
Ticket for the Great Pyramid was increased from EGP 200 to EGP 300 for foreigners, from EGP 100 to EGP 150 for foreign students, second pyramid ticket increased from EGP 30 to EGP 60 for foreign students.
An official at the Ministry of Antiquities said there is a package ticket for the area of the pyramids and the Great Pyramid and Khufu ship for EGP 400 for foreigners and EGP 200 for foreign students.
According to the official, the postponement comes in light of the decrease in the tourist flow of the areas and archaeological sites during the current period and may continue until the end of this year, according to the current tourist conditions in Egypt.
The tourist traffic to Egypt declined during the past year to 5.3 million visitors, down from 9.3 million in 2015, a drop of 40%.
The statement, obtained by Daily News Egypt, stated that the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square and the Museum of Islamic Art will not be opened at night during Ramadan, while the Textile Museum will be open between 8 pm and 12 am at double the price.
The Supreme Council also agreed to increase the ticket for the taftaf bus at the citadel of Salahuddin Citadel in Cairo, starting from the beginning of July.
Former chairperson of the Egyptian Tourism Federation (ETF) Elhamy El-Zayat said that the Egyptian tourism sector is going through a difficult phase due to the decline of tourism inflow from Russia and Britain since the crash of a Russian airliner at the end of October 2015.
He expressed his happiness with the decision to postpone the increase, saying that it will contribute to increasing inflow to the archaeological areas in the coming period, noting that there is cooperation between the ETAA and the council.
Daily News Egypt revealed last week that the Ministry of Antiquities issued a programme called Cairo Pass at discounted prices to visit the archaeological areas for a period of five days, starting from November.
The ministry hopes to increase revenues this year to secure funding for the restoration of archaeological shrines, museums, and archeological sites in light of the sharp decline in revenues during the past six years.
The Ministry of Antiquities’ revenues peaked in 2010, a year during which 14.7 million tourists visited Egypt and revenues amounted to EGP 1.3bn.
Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities is now issuing visitor’s passes for foreigners to visit all archaeological sites and museums in Cairo and Giza governorates.
The “Cairo Pass” costs $80 for foreign tourists and $40 for foreign students, and provides access to Islamic, Ancient Egyptian and Coptic sites for unlimited visits over a five-day period, according member of the Technical Office of the Assistant Minister of Antiquities Mostafa Elsagheer.
Elsagheer says the move comes as part of the ministry’s efforts to promote archaeological sites and increase its financial resources.
The pass can be obtained at the Cultural Relations Department at the ministry headquarters in Zamalek, as well as at ticket outlets at the Giza Plateau, the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir and the Citadel of Salah El-Din.
Assistant of the Minister of Antiquities for the Development of Financial Resources Eman Zeidan explains that foreigners can obtain the pass by showing their passport or a student card with picture ID.
Last year, the ministry issued the “Luxor Pass” under two categories.
The first – which costs $200 for tourists and $100 for students – includes all sites and museums in Luxor including the royal tombs of Queen Nefertari and King Seti I.
The second category is half the price and includes all sites excluding the aforementioned royal tombs.
The Annual Visitors Pass, meanwhile, includes all open archaeological sites and museums across Egypt, with several options available. The first is for foreign diplomats and foreigners who work in international and multinational companies in Egypt.
The annual pass costs $240 excluding the tombs of Queen Nefertari and King Seti I, and $340 including the two royal tombs.
The annual pass for Egyptians and Arab residents in Egypt to visit all the country’s sites and museums costs EGP 400, or EGP 100 for university students. School trips and Egyptians over 60 are allowed free entry.
石棺が並ぶ埋葬室。エジプト考古省は、2000年以上前のプトレマイオス朝時代以前に造られた3つの墓を発見したと発表した。(PHOTOGRAPH BY EGYPTIAN MINISTRY OF ANTIQUITIES, AP)
The Giza Plateau archaeological site will be open to visitors one hour earlier in the mornings starting on Tuesday as part of a Ministry of Antiquities' effort to encourage more tourists.
Opening hours will now run from 7:00am to 5:00 pm instead of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Ashraf Mohi, director general of the Giza Plateau site, told Ahram Online that the decision was approved by the board of directors of the Supreme Council of Antiquities.
"These changes aim to make the site available for more time, especially as the country’s tourism season has just started,” Mohi said.
He said that earlier this month the board of directors approved the extension of visiting hours at the Edfu and Kom Ombo temples in Aswan Governorate through the winter months.
The move was intended to accommodate delays in the arrival of River Nile cruise boats due to the low water levels on the river.
Edfu temple will remain open until 5:00 pm every day instead of 4:00 pm, and for Kom Ombo temple will be open until 9:00 pm instead of 8:00pm.
エジプト /「ギザ」周辺視察レポート
2018年1月18日(木)、エジプトにおいて日本人マーケットに携わる旅行関連業者からなる「エジプト日本旅行業連盟」(JTUE: Japanese Travel Union of Egypt)では、大エジプト博物館に併設された保存修復センター(GEM-CC)、ギザ・ピラミッド、サッカラ、メンフィスの視察を実施いたしました。
考古省の声明によると、専門家らが地中探知レーダー(GPR)によって調べた結果、「ツタンカーメンの墓の隣または内部に隠し部屋が存在しないことを示す決定的証拠」が得られた。詳細はイタリアの科学者チームを率いるトリノ工科大学(Polytechnic University of Turin )フランチェスコ・ポルチェッリ(Francesco Porcelli)氏が同日の講演で発表する予定。
考古省によると、この工房跡は、アスワンのコム・オンボ神殿(the Temple of Kom Ombo)周辺で行われていた地下水関連工事の最中に見つかった。ナイル川沿いに位置し、有名なギザの大ピラミッドが建設された第4王朝(紀元前2613〜2494年)の頃のものと考えられるという。石でできたろくろなどが見つかっており、当時の日常生活や産業活動、芸術の発展の様子をうかがい知ることのできる貴重な発見となった。
2019年8月19日 13:23
【10月2日 AFP】中東で2011年に広がった民主化運動「アラブの春」の混乱のさなかに盗まれ、米ニューヨークの博物館に展示されていた黄金のひつぎがエジプトに返還され、首都カイロの国立エジプト文明博物館(National Museum of Egyptian Civilization)で1日、公開された。
A new article punishes anyone found in an archaeological site or museum, or climbing any antiquity, with at least one month’s imprisonment and/or a fine
Mohamed Soliman , Tuesday 5 Nov 2019
Egypt's parliament is set to change the law to implement harsher jail sentences and stiffer fines for smuggling ancient artefacts out of the country, and to criminalize abusing or climbing the country’s monuments.
During a meeting on Tuesday, Parliament's legislative and constitutional affairs committee approved the addition of a new article to the existing law on the protection of antiquities (law no 117 of 1983), stipulating that those who are found in possession of or who sell antiquities abroad without official documentation will be punished by imprisonment and a fine of not less than EGP 1 million and not more than EGP 10 million.
エジプト国 大エジプト博物館・新首都移転 2021年に延期 新コロナのため。 :Egypt's Sisi puts off inauguration of New Administrative Capital, Grand Egyptian Museum to 2021 due to coronavirus concerns ht
エジプトでギザの3大ピラミッドなど再開 観光業の立て直し急ぐ:東京新聞 TOKYO Web htt【カイロ=奥田哲平】エジプトは1日、新型コロナウイルス対策のため3月から閉鎖していた首都カイロ近郊の世界遺産「ギザの3大ピラミッド」などの観光名所を再開した。運航を停止していた国際線も同日に再開。外貨収入の柱である観光業の立て直しを急ぐ。
棺の中にあるとみられる人体についてはまだ明らかになっていない/Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities
棺の中にあるとみられる人体についてはまだ明らかになっていない/Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities
サッカラでは4月にも、考古学者らがミイラの入った棺4基と石灰岩でできた石棺5基を埋葬用の立て坑から発掘していた。ttps:// @cnn_co_jpより
Sumitomo invests EGP 1bn to produce car braids in Egypt htt
エジプトは人口の9割がイスラム教徒。セクハラ被害の責任は女性側にあると考える保守層が多い。tps:// Photographer arrested over “disrespectful” images of model posing in front of Egypt’s pyramids htt p://
Egyptian Woman Arrested for Baking ‘Genitalia Cupcakes’ as Controversy Spreads h
古代ミイラに「黄金の舌」 エジプト、死後に弁明の願いか:東京新聞 TOKYO Web ht【カイロ共同】エジプト観光・考古省は2日までに、北部アレクサンドリアの神殿から発掘された古代ミイラの口から「黄金の舌」が見つかったと発表した。英BBC放送によると、約2千年前と推定。金箔でつくられ、死後の世界で神を前に、生前の行為を弁明できるように願いが込められたとみられている。
古代文字2種使い、岩に労働記録 ギリシャ支配下のエジプト:東京新聞 TOKYO Web htエジプトにある紀元前3世紀ごろの採石場遺跡に、ギリシャ文字とエジプトの民衆文字の両方で、労働の記録を書いた岩が複数残っている。重労働の現場で、ギリシャ人とエジプト人が共生していたことがうかがわれ、調査した名古屋大の周藤芳幸教授(ギリシャ考古学)は「当時の労働形態を知ることができるユニークな遺跡だ」と語る。