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618在カイロ スルタンホテル 塾長まる。:2014/07/30(水) 08:39:28 ID:kE9aoB8w
Egypt's Air Sinai cancels Cairo-Tel Aviv flights h

ttp://english.ahram.org.eg/News/107336.aspx @ahramonlineさんから  #midjp #エジプト #egyjp

Egypt's Air Sinai has cancelled its flights to Israel's Ben Gurion International Airport as a result of security concerns, said an EgyptAir official on Tuesday.

The official who chose to remain anonymous told Ahram Online that the Egyptian carrier that operates flights between Cairo and Tel Aviv, has been halting operations since last week, coinciding with other international airlines' move to suspend their flights to Ben Gurion following an incident where a Hamas-fired rocket hit a neighbourhood north of the airport.

Israeli well-known newspaper, Haaretz reported last week that the Egyptian carrier continued its flights to Tel Aviv despite the cancellations of several airlines, which prompted "harsh criticism by Arab web users on social networks".

The European Aviation Safety Agency lifted on Thursday its recommendation to avoid flying to Israel, hours after the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration rescinded its ban upon receiving security assurances from Israel’s Civil Aviation Authority.

Air Sinai operates two flights per week on Mondays and Thursdays, and it remains unclear whether this week's Thursday flight will take off, AFP reported on Monday.

Air Sinai is one of EgyptAir’s subsidiaries, but it is not listed on the state’s main carrier’s website and the only way for a person to buy a ticket is to visit their office in Cairo’s Shubra district.

Israeli aggression continues on Gaza, with the Palestinian death toll rising 1,100 on Tuesday, most of whom were civilians.

On the Israeli side, 56 people have been killed, most of them soldiers.


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