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361在カイロ スルタンホテル 塾長まる。:2013/06/16(日) 09:33:05 ID:5927wgdc
エジプト航空 NY行き 爆破予告で英緊急着陸 ;US-bound Egypt plane diverted after bomb threat http://english.ahram.org.eg/News/74064.aspx   #中東 #エジプト #egyjp  http://www.facebook.com/egyptnihon

US-bound Egypt plane diverted after bomb threat
An EgyptAir passenger plane heading from Cairo to New York has been forced to make an emergency landing in Glasgow after a written bomb threat was found on board

An EgyptAir official says a plane from Cairo bound for New York's John F Kennedy airport has been forced to make an emergency landing after a passenger discovered a letter onboard threatening to blow up the aircraft.

Chairman of EgyptAir Tawfiq Assi says flight 985 had around 300 passengers onboard when it was diverted to Glasgow's Prestwick Airport Saturday.

Britain's Ministry of Defence confirmed that it scrambled fighter jets to escort the plane to the Glasgow airport. Police in Glasgow confirmed that officers were responding to an incident but declined to provide further detail.

Assi says the flight is now being checked by a technical team that includes bomb disposal experts. Passengers were escorted off the plane and are waiting in the Glasgow airport. Officials are also looking into their backgrounds.


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