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4網絡π摘:2011/09/20(火) 21:47:14
On 2011.09.01, at 21:30〜22:00( Japanese time ), a very bright luminous object blinking like a lightning bug was seen in the eastern sky over some city of Hokkaido of Japan.
The phenomenon might be one of the predictive signals.
Because an earthquake of about magnitude of 7 happened around the Aleutian islands just after that( on 2011.09.02, at Japanese time 19:56 ).

「NASA's red x on Google-earth」

Moreover, earthquake-swarms have occurred near the Hidaka mountains of Hokkaido of Japan.
Two hypothesises about the border of the North American plate with the Eurasian plate have been presented until now.
One is the middle band of Hokkaido including the Hidaka mountains, another is the Japanese Fossa Magna including the Hida mountains.
※ 琴電波( or 琴伝播 ) namely Koto-Denpa is a lingo to mean HAARP .

> 3. … Koto-Denpa is complaining of it to the referee that today's border( or geomagnetic di-vision ) is different from yesterday's one.


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