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1プロファイリング:2020/05/25(月) 08:15:23
There might be internal troubles here and there.


A corpse ≒ a dead body ≒ 尸 ,
We also heard that Sikoku (死国 and/or 尸国) has tendency to shift troublesome matters such as Kodoku (蠱毒) to others without solving those matters.

2プロファイリング:2020/05/25(月) 10:12:34
> tendency
I tentatively used the uncountable form of the word to emphasize the characteristic features of Sikoku (死国 and/or 尸国) such as shifting troublesome matters to other spatial-temporal regions without solving those matters.

3風雲!尼崎事件!:2020/07/05(日) 20:13:29
But, while, we heard that bad or harmful influences called Kodoku (蠱毒) spread by Sikoku (死国 and/or 尸国) have considerably affected the chaps habitually pasting undesirable advertisements including posters to sell fakes on the net so as to further make them misbehave.

4プロファイリング:2020/08/15(土) 11:12:22
Indeed, we also heard that the people habitually presenting undesirable advertisements such as e×tremely erotic ones and unreliable ones on the net would fight against the world as their enemies from now.

5風雲! 尼崎事件!:2020/10/07(水) 02:01:45
ついでに「医療廃棄物 フィリピン 1999」などで検索。

A 県警 (日本の東北地方、日本海側の県) の PDF に拠ると、そこは、毎年相当数の (死因不明の) 変死体が見つかっているという。

6風雲! 尼崎事件!:2020/10/07(水) 02:10:13
大手マスコミでは、『アエラ』がそこの自殺率の異常な高さに着目し、「A とは何か」「A の高齢者は何故死に急ぐのか」というタイトルの特集記事を組んだことがある。
確か、現総理はそのいわくつきの A 県出身でかつそこは自民党の支持率も高い。

7風雲! 尼崎事件!:2020/10/21(水) 22:29:38

8プロファイリング:2020/11/14(土) 16:41:35
According to many reliable informations, it’s highly probable that the people habitually presenting undesirable advertisements such as ones to sell defective products & fakes, ones related to e×tremely erotic contents on the net like in this site would be sent to the purgatory to receive the judgment by the king of Emma (閻魔) .

9プロファイリング:2020/12/25(金) 06:17:58
Indeed, I also heard that the people habitually presenting undesirable advertisements such as e×tremely erotic contents and ones to stimulate vicious impulses, ones to sell defective products and fakes on the net would be conveyed to the purgatory owing to the judgment by the king of Enma (閻魔).

10五段加持祈祷法 ≒ 東洋版エクソシズム !?:2021/01/03(日) 18:45:44
By the way, we also heard that the people habitually and intentionally making annoying and noisy sounds with vehicles in Japan also would fight against the world as their enemies.

11山の彼方の空遠く:2021/01/21(木) 22:07:48
> 毎年相当数の (死因不明の) 変死体が

「・・・ ( 2020/08/16 )」
> コロナ感染者の大半 ≒ 国籍不明者 という統計的事実が何故かクローズアップされていない。

12プロファイリング:2022/01/30(日) 14:32:21
ブランド複製品は飽和状態にあり、需要は低くなる一方。 今のところこれが現実だ。以上。


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