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1Ground Stone Redux:2019/11/12(火) 04:47:54 ID:.CwsIRrI0

2Ground Stone Redux:2019/11/12(火) 05:02:19 ID:.CwsIRrI0
From 「Notes on artificial medical devices」,
5.2 Medical high-polymeric materials
5.2.5 New high-polymeric materials used for artificial joints and re-generative medicine
The higher the levels of technologies for medicine and welfare get, the more un-stable the medical and welfare system at present under which most payments rely on the nation’s health system becomes.
Accordingly, it’s necessary to utilize medical technologies including artificial joints at high performance under stable economic & social ground.

3Ground Stone Redux:2019/11/12(火) 05:14:03 ID:.CwsIRrI0
This does not necessarily mean to supply cheap artificial joints.
Special attentions are being poured into technologies to heal articular diseases of many medical technologies.
One of the main reasons is that it’s likely that this technology contributes to not only prognoses of people’s life but also the maintenance of autonomy or independency, a lifespan at healthy condition and improvements in economic & social activity.

4Ground Stone Redux:2019/11/12(火) 05:29:39 ID:.CwsIRrI0
The replacement with an artificial joint has following three main tasks.
① bearability
② movability
③ painless

Namely, movability with bearing one’s weight and movability with no pains are requested.
These are necessary points to enable a human being to independently make the daily life.
Concrete characters requested to future type artificial joints are summarized into following two points.
( 1 ) articular functions sustained for a long term
( 2 ) improvements in articular function

5Ground Stone Redux:2019/11/12(火) 05:41:10 ID:.CwsIRrI0
The former task is to reduce stresses originated in replacement and prolong a lifespan at healthy condition namely to develop an artificial joint usable without being exchanged for a long period.
Meanwhile, the latter task is to recover individual life activities such as work, sport and hobby.
Improvements in economic & social activity for patients are necessary to assure of the usefulness of the artificial joint as a new technology.


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