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45000yen 50000yen including utilities Yokohama

1YHB:2008/04/14(月) 13:53:35
・横浜市営地下鉄 阪東橋。(駅まで徒歩10分)阪東橋〜横浜まで9分 と通勤に便利です
・京浜急行 小金町(駅まで徒歩15分)小金町〜横浜駅まで6分
【物件】3DK 鉄筋造 8階建(キッチン・リビング、トイレ・バス別、ベランダ)
【部屋】:A部屋 洋6畳(エアコン・布団用具)
    B部屋  洋4畳(エアコンなし・収納スペース・扇風機・電気毛布)
【家賃】A部屋  洋6畳45000円+5000円(光熱費/インタ-ネット)=合計50000円
    B部屋  洋4畳40000円+5000円(光熱費/インターネット)=合計45000円
Hello. I’m 42 years old male. I’m actually running my own business. I used to lend this apartment for my coworkers as company dormitory but they moved another new place.
So I’m looking for two roommates. Most of time, I’m in abroad on my business. When I have work in Japan, I’m come back the apartment a couple of times a year. I’m looking forward to apartment sharing with you. You can visit to the place.

Heiraku, minamiku,yokohama-shi,
3DK (kitchen,living room,toilet is separated.
・BANDOU-BASHI station (Yokohama city subway) it takes 10 mins on foot from apartment to the station and its takes 9 mins by train from the station to Yokohama station.
・KOGANECHOU station(Kekyu-line)it takes 15 mins on foot from apartment to the station and it takes 6 mins by train from the station to Yokohama station.
A-Room size is 6 tatami mats.(flooring)( air conditioner, no furniture,bedchothes(japanese style) no bed
B-Room size is 4 tatami mats.(flooring)( no air conditioner, furniture,bedchothes(japanese style) no bed, electric fun, electric blanket

A-Room 50000 yen(including utilities,internet, gas, water)
B-Room 45000 yen(including utilities,internet, gas, water)
※bond free in 30000 yen. If nothing out of the ordinary happens, the bond fee will be returned upon expiry of the contract.

(Roommates conditions)
Someone who has regular job or part time job.
Someone who doesn’t work in a bar at night.
Someone who always keeps clean the room.
Essential:Certificate of alien registration, Alien registration paper, passport.
One of :Driver's licence, Health insurance card, Student ID card.

(Common use space)
washing machine, microwave, refrigerator, electric pot,rice cooker,cupboard,CD player,TV,air cleaner,vacuum cleaner,laundry pole,DVD player and so on)


名前: E-mail(省略可)




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