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65000円 高円寺・阿佐ヶ谷徒歩15分

1mina:2007/08/08(水) 22:58:19


I am a 29 years old Japanese female office worker.
I am currently living in an apartmet in Suginami-ku (15minutes from Koenji st and Asagaya st on foot)
and will be an available room for lease.
I am looking for a female sharemate.
I have an existing 2DK apartment with a room for lease.
Room size is 6 tatami mats with Japanese closet.
Toilet is separated.
You have to stay in the house for at least half a year.
I am able to converse simple English.
I used to house share with a foreigner and Japanese both before.
I do not have any preference to race, nationality, age.
Rent fee is 65,000yen,including utilities.(gas, water,internet,etc)
But I hope you to pay for key deposit \20000.(I wiil getit back to you when you leave the house)
If you don't have your own PC,don't worry,I have shared PC in dining room.
You can always use my furniture,kitchen equipment(except my favorite..).

Privacy is very important to me.
I want to spend it calmly in a house.
So I dont't like to bring a friend frequently and suddenly.
If you want to invite your friends, tell me when they come in advance.
And the friend will limit it to a person who has a relationship as like a family having a long of acquaintance.

I'm a smoker and drinker.
I like club and Jazz music
If its possible, I am very keen to have some take out with you or we can hang around somewhere together.

If you are interested, do leave me a message.


名前: E-mail(省略可)




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