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1ken:2004/08/01(日) 22:53
場所: 山手線 駒込駅徒歩3分
入居資格: 男性、定職のある方(アルバイト可)
保証人: 不要
費用: 礼金 1万円、保証金 一ヶ月
    家賃 2.5万円/月より 
光熱費: 実費均等割合
建物: 鉄筋コンクリートマンション、マンション入り口24時間防犯カメラ設置、鍵付部屋
設備:  ドミトリー 4〜6人1部屋、二段ベッド、冷暖房、テレビ、ビデオ
共用: 台所、トイレ、シャワー、大型冷蔵庫、電子レンジ、IH調理器
現在の入居者: 中国留学生、日本人、スウェデン人


    e-mail:  komagome102@hotmail.com

The cheapest guesthouse in Tokyo
25000yen Male dormitory(4 or 6 people share one room) at KOMAGOME guest house

3-min walk from KOMAGOME station of JR Yamanote line.
-9-min to Ueno station by JR Yamanote line
-10-min to Ikebukuro station by JR Yamanote line
-18-min to Shinjuku station by JR Yamanote line
-19-min to Tokyo station by JR Yamanote line
-9-min to Tokyo University by Subway Nanboku line
-24-min to Ropponki by Subway Nanboku line
It is convenience that takes to Shibuya, Shinjuku, and Odaiba!

Kitchen and shower are available
No Guarantor needed

-Rent is from 25,000yen/month,
-Key money is 10000yen; no-refundable
-Deposit is one month’s rent, refundable if the room
is perfect and clean
you should live more than 3 months.
-utilities are split by every tenants
-air conditioning
-TV set
-coin dryer walk 1 min from room

Basic rules
-always clean up for share space
-no over night stay for friends
-no visiting
-no pets

How to apply
Please mail us by using below form
-mobile phone
-email address
-summary of your life style, time schedule and hobbies
-experiences of share
-when can you move here and how long do you want to live here
-when is available to check the room

e-mail: komagome102@hotmail.com


名前: E-mail(省略可)




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