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Room in Takashimadaira

1aemit:2004/04/05(月) 13:53
6-mat furnished room available in 2nd floor 60 m2 apartment.
3-min walk from Shin-Takashimadaira station on subway Mita
line. Cable TV. Huge park and lots of cheap shopping nearby.
Non-smoker cat-friendly female only. (I have a cat).
No couples please.
I'm 31 years old Hungarian female and work at the Reception
of a large hotel. I work in various shifts.
Montly rent is \55000 including utilities. No deposit but
you must pay the rent in advance.

2aemit:2004/04/10(土) 17:36
Sorry the room has been taken.
Thank you.
(I don't know how to delete this ad...)


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