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【1565】大包囲戦【The Great Siege】

604アグブーツ専門店:2013/11/17(日) 07:29:25 ID:???
Men's online synchronization qualifying, the Chinese team sent Gao Lei / He Yuxiang and Dong Dong / Tu Xiao combination of two pairs competition. Gao Lei / He Yuxiang required action to get 41.600 points, Freestyle scored 49.800 points, to score 91.400 points ranked first. Dong Dong / Tu Xiao required action to get 41.000 points, Freestyle get 49.700 points, to score 90.700 points ranked second , because each association can only have one pair combinations qualify for the finals , Gao Lei / He Yuxiang beat Dong Dong / Tu Xiao obtained finals.
アグブーツ専門店 http://www.indiastoneexport.com/ugg.asp


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