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American Pedophile世界で活躍する 白人ぺド (ロリ)

1www:2021/03/15(月) 21:50:54

■東南アジア■タイ■ [Most Wanted American Pedophile Arrested in Thailand]
A self-confessed American pedophile who is on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list was arrested in Bangkok on Tuesday, a U.S. embassy official said.

■中米■グアテマラ■ [U.S. pedophile arrested in Guatemala, deported]
Suspected American pedophile Henry Boyer III, a five-year fugitive from the FBI,

■東南アジア■フィリピン■ (The Philippine STAR) An American pedophile who was recently arrested by agents of the National Bureau of Investigation in Butuan City will soon be deported by the Bureau of Immigration.

アメリカ白人ぺド は、■東南アジアや■中米へは堂々とロリ買春旅行に行く(冒頭の写真参照)

アメリカ白人ぺド が日本や韓国へ来る場合、英語教師として潜入する場合が多い。


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