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253名無しさん:2012/11/21(水) 10:34:23
【国際プレゼン原稿 その2】

The TOHOKU University Group reported
'Global Climate and Environment Change during the Last Three Glacial Cycles'.

  In 1993, a Japanease drilling team succeeded in drilling through ithe Antarctic Ice Sheet.
From the temperature profile derived from oxygen isotopic analyses of these cores
and CO2 profile derived from Gas chromatography using air-sample from ice sheet,
synchronized change during the glacial-interglacial cycle was confirmed.

  A Japanese glaciological team succeeded in deep ice drilling at Dome
Fuji, one of the summits of East Antarctica. The results of an analysis
of the Dome Fuji core to a depth of 2500 m reveal global climatic and
environmental changes during the last 320,000 years.

Changes in the living human environment are discussed
in view of these climatic changes.

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