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24名無しさん:2008/04/29(火) 14:39:43
Press, W.H.
Time Evolution of a Rotating Black Hole immersed in a Static Scalar Field
The Astrophysical Journal,, Vol.175, July 1972 , 243-252

Wormholes, Time Travel and Quantum Gravity
New Scientist, 28, April,1990

Rietdijk, C.W.:
Proof of Retroactive Influence
Foundations of Physics, 8 1978 S.615-28

Rietdijk, C.W.:
Retroactive Effects from Measurements
Foundations of Physics,Vol.17,1987, 297-311

Rollnik, W.B.
Tachyons and the arrow of causality
Physical Review D , 6 , 1972, 2300-2301

Testing causality violation on spacetimes with closed timelike curves
Physical Review D ,56(6) , 1998, 3365-3377

Rucker, Rudy von
Faster than light, slower than time
Speculations in Science and Technology, Vol.4, October 1981, 375-383

Zeitmaschinen und Schwarze Löcher
In: Zeit und Realität, Die Graue Edition, 1997, Abschnitt 5.5., 312-323


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