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1無名的人民:2020/11/22(日) 19:37:43
According to many reliable informations, it’s highly probable that the people habitually presenting undesirable advertisements such as ones to sell defective products & fakes, ones related to e×tremely erotic contents on the net would fight against the world as their enemies.

2風雲!尼崎事件!:2020/11/26(木) 03:38:28
I also have heard that such the people would fight against the world as their enemies.

3プロファイリング:2020/12/22(火) 23:07:59
Indeed, I also heard that the people habitually presenting undesirable advertisements such as e×tremely erotic contents and ones to stimulate vicious impulses on the net would be conveyed to the purgatory by the judgment by the king of Enma (閻魔) .

4プロファイリング:2021/01/16(土) 03:21:52

5プロファイリング:2021/01/18(月) 08:27:45

6プロファイリング:2021/01/23(土) 19:15:36
We sufficiently have immunity against undesirable advertisements such as e×tremely erotic & vulgar contents and unreliable ones dealing with fakes .

7ハワイ州掲示板に複製品の広告貼るヤツは. . .:2021/02/05(金) 20:25:30
We also heard that the people habitually presenting undesirable contents such as e×tremely erotic & vulgar contents and unreliable ones dealing with fakes on the net like in this site also would fight against the world as their enemies or they would be transferred to ‘purgatories’ due to the judgment by the king of Enma (閻魔).

8教えて閻魔様:2021/02/12(金) 12:05:13
We also heard that the people habitually presenting undesirable contents such as e×tremely erotic & vulgar contents and unreliable advertisements dealing with fakes on the net and intentionally making various harassments including auditory harassments would fight against the world as their enemies, and they would be transferred to ‘purgatories’ due to the judgment by the king of Enma (閻魔).

9ウェストバージニア州BBS:2021/02/27(土) 16:45:15
We also heard that the people habitually presenting undesirable contents such as e×tremely erotic & vulgar contents and unreliable advertisements dealing with defective products & fakes on the net would fight against the world as their enemies, and they would be transferred to ‘purgatories’ .

10Восбмерка:2021/03/07(日) 07:04:22
According to many reliable informations, it’s undoubted that the people habitually presenting undesirable contents such as e×tremely erotic & vulgar contents and unreliable advertisements dealing with fakes on the Japanese internet would fight against the world as their enemies, and they would be transferred to ‘purgatories’ due to the judgment by the king of Enma.

11Восбмерка:2021/04/23(金) 19:17:06
「Восбмерка」で検索すると、今のところ、以下サイトに貼り付けてある多くのスレ (‘せんかくしょとう最新の情報’ 含む) が検索結果として上位に表示される。


12Ground Stone Redux:2021/05/23(日) 16:02:55
「Восбмерка」で ‘画像’ 検索すると、今のところ、. . .

13無名的人民:2021/07/11(日) 19:12:03
The people habitually and intentionally giving audio-harassments to surrounding people including aged people & patterns suffering from intractable diseases by this area are the same as the people habitually presenting e×tremely erotic & vulgar contents, undesirable advertisements such as fakes on the net in maliciousness and persistence.

14プロファイリング:2021/11/07(日) 08:39:38
「酒乱・大西共産党」(≒ Thr Great Western Communist Party as a Hopeless Alcoholic) で検索すると、これが、蠱毒 (Kodoku) 〜 scattered by Sikoku (死国 AND/OR 尸国) to respective domains ) であることが分かる。

15無名的人民:2021/11/28(日) 16:02:11
‘ブランドコピー’ は供給過剰で需要が少ない (現時点で)。以上。

16無名的人民:2021/11/28(日) 16:02:50
‘ブランドコピー’ は供給過剰で需要が少ない (現時点で)。以上。


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