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1KaKo:2012/12/13(木) 15:23:11

20何でも言えない仲なら、敢えて言う度胸:2019/10/26(土) 15:44:06
>>10 >>11 >>18
原作や映画の説明に拠ると、タイレル社 ( Tyrell.corp ) のやっていること (複製人間の生産・販売) は、ある程度の需要はあるが、(多分、人権問題の観点からも) 非合法だという。

21 Восбмерка:2019/11/28(木) 20:18:04
「天気・災害ニュース」でも頻繁に( frequently ) 取り上げられる「北」による ‘飛翔体打ち上げ’ は、そういうことだったのか。

22日本版黒孩子・1 (多分):2020/10/21(水) 21:17:51

23Восбмерка:2020/10/23(金) 17:54:20
「アラスカ州 BBS 〜 歯で通信する技術」
> 117
> M.T who is very good at mimicry

‘Impursonator’ is a kind of ectoplasmic being, which is well-imitative of an impersonator.

24無名的人民:2021/01/05(火) 12:36:02
「Восбмерка」と画像検索すると、今のところ、トップに阿修羅BBS (しかも、’嫌がらせ騒ぎ' に関するもの) が表示される怪。

25プロファイリング:2021/01/08(金) 22:21:20
> 「Восбмерка」と画像検索すると
「このカテで投稿すると、(ケンカの) 相手や (同じようなことを主張する) お仲間が見つかるかも?」と言うんなら余計なお世話。

26ワープする塗り仏:2021/01/19(火) 19:30:48
We also heard that the people habitually presenting undesirable advertisements such as unreliable ones dealing with defective products & fakes like in this site on the net would be conveyed to purgatories owing to the judgment by the king of Enma (閻魔).

27三尸:2021/01/28(木) 07:04:36
We also heard that the people habitually presenting undesirable contents such as e×tremely erotic & vulgar contents and advertisements of unreliable products on the net like in this site also would fight against the world as their enemies.

28三尸:2021/01/28(木) 07:06:36
Besides, according to many reliable informations, it’s highly probable that the people habitually presenting undesirable advertisements on the net would be transferred to purgatories owing to the judgment by the king of Enma (閻魔).

29教えて閻魔様:2021/02/12(金) 12:25:32
We also heard that the people habitually presenting undesirable contents such as e×tremely erotic & vulgar contents and unreliable advertisements dealing with fakes on the net and intentionally making various harassments including auditory harassments would fight against the world as their enemies, and they would be transferred to ‘purgatories’ due to the judgment by the king of Enma (閻魔).

30嫌がらせ騒ぎについて 詳しく:2021/04/21(水) 05:32:11
>>24 >>25
> 「Восбмерка」で ‘画像’ 検索すると、今のところ、・・・




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