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11何でも言えない仲なら、敢えて言う度胸:2018/07/15(日) 00:36:36
More precisely, an android, a cyborg and a cloned being are mutually different.
Artificial humanoids in 「Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?」, a humanoid robot in 「Alien」and a Garuda in 「Combattler V」are grouped into android,
Kenzo.Kabuto (兜剣造) in 「Great Mazinger」is grouped into cyborg,
and replicants in 「Blade Runner」are grouped into cloned human being.
Accordingly, there is a room to take human rights for cloned human beings such as replicants into consideration ( cyborgs have human rights ).
By the way, I've remembered that 'the declaration of the Human Rights' was issued in August of 1789 .


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