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1KaKo:2012/12/13(木) 15:22:29

2やれ打つな、尸が手をすり足をするってか。:2021/02/13(土) 05:18:46
We also heard that the people habitually presenting undesirable contents such as e×tremely erotic & vulgar contents and unreliable advertisements dealing with defective products & fakes on the net and intentionally making various harassments including auditory harassments would fight against the world as their enemies, and they would be transferred to ‘purgatories’ due to the judgment by the king of Enma.

3三尸:2021/03/16(火) 04:43:22
According to the people habitually and intentionally making annoying sounds with vehicles for giving unpleasant feelings as harassments to us, it’s undoubted that fhey themselves would fight against the world as their enemies, and they finally would be put on situations like ‘purgatories’ .


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