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712lafeengasia:2013/10/04(金) 10:22:56
<p>Notice the word 鈥減rimarily.鈥?It鈥 almost certain that the ships are also supposed to keep an eye on the five US Arleigh Burke-class destroyers cruising off Syrian shores.</p><p>As the Institute for the Study of War notes on , the Priazovye carries both active (radar) and passive (sonar) sensors that would enable it to possibly determine the location of the US ships.</p><p>The Russian spy ship and its supporting cast could easily detect any US cruise missile launch if they鈥e in the general area of the American destroyers. Tomahawk cruise missiles fire vertically out of Navy ships, powered by rockets. Several hundred feet up, their wings unfold, their turbofans ignite, and they turn to cruise toward land.</p>
<p></p> <p>It鈥 very unlikely the Russians would do anything to physically interfere with this process. But the presence of a Russian fleet might enable Moscow to give Syria鈥 Bashar al-Assad a few minutes' warning of an imminent attack.</p><p>US and Russian warships are not the only military assets now gathering in the region.</p><p>American and allied aircraft are assembling at bases near 鈥?or on the way to 鈥?Syria, as well. US cargo aircraft are flying into Incirlik in southern Turkey, according to the </p><p>France has moved two Atlantique reconnaissance and signal intelligence aircraft to a base on Cyprus. In late August, a nfl <a href=http://www.latestsportsjerseys.com/&gt;http://www.latestsportsjerseys.com/&lt;/a&gt; jerseys site map US WC-135C atmospheric collection aircraft east south of Great Britain. Generally considered a radiation monitoring asset, the WC-135C might be able to detect release of chemical weapons.</p><p>Given the delay as the US Congress debates whether to authorize limited Syrian action, the Pentagon has been refining its target set. Bombers as well as cruise missiles may now be needed to carry out US plans.</p><p>If that鈥 so, tanker aircraft will also have to preposition along attack routes. A B-2 stealth <a href=http://www.latestsportsjerseys.com/&gt;latest sports jerseys</a> bomber would require five refuelings to reach Syria from Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri.</p>


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