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289Soyo 17 years old !:2003/12/05(金) 13:58

For 287,

Hey, What are you talking about?
Why do you try to compare with somebody?
Do you think that Univ of Tokyo students would be a good or wit students?
Me, even though I attend Soyo HS, I am proud of this school because this school's instrctors are so arduous. In addition, instructors provide much more wonderful dream.
To tell a truth, before my entering this high school, I was a graduated from X national junior-highschool. Many people applied for one of the prestigious high school such as Kaijyo HS, Sugamo HS, Ichikawa HS, and Kaisei.
Me, I didn't care about my school grade; but, I really have enjoyed my life.
My reason why I chose this school is that I really enjoyed my student life which is never returned back in the future. In addition, I was very interested in the current extra-activitity club on campus which is rare opened through high schools.
Do you understand my meaning? You can do it without caring about other people's views.
If you are the same age, I would like to let you keep your self-confidence.
Don't think about School name value. Even if you would be graduated from a good school, you are like waste gabage unless you pioneer your life.
Finally, I can tell one more thing. When you walk at Odawara area, can you recognize who is a person who is graduated from a good school. Furthermore, thoughout the nation, the name value for Odawara HS is a little bit. No one care about this school name as well as Soyo.
You know, "Ino nakano Kawazu" We meed to open our eyes which never cared about school level.
This is my view, and again, I am proud of Soyo though my graduation will be soon. (Hey, only a month to attend this school... )
Sorry, I have to go now. Please think about my opinion.

See you around!


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