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285Soyo 17 years old !:2003/11/24(月) 19:05

This is the other story, I wrote your previous comment in the above
(Previously, thanks for your comment <smile>!)

I like the one hundred steps (Hyakudan-Zaka) which is located at close to your school.
With keeping this wonderful scene which is surrounded in fall season, I will go back to my house.
After a year, I may not be able to see this scene as well as the bay's view from my campus though I don't like the sound of bycycle tourmament ship below my school.....
In the point, your school is surrounded by many woods. I like this scece! In the future, our school and my school would exchange the school units each other.....(smile) though this idea is never used between high schools
Anyway, I have to go from this room. my classmates have continuously studied their subjects until 9 p.m. I would like to flee from the hell of entrance exam... and I would like to look around this wonderful city, Odawara.
(It is a stupid story, on my way from my school to my house, I stopped over Odawara Castle. I rememered Takuboku, Ishikawa's poem; then, I challenged like him. After all, I laid & slept on the lawn in Odawara Castle park. then, a park supervisor came and talked about "Why are you in there?" So, I said, " I would become like Takuboku, "My seventeen's heart is absorbed to the sky". he smiled and could fleed from this problems. but, I was bit by many mosquitoes...(smile)
It is one of my stupid story but good memory lately......
Oh my god, I have to go back to my home.

See you later!

From H.S.


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