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284Soyo 17 years old !:2003/11/24(月) 18:22

For 283,

Thanks for your wonderful message.
To tell a truth, I reallly cared about your idea; however, I also thought about the benefit which may bring up the avaliavility of using this link. In addition, we can learn many things in English which many students are difficult.
In my high school, Soyo, a few people can understand my idea; but not be accepted because they little utilize communicating with somebody in Enlish because <maybe> here is japan..... But, by collecting the people who have the same identity, we may study and enjoy much more student life with going beyond the wall of different high schools.
Of course, the acceptance who can agree with my idea is really small possibility in our generation; but, without challenge, we can't do anything except for chatting in Japanese.
Your quote, " the increase in quantity will be directly linked with nature deterioration :-)
Is thinking a board difference again only I? " is also correct. Thus, I have kept much delemma....(Smile)
I have no intent to destroy this fantastic board. But, nothing is easy isn't it!
I may be selfish; but, I thought some students might have the same thinking in your school too.
In other quote, "Moreover, although it can write here using English and things can get used to English independently, mastering with it will be a different thing."
I think this idea is also reasonable; but, with learning English and sharing time with each other, we can pile up our knowledge as well as human wit. Only a problem is that we have small time to chat each other in English because including me, you may be advanced to a higher institute in the following year or later which we can learn many things academically and practically.
After all, at least, you have to prepare studying another subjects so as to affiliate from the institute.
In my case, I will apply for the U.S university; thus, my studying subject is English as well as fundamental subjects in English to take SAT (One of the university enterance exams like in U.S. like the center exam.) besides TOEFL.
So, for me, it is a good environment to create chatting room in English. Furthermore, we can challenge learning English with enjoying irreplaceable student life.
As you pointed out, to enjoy communication and to learn English are totally different; but, without knocking this board, I was afraid of creating different chat room in English in order not to give any pressure but to make you comfortable....
Finally, according to my school, nobody has applied for the IVY league like Hervard University, Yale University, and University of Cornell since 1994 though some students attend to the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) and Los Angeles (UCLA) directly in the several years. In your high school, I thought somebody tries to apply for or have already attended to these schools. Therefore, I delivered this message to you. This is because through you, you or some your good friends may provide such available information.
Sorry to make trouble for you. However, with going beyond school, I wanted to share time with each other too because our high school life is never turned back.
So, I wanted to challenge everything now even though somebody provide me bad critics.
What do you think about my idea? regardless of good or bad, if you have a time, please let me know.....
Thanks for your best comment!
Again, I really appreciate for your message!
Thank you!

See you around!

From H.S.


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