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281Soyo 17 years old !:2003/11/23(日) 22:53
For 281, I can translate in English what you wanted to say.

Your message is that "I can't understand English. Is it good chance for me to learn English with using English?
I don't want to share communication with you"

My response: You can try to write down your saying, even a sentence, in English even though you are hard to understadnd. I never look down you because it is the first step to communicate English with me.
As I told you, I am a high school student next to Odawara high school. You can do it because I could do it.
By the way, do you know the American student life? If you know about it, please let me know, especially for IVY leagues'information.
In my high school, Soyo, some students attends UC (University of California) school; but, not for the IVY leagues after guraduating from this high school directly.
I need somebody's help!
Sorry to write down in English. Otherwise, I have no chance to learn English as well as get much information of going abroad life; but, by my using English, you have a chance to read English.
After all, through English communication, we can know about how to get accustom to reading and writing down English.
I may make trouble for you, guy. But, I really want ot apply for not Japan's University but American's University.
So, if you are okay, please talk with me in English. (but, I never force you)
Again, YOU CAN DO IT because I can do it!

I sometimes study at Odawara Seishounen Kaikan self-studying room.
You know my school uniform don't you. I and two more students come there but only weekday.
If you notice me, please call!
If you are interested in studying English, without hesitation, please give me your message in English. I also assist you.

Okay, see you later!

From H.S


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