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1名無しさん:2004/04/27(火) 02:38

(スレッド立てるまでもない質問 の 例)


Consumers view genetically-engineered foods as "not natural", having "unknown consequences", "harmful",
"controlled by others", and "risky", all well known outrage factors.

の outrage factor はどう訳しますか?


outrage factor って普通に使う言葉だよ。専門用語とかじゃないよ。
その意味では well known と同じです。

意味が理解できないの?  適当に訳せばよい。


255名無しさん:2005/11/19(土) 02:51:38
pairwise "A and B, and C and D http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&safe=off&c2coff=1&q=pairwise+%22A+and+B%2C+and+C+and+D

I'm not sure what's best:

A and B, C and D, and E and F contain a shared component respectively.

A and B, C and D, and E and F contain a shared component, respectively.

I like:
Each pair in A and B, C and D, and E and F contains a shared component.

256名無しさん:2005/11/19(土) 02:52:58
This is correct:
Each pair in A and B, C and D, and E and F contain a shared component.

257名無しさん:2005/11/19(土) 10:17:26
The noun pair can be followed by a singular or plural verb. The singular is always used when pair refers to a set considered as a single entity: This pair of shoes is on sale.

A plural verb is used when the members are considered as individuals: The pair are working more harmoniously now.

After a number other than one, pair itself can be either singular or plural, but the plural is now more common: She bought six pairs (or pair) of stockings.

258名無しさん:2005/11/19(土) 13:37:12
でも、pair inとなるのは何故?
pair of A and Bではいけませんか?

259名無しさん:2005/11/19(土) 14:22:54
(I think) This is correct:
Each pair in A and B, C and D, and E and F contain a shared component.

This seems less clear to me:
Each pair of A and B, C and D, and E and F contain a shared component.
(but maybe this is closer to normal (non-Geeky) English.)

This also seems less clear to me:
The pairs A and B, C and D, and E and F respectively contain common components.

260粛々とやるだけ。:2008/09/16(火) 03:15:36
粛々と <-- Was this in use 20 or 30 years ago???


15日に連邦破産法の適用申請を発表した 米証券大手リーマン・ブラザーズの日本のオフィスがある


261名無しさん:2011/02/14(月) 14:11:58


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