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2013 ビジネス英語A

29Natsuko:2013/07/12(金) 00:06:17
* 練習問題1枚を配布しています。
ホテルの予約 練習問題
1.下記の「宿泊予約申し込み」の英文の(     )に適する語句を語群1から選んで入れなさい。

1)Please (1 reserve ) a (2 single ) room for our president Taro Yamada, for three ( 3 nights ) from Monday, October 10 (4 through-までずっと ) Wednesday, June 12 , leaving (5 on ) the morning of October 13.

Though he is not (6 scheduled ) to arrive at your hotel until around 11 p.m. on the 10th, I would like you to hold the room.

An early (7 confirmation 確認 ) of this reservation would be appreciated.

Kazuo Kitamura
語群1: confirmation reserve scheduled single through nights in on

2. 次の「宿泊予約申し込みに対する返信」の(      )に入れる語句を語群2の中から選んで入れなさい。

Dear Mr. Kitamura:

This E-mail will (1 confirm ) Mr. Taro Yamada’s (2 reservation ) for a single room for three nights.

We understand that Mr. Yamada will check in late at night on October 10 and will check out (3 on ) the morning of October 13. The (4 charge ) of the room will be $200 ( per ) night.

For Mr. Yamada's (5 convenience ), we are sending him a copy of our ( 6 latest最新の ) ( 7 brochure ) by airmail

Thank you for (8 choosing ) Hotel New York, and we look forward to (9 serve奉仕するーserving ) the gentleman soon.

Cordially yours,
語群2: airmail brochure charge choosing convenience latest located in on per serving reservation confirm


30Natsuko:2013/07/12(金) 00:07:25

31匿名希望さん:2013/07/18(木) 11:51:41
* 掲示もしましたが、Resumeの提出締め切りは本日7月16日(火)17:00です。

期末試験 7月23日(火)2時間目
Letter Form(4つ)の違いを理解しておくこと。
4.Open punctuation/Mix punctuationの違いに注意。
5.練習問題 「面会の申し入れ」「面会の申し入れに対する対応」「ホテルの宿泊予約」を復習しておくこと。
 →  とプリントには記載していますが、授業内で、負担の軽減のため「面会の申し入れ」を出すことにしたと発表しました。

例題:次の要領で、full-blocked form, open punctuationのレターを完成しなさい。
発信者: 982-8588 宮城県仙台市太白区二ツ沢6 Tohtech Co., Ltd
     Import Sales Department
受信者: 120 North Lincoln Avenue San Francisco, CA 94645 USAのHotel San Francisco  

担当者は Receptionist
1. 山田花子(女性)の部屋を予約を依頼する。期間は10月10日(月)から3泊(13日の朝まで)山田さんの肩書はManager
2. 予約の確認を依頼する。

Tohtech Co., Ltd.
6 Futatsusawa Taihakuku
Sendai City, Miyagi
982-8588 Japan

July 16, 2013

Hotel San Francisco
120 North Lincoln Avenue
San Francisco CA 94695 USA

Dear Receptionist

Please reserve a single room for our manager Ms. Hanako
Yamada for three nights from October 10, Monday through October 12 leaving on the morning of October 13.

Although (=Though) she will not arrive at the hotel until
10:30 PM on the tenth, I would like you to hold the room.

I would appreciate it if you could confirm this reservation.
= An early confirmation of this reservation would be

Sincerely(open だから,はいらない)
Tohtech Co., Ltd
Natsuko Sato
Import Sales Depar

33Natsuko:2013/08/15(木) 03:00:31

37Charlievari:2014/03/16(日) 21:42:40

Trending Students raise money for charity by charging to make Justin Bieber music stop<BR /> Powers Imagery / AP Justin Bieber, performing in 2013, was used cleverly to raise money for charity by <b>african american wigs</b> students at a Washington high school. <p>When the student government at Tenino High School in Washington state started brainstorming about how to raise money for a good cause, they thought Justin Bieber might be able to help.<br></p><p>Their idea: blast a Bieber <b>human hair extensions</b> song over the school鈥 loud speaker 鈥?on repeat 鈥?and charge people to make it stop.</p><p>鈥e decided that playing one song over and over would be more annoying to really get it stuck in their head,鈥?student government president Conner Stakelin, 17, told TODAY.com. 鈥e <b>hair extensions for short hair</b> considered it motivation for them to donate.鈥?/p><p>Student leadership played Bieber's hit 鈥淏aby鈥?throughout the day to raise money for <b>clip in hair extensions</b> their sister school Crossover International Academy in Ghana, which provides education for more than 254 orphaned students.<br></p><p>Starting Monday, the song played during all six of the 5-minute passing periods and during both 30-minute lunch breaks. The only way the students and teachers could stop the music was to raise $500 to send to Ghana.</p> Courtesy of Conner Stakelin Tenino High students raised <b>human hair extensions</b> money to help these students at Crossover International Academy in Ghana. <p>It turns out that Bieber was just what they needed 鈥?the money came pouring right in.</p><p>The music finally stopped Tuesday afternoon, when they reached 鈥?and then exceeded 鈥?their $500 goal. <b>hair extensions for short hair</b> Two students donated <b>colored hair extensions clip</b> over $100 each, and community members helped out. Even a local radio station featured the high school on air and donated $500. Altogether, the students raised more than $1,000.</p><p>The student government decided to help the school in Ghana when they learned during a presentation that $1,200 would give the students more food and classroom space. Student council member <b>hair extensions for short hair</b> Krystal Glenn came up with the idea of the 鈥淏ieber Blast,鈥?and the council decided raising $500 was doable for the 355 members of their student <b>hair extension methods</b> body.<br></p> Courtesy of Conner Stakelin Student leaders pose with a banner to raise money for their sister school in Ghana, West Africa. <p>While some students liked the music, most wanted it to end. Many put their heads down on their lunch tables and covered their ears, Stakelin said, while others could be heard shouting in the halls, 鈥 hate this music!鈥?Teachers wore headphones during the musical breaks. </p><p>鈥淪ome students called their grandparents and said, 鈥業t鈥 such a great cause, will you donate? Also I want the music to stop,'鈥?Stakelin said.</p><p>Tenino High Principal Dave Chappell said he鈥 proud of his students鈥?efforts.</p><p>鈥淟uckily I was at a conference during part of the time so I was spared some of it. But it was a fabulous experience for the kids,鈥?he said. 鈥t was just a constant reminder of the cause.鈥?/p><p>The fundraiser has <b>clip in hair extensions</b> now moved online to a GoFundMe web page, where students hope they can continue to crowdsource donations for students across the world.</p><p>鈥n a weird way it really brought the whole student body together, working to raise money for a good cause,鈥?Stakelin said. 鈥 think we鈥檇 definitely do it again.鈥?/p>


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