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10凡人:2012/01/17(火) 19:40:31
■The Man who fathered a child from a 22-year-old sperm sample

In June 2008, Chris Biblis, a former leukaemia patient who had his sperm frozen as a teenager, fathered a baby after doctors successfully thawed his sample a record 22 years later.

Chris was 16 when doctors told him that he needed radiotherapy that would leave him sterile and recommended before going ahead with the life-saving treatment that they put a sample of his sperm into cryogenic storage for future use. Now aged 38, he is celebrating the birth of a healthy baby daughter, Stella, who was conceived after scientists injected a defrosted sperm into an egg from his wife, Melodie, and implanted it in her uterus.

The 22-year lapse between storage in April 1986 and conception in June 2008 is a world record, according to specialists at the US fertility clinic who carried out the procedure.


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