153 :名無しさん@初回限定:2013/09/03(火) 18:49:59.43 ID:E7UMWdJui
ロシアはミサイルを感知 http://www.itar-tass.com/en/c32/862377.html
MOSCOW, September 3 (Itar-Tass) - The detection devices of the Russian missile attack warning system fixed the launch of two ballistic missiles in the Mediterranean Sea, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on Tuesday.
“The launch of two ballistic missiles is fixed at 10:16 Moscow time on Tuesday by a combat unit of the missile attack warning system in Armavir,” the Defense Ministry noted.
NATO is already checking the information on ballistic missiles launch, according to NATO headquarters' spokesperson in Brusseles.
Syrian embassy in Moscow, however, reported that there were neither air alert nor explosions in Damascus.
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