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5kelo:2016/09/16(金) 23:01:56
Third, the reporter insisted that according to reports from local hunters, the deer populations are declining. If most hunters in Canada's arctic regions have responded to the survey, it will be a considerable number. However, there is a possibility that only small fraction of the hunters' population- those who really care about the decline of the deer's population. If that is the case, the opinion of a small group of the regions' population won't represent the consensus opinion of the entire Canada's arctic regions. It is not acceptable to assume a trend based on the response of a handful of people and treat that propensity as a representation of the entire regions' population. If these statistics were still to be used as supporting data, the reporter would have to ensure that the survey results represent the voice of a significant proposition of the entire population..

Fourth, the reporter assumes that decline in deer populations is the result of the deer's being unable to follow their age-old migration patterns across the frozen sea. Whether this trend is the indication of the deer's population decline or simply a temporary trend is not clear. At least, at this point, it is too soon to conclude that this trend is due to an ongoing decline in deer's populations.

As discussed above, the reporter's claim is based on several assumptions that are not sufficiently supported. Before arriving at the final conclusion, the reporter should acknowledge that there are many factors that are involved in this story, and undertake additional investigation to clarify the uncertainties pointed out above.(573 words)


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