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79名無しさん:2014/11/13(木) 17:24:27
International Skating Union #internationalskatingunion #isu, shame on the judging today.
ONCE AGAIN! I have seen many competitions in the past.
At some of those events the judging was disgraceful, especially in #Sochi this year during the Olympics.
The judging of the men's free program today at the Cup of China #cupofchina was abominable.
Absolutely rock bottom! Don't you think so, Sonia Bianchetti? Hanyu's TES and PCS were way too high...

Sonia Bianchetti I fully agree with you Sanne. Unortunately it was another big judging scandal.
But as long as fallen jumps are rewarded and the wrong judges are not punished, such things will continue to happen
and the credibility of our sport can only deteriorate every day more.


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