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【idiom】 覚えとくと便利 【慣用句】

5x:2013/10/20(日) 04:30:12
>>527 >>523 「仮定法」じゃなくて「分詞構文」じゃね?

仮定法 ---- If I were not sick, I would make a trip round the world.

分詞構文 ==
時 -- 例)the little girl began to cry, left to herself.

原因・理由 -- 例)Being a child, I couldn't understand what my mother said.

条件 --- 例)Turning left at the next corner, you will find the post office.

譲歩 --- 例)Wounded and tired, he continued to work.

付帯状況 -- 例) Looking for my key, I happened to find the book I had lost.


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