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8300アクエリアン:2019/06/01(土) 15:38:16
クリスチャンサイエンス ヴァージニア・ハリス女史ラリーキングライブインタビュー

KING: Why is it called Christian Science?

HARRIS: I'm often asked that question. It's sort of a juxtaposition of things. It's a metaphor. She...

KING: Because there is no Christian Science. Prayer.

HARRIS: Well, it's prayer. But she saw primitive Christianity, the healings that were done in primitive Christianity, having a science to them -- that they could be provable, practical, all the time.

KING: Did she get the idea for newspaper, too?

HARRIS: Yes, she did.

KING: We'll ask about that and a lot more. Virginia Harris, chairman of the Christian Science board of directors is our guest tonight on LARRY KING LIVE. This is fascinating and lots to explore. Don't go away.


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