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6121トンチンカン信徒:2018/03/25(日) 09:51:04


18/03/25(日) 09:09:49

CatNA・ @CatNewsAgency


How Beijing weaponizes ‘comfort women’ as propaganda tool

'Comfort women' are not just a relic of Japan's aggressive imperial history. They are today a key tool in Beijing’s disinformation strategy to isolate Japan and the USA in East Asia

By Jason Morgan| March 24, 2018 10:50 AM (UTC+8)

The “comfort women” issue appears, on the surface, to be a bilateral problem between South Korea and Japan. In reality, it is deeper. The key player is increasingly not South Korea, but China, and the ultimate target is not Japan, but the United States, as the comfort women are co-opted by Beijing in its anti-American information war.


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