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5718A空慧理庵:2016/09/22(木) 19:45:02

Curing the incurable

2016/05/29 に公開

Elise Moore, Speaker. This healing talk is part of a lecture event in Orange County, CA about about "Healing Through Prayer."
It's about handling fear and utilizing the law of God to heal disease. Elise will discuss 7 laws of God that result in healing,
including 5 specific ways to remove fear. Healings include rheumatoid arthritis, lump in breast, cancer, effects of a serious
auto accident, anorexia, heart condition, and more. This is a comforting, gentle, compassionate, practical talk to allay the fear
of patients and heal. The speaker is a practitioner and teacher of Christian Science healing. You will find more talks about healing
prayer and information about Christian Science Churches in Southern California at PrayerThatHeals.org.


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