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13予備の名無しさん:2016/04/26(火) 20:39:43 ID:KpJ.tOSk
【記事・海外】 icenetwork オーサーとジョニーのコメントあり

Boston brewings: Hanyu, Ten stir up practice tiff

Brian Orser, thinks Ten was clearly at fault.
"When somebody is doing their program, they have the right of way," the two-time Olympic silver medalist said.
"That's a simple unwritten rule.
"Everyone kind of has their gameplan, they have a set routine, and when it gets interrupted,
it sort of throws everybody for a loop," he continued.
"I don't think anything was intentional. Some skaters need to have a little bit better awareness on the ice, especially when someone is doing their solo."

Johnny Weir
"When you're at this level, you know the patterns of the other skaters,
you have skated with them a million times.
You should be aware and take care. It's part of being a respectful competitor."


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