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A thread that considers the ecology of Golden Sugar part 1

416名無しさん:2023/03/24(金) 22:46:56 ID:yN5FQj.6
Once upon a time, in the heart of Kyoto, there was a zoo called "Zoo-tastic". Golden Sugar, a mid-forties guy, was the manager of the zoo. He was known for his wicked sense of humor, which was sharper than the teeth of the zoo's resident crocodile.

One day, as Golden was giving a tour of the zoo, he noticed a discrepancy in the number of visitors. He turned to his assistant and said, "Did you forget to count the monkeys? Or are they just too busy fabricating their own reality show?"

His assistant rolled her eyes and replied, "No, Golden, I didn't forget to count the monkeys. And I don't think they are interested in reality shows."

Golden chuckled and said, "Well, that's a relief. I was worried they were going to be the next Kardashians."

As they continued their tour, Golden noticed a family looking at the giraffes. He approached them and said, "Impartiality is the name of the game here at Zoo-tastic. We have the tallest animals in the world, and we don't discriminate based on height."

The family laughed and thanked him for the joke. Golden then turned to the giraffes and said, "Don't worry, guys, you may be tall, but you're not supermodels. I mean, have you seen their legs?"

Later that day, as Golden was walking through the zoo, he saw a group of children staring at the lions. He walked up to them and said, "You know what they say about lions? They're the king of the jungle, but in reality, they're just a bunch of oversized cats with attitude."

The children laughed and one of them asked, "But what about the tigers?"

Golden replied, "Oh, the tigers? They're just the lions' wannabe cousins."

The children giggled and continued to watch the animals. Golden walked away with a smirk on his face, feeling like the king of the zoo.

As the day went on, Golden was feeling particularly inspired. He walked up to a group of penguins and said, "You know what's tenuous? The relationship between penguins and icebergs. One minute you're living on it, the next minute you're swimming in it."

The penguins looked at him with confusion, but Golden continued, "Oh, don't worry. It's a joke. You guys are doing great, and we love having you here at Zoo-tastic."

Golden's quips and jokes continued throughout the day, bringing laughter and joy to all who visited the zoo. As he walked back to his office, he thought to himself, "I may not have reached the zenith of my career, but at least I'm the funniest person in the zoo. No, scratch that, in the universe."

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