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A thread that considers the ecology of Golden Sugar part 1

1名無しさん:2023/03/05(日) 13:33:35 ID:6nWJy4xY
Here is a place for Golden Sugar to speak English.

[English ONLY]

415名無しさん:2023/03/24(金) 22:34:15 ID:RybptdKQ

416名無しさん:2023/03/24(金) 22:46:56 ID:yN5FQj.6
Once upon a time, in the heart of Kyoto, there was a zoo called "Zoo-tastic". Golden Sugar, a mid-forties guy, was the manager of the zoo. He was known for his wicked sense of humor, which was sharper than the teeth of the zoo's resident crocodile.

One day, as Golden was giving a tour of the zoo, he noticed a discrepancy in the number of visitors. He turned to his assistant and said, "Did you forget to count the monkeys? Or are they just too busy fabricating their own reality show?"

His assistant rolled her eyes and replied, "No, Golden, I didn't forget to count the monkeys. And I don't think they are interested in reality shows."

Golden chuckled and said, "Well, that's a relief. I was worried they were going to be the next Kardashians."

As they continued their tour, Golden noticed a family looking at the giraffes. He approached them and said, "Impartiality is the name of the game here at Zoo-tastic. We have the tallest animals in the world, and we don't discriminate based on height."

The family laughed and thanked him for the joke. Golden then turned to the giraffes and said, "Don't worry, guys, you may be tall, but you're not supermodels. I mean, have you seen their legs?"

Later that day, as Golden was walking through the zoo, he saw a group of children staring at the lions. He walked up to them and said, "You know what they say about lions? They're the king of the jungle, but in reality, they're just a bunch of oversized cats with attitude."

The children laughed and one of them asked, "But what about the tigers?"

Golden replied, "Oh, the tigers? They're just the lions' wannabe cousins."

The children giggled and continued to watch the animals. Golden walked away with a smirk on his face, feeling like the king of the zoo.

As the day went on, Golden was feeling particularly inspired. He walked up to a group of penguins and said, "You know what's tenuous? The relationship between penguins and icebergs. One minute you're living on it, the next minute you're swimming in it."

The penguins looked at him with confusion, but Golden continued, "Oh, don't worry. It's a joke. You guys are doing great, and we love having you here at Zoo-tastic."

Golden's quips and jokes continued throughout the day, bringing laughter and joy to all who visited the zoo. As he walked back to his office, he thought to himself, "I may not have reached the zenith of my career, but at least I'm the funniest person in the zoo. No, scratch that, in the universe."

417名無しさん:2023/03/24(金) 22:47:21 ID:yN5FQj.6
But little did Golden know, there was a maverick in the zoo who was about to steal his crown. The next day, as Golden was giving another tour, he came across a sign that read, "Warning: Ominous signs of zombie outbreak. Please stay calm and follow the instructions."

Golden's face turned pale as he realized what was happening. "Jeopardize the safety of the visitors? No way!" he thought to himself. "I have to act fast."

He ran to his assistant's office and said, "We need to evacuate the zoo! This is not a drill! Go tell the visitors to get out of here!"

But before his assistant could respond, they both heard a loud roar coming from the lion's enclosure. They ran over to see what was happening and saw the lion, who had somehow escaped from his enclosure, standing in front of them.

Golden thought quickly and said, "I think I know what's going on here. You see, I'm a world-renowned comedian, and I must have accidentally put on my joke-telling pants this morning instead of my regular ones. It's a common mistake, really." Golden chuckled, hoping to diffuse the situation.

The zookeeper wasn't amused. "I don't have time for your jokes. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go find out what happened to my monkeys." With that, he hurried away.

Golden scratched his head, trying to figure out what was going on. Suddenly, he noticed a group of visitors gathered around one of the cages, looking worried. He wandered over to see what was happening.

As he approached the cage, he saw that the enclosure was filled with a thick fog. He couldn't see anything inside. Suddenly, a large, furry creature burst out of the fog and charged towards the visitors. They screamed and scattered in all directions.

Golden quickly realized that it was a gorilla, and it looked angry. He had to think fast. "Hey buddy, calm down. Let's talk this out," he said, trying to reason with the gorilla.

To his surprise, the gorilla stopped in its tracks and looked at him quizzically. "Did you just talk to me?" it asked in perfect English.

Golden was taken aback. "Uh, yeah, I did. Is that weird?"

The gorilla shrugged. "I don't know. You're the first human I've talked to. I didn't even know you guys could talk."

Golden smiled. "Well, there's a lot you don't know about us humans. But listen, you can't be running around scaring people like that. It's not safe for them or for you."

The gorilla sighed. "I know. I'm just so bored in here. It's always the same old thing, day after day. I want to see the world."

Golden had an idea. "You know, I'm a comedian. I travel all over the world, telling jokes and making people laugh. How about I take you with me on my next tour? We'll see the sights, meet new people, and have some fun. What do you say?"

The gorilla's eyes lit up. "Really? You would do that for me?"

"Sure, why not?" Golden replied. "Just promise me you won't cause any trouble."

The gorilla grinned. "I promise. Let's go see the world!"

And with that, Golden and the gorilla set off on an adventure that would take them to every corner of the globe. They traveled to exotic locations, met interesting people, and had all sorts of crazy experiences along the way. And through it all, Golden made sure to keep the gorilla in check, using his quick wit and humor to diffuse any potential problems.

In the end, Golden realized that the gorilla was one of the funniest and most entertaining companions he had ever had. And as they parted ways, he knew that he had made a lifelong friend.

As he walked out of the zoo, Golden couldn't help but chuckle to himself. "Who knew a trip to the zoo could lead to a world tour with a talking gorilla?" he thought. "Life sure is full of surprises."

418黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/28(火) 02:53:52 ID:sxqG6zQY
I read all.

419名無しさん:2023/04/03(月) 17:28:25 ID:H5mnO.s6
I want to read more.

420名無しさん:2023/04/03(月) 17:42:12 ID:XIrwikq6

421Ivyfut:2023/04/03(月) 17:44:23 ID:jv5SBbro
<a href="http://seroquel.boutique/&quot;&gt;price of generic seroquel</a>

422名無しさん:2023/04/04(火) 14:46:02 ID:AKc2e7j6
Bouncy (もちもち): having a springy and resilient texture, often resembling a ball or bubble / The mochi had a bouncy texture.
Brittle (もろい): having a hard and fragile texture that easily breaks or shatters / The peanut brittle was crispy and brittle.
Creamy (クリーミー): having a smooth and rich texture, usually resulting from the presence of cream / The cheesecake had a creamy, melt-in-your-mouth texture.
Crunchy (カリカリ): having a hard texture with a crisp sound when bitten or chewed / The fried chicken had a satisfyingly crunchy exterior.
Crusty (パリッと): having a hard, dry exterior that easily breaks apart when bitten or cut / The baguette had a crispy crust.
Crispy (パリパリ): having a brittle or crunchy texture with a slight resistance when bitten / The apple pie had a crispy, flaky crust.
Chewy (もちもち): having a soft and rubbery texture that requires a lot of chewing to break down / The mochi had a delightfully chewy texture.
Creamy (クリーミー): having a smooth and rich texture, often resulting from the presence of cream or dairy products / The ice cream had a creamy texture.
Crumbly (くずれやすい): having a dry and fragile texture that easily breaks apart into small pieces / The shortbread cookies were crumbly and buttery.
Dense (ずっしり): having a heavy and compact texture that is often difficult to cut or chew / The pound cake had a dense texture.

Frothy (ふわふわ): having a light and airy texture, often resembling foam or bubbles / The cappuccino had a frothy texture.
Flaky (サクサク): having a layered and crumbly texture that easily breaks apart / The croissant had a deliciously flaky exterior.
Firm (しっかり): having a solid and resistant texture, often requiring more effort to bite or chew / The tofu was firm and held its shape well.
Gooey (ネバネバ): having a soft and sticky texture that often leaves a residue on the fingers / The marshmallows were gooey and sticky.
Grainy (粒々): having a coarse texture with small particles or grains present / The bread had a grainy texture due to the use of whole wheat flour.
Juicy (ジューシー): having a lot of liquid or moisture, usually resulting in a burst of flavor when bitten / The watermelon was sweet and juicy.
Lumpy (こぶ状): having an uneven texture with small lumps or bumps present / The mashed potatoes were lumpy and needed more mashing.
Mushy (ふやけた): having a soft and pulpy texture that lacks firmness / The overripe avocado was mushy.
Nutty (ナッツ風味): having a texture and flavor that is reminiscent of nuts / The granola had a nutty texture.
Oily (油っぽい): having a texture that is slick or greasy, often resulting from the presence of oils or fats / The fried chicken was oily.
Puffy (ふわふわ): having a light and airy texture that is often fluffy or soft / The pancakes were puffy.
Rubbery (ゴムのような): having a dense and elastic texture that requires a lot of chewing / The squid had a rubbery texture.
Slimy (ヌルヌル): having a slippery and viscous texture that is often unappetizing / The okra had a slimy texture when cooked.

423名無しさん:2023/04/04(火) 14:46:15 ID:AKc2e7j6
Sticky (ベタベタ): having a viscous and adhesive texture that easily sticks to surfaces / The honey was sticky and sweet.
Smooth (なめらか): having a uniform and even texture without any lumps or bumps / The chocolate mousse had a smooth and velvety texture.
Soft (柔らかい): having a yielding and pliable texture that is easy to chew or break apart / The cake was soft and fluffy.
Silky (シルキー): having a smooth and soft texture, usually resulting from the presence of oils or fats / The avocado had a silky texture.
Spongy (スポンジ状): having a porous and elastic texture, usually resulting from the presence of air pockets / The sponge cake was light and spongy.
Stringy (糸引く): having a fibrous texture with long strands that easily pull apart / The cheese had a stringy texture when melted.
Tender (やわらかい): having a soft and easily chewable texture / The steak was perfectly cooked and incredibly tender.
Tough (かたい): having a texture that is difficult to chew or cut due to its hardness or resistance / The beef jerky was tough and chewy.
Velvety (ビロードのような): having a smooth and luxurious texture that is soft to the touch / The chocolate ganache had a velvety texture that melted in the mouth.
Zesty (爽やかな): having a texture that is refreshing and tangy, often resulting from the presence of citrus flavors / The lemon sorbet had a zesty texture.

424名無しさん:2023/04/04(火) 14:46:46 ID:AKc2e7j6
Golden Sugar, a middle-aged man with a sweet tooth, lived alone in a cramped apartment in Kyoto. His life was so dull that he could feel his brain cells committing suicide one by one. One day, as he sat on his couch, contemplating the purpose of his existence, he realized that he had more exciting conversations with his toaster than with actual human beings.

"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get," he muttered to himself, recalling the famous line from Forrest Gump.

As he sat there pondering, he couldn't help but wonder if he was living his life to the fullest. He had a job as a professional couch potato with a salary of zero, and he felt like he was missing out on the joys of life.

"Carpe diem. Seize the day, Golden," he said to himself, quoting the famous line from Dead Poets Society.

He realized that sitting on his butt all day wasn't going to get him anywhere. So, he put on his sneakers and stepped out of his cave.

Strolling down the street, he noticed a bunch of people twisting and contorting their bodies in the park. It was called yoga, and it looked like something he could attempt, even though he had the flexibility of a brick.

"Namaste," he said as he joined the group, attempting to sound like he knew what he was doing.

As the class progressed, Golden struggled to keep up with the poses. His muscles were sore, and he was out of breath.

"I'm too old for this," he thought to himself, quoting the line from the movie Space Cowboys.

But despite the struggle, Golden found himself enjoying the class. He felt relaxed and rejuvenated, and for the first time in a long time, he felt alive.

As he left the park, he realized that life was all about trying new things, stepping out of your comfort zone, and living in the moment.

"Life is like a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving," he said, quoting the wise words of Albert Einstein.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Golden continued his journey through the city, trying new things and living life to the fullest.

He went to a jazz club and danced the night away, quoting the lyrics to Frank Sinatra's "Fly Me to the Moon."

He took a cooking class and learned how to make his favorite dish, quoting the line from Ratatouille, "Anyone can cook!"

He even went skydiving, shouting "Yippee ki-yay, motherf***er!" as he jumped out of the plane, quoting Bruce Willis from Die Hard.

As he sat back on his couch, exhausted but exhilarated from his adventures, Golden realized that life was all about creating new experiences and enjoying the little things.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it," he said, quoting Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

He had learned that life was too short to be boring and monotonous. It was meant to be lived to the fullest, with excitement and adventure around every corner.

"Life is a journey, not a destination," he said, quoting the famous words of Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Golden Sugar had found his purpose in life, and he was determined to make every moment count. He had learned that the key to happiness was not in material possessions or a high-paying job, but in the experiences and memories that he created.

As he closed his eyes, he smiled, knowing that he had finally found the answer to the question that had been plaguing him for so long.

"Life is like a box of chocolates," he whispered to himself, "and I intend to savor every single one."

425名無しさん:2023/04/04(火) 14:47:08 ID:AKc2e7j6
Golden Sugar was bored out of his mind, so he decided to go on a stroll to find something fun to do. As he wandered aimlessly, he stumbled upon a dodgy-looking Chinese restaurant with questionable hygiene. He didn't care, though - he was too hungry and too bored to care. So, he walked in and plopped himself down at the nearest table, ready to take on whatever culinary adventure the restaurant had in store for him.

As he perused the menu, he noticed that each dish had a description of its texture. "Bouncy, crunchy, creamy, flaky, mushy...these all sound like names of my ex-girlfriends," he chuckled to himself.

He decided to order a dish called "Szechuan Spicy Chicken" which was described as "crunchy and juicy."

When the dish arrived, Golden Sugar was excited to try it out. He took a bite and was immediately blown away by the flavors.

"Mmmm, this chicken is so juicy, it's like a water balloon exploding in my mouth," he said, quoting himself.

As he chewed, he noticed that the chicken was indeed crunchy, giving a satisfying sound when bitten.

"I feel like I'm biting into a crispy potato chip, but with a chicken flavor," he mused to himself.

Next, he ordered a dish called "Mushroom Stir Fry" which was described as "bouncy and chewy."

When the dish arrived, Golden Sugar was skeptical. "Mushrooms are supposed to be slimy, not bouncy," he said, quoting his grandma's cooking.

But as he took a bite, he was surprised to find that the mushrooms were indeed bouncy, with a texture reminiscent of mochi.

"These mushrooms are like little rubber balls, bouncing around in my mouth," he said, laughing to himself.

As he finished his meal, he noticed a dessert on the menu called "Crispy Red Bean Cake" which was described as "flaky and creamy."

He couldn't resist the temptation and ordered it. When it arrived, he marveled at the flaky crust, which was as delicate as a butterfly's wings.

"This crust is so flaky, I feel like I'm eating a croissant," he said, quoting his own culinary expertise.

As he bit into the cake, he was delighted to find that it was indeed creamy, with a velvety texture that melted in his mouth.

"This cake is so creamy, it's like I'm eating a cloud made of red bean paste," he said, chuckling to himself.

As he left the restaurant, Golden Sugar felt satisfied and content. He had discovered a new world of textures, and he was eager to explore it further.

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what texture you're gonna get," he said, quoting Forrest Gump once again.

From that day on, Golden Sugar became a texture connoisseur, trying out new foods and textures every chance he got.

He went to a sushi restaurant and tried the "crispy salmon skin roll," which was described as "crunchy and chewy."

"This salmon skin is like a potato chip wrapped in seaweed, it's the ultimate snack," he exclaimed, quoting himself.

He even tried a durian fruit, which was described as "mushy and stringy."

"This fruit is like eating a slimy sock filled with spaghetti," he said, quoting his own disgust.

But despite some questionable choices, Golden Sugar continued to explore the world of textures, always looking for the next sensation.

He tried a coconut cake which was described as "flaky and tender."

"This cake is so tender, it's like eating a cloud made of coconut milk," he said, quoting his poetic side.

426名無しさん:2023/04/04(火) 14:47:23 ID:AKc2e7j6
He even tried a dish called "Silky Tofu" which was described as "silky and dense."

"This tofu is like eating a block of silk, wrapped in a blanket of tofu," he said, quoting his own nonsense.

As Golden Sugar continued on his culinary adventures, he couldn't help but think about how much textures added to the experience of eating.

"Life is all about the texture, man. It's like a symphony in your mouth," he said, quoting his own philosophy.

He realized that textures were like the spice of life, adding variety and excitement to every bite.

As he walked down the street, he noticed a street vendor selling roasted chestnuts. He couldn't resist the aroma and bought a bag.

As he bit into a chestnut, he was transported to another world. The nutty flavor and the crumbly texture were like nothing he had ever tasted before.

"These chestnuts are like little bombs of flavor, exploding in my mouth," he said, quoting his own exaggeration.

As he continued walking, he noticed a bakery with a sign that read "Freshly Baked Bread." He walked in and bought a loaf of bread.

As he bit into a slice, he was struck by the crusty exterior and the soft, fluffy interior.

"This bread is like a fluffy cloud, wrapped in a crunchy shell," he said, quoting his own metaphor.

As he savored the flavors and textures, he realized that life was like a never-ending buffet of sensations.

"Life is a buffet, man. You gotta try everything at least once," he said, quoting his own wisdom.

Golden Sugar had found his passion in life - exploring the textures of food. He had learned that every texture added a unique dimension to the experience of eating and that there was always something new to discover.

As he walked home, he felt content and fulfilled, knowing that he had discovered a new perspective on life.

"Life is like a texture buffet. You never know what you're gonna get, but it's always worth a try," he said, quoting himself once again.

Golden Sugar had finally found his purpose in life - to explore the world of textures and savor every moment.

427名無しさん:2023/04/04(火) 14:47:39 ID:AKc2e7j6
The next day, Golden Sugar couldn't help but notice how textures were everywhere in the world around him. As he walked down the street, he began to see everything through the lens of food texture vocabulary.

He looked up at the sky and saw fluffy white clouds floating overhead. "Those clouds are so spongy, they look like marshmallows," he said, quoting himself.

As he walked past a garden, he saw a bed of flowers in bloom. "Those flowers are so velvety, they look like they're made of soft buttercream," he said, quoting his own observation.

He even looked at the road beneath his feet and noticed the texture of the pavement. "This road is so crusty, it's like walking on a giant loaf of bread," he said, quoting his own humor.

As he continued on his walk, he saw a car with a sleek, shiny exterior. "That car is so silky, it looks like it's made of chocolate," he said, quoting his own creative imagination.

He even saw a group of people walking down the street and couldn't help but notice their different textures. "That guy's skin is so rubbery, he looks like he's made of gummy bears," he said, quoting his own amusement.

As he continued his adventures in texture, Golden Sugar couldn't help but realize how much more interesting the world was when viewed through the lens of food texture vocabulary.

He looked at a building and noticed the rough, grainy texture of the brick walls. "This building is so grainy, it looks like a giant block of cheese," he said, quoting his own silly comparison.

He even saw a puddle on the ground and noticed the slimy, gooey texture of the water. "That puddle is so slimy, it looks like a giant bowl of gelatin," he said, quoting his own imagination.

As he continued on his walk, he saw a group of birds flying overhead. "Those birds are so fluffy, they look like cotton candy in the sky," he said, quoting his own whimsical comparison.

Golden Sugar had discovered a new way of looking at the world, one that brought joy and creativity to his everyday experiences.

He even looked at himself in the mirror and noticed the creamy, smooth texture of his skin. "I'm like a giant scoop of ice cream, ready to be devoured," he said, quoting his own self-deprecation.

As he continued to explore the world of texture, Golden Sugar realized that life was full of surprises and sensations. He had found a new way to appreciate the world around him, and he knew that he would never look at things the same way again.

"Life is like a texture treasure hunt. You never know what you're gonna find, but it's always worth the search," he said, quoting his own philosophical musings.

428名無しさん:2023/04/04(火) 14:47:54 ID:AKc2e7j6
Despite being a lazy and inactive person, Golden Sugar had been attending the cram school for a considerable duration. He had acquired an odd mannerism of expressing everything in relation to the texture of food. To him, life was like a buffet of different textures, waiting to be tasted and described.

On the day of one of the exams conducted at the cram school, as he sat in the exam room, the proctor couldn't help but notice the strange behavior of the middle-aged man in the corner. Golden Sugar was muttering to himself and giggling at seemingly random intervals. The proctor wondered if he was experiencing a mental breakdown or something.

Meanwhile, the other students in the room also couldn't help but notice Golden Sugar's odd behavior. They were all worried that his strange actions would distract them from the exam.

But Golden Sugar paid them no attention. He was too busy analyzing the textures of everything around him. He picked up his pencil and noticed the smooth, creamy texture of the lead. "This pencil is so creamy, it's like a scoop of ice cream," he chuckled, quoting his own humorous analogy.

The proctor stared at him in disbelief, wondering what was going on inside his head. Meanwhile, the other students exchanged worried glances and tried to focus on their own exams.

Golden Sugar continued to analyze everything in the room in terms of food texture vocabulary. He looked up at the clock on the wall and thought of the different textures that might be present in time. "This clock is so crunchy, it's like a giant cookie that's been baking in the sun for hours," he giggled, quoting his own silly observation.

The proctor couldn't take it anymore. He walked over to Golden Sugar's desk and whispered, "Sir, are you okay? Your behavior is quite distracting."

But Golden Sugar was too caught up in his own world to notice. He continued to describe the textures of everything around him, even the other students. "That girl is so tender, she's like a piece of chicken that's been slow-cooked to perfection," he chuckled, quoting his own humorous analogy.

The other students were now convinced that Golden Sugar had lost his mind. They couldn't concentrate on the exam with his bizarre behavior and commentary distracting them.

As Golden Sugar finished the exam and walked out of the room, the other students breathed a sigh of relief. They were glad to be rid of the crazy man who talked about food textures all the time.

But Golden Sugar didn't care. To him, life was a banquet of different textures waiting to be tasted and described. And he was determined to savor every moment of it, even if it made him seem a little crazy to others.

429名無しさん:2023/04/04(火) 14:48:08 ID:AKc2e7j6
As Golden Sugar walked out of the exam room, he couldn't help but think about what life was all about. He had spent his entire life exploring the world of textures, but he still didn't have a clear answer.

"Life is like a creamy, crunchy, gooey mess. It's a texture explosion waiting to happen," he muttered to himself, quoting his own whimsical description.

He decided to head to a nearby café to ponder the question further. As he sipped on his latte, he noticed the creamy, frothy texture of the milk.

"This milk is so frothy, it's like a cloud made of cream," he said, quoting his own poetic description.

He took a bite of his croissant and noticed the flaky, buttery texture of the pastry. "This croissant is so flaky, it's like eating a puff of butter," he said, quoting his own exaggeration.

As he continued to indulge in his light meal before dinner, he realized that life was all about experiencing different textures. Whether it was the crunch of a potato chip or the creaminess of a piece of cake, every texture added a unique dimension to the experience of eating.

"Life is like a giant texture buffet, waiting to be explored," he said, quoting his own philosophical musings.

Just then, he noticed a group of children playing with bubbles outside the café. He walked over to join them, fascinated by the slimy, gooey texture of the bubbles.

"These bubbles are so slimy, they feel like giant globs of gelatin," he said, quoting his own amusement.

The children looked at him curiously, wondering why this strange man was talking about food textures while playing with bubbles.

But Golden Sugar didn't care. To him, everything was a texture waiting to be described and explored.

As he continued to play with the bubbles, he couldn't help but think about how textures added a unique dimension to life. Whether it was the silky texture of a soft blanket or the rough texture of a rock, every texture had a story to tell.

"Life is like a storybook of textures, waiting to be read," he said, quoting his own poetic musings.

As he walked away from the children and headed back to his apartment, he couldn't help but notice the different textures of the city around him. The rough, gritty texture of the pavement beneath his feet, the bumpy texture of the bricks on the buildings, and the smooth texture of the glass on the skyscrapers.

"Life is like a texture symphony, with every texture playing its own unique part," he said, quoting his own musical analogy.

As he arrived back at his apartment, he sat down on his couch and closed his eyes. He thought about all the textures he had experienced in his life, from the creamy texture of ice cream to the crunchy texture of potato chips.

"Life is like a giant texture treasure hunt. You never know what you're gonna find, but it's always worth the search," he said, quoting his own philosophy.

With a smile on his face and a sense of contentment in his heart, Golden Sugar realized that life was all about experiencing the different textures of the world. And he was determined to continue exploring and savoring every moment, no matter how strange it might seem to others.

"Life is like a giant texture adventure, waiting to be explored," he said, quoting his own whimsical description.

And with that, Golden Sugar set off on his next texture adventure, eager to discover the next unexpected sensation and savor every moment along the way.

430名無しさん:2023/04/05(水) 15:33:05 ID:yS/i1PT.
Once upon a time, there was a man named Golden Sugar who had a burning question on his mind: Why do 26 letters of the alphabet create innumerable numbers of words and phrases? This question plagued him day and night, and he could not rest until he found an answer.

Golden Sugar tried everything to figure out the answer to his question. He Googled it, he consulted every dictionary in the library, and he even asked professors at the local university. But no matter how hard he tried, he could not find a satisfactory answer.

One day, Golden Sugar decided to take matters into his own hands. He locked himself in his room and began to meditate. He closed his eyes and focused all his energy on the question, repeating it over and over again in his head.

Suddenly, he felt a strange sensation in his body, as if he were being lifted off the ground. When he opened his eyes, he found himself floating in mid-air, surrounded by the letters of the alphabet.

Golden Sugar was amazed. He had never seen anything like this before. The letters seemed to be moving around him, rearranging themselves to form different words and phrases.

As he watched, Golden Sugar realized that the answer to his question was right in front of him. The letters of the alphabet were like building blocks, and they could be arranged in countless ways to create different words and phrases.

But there was something else going on too. The letters seemed to have a mind of their own, as if they were alive and had a personality. Some letters were shy and timid, while others were bold and brash. Some letters liked to hang out with their friends, while others preferred to be left alone.

Golden Sugar was fascinated by this discovery. He spent hours floating in mid-air, watching the letters interact with each other and learning their personalities.

One day, Golden Sugar decided to try his hand at arranging the letters himself. He picked up a few letters and began to experiment, moving them around and seeing what words he could create.

At first, it was difficult. The letters seemed to resist his efforts, as if they didn't want to be moved around. But after a while, Golden Sugar got the hang of it. He began to see patterns and connections between the letters, and soon he was able to create all sorts of words and phrases.

But Golden Sugar didn't stop there. He was determined to push the limits of what the letters could do. He began to experiment with different combinations of letters, trying to create new words and phrases that had never been seen before.

At first, he was met with failure. Many of his creations were gibberish or didn't make any sense. But Golden Sugar refused to give up. He kept experimenting, trying new combinations and refining his technique.

Finally, after weeks of trial and error, Golden Sugar had a breakthrough. He created a word that was so groundbreaking, so mind-bending, that it defied all logic and reason. The word was "Fluffernutter."

Golden Sugar was ecstatic. He had done it! He had created a word that had never existed before! He felt like a pioneer, a trailblazer, a true master of the alphabet.

But as he basked in his glory, Golden Sugar began to realize something. The letters of the alphabet were not just building blocks, they were also a reflection of human nature. Each letter had its own personality, its own quirks and flaws, just like people did.

And that was the real answer to his question. The reason why 26 letters of the alphabet could create innumerable numbers of words and phrases was because they were a mirror of human creativity and ingenuity. The letters were not just symbols on a page, they were a representation of the human spirit.

431黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/04/05(水) 15:41:17 ID:MI0Q2Pwo
I read them all.

432黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/04/05(水) 15:48:14 ID:MI0Q2Pwo
The style of them is like Louis Carroll.

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434名無しさん:2023/04/06(木) 12:05:23 ID:IcbosKoQ
In the bustling city of Tokyo, a man named Golden Sugar lives a life that bores him to tears. One day, he watches a comedy show on television and experiences a lightbulb moment – he decides to become a stand-up comedian, specializing in Japanese humor!

Golden Sugar spends days writing jokes and practicing his delivery in front of the mirror. After a couple of weeks, he feels ready to take on the world with his humor. He chooses to kick off his career by performing on the streets, hoping that his jokes bring laughter and joy to everyone passing by.

On his first day as a street comedian, Golden Sugar stands near a busy Shibuya intersection, armed with a microphone and a small speaker. He clears his throat and begins to tell his jokes.

"Why did the tofu refuse to fight? It didn't want to be a part of a food fight – it's soy afraid!" he exclaims. A few people glance at him and chuckle, but nobody stops to listen.

Undeterred, he continues, "What do you call a sushi roll with attitude? A tempu-ra!" A woman walking by lets out a small laugh but keeps going.

As Golden Sugar carries on with his routine, he notices that instead of attracting human audiences, he seems to be gathering a crowd of stray cats. One by one, they sit down in front of him, their eyes fixed on his every move.

He decides to embrace this unexpected turn of events and tailors his jokes to his newfound feline fans. "Why did the cat sit on the kotatsu? It wanted to master the art of the cat-nap!" The cats appear to be intrigued, flicking their tails and purring softly.

Golden Sugar continues with cat-themed jokes, "What's a cat's favorite place in Japan? Cat-sushima!" The cats seem to enjoy his humor, and their numbers keep growing.

As the afternoon progresses, Golden Sugar and his feline audience have a fantastic time together. He keeps cracking cat jokes, and the cats are more attentive than any human audience he could have hoped for. "Why did the cat visit Osaka? It heard the food there was simply paw-some!"

The sight of Golden Sugar performing for a crowd of stray cats begins to draw the attention of curious passersby. People pull out their phones to record this unusual spectacle, and soon the laughter is contagious. More and more people stop to join the cats in listening to Golden Sugar's jokes.

Feeling encouraged by the growing audience, Golden Sugar delivers his punchline with gusto, "You know, I used to perform for people, but now I've found my purr-pose in life – making cats laugh with Japanese humor!"

The crowd roars with laughter, and the stray cats purr in approval. Videos of Golden Sugar's hilarious performance spread like wildfire on social media, and he becomes an overnight sensation. He realizes that sometimes, the key to success is to embrace the unexpected and find humor in every situation.

From that day on, Golden Sugar becomes known as the "Cat Comedian," and he continues to perform for both human and feline audiences, bringing laughter and joy to the streets of Tokyo. And whenever he tells a cat joke, the cats always give him a standing ovation – or as close to one as a cat can get.

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436名無しさん:2023/04/08(土) 13:32:58 ID:MoUqZbMI
Once upon a time, in a land before time, there was a being named Golden Sugar. He was the very first human being to exist on Earth, and he knew it. "I am the greatest of all beings!" he thought to himself as he lounged on a rock, enjoying the warmth of the sun on his face. "All other creatures pale in comparison to me!"

Golden Sugar was a curious being, always seeking out new experiences and adventures. One day, he stumbled upon a tree that was covered in shiny, round fruits. "Hmm, I wonder what these are?" he mused to himself. "They look delicious!"

Without a second thought, Golden Sugar plucked one of the fruits from the tree and took a bite. His eyes widened in surprise as he tasted the sweet, juicy flesh of the fruit. "This is amazing!" he exclaimed to himself. "I must have more!"

And so, Golden Sugar spent the rest of the day feasting on the fruit from the tree, his mind consumed with pleasure. "This is the greatest discovery in the history of the universe!" he declared to himself as he licked his sticky fingers.

As the days passed, Golden Sugar continued to explore the world around him, encountering all manner of creatures and obstacles. He even had a few run-ins with some ferocious beasts, but he never let that faze him. "I am Golden Sugar, the greatest of all beings!" he thought to himself, his chest puffed out with pride.

But as time went on, Golden Sugar began to feel a sense of restlessness. He had explored every inch of his surroundings and had grown bored with the monotony of his existence. "There must be more to life than this!" he thought to himself.

And then, one day, Golden Sugar had an epiphany. "I shall create something that has never been created before!" he exclaimed to himself, his eyes gleaming with excitement. And with that, he set about crafting a masterpiece.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months as Golden Sugar worked tirelessly on his creation. He poured all of his energy and passion into the project, barely stopping to eat or sleep. "This is my greatest achievement!" he thought to himself as he worked.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Golden Sugar stepped back and surveyed his creation. It was a statue of himself, made entirely out of the shiny, round fruit that he had discovered so long ago. "This is the most beautiful thing that has ever existed!" he declared to himself, a tear of joy in his eye.

And with that, Golden Sugar sat back down on his rock, content in the knowledge that he had achieved greatness. He continued to live his life in blissful ignorance, completely unaware of the world-changing events that were to come.

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440名無しさん:2023/04/08(土) 13:46:27 ID:MoUqZbMI
As time passed, Golden Sugar's statue became a popular destination for other creatures in the area. Some would come to marvel at its beauty, while others would use it as a scratching post or a place to rest. But Golden Sugar didn't mind. He was happy to share his creation with the world.

One day, as Golden Sugar was lounging on his rock, he noticed something strange in the distance. It was a group of beings, like him but different, walking upright on two legs. "What are those?" he wondered to himself, his curiosity piqued.

As the beings drew closer, Golden Sugar could see that they were covered in hair and carrying crude weapons. They looked nothing like him, and he wasn't sure what to make of them. "Who are you?" he called out to them.

The beings didn't respond. Instead, they continued to approach him, their eyes fixed on the shiny fruit that made up Golden Sugar's statue. Golden Sugar felt a twinge of fear in his chest. He wasn't sure what these creatures wanted, but he didn't like the look of those weapons.

Suddenly, one of the beings lunged forward, grabbing a piece of fruit from the statue. Golden Sugar gasped in shock. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" he yelled.

But it was too late. The other beings followed suit, tearing the statue apart piece by piece and gobbling up the fruit. Golden Sugar watched in horror as his masterpiece was destroyed before his very eyes.

In that moment, Golden Sugar realized that he wasn't the greatest being in the universe after all. There were others out there, and they were just as hungry for knowledge, experience, and pleasure as he was. He felt a sense of humility wash over him as he watched the creatures devour his statue.

But even in that moment of defeat, Golden Sugar refused to give up. He knew that he had more to offer the world, more to explore and discover. And so, he set off into the unknown, determined to find his place in the world and leave his mark on history.

And who knows? Maybe one day, someone will stumble upon the ruins of his statue and marvel at its beauty, just as Golden Sugar did so long ago. Or maybe his story will be lost to the sands of time, forgotten forever. But one thing is for sure: Golden Sugar will always be remembered as the very first human being to exist on Earth, and for that, he will always hold a special place in our imaginations.

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443名無しさん:2023/04/09(日) 16:01:48 ID:2M2kRfoI
Golden Sugar was a mid-forties guy who had never quite found his place in the world. He worked as a tax accountant in a small office in Tokyo, spending his days crunching numbers and dreaming of a more exciting life. Little did he know, his life was about to take a turn for the bizarre.

It all started on a quiet Wednesday afternoon. Golden Sugar was sitting at his desk, staring blankly at his computer screen when a bright red sports car pulled up outside his office building. A man with a bushy mustache and a loud Hawaiian shirt stepped out of the car and strode into the office.

"Hey, you!" the man shouted, pointing at Golden Sugar. "You look like a guy who knows how to have a good time. Come with me!"

Before Golden Sugar knew what was happening, he found himself sitting in the passenger seat of the sports car, hurtling down the highway at breakneck speed. The man introduced himself as Hank, a wealthy American entrepreneur who was looking for a partner to help him launch his latest business venture.

"What kind of venture?" Golden Sugar asked, trying to catch his breath as the car swerved around a corner.

"I'm glad you asked," Hank said, grinning. "We're going to start a chain of restaurants that serve nothing but hot dogs and ice cream."

Golden Sugar blinked in disbelief. "Hot dogs and ice cream?"

"That's right!" Hank exclaimed. "Everybody loves hot dogs and ice cream. It's a winning combination! And we're going to call it 'Hot Cream Dogs.'"

Golden Sugar couldn't help but laugh. "Hot Cream Dogs? That's ridiculous!"

"Ridiculous? No way!" Hank said, shaking his head. "It's genius! People are going to love it!"

As they drove, Hank began outlining his plans for the restaurant chain. He had already secured funding and found a prime location for the first restaurant in downtown Tokyo. All they needed was someone to help him with the logistics.

Golden Sugar couldn't believe what was happening. He had always dreamed of doing something exciting and unconventional, but he had never imagined himself as a hot dog and ice cream mogul. And yet, as he listened to Hank's pitch, he found himself getting more and more excited.

"Count me in!" he said, grinning from ear to ear.

And just like that, Golden Sugar's life took a wild turn. Over the next few weeks, he threw himself into the project, working with Hank to design the menu, hire staff, and find the perfect location for their first restaurant.

It wasn't easy. There were plenty of obstacles along the way, from skeptical investors to a health inspector who was less than thrilled about their unconventional menu. But Golden Sugar and Hank persevered, fueled by their shared passion for hot dogs and ice cream.

Finally, the big day arrived. The doors of Hot Cream Dogs opened for the first time, and a line of curious customers snaked around the block. Golden Sugar and Hank were there, sweating in their matching Hot Cream Dogs t-shirts, ready to greet the masses.

And that's when things really got weird.

As soon as the first customers took a bite of their hot dogs and ice cream, they began to transform. Their hair turned pink, their eyes grew huge, and they started speaking in a language that no one had ever heard before. It was like they were possessed by some strange, otherworldly force.

Golden Sugar and Hank were dumbfounded. What was happening? Had they unwittingly unleashed some kind of food-related curse?

444名無しさん:2023/04/09(日) 16:02:18 ID:2M2kRfoI
But as they watched the chaos unfold, they couldn't help but laugh. It was all so ridiculous, so absurd, that they couldn't help but find it hilarious.

And then, something even stranger happened. Golden Sugar felt a strange tingling sensation in his fingertips, and suddenly, he was able to see things that he had never seen before. Strange symbols and patterns appeared before his eyes, glowing with an otherworldly light.

"What the...?" he muttered, reaching out to touch one of the symbols.

As soon as his fingers made contact, he felt a surge of energy shoot through his body. And then, he knew.

He knew that he had been chosen to help save the world from an impending alien invasion.

It was all so clear to him now. The hot dogs and ice cream had been the key, unlocking his hidden psychic abilities and revealing his true purpose in life.

Golden Sugar turned to Hank, his eyes blazing with newfound purpose. "We have to do something," he said.

Hank looked at him skeptically. "Do what? Fight off aliens with hot dogs?"

Golden Sugar nodded fiercely. "Yes. Exactly."

And so, they set to work. They rebranded the restaurant as "Hot Cream Defense," designing a new menu of hot dogs and ice cream that had been specially engineered to fight off alien invaders.

They recruited a team of like-minded individuals, all of whom had been similarly awakened to their hidden psychic abilities by the power of the food. Together, they trained in the art of hot dog-fu, honing their skills in preparation for the battle to come.

And then, one fateful night, the invasion came.

The skies over Tokyo filled with strange, glowing spacecraft, each one bristling with weapons and piloted by grotesque, tentacled monsters.

But Golden Sugar and his team were ready. Armed with nothing but their wits, their hot dogs, and their ice cream, they charged into battle, dodging laser fire and trading blows with the alien horde.

It was a fierce, terrifying fight, but in the end, Golden Sugar emerged victorious. The aliens retreated, vanishing into the night sky like a bad dream.

And as the smoke cleared and the sun began to rise over Tokyo, Golden Sugar knew that he had found his true calling. He would continue to serve up hot dogs and ice cream, not just as a way to bring joy to people's lives, but as a way to defend the world against all manner of extraterrestrial threats.

The end.

445名無しさん:2023/04/09(日) 17:07:58 ID:2M2kRfoI
Black Sugar scrolled through the online diary of Golden Sugar, his eyes widening in disbelief at the mundane details of his daily routine. "Who cares about this guy's study schedule?" he muttered to himself.

But as he continued to read, he found himself laughing at Golden Sugar's witty observations on life. "This guy's got a sense of humor," he thought to himself, "I might just have to keep reading."

He chuckled as he read about Golden Sugar's determination to conquer his sweet tooth, thinking to himself, "Good luck with that one, buddy. I've been trying to do that for years!"

But it was Golden Sugar's musings on the news that really caught Black Sugar's attention. He read through the entries, nodding in agreement at Golden Sugar's observations on the helicopter crash and the possible causes.

But as he read on, Black Sugar's imagination began to run wild. What if the helicopter crash was caused by something more sinister than a mechanical failure? What if it was all part of a diabolical plot by an evil mastermind?

He started to write, crafting a story that would take Golden Sugar's mundane diary entries and turn them into a thrilling adventure. In his story, Golden Sugar would stumble onto a conspiracy involving spies, electromagnetic weapons, and a diabolical mastermind who was determined to take over the world.

As Black Sugar wrote, he couldn't help but add in a few humorous scenes to the story. In one scene, Golden Sugar attempts to fight off his sweet tooth cravings, only to be ambushed by a gang of rogue cupcakes.

In another scene, Golden Sugar finds himself in a heated battle with a bag of gummy bears, armed only with his wits and a toothbrush.

And through it all, Black Sugar found himself laughing and smiling as he wrote. The story was no longer just a thriller, it had become a comedy too.

When he was finished, Black Sugar knew that he had created something truly special. He leaned back in his chair, his eyes scanning over the pages of the story once more. He felt a sense of satisfaction with his work, knowing that he had taken a serious story and added a little humor to it.

And as he closed his laptop and stood up from his desk, Black Sugar couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance to add a little laughter to someone's life, even if it was just in the pages of a story.

446名無しさん:2023/04/09(日) 20:56:53 ID:2M2kRfoI
"Ha! Can you imagine life without smartphones?" thought Golden Sugar to himself as he walked down the street. "It's crazy to think that just a few decades ago, people had to actually call each other on landlines, or even worse, send letters through the mail!"

As he walked, he thought about the history of the smartphone. "How did the world even function before smartphones? Did people just sit around and twiddle their thumbs?" he wondered.

Golden Sugar couldn't help but think about the people who had the brilliant idea to create the smartphone. "Who were these geniuses that brought this revolutionary device into existence?" he thought.

"Let's see, it all started with the creation of the cell phone, right?" he mused. "I mean, the first cell phones were massive compared to what we have now, but still, it was a start."

"But the true game-changer was the creation of the smartphone," Golden Sugar realized. "It combined the functionality of a cell phone with the power of a computer, and voila! The smartphone was born."

"And let's not forget about the Internet," he added. "Without the Internet, the smartphone would just be a fancy paperweight. The combination of the two truly changed the world."

Golden Sugar couldn't help but laugh at the thought of the early days of the smartphone. "Remember when the first iPhones came out? Everyone was in a frenzy, trying to get their hands on one," he chuckled.

"And now, everyone and their grandmother has one," he laughed. "It's amazing how quickly technology has advanced."

"But with great power, comes great responsibility," he reminded himself. "We have to be careful how we use this technology, or it could end up being more of a curse than a blessing."

"I mean, just look at all the addiction and distraction that comes with smartphones," he thought. "It's a double-edged sword, for sure."

"Still, I can't deny the convenience and benefits that come with having a smartphone," he admitted. "I mean, I can easily connect with friends and family, access information at the touch of a button, and even control my home with just a few taps."

"The future is truly exciting," he said to himself. "Who knows what new innovations are just around the corner?"

"But for now, I think it's time to put my phone away and enjoy the present moment," Golden Sugar decided. "After all, life is happening right now, and I don't want to miss a thing."

As Golden Sugar walked, he couldn't help but look up at the sky and marvel at its vastness. "Wow, the sky is truly endless," he thought to himself. "It makes me feel so small, yet so connected to something bigger."

"Have you ever stopped to think about the stars?" he pondered. "They're so far away, yet they shine so brightly. It's amazing to think that some of those stars could be home to other planets and even other forms of life."

"And what about the moon?" he asked himself. "It's been there for millions of years, yet it still holds so many mysteries. It's incredible to think about all the advancements we've made in space exploration, yet there's still so much we don't know."

"I mean, can you imagine what it would be like to walk on the moon?" he said dreamily. "To feel that weightlessness and see the Earth from a whole new perspective."

"And what about space travel?" he wondered. "The thought of traveling to other planets and exploring new worlds is just mind-blowing."

Golden Sugar couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and wonder at the possibilities of the universe. "The universe is so vast, and there's still so much to discover," he thought. "Who knows what we'll find out there?"

447名無しさん:2023/04/09(日) 20:57:08 ID:2M2kRfoI
"But at the same time, I think it's important to remember that we still have so much to learn and discover right here on Earth," he reminded himself. "There's still so much beauty and mystery right in front of us, if we just take the time to look."

As Golden Sugar walked, his attention turned to the architecture around him. He was in Kyoto, and was struck by the contrast between the quaint, traditional houses on the streets and the sleek, modern buildings in the distance.

"It's amazing how architecture has evolved over the years," he thought to himself. "Look at these old houses, they have so much character and history."

"And then you have these modern buildings, with their clean lines and cutting-edge design," he mused. "It's like a perfect blend of the old and the new."

"I mean, just look at the intricate details on these traditional houses," he said, gesturing to the houses around him. "The attention to craftsmanship is just incredible."

"And yet, the modern buildings are just as impressive, with their use of technology and innovative design," he added. "It's like we're constantly pushing the boundaries of what's possible with architecture."

Golden Sugar couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the architects who were behind these buildings. "It takes a special kind of creativity and vision to design something that not only serves a functional purpose, but also inspires and awes those who see it," he thought.

"And the fact that we can still appreciate both the old and the new styles of architecture is a testament to the diversity and evolution of our society," he realized.

"I can't wait to see what the future of architecture will bring," he said excitedly. "Who knows what incredible structures and designs we'll see in the years to come?"

As Golden Sugar continued his walk, he couldn't help but feel satisfied with the thoughts that had been running through his head. From the creation of the smartphone, to the vastness of the sky, to the evolution of architecture, he had covered a lot of ground.

"Man, I'm on a roll today," he thought to himself. "I should start charging admission for these internal monologues, they're pretty entertaining."

Golden Sugar couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. "I mean, I'm basically a walking, talking podcast, and I don't even need a microphone," he said, pretending to hold an imaginary microphone.

"And the best part is, I don't even have to worry about getting any negative reviews," he added, laughing. "I mean, who's going to argue with myself?"

"And the commercials? Don't even get me started," he said, winking. "I can take as many breaks as I want, and no one can complain!"

Golden Sugar couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his thoughts. "I may not have won any Nobel Prizes or cured any diseases, but I've got some pretty solid thoughts and opinions," he said, puffing out his chest.

"And who knows, maybe one day I'll even write a book about my internal monologues," he added, a twinkle in his eye. "I mean, it's not like I don't have enough material to work with."

With that, Golden Sugar came to the end of his walk, feeling satisfied and amused by the thoughts that had been running through his head. He couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to think and reflect, and was already looking forward to his next internal monologue.

448名無しさん:2023/04/09(日) 21:54:38 ID:2M2kRfoI
Golden Sugar is a curious fellow who lives in a small village surrounded by dense forest. He has a peculiar habit of talking to himself and is often seen mumbling to the air. Despite this, the villagers adore him for his warm smile and jovial personality.

One day, as he is strolling through the forest, Golden Sugar hears a voice calling out to him. He stops in his tracks and looks around, but sees no one. He hears the voice again, and this time it seems closer. "Who's there?" he calls out.

Suddenly, a ghostly figure materializes in front of him. "I am X, the spooky ghost," the figure declares in a haunting voice.

Golden Sugar jumps back in surprise. "Whoa, you gave me a fright!" he exclaims. "What are you doing here?"

"I have been watching you, Golden Sugar," X replies. "You have a unique quality about you that draws me to you. I have come to offer you a deal."

Golden Sugar raises an eyebrow. "A deal? What kind of deal?"

"I will grant you three wishes," X says, "but in return, you must do something for me."

"What do I have to do for you?" Golden Sugar asks, intrigued.

"You must help me solve the mystery of my death," X says. "I have been a ghost for many years and I still don't know how I died. I need your help to find out."

Golden Sugar thinks to himself, "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I have always wanted to have the power to make three wishes. And helping a ghost solve their own murder mystery sounds like a thrilling adventure."

"I accept your deal," Golden Sugar says.

Golden Sugar's first wish was a simple one. He wished for a never-ending supply of his favorite food, a sweet treat called "Golden Sugar Drops."

"I can't imagine a better way to start my journey than with a belly full of my favorite food," Golden Sugar thinks to himself as he makes the wish.

Instantly, a large pile of Golden Sugar Drops appears before him. Golden Sugar's eyes light up with delight as he dives into the pile, savoring the sweet taste of the treats.

As he munches on the sugar drops, X watches with amusement. "Your wish is my command," X says. "But be careful what you wish for. You only have two more wishes left."

Golden Sugar nods, his mouth full of sugar. He continues to enjoy his never-ending supply of treats, grateful for his first wish.

As they continue on their journey, Golden Sugar realizes that having a never-ending supply of his favorite food is not as wonderful as it may seem. He starts to feel overwhelmed by the constant supply and finds that he can no longer appreciate the taste of the treats.

"I should have been more specific with my wish," Golden Sugar thinks to himself. "Maybe I should have wished for the ability to enjoy my favorite food in moderation."

449名無しさん:2023/04/09(日) 21:55:03 ID:2M2kRfoI
But it's too late to change his wish, and Golden Sugar must learn to live with the consequences of his choices. Despite this, he remains optimistic and looks forward to making his next wish, eager to see what adventures await him next.

Golden Sugar's second wish was a bit more complicated than his first. He wished for the ability to speak any language fluently.

"I want to be able to communicate with anyone, anywhere," Golden Sugar thinks to himself as he makes the wish. "This will be especially useful on our journey to solve the mystery of X's death."

As soon as the wish is made, Golden Sugar feels a strange tingling sensation in his head. He opens his mouth to speak, and to his surprise, he finds that he can now speak fluently in any language he desires.

"Wow, this is amazing!" Golden Sugar exclaims. "I can speak any language I want! This will definitely come in handy on our journey."

X nods in agreement. "Your wish is my command," he says. "But remember, you only have one wish left."

Golden Sugar nods, eager to put his newfound language skills to the test. As they continue on their journey, he finds that he is able to communicate with all sorts of people, from villagers in remote areas to travelers from far-off lands.

However, Golden Sugar soon discovers that speaking many languages has its drawbacks. He finds himself struggling to keep up with all the different languages he can speak, and sometimes he even mixes them up, causing confusion and misunderstandings.

"I should have been more specific with my wish," Golden Sugar thinks to himself. "Maybe I should have wished for the ability to understand and speak any language fluently, instead of just being able to speak them."

Despite these challenges, Golden Sugar remains grateful for his second wish. He knows that it will come in handy as they continue on their quest to solve the mystery of X's death. And he looks forward to making his final wish, eager to see what the future holds.

Golden Sugar's third and final wish was the most important one of all. He wished for the ability to solve any mystery.

"I want to be able to solve the mystery of X's death and put his spirit to rest," Golden Sugar thinks to himself as he makes the wish. "I want to make sure that X's journey doesn't end in vain."

As soon as the wish is made, Golden Sugar feels a sudden surge of knowledge and understanding. He realizes that he now has the ability to solve any mystery, no matter how complex.

"Your wish is my command," X says. "And I must say, this is a wise wish. You will definitely need this power if we are to solve the mystery of my death."

With his newfound power, Golden Sugar sets out to solve the mystery of X's death. He uses his sharp mind and his ability to solve any mystery to unravel the truth behind X's passing.

450名無しさん:2023/04/09(日) 21:55:16 ID:2M2kRfoI
As they journey deeper into the forest, Golden Sugar and X encounter many challenges and obstacles, but Golden Sugar's power to solve any mystery proves to be invaluable. In the end, they finally discover the truth behind X's death.

Golden Sugar and X are on a journey to uncover the truth behind X's death, and their journey leads them to a small pond in the forest.

As they approach the pond, Golden Sugar feels a strange sense of déjà vu wash over him. He hears the faint cries of a child in distress, and memories of his own drowning in the pond come flooding back.

X rushes towards the sound, determined to save the child. X fights against the current, his arms outstretched towards the child.

Golden Sugar watches in awe as X reaches the child and lifts him to safety. The child clings to X, his eyes wide with gratitude.

But as X turns to swim back to shore, Golden Sugar sees a look of realization cross X's face. X knows that he has sacrificed his own existence to save the child.

And it is then that Golden Sugar realizes the truth. The child in the pond is none other than Golden Sugar himself, and X is the ghost that saved his life all those years ago.

Golden Sugar is filled with a mixture of awe and gratitude. He knows that he will never forget the selfless act of X, and the lessons he taught about love and sacrifice. And as X disappears into the ether, Golden Sugar stands by the pond, a changed man, grateful for the second chance at life that X gave him.

Years have passed since Golden Sugar's journey with X, and he has since become a doctor, dedicating his life to helping others in need.

Every day, he wakes up with a smile on his face, grateful for the second chance at life that X gave him. He never forgets the lessons he learned from X about love and sacrifice, and he strives to embody those lessons in everything he does.

Golden Sugar's patients are always amazed by his kindness and compassion, and they often comment on the positive energy that seems to radiate from him. He has a special gift for putting people at ease, and his bedside manner is second to none.

But Golden Sugar's most important patient is always the child he once was, the child who was saved by X all those years ago. He takes extra care to make sure that the child is always happy and healthy, and he never forgets the debt he owes to X.

And so, Golden Sugar continues to help others, his heart overflowing with gratitude and love. He knows that X will always be with him, guiding him and inspiring him to be the best doctor and person he can be. And he is grateful for every day that he gets to live his life to the fullest, thanks to X's selfless act of love.

451黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/04/14(金) 23:29:40 ID:oQ6T0pRI
I read them all.

452名無しさん:2023/04/15(土) 21:18:23 ID:iDY1H.3k
Black Sugar was having a blast reading Golden Sugar's online diary. As he read through each entry, he couldn't help but let his imagination run wild and comment on what he was reading.

"I wonder if Golden Sugar is actually a time traveler, waking up every day at 6:00 am sharp!" exclaimed Black Sugar. "That would certainly explain his impeccable punctuality."

As he continued reading, Black Sugar couldn't help but laugh at Golden Sugar's political commentary.

"Oh boy, this guy is quite the political commentator. I hope he's not running for office anytime soon," Black Sugar chuckled to himself. "He might end up with more votes from the time traveler community though."

Black Sugar's mouth was watering as he read about Golden Sugar's love for food.

"Golden Sugar sure loves his food. I need to try that nakamuro soba," Black Sugar said to himself, rubbing his stomach. "I hope it's as delicious as he says."

Black Sugar couldn't help but feel a little sorry for Golden Sugar when he read about the election management granny giving him the side eye.

"Poor Golden Sugar, being stared at by the election management granny like he's a suspicious person," Black Sugar said, shaking his head. "He needs a little more thick skin, or maybe a time traveler's invisibility cloak."

Black Sugar was intrigued by the long line at the Maruki bread shop.

"Whoa, what's with the long line at the Maruki bread shop?" Black Sugar asked himself, his eyes wide with wonder. "I have to check that out! Maybe they have a secret time traveler bread recipe."

Black Sugar was impressed by Golden Sugar's determination to figure out the limiting factor to his academics.

"So he's figured out the limiting factor to his academics. That's impressive," Black Sugar said, nodding his head in admiration. "Maybe he can teach me how to solve the time travel paradox."

Black Sugar was cheering Golden Sugar on as he read about his mission to run the next 280 days.

453名無しさん:2023/04/15(土) 21:19:06 ID:iDY1H.3k
"Golden Sugar is on a mission to run the next 280 days. I'm rooting for you, buddy!" Black Sugar said, giving a virtual thumbs up. "Just make sure to save some energy for time traveling."

Black Sugar was glad that Golden Sugar's body was getting used to waking up early.

"I guess the early bird really does catch the worm," Black Sugar said with a grin. "Good for him for getting his body used to waking up early. He'll be ready for any early morning time travel adventures."

Black Sugar closed the diary with a smile on his face, grateful for the entertaining read. He couldn't wait to see what adventures awaited Golden Sugar next.

"Man, what a journey through Golden Sugar's diary," Black Sugar thought to himself as he closed the laptop. "He sure has a unique perspective on things."

Black Sugar couldn't help but laugh at the thought of Golden Sugar running for office. "Imagine the absurdity of that," he chuckled to himself.

As he walked down the street, he couldn't help but think of all the ridiculous scenarios that could play out if Golden Sugar actually became a politician. "Maybe he'll make it mandatory to eat soba for breakfast," Black Sugar chuckled to himself.

The thought of Golden Sugar's limited factor in academics also tickled Black Sugar's funny bone. "Maybe he's secretly a superhero with superpowers that only activate during exams," he thought to himself.

As he walked by a bakery, the smell of freshly baked bread wafted into his nose, reminding him of Golden Sugar's visit to the Maruki bread shop. "I bet that line was full of people wanting to try the bread recommended by a time traveler," Black Sugar giggled to himself.

The absurdity of it all was just too much for Black Sugar to handle, and he found himself laughing out loud in the middle of the street. "I really need to find a way to channel this humor into my own writing," he thought to himself.

As he continued walking, Black Sugar couldn't help but imagine all the ridiculous things that could happen in Golden Sugar's life. "Maybe one day, he'll wake up and find that he's actually a cat," Black Sugar laughed to himself.

The absurdity of it all was just too much, and Black Sugar found himself laughing until tears were streaming down his face. "I need to stop, I can't take it anymore," he said to himself as he tried to catch his breath.

But even as he tried to calm down, Black Sugar couldn't help but think of all the ridiculous scenarios that could play out in Golden Sugar's world. "I bet one day, he'll go to the moon and find that it's actually made of cheese," he laughed to himself.

And with that, Black Sugar found himself in stitches once again, unable to control his laughter. "I really need to get a grip, but this is just too funny," he thought to himself as he walked down the street, still chuckling to himself.

The absurdity of it all was just too much, and Black Sugar found himself laughing until his sides ached. "I never thought reading a diary could be so entertaining," he thought to himself as he finally caught his breath.

And with that, Black Sugar continued on his way, still chuckling to himself and enjoying the absurdity of it all.

454名無しさん:2023/04/15(土) 21:19:56 ID:iDY1H.3k
Black Sugar's thoughts were immediately interrupted by a loud thud. He looked up to see two girls, who appeared to be in their late teens, fall off a tall building and crash onto the pavement below. He felt as if he had been punched in the gut. He had never seen anything like it before.

He quickly ran over to the scene, his heart pounding in his chest. The girls lay motionless on the ground, their bodies twisted and broken. He could see that they were beyond help, but he still felt a deep sadness wash over him. He couldn't believe that two lives could be taken so suddenly and so senselessly.

As he stood there, surrounded by the chaos of the aftermath, he couldn't help but wonder what had led the girls to take such a drastic step. Had they been pushed to their limits by bullying or abuse? Had they been struggling with depression or some other mental illness? Or was it just a senseless act of despair?

He realized that he would never know the answers to these questions. But he also realized that it was important to remember the girls and to try to understand why they had felt such hopelessness. He didn't want their deaths to be in vain.

Black Sugar felt a strange sense of responsibility towards the girls and their families. He didn't know how he could help, but he felt that he had to do something. He decided to start a small memorial for them, placing flowers and candles at the site where they had fallen.

And as he stood there, surrounded by the outpouring of grief and condolences from those who had known the girls, he felt a sense of hope. He saw that even in the face of tragedy, people could come together and support each other. He realized that this was what life was truly about - not just existing, but making a difference and leaving a positive impact on the world.

From that moment on, Black Sugar felt a new sense of purpose. He knew that he couldn't change the past, but he could work towards a brighter future. He would continue to remember the girls and to work towards preventing such senseless acts from happening again.

And so, with a heavy heart, but a hopeful spirit, Black Sugar continued on his journey, determined to make the world a better place in whatever small way he could.

455名無しさん:2023/04/15(土) 23:18:29 ID:iDY1H.3k
Golden Sugar was feeling a bit sluggish. He was having trouble staying awake and just couldn't seem to muster up any energy. That's when he remembered a drink that his classmates at cram school were always talking about: Red Bull.

"I heard this stuff is supposed to give you wings," he thought to himself. "Maybe it'll give me the boost I need to get through the class."

So, he grabbed a can of Red Bull and took a sip. And oh boy, was he in for a treat.

"Wow, this stuff is delicious!" he exclaimed to himself. "But why does it taste so good? Is it the caffeine? The sugar? The secret Red Bull ingredient?"

Golden Sugar was a man who loved to ponder the big questions in life, and this was no exception. He took another sip of his Red Bull and let his mind wander.

"Is it possible that the taste of this drink is actually a manifestation of my own desires?" he mused. "Am I just tasting what I want to taste? Or is there some scientific explanation for why this drink tastes so good?"

Golden Sugar was determined to get to the bottom of this mystery, so he did what any self-respecting detective would do: he hit the books. He read articles, watched videos, and even took a trip to the library to do some research.

"Ah-ha!" he thought to himself as he stumbled upon a scientific article. "It says here that our sense of taste is actually a combination of our taste buds and our olfactory system. So, it's possible that the taste of this Red Bull is a combination of the flavors and the smell."

Golden Sugar was ecstatic. He felt like he was on the brink of a breakthrough. He took another sip of his Red Bull and closed his eyes, trying to focus all of his senses on the drink.

"Yes, that's it! I can taste the sweetness of the sugar, the crispness of the carbonation, and the hint of...something else. Something that I can't quite put my finger on," he thought to himself.

But just as he was about to delve deeper into his discovery, his teacher walked into the room.

"Golden Sugar, what are you doing?" his teacher asked, sounding a bit concerned.

"Oh, just pondering the root cause of the delicious taste of Red Bull," Golden Sugar replied, taking another sip.

456名無しさん:2023/04/15(土) 23:18:41 ID:iDY1H.3k
His teacher raised an eyebrow. "Well, maybe you should save the pondering for after class hours."

Golden Sugar nodded, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was onto something big. He finished his Red Bull and went back to class, but he couldn't concentrate. All he could think about was the taste of that drink and the mystery that surrounded it.

The rest of the class went by in a blur, and before he knew it, it was time to go home. But instead of going straight home, Golden Sugar made a detour to the grocery store.

"I need to try every energy drink on the market to see if any of them can compare to the deliciousness of Red Bull," he thought to himself as he loaded up his cart with cans of Monster, Rockstar, and even some obscure energy drinks that he had never heard of before.

When he got home, he set up a taste-testing station in his kitchen and got to work. He tried each drink, taking notes on the flavors, the smell, and the overall taste experience.

"This one is too sweet," he muttered to himself as he took a sip of one of the drinks. "And this one has a strange aftertaste. But this one, this one is close. It has a similar crispness, but it's missing that special something that Red Bull has.

Golden Sugar continued his taste test well into the night, surrounded by the quiet hum of his kitchen appliances and the occasional clink of his pen against his notebook. Even though he was exhausted, he couldn't stop. He was determined to find the root cause of the delicious taste of Red Bull, to unravel the mystery that was slowly consuming him.

As he tried each drink, he was struck by a sense of surrealism, as if he was floating in a dreamlike state. The cans and their contents seemed to take on a life of their own, dancing in front of him, taunting him with their elusive flavor profiles.

But just when he was about to lose hope, he stumbled upon a small energy drink that he had never heard of before. He took a sip and was immediately struck by its unique taste. It was crisp and refreshing, with a hint of sweetness and a subtle, underlying flavor that he couldn't quite place.

"This is it," he thought, a smile spreading across his face. "This is the taste I've been searching for."

Golden Sugar was filled with a sense of triumph, as if he had finally solved the mystery that had been plaguing him for so long. But as he savored the taste of the energy drink, he realized that the true answer to his question was not the flavor, but the journey itself. The process of searching and tasting and pondering was what had given him the energy and excitement he had been seeking all along.

And with that, Golden Sugar set down his pen and leaned back in his chair, content in the knowledge that he had found what he was looking for. The taste of Red Bull may have been a mystery, but the journey to find it was anything but.

457名無しさん:2023/04/17(月) 16:02:51 ID:MVHPmwCM

458黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/04/18(火) 22:47:17 ID:A9oSAntA
I read them all.
I am grateful for your talent.

459名無しさん:2023/04/19(水) 03:46:27 ID:41RKXwX.

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461名無しさん:2023/04/20(木) 02:05:13 ID:AgM36iZM
We’re a bit tied up lately.
Reread every thread and learn words by heart, some of which may not be on the list of typical vocabulary books but still must be useful to bring your English to the next level.

We’ll be back in September and truly look forward to seeing how much progress you will have made by that time. Good luck and take it easy.

462黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/04/20(木) 22:49:30 ID:S8uLNN52
Thanks for your message.
I am looking forward to seeing you again, and I will certainly improve my English skills.

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