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A thread that considers the ecology of Golden Sugar part 1

1名無しさん:2023/03/05(日) 13:33:35 ID:6nWJy4xY
Here is a place for Golden Sugar to speak English.

[English ONLY]

314黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/17(金) 22:16:09 ID:RMlKmdAk
I can read the stories without problems.

315黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/17(金) 22:19:42 ID:RMlKmdAk
I have anxiety only about the interview in English.

316黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/17(金) 22:22:59 ID:RMlKmdAk
I read up to >>313.
I always enjoy reading the stories.

317名無しさん:2023/03/18(土) 06:13:06 ID:vZk5ecgQ
Golden Sugar had been feeling aimless for a while now, constantly questioning his decision to become a doctor. He had always been a good student and had worked tirelessly to prepare for his medical entrance exams. But after years of trying and failing to get into a medical university, he was starting to doubt whether this was the right path for him.

He had enrolled in a cram school to help him with his studies, but even that had not been enough. So, with nothing particular to do, Golden Sugar found himself wandering aimlessly around his house. As he walked towards the fridge to grab his iced coffee, he noticed a book covered in dust sitting on one of the shelves.

Curious, he picked up the book and blew off the dust. The title caught his eye: "How to manufacture a time machine from scratch." He was intrigued but also a bit skeptical. Time machines were the stuff of science fiction, after all. But as he flipped through the pages, he realized that this was no ordinary book.

The book was written by an anonymous scientist and his team somewhere in 2022. It was filled with detailed instructions, diagrams, and formulas. It was as if someone had painstakingly researched and written down every step needed to build a functioning time machine. Golden Sugar was fascinated, and he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to travel through time.

As he delved deeper into the pages, he was struck by the sheer brilliance and complexity of the instructions. It was clear that the anonymous scientist who had written the book and his team had spared no effort in creating a meticulous guide that could only have come from an extraordinary mind.

The book detailed every single component that was required to build a time machine, from the power source to the navigation system. It explained how to harness the power of dark matter and use it to generate the massive amounts of energy needed for time travel. The book described how to build a quantum stabilizer that would allow the time machine to withstand the intense gravitational forces that accompany time travel.

As Golden Sugar read on, he became more and more fascinated by the mysterious world of time travel. The book even contained a detailed discussion of the paradoxes and ethical considerations that arose from the manipulation of time. The anonymous scientist who had written the book had clearly been a genius, a visionary whose intellect had surpassed that of his time.

The book was written in a mystical, scientific language that seemed to hint at secrets that only the most knowledgeable could decipher. Golden Sugar felt a sense of awe as he read the book, as if he was glimpsing a world that was beyond his wildest dreams. He was filled with a sense of wonder at the infinite possibilities that the universe held.

Golden Sugar decided to put his medical studies on hold and throw himself into this new project. He spent hours every day studying the book, taking notes, and researching the various materials he would need. He was excited about the possibilities and the sense of purpose he felt. For the first time in years, he felt a sense of direction.

As he closed the book, he knew that building a time machine would be no small feat, but he was determined to try. The book had opened up a whole new world to him, one that he was excited to explore.

318名無しさん:2023/03/18(土) 06:13:34 ID:vZk5ecgQ
Golden Sugar was determined to build the time machine, but it wasn't going to be easy. He had to purchase every component listed in the book, from the power source to the navigation system, and the list was long. He spent countless hours researching and hunting for the right materials.

As he worked on the time machine, he found himself cracking jokes and puns to keep himself motivated. "I'm not a time traveler yet, but I already know what the past and future tense is," he quipped to himself. "I'm building a time machine so I can go back in time and tell my past self not to become a doctor," he chuckled.

Despite the humor, Golden Sugar's progress was slow. He encountered countless setbacks, from faulty wiring to a misplaced quantum stabilizer. But he never gave up. "I guess you could say I have a lot of 'time' on my hands," he joked as he tinkered away.

One day, as he was working on the time machine, he let his mind wander and began to imagine all the places he could go with it. "I could go back to the time of the dinosaurs and ride a T-Rex! Or I could go to the future and finally figure out if pineapple belongs on pizza," he laughed.

Golden Sugar's determination and sense of humor were what kept him going. Even when the time machine seemed like an impossible task, he never lost his spirit. "I'm not giving up until I'm the first person to use a time machine to win the lottery," he joked.

Finally, after months of hard work, Golden Sugar had completed the time machine. He stepped inside and felt a sense of excitement and wonder. "Here goes nothing," he said, flicking the switch.

The machine whirred to life, and Golden Sugar felt a jolt as he was hurled through time. He laughed out loud, feeling like a kid on a rollercoaster. As he traveled through the ages, he knew that his journey had only just begun. He had built a time machine, and the possibilities were endless.

319名無しさん:2023/03/18(土) 06:14:04 ID:vZk5ecgQ
Golden Sugar rubbed his eyes, trying to make sense of the dazzling sights around him. He had always dreamed of traveling through time, but he never expected to end up in such a remarkable place. He could hear the whirring of machines and the soft hum of engines in the distance, and he knew that he was in a highly advanced civilization.

But he had to be sure. He pulled out a small device from his pocket and scanned his surroundings. The holographic display showed him the date and time - 2123, March 17th. He let out a sigh of relief, knowing that he had succeeded in his mission.

"Looks like I've stumbled upon a utopia," he exclaimed, looking around at the futuristic city that surrounded him. "I hope they have some good coffee shops around here. I could use a caffeine boost after that wild ride."

As he wandered through the city, he couldn't help but crack jokes about his surroundings. "I wonder if they have a time machine repair shop around here," he mused to himself. "I think I might need to get a tune-up before I head back to my own time."

Golden Sugar walked past a group of people who were huddled around a holographic screen, watching a rocket launch. He stopped to watch with them, fascinated by the sight of the spacecraft blasting off into the sky.

"Wow, they're really going to Mars? That's amazing," he said to the group. "Maybe they have a Starbucks there too. I hear the views are out of this world."

The group chuckled at his joke, and one of them turned to him. "You're not from around here, are you?"

Golden Sugar grinned. "Nope, just a time traveler passing through. Mind if I join you?"

The group welcomed him with open arms, eager to hear more about his adventures. Golden Sugar regaled them with tales of his journey through time, cracking jokes and making them laugh along the way.

As they watched the rocket disappear into the horizon, Golden Sugar felt a surge of excitement. He knew that he had to see what lay beyond this city, beyond this time. And so, with a wave goodbye to his new friends, he climbed back into the time machine and punched in a new set of coordinates.

The room around him began to blur and warp once again, and Golden Sugar braced himself for the jolt. When the chaos cleared, he found himself in a lush forest, surrounded by towering trees and chirping birds.

"Well, this is a change of scenery," he said to himself. "I wonder what era I'm in now."

He pulled out his scanner and ran a quick check. The display showed him that he was in the year 3021, almost a thousand years into the future.

"Looks like they've really gone green," he quipped to himself, taking in the vibrant foliage around him. "I guess this is what they meant by 'saving the planet.'"

As he wandered through the forest, he marveled at the sights and sounds around him. He saw creatures he had never seen before, with bright colors and unusual shapes. He heard the sound of waterfalls and streams in the distance, and he knew that he had to see them for himself.

320名無しさん:2023/03/18(土) 06:14:30 ID:vZk5ecgQ
Golden Sugar made his way through the forest, marveling at the sights and sounds around him. As he walked, he couldn't help but think of all the funny things he could say about his new surroundings.

"I wonder if these trees have a Twitter account," he mused, looking up at the towering trunks above him. "They seem like they'd have a lot of followers."

Suddenly, he heard a rustling in the bushes nearby. He tensed up, wondering what kind of creature might be lurking in the underbrush.

"Please don't be a giant space squirrel," he whispered to himself. "I don't think my heart could handle it."

But as the rustling grew louder, Golden Sugar saw something that made him burst out laughing. A group of tiny, fluffy creatures emerged from the bushes, their big eyes blinking up at him.

"Well, aren't you guys just the cutest things I've ever seen," he said, reaching out to pet one of the creatures. "I wonder if I can take one home as a souvenir."

But as he reached out, the creatures suddenly turned on him, their eyes glowing red with fury. They began to swarm around him, nipping at his ankles and tugging at his clothes.

"Okay, okay, I get it," he said, trying to swat them away. "I'll leave you alone, I promise!"

He stumbled backwards, trying to get away from the angry critters. But as he backed into a nearby tree, he felt a sharp pain in his rear end.

"Ow! What was that?" he cried, spinning around to see one of the creatures holding a tiny pitchfork. "You guys are like a cross between Care Bears and demons!"

He took off running through the forest, the fluffy creatures hot on his heels. He could hear their high-pitched giggling behind him, and he knew that he had to find a way to outrun them.

But just as he was about to break free, he tripped over a root and went tumbling to the ground. The creatures swarmed around him, pinning him to the earth with their tiny, sharp claws.

"Well, this is a fine mess," he groaned, trying to fend off the creatures. "I guess I'll have to add 'getting attacked by demonic Care Bears' to my list of things I never expected to happen."

Just then, he felt a sudden jolt in his chest. The time machine was calling him back, beckoning him to a new destination.

"Thank goodness for that," he muttered, punching in the new coordinates. "I don't think my heart could handle much more of this."

321名無しさん:2023/03/18(土) 06:15:28 ID:vZk5ecgQ
Golden Sugar stumbled out of the time machine, his eyes adjusting to the sterile hospital room around him. He took a deep breath and slowly sat up, feeling a sharp pain shoot through his body.

"Whoa, that's not good," he muttered to himself.

As he tried to get his bearings, the door opened, and in walked a man in a white coat. Golden Sugar squinted at the name tag and gasped.

"Dr. Golden Sugar?" he said in disbelief. "But that's my name!"

The doctor grinned. "Yep, that's right. But I'm you, from the future, in 2043."

Golden Sugar's eyes widened as he tried to process this information. "Wait, what? How is that even possible?"

The doctor chuckled. "I don't know how it works, but it does. Trust me, I've seen some weird stuff in my time."

Golden Sugar looked around the hospital room, feeling a sense of unease. "So, why am I here?"

The doctor's smile faded, and his expression grew serious. "Well, I'm sorry to say, but you were involved in a terrible accident. You've been in a coma for six months."

Golden Sugar's jaw dropped. "Six months? That's insane! What happened?"

The doctor sighed heavily. "It was a car crash. You were hit by a drunk driver. It's a miracle you survived."

Golden Sugar shook his head, feeling a mix of emotions. "That's terrible. How am I now?"

The doctor examined his charts. "Physically, you're healing well. But mentally, you're still struggling. You've been having nightmares, and you've been agitated and confused."

Golden Sugar frowned, feeling a sense of despair. "What am I going to do? How am I going to get through this?"

The doctor put a hand on his shoulder. "You're not alone, my friend. I've been there. I know what it's like to be a patient, and I know what it's like to be a doctor. And let me tell you, it's not easy."

Golden Sugar looked at him, intrigued. "What do you mean?"

322名無しさん:2023/03/18(土) 06:15:42 ID:vZk5ecgQ
The doctor leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyes wearily. "Well, being a doctor is a tough job. You see people at their worst, and you have to try and make them better. But sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you can't save them. That's the hardest part. And then there's the paperwork, the long hours, and the constant stress."

Golden Sugar winced, feeling a newfound respect for his future self. "Wow, that sounds rough. How do you cope?"

The doctor shrugged. "You find ways to manage. You rely on your colleagues and your support network. You try and find some humor in the situation. And you remind yourself why you got into this profession in the first place. Because at the end of the day, helping people is what makes it all worthwhile."

Golden Sugar nodded, feeling inspired. "Thanks for sharing that with me. It means a lot."

The doctor smiled. "No problem. And remember, I'm here for you. We'll get through this together."

Over the next few weeks, Golden Sugar slowly recovered from his injuries, with the help of the doctor and his team. He started to regain his strength and his sense of humor, and he even began to look forward to the future.

One day, as he was sitting in the hospital bed, the doctor walked in, looking exhausted.

"What's wrong?" Golden Sugar asked, concerned.

The doctor slumped down in a chair. "It's been a rough day. We lost a patient today. It's always hard, but some cases hit you harder than others."

Golden Sugar felt a pang of sympathy for the doctor. "I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?"

The doctor shook his head. "No, it's okay. It's part of the job. But it's not all bad news. We also had a patient who recovered from a near-fatal illness today. It's moments like those that remind you why you do what you do."

Golden Sugar smiled. "I can imagine. You know, I think this experience has given me a newfound appreciation for the medical profession. I never realized how much hard work and dedication it takes to be a doctor."

The doctor nodded. "It's not an easy job, but it's a rewarding one. And it's not just doctors, it's all healthcare professionals. From nurses to technicians to support staff, we all work together to make a difference in people's lives."

Golden Sugar grinned. "I couldn't agree more. And I think I might even consider a career in healthcare once I recover."

The doctor's face lit up. "That's great to hear! We need more compassionate and dedicated people in this field. Who knows, maybe one day you'll be the one helping a patient through a tough time."

Golden Sugar nodded, feeling a sense of purpose. "I hope so. And thanks again, for everything."

The doctor stood up and patted him on the back. "Anytime, my friend. We're all in this together." And with that, he walked out of the room, leaving Golden Sugar feeling grateful and inspired.

323名無しさん:2023/03/18(土) 06:16:09 ID:vZk5ecgQ
After his recovery, Golden Sugar decided to use the time machine once again to explore different eras. This time, he wanted to go back to his own time, but he accidentally ended up in the same year as before, only this time he was in a different location.

As he walked around the city, he noticed a pile of old notebooks scattered on the ground. Curiosity got the best of him, so he started to flip through them. Suddenly, he stumbled upon a cover with his name on it.

"Golden Sugar? That's me!" he exclaimed, not quite believing what he was seeing. As he examined the notebooks more closely, he realized that they belonged to a young man who was studying to get into medical school.

Golden Sugar couldn't help but smile. It was like fate was trying to bring him back to his original path. He picked up the notebooks and started to read through them, feeling inspired once again to pursue a career in healthcare.

But as he was reading, he noticed something strange. The notes were haphazard and the handwriting was sloppy, as if the person who wrote them was in a hurry or intoxicated.

Golden Sugar started to get a bad feeling in his gut. He decided to follow the trail of notebooks to see where they led, hoping to find the owner and perhaps help them out.

As he walked down the street, he noticed a bar up ahead. And sitting outside, drinking heavily and shouting at anyone who walked by, was a man who looked like he was in his mid-sixties. And his name was Golden Sugar.

At first, Golden Sugar couldn't believe his eyes. How could this be? Was this some sort of strange coincidence? But as he got closer, he realized that it was indeed the same Golden Sugar whose notebooks he had found.

"Excuse me, sir," he said tentatively, approaching the drunken man. "I couldn't help but notice that these notebooks belong to you."

The older Golden Sugar snatched the notebooks out of his hand and slurred, "What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy drinking here?"

Golden Sugar didn't know what to do. He had never seen someone so drunk and disorderly before. But he felt like he had to help somehow.

"Listen, sir," he said, trying to reason with the man. "I know this might sound strange, but I'm also named Golden Sugar, and I came across your notebooks. It looks like you were studying to get into medical school at one point. What happened?"

The older Golden Sugar scoffed. "What happened? Life happened, kid. I got sidetracked, lost my focus. Started drinking, and never looked back."

Golden Sugar felt a pang of sympathy for the older man. He couldn't imagine what it must be like to lose sight of your dreams and succumb to addiction. But he wasn't going to give up on him yet.

"Look, I know things might seem bleak right now, but it's never too late to turn your life around. I want to help you. Let me take you to a support group, or maybe we can talk to a therapist together."

The older Golden Sugar looked at him skeptically, but then a glimmer of hope appeared in his eyes. "You really think there's a chance for me?"

Golden Sugar nodded firmly. "Absolutely. I believe that anyone can change their life for the better, as long as they're willing to put in the work. And I'm here to support you every step of the way."

The older Golden Sugar broke down in tears. "Thank you, kid. Thank you so much. I didn't think anyone cared about me anymore."

Golden Sugar smiled warmly. "Of course I care. We're both Golden Sugar, after all."

324名無しさん:2023/03/18(土) 06:16:36 ID:vZk5ecgQ
Golden Sugar had just returned from an incredible journey through time, where he met two versions of himself - a successful doctor and a drunken mess. As he got back to his life in 2023, he couldn't help but laugh at the lessons he had learned from his older selves.

"Who knew I could become a doctor? Maybe I should start studying right away," Golden Sugar thought to himself.

But then he remembered the other version of himself, the one who had hit rock bottom and struggled with addiction.

"Oh no, no, no. That's not the kind of mess I want to be," he thought with a shudder.

So he enrolled in nursing school to be a nurse and began working at a hospital, eager to help others and make a difference in their lives. But as he worked, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious about his own potential addiction.

One day, while on his lunch break, Golden Sugar overheard some doctors talking about a new drug that was meant to be a cure-all for addiction.

"Maybe I should give it a try," Golden Sugar thought to himself.

"Nah, I think I'll pass on that one. I don't want to be a guinea pig for some new drug. Plus, therapy and support groups worked for some patients, they can work for me too," he said, feeling reassured.

As Golden Sugar continued his work at the hospital, he made sure to bring humor and joy to those around him. He was always cracking jokes and making silly faces, much to the delight of his patients and coworkers.

"Why did the time traveler break up with his girlfriend? Because she always told him "I need some space" but he kept trying to take her to the future!" Golden Sugar joked one day to a group of patients, earning a round of laughter.

But Golden Sugar's sense of humor didn't stop there. He loved to prank his coworkers and friends, always looking for a way to make them smile.

One day, he left a note on a coworker's desk that read, "Sorry, I'm allergic to work. I break out in hives whenever I come in." When his coworker read it, she burst out laughing and then turned to Golden Sugar with a grin.

"You're such a joker, Golden Sugar. I love it," she said.

Golden Sugar smiled back, feeling content. He may have seen two versions of himself in the future, but he was determined to create his own path, one full of laughter, love, and purpose.

325名無しさん:2023/03/18(土) 19:18:55 ID:vZk5ecgQ
Golden Sugar sat alone at the bar in Kyoto, nursing a cocktail and a cigarette. He pondered his life's most pressing questions: "How the hell am I going to get into a medical university?" he thought to himself. He had already failed so many exams that he was starting to think he should just give up and become a circus clown. "At least then, I'd have a chance of getting into medical school," he mused.

As he sipped his drink, he couldn't help but complain about Japan's educational system. "Why do they make it so damn difficult to get into medical school?" he grumbled. "Back in my day, all you needed was a pulse and a willingness to cut open frogs."

He took a drag of his cigarette and exhaled a cloud of smoke. As he did, he couldn't help but wonder how much longer he had to live. "I'm already in my forties," he thought. "That's practically ancient in Japan. At this rate, I'll be lucky to make it to fifty."

His thoughts were interrupted by the taste of the bread and coffee that Komeda Coffee served. "Damn, this bread is good," he thought. "If I can't become a doctor, maybe I can become a baker. Or a coffee maker. Or a bread maker. Hell, I'll make anything as long as it's edible."

As he drank his cocktail, Golden Sugar's mind drifted back to his younger days. He remembered going out with his first and last girlfriend, Naomi, when they were both in their late twenties. "I should have proposed to her here," he thought, looking around the bar. "But I didn't have the guts. I was too afraid of rejection. Now, I'm alone and she's probably married to some handsome doctor."

He took another sip of his cocktail and sighed. "Maybe I should have become a bartender," he thought. "At least then, I'd have a chance of meeting someone."

Just then, a group of rowdy tourists stumbled into the bar, laughing and shouting in English. Golden Sugar rolled his eyes and muttered, "Great, just what I need. A bunch of drunk foreigners ruining my peaceful night." But as he listened to their conversation, he couldn't help but chuckle at their jokes and witty banter.

"Maybe I should have been born American," he thought, taking another drag of his cigarette. "Then I could make jokes and everyone would think I was funny. Instead, I'm just a sad old man drinking alone in a bar."

He finished his cocktail and signaled to the bartender for another. As he waited, he glanced at the tourists again and realized that they were having the time of their lives. "Maybe I'm just taking life too seriously," he thought. "Maybe I should loosen up and enjoy myself."

He took a deep breath and smiled. "Who knows, maybe I'll even meet someone tonight," he thought optimistically.

As he waited for his drink, he couldn't help but crack a joke to himself. "I may not be a doctor, but I sure know how to prescribe myself a good cocktail," he chuckled.

326名無しさん:2023/03/18(土) 19:19:19 ID:vZk5ecgQ
Golden Sugar stumbled out of the bar, feeling tipsy but surprisingly energized. As he walked back to his apartment, he couldn't shake the feeling that he needed to do something to improve his life. "Maybe I should start studying English," he thought. "My academic performance in English is the worst of all subjects, and I need to improve it if I want to get into medical school."

He unlocked his apartment door and stumbled inside, feeling a sudden burst of motivation. He immediately pulled out his English textbook and started reading. But as he tried to focus on the words, his mind kept wandering to other things.

"I wonder if they make a cocktail that can improve my English skills," he thought. "Or maybe I should just hire a clown to teach me English. They say laughter is the best medicine, right?"

He shook his head and tried to focus again. "No, I need a real method to improve my English skills," he thought. "I need a how-to."

He sat down at his desk and started brainstorming. "Step one: read an English textbook. Step two: practice speaking English. Step three: watch English movies with subtitles. Step four: hire a clown to teach me English?"

He laughed at his own joke, but then something occurred to him. "Wait a minute, maybe a clown could actually help me," he thought. "They're great at teaching kids, so why not me?"

With that thought in mind, Golden Sugar started applying his new study method to his daily routine. He would read his English textbook in the morning, practice speaking English with his imaginary clown teacher in the afternoon, and watch English movies with subtitles at night.

At first, the method seemed to be working. He was starting to understand English better, and he could even hold a basic conversation without embarrassing himself too much. But then he hit a roadblock.

"I still don't understand idioms," he grumbled to himself. "What the hell does 'the cat's out of the bag' even mean? Do cats even like bags?"

He tried to look up the meaning of the idiom in his English textbook, but it wasn't there. So, he turned to the internet for help. He typed "what does 'the cat's out of the bag' mean" into the search bar and clicked enter.

What he found next made him wish he had never asked the question in the first place. He was bombarded with results ranging from the absurd to the downright ridiculous.

"According to this website, 'the cat's out of the bag' means that secrets are hard to keep," he muttered. "But this other website says it means that cats hate bags. And this one says it's a secret code used by spies during World War II."

327名無しさん:2023/03/18(土) 19:19:46 ID:vZk5ecgQ
He shook his head in frustration. "I'm never going to understand this language," he thought. "I might as well become a clown and join the circus."

But then, something miraculous happened. As he was practicing his English with his imaginary clown teacher, he suddenly understood the meaning of the idiom.

"Wait a minute, 'the cat's out of the bag' means that the secret is revealed!" he exclaimed, amazed. "I get it now!"

From that moment on, Golden Sugar's English skills improved dramatically. He was finally able to understand idioms, slang, and even jokes. He even started making jokes of his own.

"Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems," he chuckled to himself. "Maybe I should have become a comedian instead of a doctor."

As he drifted off to sleep that night, he felt a sense of accomplishment. "Who needs medical school when you can speak English like a pro?" he thought, laughing to himself.

And who knows, maybe his newfound English skills would come in handy for something other than medical school. As he drifted off to sleep, he started to dream of all the possibilities. Maybe he could become a famous English teacher, or a translator for a top-secret spy organization, or even an international spy himself.

But his dreams quickly turned into a nightmare as he was suddenly jolted awake by a loud banging at his door. He stumbled out of bed and groggily made his way to the door, wondering who could be knocking at his door at this hour.

When he opened the door, he was surprised to find a group of clowns standing outside, all wearing colorful makeup and oversized shoes.

"Good evening, sir," said the lead clown, a tall man with a bright red nose. "We're from the local clown union, and we heard you were interested in becoming a clown."

Golden Sugar rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was still dreaming. "Uh, yeah, I was just joking," he said, trying to backpedal. "I don't actually want to become a clown."

But the clowns didn't seem to hear him. "Well, that's great to hear," said the lead clown, handing him a brochure. "We have a clown college starting next month, and we'd be happy to have you as a student."

Golden Sugar tried to protest, but the clowns were already walking away, their oversized shoes making a loud clacking sound on the pavement.

As he watched them go, Golden Sugar couldn't help but laugh. "I guess I should be careful what I wish for," he thought.

328名無しさん:2023/03/18(土) 19:20:09 ID:vZk5ecgQ
The next day, he woke up early and headed to the Komeda Coffee shop to get his daily bread and coffee fix. As he waited in line, he couldn't help but think about his first and last girlfriend Naomi. He had never forgotten her, even though they had broken up years ago.

As he was lost in thought, he suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to find a beautiful woman smiling at him.

"Excuse me, sir, but I couldn't help noticing that you were lost in thought," she said, her voice as sweet as honey. "Are you okay?"

Golden Sugar felt his heart skip a beat. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine," he said, trying to play it cool. "Just thinking about my ex-girlfriend."

The woman's smile faded slightly. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," she said. "But maybe I can help take your mind off things. My name is Naomi, and I'm a professional clown."

Golden Sugar's jaw dropped. "You're a clown?" he said, surprised.

Naomi nodded. "Yes, I perform at children's birthday parties and charity events," she said. "It's a lot of fun, and it pays the bills."

Golden Sugar couldn't believe his luck. Not only was he talking to a beautiful woman, but she was also a clown, just like the imaginary one he had been talking to in his head.

They then continued the conversation and decided to have coffee together. They caught up with each other's past stories and current situations for a while.

As they sipped their coffee and nibbled on bread, Golden Sugar couldn't help but wonder if he had found the missing piece in his life's puzzle. Maybe he was destined to learn English just to impress Naomi, the love of his life, with his impressive vocabulary.

He had long forgotten about his dream of becoming a doctor and couldn't help but indulge in his new obsession with becoming a clown. The idea of juggling knives and pies sparked a thrill in him, but deep down, he knew his clowning abilities were more likely to elicit unintentional laughter than intentional chuckles.

As they finished their coffee, Naomi asked, "So, Golden Sugar, what's next for you?"

Golden Sugar replied, "Well, I'm thinking of starting my own business as a clown therapist. You know, helping people overcome their fear of clowns by scaring them even more."

Naomi burst out laughing, "Oh, Golden Sugar, you never cease to amaze me with your humor."

Golden Sugar smiled, "Well, that's because laughter is the best medicine, and I'm a doctor of laughter."

They both laughed and said their goodbyes. As Golden Sugar walked away, he couldn't help but think, "Maybe life is like a clown car, full of surprises and laughs. And if you're lucky, you might even get to be the one driving."

He turned around and shouted back, "Why did the clown go to the doctor? Because he was feeling a little funny!" and Naomi chuckled, shaking her head, knowing she was going to miss his witty jokes.

329Denfut:2023/03/18(土) 19:33:51 ID:IZZG6GPs
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331名無しさん:2023/03/18(土) 21:03:37 ID:vZk5ecgQ
If you search for tenderness
It isn't hard to find
You can have the love you need to live
But if you look for truthfulness
You might just as well be blind
It always seems to be so hard to give

Honesty is such a lonely word
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from you

I can always find someone
To say they sympathize
If I wear my heart out on my sleeve
But I don't want some pretty face
To tell me pretty lies
All I want is someone to believe

Honesty is such a lonely word
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from you

I can find a lover
I can find a friend
I can have security
Until the bitter end
Anyone can comfort me
With promises again
I know, I know
When I'm deep inside of me
Don't be too concerned
I won't ask for nothin' while I'm gone
But when I want sincerity
Tell me where else can I turn
Because you're the one I depend upon

Honesty is such a lonely word
Everyone is so untrue
Honesty is hardly ever heard
And mostly what I need from you.

332名無しさん:2023/03/18(土) 21:04:07 ID:vZk5ecgQ
Golden Sugar sat in his room, a puzzled expression on his face as he contemplated the lyrics of Billy Joel's song "Honesty." As he sat there, he couldn't help but crack a few jokes about the concept of honesty.

"Ya know, honesty is a lonely word, but so is celibacy," he mused to himself with a chuckle. "At least honesty doesn't leave you feeling frustrated."

Golden Sugar was always one for a good laugh, but he couldn't help but feel like there was something deeper to the song. He pondered the lyrics for a while longer, wondering what it truly meant to be honest.

Suddenly, an idea struck him. "I know!" he exclaimed. "I'll go out and test the concept of honesty for myself."

He made his way outside and began to ask people on the street about their opinions on honesty. The first person he asked was an old man sitting on a bench.

"Excuse me, sir," Golden Sugar said, "what does honesty mean to you?"

The old man looked at him skeptically. "Why do you want to know?"

"I'm just trying to figure out the meaning behind this Billy Joel song," Golden Sugar explained.

The old man shook his head. "I don't know anything about that song. But to me, honesty means always telling the truth, even when it's hard."

Golden Sugar nodded thoughtfully. "Interesting. Thank you for your input, sir."

He continued on his quest, asking more and more people about their thoughts on honesty. He asked a group of teenagers, a mom with her kids, and even a police officer.

As he made his way down the street, he began to notice a pattern. Most people had similar ideas about what it meant to be honest: telling the truth, being trustworthy, and not lying. But Golden Sugar wanted to delve deeper.

He decided to put his theory to the test and went into a store. He walked up to the cashier and said, "Excuse me, ma'am. I'm just browsing, but I wanted to let you know that I'm not actually going to buy anything."

The cashier looked at him incredulously. "Uh, okay. Thanks for letting me know, I guess?"

Golden Sugar nodded, satisfied with the experiment. "I just wanted to be honest with you. Have a great day!"

He left the store, feeling triumphant. He had tested the limits of honesty and come out on top. As he walked down the street, he began to feel a little hungry.

He spotted a hot dog stand and made his way over. "Excuse me, sir. I would like a hot dog with ketchup and mustard, please."

The hot dog vendor nodded and began to prepare the food. But just as he was about to hand it over, Golden Sugar had an idea.

"Actually, never mind. I don't want the hot dog anymore," he said.

The hot dog vendor looked at him quizzically. "Why not? I already made it."

Golden Sugar shrugged. "I changed my mind. Sorry."

The hot dog vendor shook his head in disbelief as Golden Sugar walked away, feeling proud of himself for being so honest.

But as he continued on his journey, he began to realize that maybe he had taken the concept of honesty a little too far. He had been honest to a fault, without considering the feelings of those around him.

He decided to head back to the hot dog vendor and make things right. "Excuse me, sir. I know I was being a little strange earlier. I apologize if I caused you any trouble."

The hot dog vendor smiled. "No problem at all, son. Just glad to see you're enjoying your day."

Golden Sugar grinned back.

333名無しさん:2023/03/18(土) 21:04:49 ID:vZk5ecgQ
Golden Sugar thanked the hot dog vendor for his understanding and continued his quest for the meaning of honesty. He walked down the street, deep in thought, until he spotted a man walking towards him wearing a ridiculous outfit.

The man was wearing a bright yellow suit, a matching top hat, and a pair of green boots. Golden Sugar couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Wow, your outfit is hilarious! Did you get dressed in the dark?" he asked the man.

The man looked at him, offended. "Hey, what's wrong with my outfit? I think it's pretty stylish."

Golden Sugar tried to contain his laughter. "Sorry, man. I didn't mean to offend you. I'm just a little overly honest sometimes."

The man shook his head and walked away, muttering under his breath. Golden Sugar realized that he needed to work on his delivery when it came to being honest.

As he continued on his journey, he came across a group of street performers. They were juggling, dancing, and doing acrobatics, all while wearing clown outfits. Golden Sugar couldn't help but stop and watch.

He watched as one of the clowns did a backflip and landed on his feet. "Wow, that was impressive!" Golden Sugar exclaimed.

But as the clown bowed, his oversized pants began to slip down. Golden Sugar couldn't help but laugh as the clown scrambled to pull them back up.

"I'm sorry, man. I didn't mean to laugh," he said between giggles.

The clown shrugged it off. "No worries, buddy. We're here to make people laugh, after all."

Golden Sugar continued on his journey, feeling a little lighter after his encounter with the clowns. As he walked, he began to think about how honesty could be used for good.

He decided to put his newfound knowledge to the test and headed to a nearby soup kitchen. He walked up to the head chef and said, "Excuse me, sir. I'm not actually here to volunteer. I just wanted to let you know that."

The chef looked at him, confused. "Why are you telling me this?"

Golden Sugar smiled. "Because I want to be honest with you. And because I wanted to ask if you needed any help in the kitchen."

The chef chuckled. "Well, honesty is appreciated, but we could definitely use some extra hands. You can start by peeling those potatoes over there."

Golden Sugar got to work, feeling good about himself for being honest and helpful at the same time. As he peeled the potatoes, he thought about how honesty could be used to make the world a better place.

He finished his shift at the soup kitchen and made his way back home, feeling fulfilled. As he walked into his room, he couldn't help but reflect on his journey.

"Honesty is more than just telling the truth. It's about being sincere and helpful to those around you," he thought to himself.

Just then, his phone rang. It was his best friend, who had been going through a tough time.

"Hey man, how's it going?" Golden Sugar asked.

His friend sighed. "Not great, to be honest. I've been feeling really down lately."

Golden Sugar paused, unsure of how to respond. But then he remembered his journey and decided to be honest.

"Well, to be honest, I'm not exactly sure what to say. But I'm here for you, and I want to help in any way I can," he said.

His friend was silent for a moment before letting out a small laugh. "Thanks, man. I appreciate your honesty."

334名無しさん:2023/03/18(土) 21:05:26 ID:vZk5ecgQ
Golden Sugar grinned, feeling proud of himself for applying his newfound knowledge to real-life situations. He realized that honesty wasn't just a concept to be pondered; it was a value to be lived by.

The next day, Golden Sugar woke up feeling inspired to spread the message of honesty to the world. He decided to start by creating a series of funny videos on social media, using humor to illustrate the importance of honesty.

In his first video, he dressed up as a carrot and pretended to be a hot dog, proclaiming, "I'm not a real hot dog, folks! Be honest with yourselves and admit that you love carrots just as much as hot dogs!"

The video went viral, and Golden Sugar found himself inundated with messages of support and appreciation. People loved his funny approach to a serious topic, and many of them shared their own stories of honesty and vulnerability.

Encouraged by the positive response, Golden Sugar continued to create more videos, each one more outrageous and hilarious than the last. He dressed up as a banana and sang a song about the benefits of honesty ("It's good for your soul, and it keeps you regular!"), and he even convinced his neighbor's dog to bark out a message about the importance of honesty in relationships.

As his following grew, Golden Sugar began to receive offers to appear on talk shows and podcasts. He became a minor celebrity, known for his zany humor and his commitment to honesty.

But even as he basked in the limelight, Golden Sugar remained grounded and true to his values. He continued to live his life with honesty and integrity, knowing that these were the qualities that truly mattered in the long run.

And as he looked back on his journey, he couldn't help but laugh at the twists and turns that had led him to this point. Who would have thought that a chance encounter with a hot dog vendor would lead to such a hilarious and inspiring adventure?

But such was the power of honesty - a value that could transform even the most ordinary moments into something truly extraordinary.

335名無しさん:2023/03/18(土) 21:11:43 ID:vZk5ecgQ
Golden Sugar, having spent considerable time pondering about honesty, made up his mind to take a bath. There, in the seclusion of his bathroom, he coughed slightly to clear his throat and sang his own rendition of "Honesty" with all his might.

Verse 1:
I'm not a poet, but I'll give it a shot,
Trying to make honesty funny, yeah that's what I've got.
It's a serious topic, I know that's true,
But a little bit of humor might help it get through.

Honesty, but make it funny,
Tell the truth, but don't be a dummy.
It's a tough thing to do, I know it's not easy,
But if you can make 'em laugh, it's not so cheesy.

Verse 2:
I once told a lie, yeah it's true,
I said I was a rock star, but that wasn't quite the truth.
But when I came clean, and I owned up to my lies,
People laughed with me, and I felt so alive.

Honesty, but make it funny,
Tell the truth, but don't be a dummy.
It's a tough thing to do, I know it's not easy,
But if you can make 'em laugh, it's not so cheesy.

So if you're feeling scared, and you don't know what to do,
Just remember to be yourself, and the truth will come through.
And if you can add some humor, and make 'em smile,
Well, that's just icing on the cake, that makes it all worthwhile.

Honesty, but make it funny,
Tell the truth, but don't be a dummy.
It's a tough thing to do, I know it's not easy,
But if you can make 'em laugh, it's not so cheesy.

So here's my song, it's not much I know,
But if it makes you laugh, then that's my goal.
Just remember to be honest, but don't be afraid to be funny,
'Cause that's what makes life worth living, even when things get muddy.

336名無しさん:2023/03/19(日) 20:44:20 ID:jFoTbghI
Episode 1: A Boring Life, Ready for Smiles

Golden Sugar, a man in his mid-forties with an offbeat sense of humor, lay on his couch, gazing at the ceiling. His living room had many quirky items, like an enormous cardboard picture of a llama wearing sunglasses and a group of old toilet plungers. "You know life's dull when your plungers are the best part of your week," he smirked to himself.

His life had become a series of repetitive days filled with boredom and uneventful experiences. He often made jokes to spice things up, like when he tried to ride his vacuum cleaner like a bull, shouting, "Yeehaw, Dyson!" as he fell to the floor. But even his own whimsical actions couldn't prevent the strong feeling of ennui.

One day, as he carelessly flipped through a photo album of his friends dressed as furniture for a 'living room' themed party, he couldn't help but wonder how he'd landed in such a tedious situation. He thought about his friends and their fascinating lives, like his buddy, Pete, who had become a professional dog food taster. "Maybe I should give that a try," he mused, "but then again, I don't think I could stomach it."

337名無しさん:2023/03/19(日) 20:45:02 ID:jFoTbghI
Episode 2: A Chance Encounter with Rap

Golden Sugar decided to search for something new to bring excitement to his life. As he aimlessly browsed the internet, he accidentally clicked on a video titled "Mockingbird" by rapper Eminem. He was captivated by the way Eminem used words and rhythm to express powerful emotions and tell stories. He started exploring the world of rap music and found many different styles and themes.

He began to think that there might be a place in the rap world for someone like him, who loved humor and absurdity. He pondered if he could create his own peculiar raps, filled with entertaining stories and outlandish comparisons. "Why not write a rap about my love for rubber chickens or a heartfelt song about my precious Beanie Babies?" he thought, excited by the idea of transforming his life.

338名無しさん:2023/03/19(日) 20:45:18 ID:jFoTbghI
Episode 3: The Comical Beginning

Inspired by Eminem's talent, Golden Sugar decided to try rapping for himself. He stood in front of his bedroom mirror, ready to give it a go. At first, his attempts were clumsy, sounding more like he was spitting on the ground than creating rhymes. But he didn't let that stop him. "Everyone starts somewhere," he told himself, "even the great Eminem probably sounded like a malfunctioning lawn mower at first."

As the weeks went by, Golden Sugar practiced his rapping skills, gradually improving and finding his own unique style. He filled his raps with bizarre stories about his mundane life, like the time he mistook his neighbor's cat for a raccoon and tried to chase it away with a broom while wearing his bathrobe. "I looked like a mad scientist trying to catch a rogue experiment!" he giggled.

339名無しさん:2023/03/19(日) 20:45:32 ID:jFoTbghI
Episode 4: Getting the Hang of It

After a couple of months, Golden Sugar's rapping skills had significantly improved. He could now rap about almost anything, from his catastrophic attempt at cooking a romantic dinner for his date (which ended with the fire department showing up) to the time he tried to build a treehouse and ended up trapped between two branches.

His raps were amusing and engaging, making everyone who heard them laugh out loud. His friends began to encourage him to share his raps with a wider audience, suggesting that he should enter a local rapping competition. "Who knows?" said his friend Pete, the dog food taster, "you might become the next sensation in the rap world, and finally escape your boring life!"

340名無しさん:2023/03/19(日) 20:45:45 ID:jFoTbghI
Episode 5: Climbing the Ladder of Rappers

Golden Sugar decided to take the leap and enter the local rapping competition. On the day of the event, he was a bundle of nerves, his hands shaking like leaves in the wind. However, he managed to calm himself down by cracking jokes about the competitors, imagining them dressed as chickens or trying to rap while wearing snorkels. "I bet they'd sound like a bunch of underwater chickens," he snickered to himself.

When it was his turn to perform, Golden Sugar stepped onto the stage and started rapping about his misadventures, like his failed attempt at learning yoga, where he got stuck in a pretzel-like pose and had to be rescued by the instructor. "I was like a human pretzel, and my instructor was the world's worst baker, trying to un-twist me," he rapped, drawing laughter from the crowd.

To his delight and surprise, Golden Sugar won the competition, defeating well-known local rappers and gaining the attention of the rap community. He continued to participate in more contests, climbing the ladder of rappers and gaining fans who loved his witty and absurd performances.

341名無しさん:2023/03/19(日) 20:45:57 ID:jFoTbghI
Episode 6: Turning His Life Around

With his newfound success, Golden Sugar's life began to change dramatically. He left behind his tedious days and started living his dream as a comedic rapper. He spent his days writing and performing his raps, always looking for new ways to make people laugh and enjoy his music.

One day, Golden Sugar decided to write a rap that would become his signature song, summarizing his journey from a man with a boring life to a successful and entertaining rapper. He titled the song "Golden Sugar," paying homage to his unique stage name.

As he worked on the lyrics, he couldn't help but sprinkle in a few more jokes. "My life used to be as exciting as watching paint dry, but now I'm the Picasso of rappers – creating masterpieces with a side of silliness!" he jotted down, chuckling at his own humor.

342名無しさん:2023/03/19(日) 20:46:10 ID:jFoTbghI
Episode 7: The Song "Golden Sugar"

Golden Sugar poured his heart and soul into the lyrics of his new song, capturing the essence of his transformation and his passion for making people laugh. The song quickly gained popularity, and soon, everyone was singing along to the catchy chorus:

I'm Golden Sugar, here to make you grin,
Turning bland days into laughter on a whim,
From rubber chickens to my Beanie Baby crew,
I found my groove, and now I'm sharing it with you.

As "Golden Sugar" climbed the charts, Golden Sugar marveled at the unexpected turn his life had taken. His once monotonous existence had transformed into a wild adventure filled with laughter, rap battles, and more rubber chickens than he could have ever imagined. He knew that he had found his calling in life, and he couldn't wait to see what new, entertaining adventures awaited him in the world of comedic rap.

343名無しさん:2023/03/19(日) 22:42:41 ID:jFoTbghI
In ancient Japan, there was a guy named Golden Sugar, who had a sweet tooth bigger than his head. He loved to eat all sorts of sugary treats, from candy bars to cakes to ice cream, and he never said no to a delicious dessert. Unfortunately for him, all that sugar was starting to catch up to him, and he found himself gaining weight faster than he could say "chocolate chip cookie."

One day, Golden Sugar stepped on the scale and saw that he weighed a whopping 158 kilograms. He was not happy about it, to say the least, and he started to grumble to himself and everyone around him. "Why do I keep gaining weight? It's not fair! I eat nothing but sweets all day and this is how my body thanks me? Unbelievable."

Golden Sugar's grumbling soon turned into a full-blown obsession, as he started to measure every single thing he ate and drank, making sure to calculate the exact amount of calories and sugar in each item. He even started to carry around a little notebook with him everywhere he went, where he would write down every single morsel of food that entered his mouth.

One day, Golden Sugar went to a bakery to satisfy his sweet cravings, and he started to ask the baker about the exact ingredients in each pastry. "Excuse me, sir, can you tell me the nutritional information for this croissant?" he asked, holding up a flaky, buttery treat. The baker looked at him with a raised eyebrow and said, "Uh, it's a croissant. It's not exactly a health food, you know."

But Golden Sugar was not deterred. "I need to know exactly how much sugar is in this croissant, sir. I can't just eat anything willy-nilly, you know. I have to be careful about my diet." The baker sighed and rolled his eyes, muttering something about "crazy customers" under his breath.

As Golden Sugar continued on his quest for the perfect diet, he started to come up with some truly insane ideas. One day, he decided that he was going to start a new diet trend called the "Sugar-only Diet," where he would only eat sugary foods and drinks, all day, every day. "Think about it, guys," he said to a group of bewildered friends. "We've been doing it wrong all along. Sugar is the key to happiness and health. I'm going to prove it to the world."

344名無しさん:2023/03/19(日) 22:42:58 ID:jFoTbghI
Of course, nobody took him seriously, and his friends all laughed at him. "Are you insane, Golden Sugar? You're going to give yourself diabetes or something," one of them said. But Golden Sugar was not deterred. "You'll see," he said, munching on a candy bar. "You'll all see."

As Golden Sugar continued on his sugar-only diet, he started to experience some strange side effects. His skin turned a sickly shade of yellow, his teeth started to rot, and he became increasingly irritable and moody. "What's wrong with me?" he muttered to himself, chowing down on a bag of gummy worms. "Why am I not feeling better?"

As his health continued to deteriorate, Golden Sugar started to become more and more delusional. He began to see visions of giant candy bars and marshmallows dancing in front of his eyes, and he started to believe that he was a sugar god, destined to rule over a kingdom of candy and cake. "Bow down to me, mortals!" he shouted to nobody in particular. "I am the one true Sugar King!"

Of course, by this point, everyone around Golden Sugar was convinced that he had gone completely insane. His family tried to intervene, his doctors tried to give him advice, and his friends tried to stage an intervention, but Golden Sugar refused to listen. He was convinced that he had found the secret to eternal happiness, and nothing was going to stand in his way.

One day, Golden Sugar decided to take his obsession to the next level and open up his own bakery. He spent all of his savings on ingredients and equipment, and he spent hours in the kitchen, whipping up all sorts of sugary treats. "This is going to be my legacy," he said to himself, dusting off his apron. "I'm going to create the greatest bakery in the world, and everyone will worship me for it."

But things didn't go exactly as planned. Golden Sugar's bakery was a complete disaster. His treats were so sugary that they were almost inedible, and his prices were so high that nobody could afford to buy anything. Customers would take one bite of a cupcake and immediately spit it out, shaking their heads in disgust. "This is terrible," they would say, walking out of the shop.

345名無しさん:2023/03/19(日) 22:43:24 ID:jFoTbghI
Golden Sugar refused to admit defeat, however. He spent hours tinkering with his recipes, trying to find the perfect balance of sugar and flavor. He even started to incorporate bizarre ingredients, like gummy worms and candy canes, into his baked goods. "This is it," he said, holding up a bright green cupcake that was topped with jelly beans and sprinkles. "This is my masterpiece."

But once again, things didn't go exactly as planned. Golden Sugar's latest creation was so disgusting that it made even the most hardcore sugar addicts want to run for the hills. Customers would take one look at the cupcake and immediately start gagging. "This is a disaster," they would say, covering their mouths. "How could anyone eat this?"

Golden Sugar was at his wit's end. He had spent all of his money, lost all of his friends, and ruined his health, all in the pursuit of his sugar obsession. But he still refused to give up. "I'll show them," he said, gritting his teeth. "I'll come up with something even sweeter, even more ridiculous, and they'll have to love it. They'll have to."

And so, Golden Sugar continued on his insane quest for the perfect sugary treat. He spent days, weeks, and months in his kitchen, experimenting with bizarre ingredients and creating desserts that would make even Willy Wonka raise an eyebrow. He became a recluse, rarely leaving his shop and barely sleeping. But he was determined to make it work.

In the end, Golden Sugar's bakery did become famous. But not for the reasons he had hoped. People would come from all over the world just to see the man who had lost his mind over sugar. They would take selfies in front of his shop and tell their friends about the crazy baker who had created the world's most disgusting cupcakes.

Golden Sugar, for his part, didn't seem to mind. He was happy just to be surrounded by sugar, even if nobody else understood him. "I did it," he said to himself, taking a bite of a bright pink cake that was covered in candy hearts. "I created the perfect dessert. And nobody can take that away from me."

And with that, Golden Sugar smiled, closed his eyes, and drifted off into a sugar-induced coma. The end.

346名無しさん:2023/03/20(月) 01:05:59 ID:28zqGTg.
Golden Sugar found himself floating in a sea of syrup, surrounded by giant gummy sharks and cotton candy jellyfish. "Whoa," he said, blinking in disbelief. "This is amazing."

As he swam through the sugary ocean, he came across a group of dolphins made entirely of candy. "Hey, guys," he said, grinning from ear to ear. "What's up?"

The candy dolphins looked at him with their gummy eyes and clicked their candy tongues. "Welcome to our world, Golden Sugar," they said in unison. "We've been waiting for you."

Golden Sugar couldn't believe his luck. He had always loved marine animals, and now he was swimming with candy versions of them. "This is the best dream ever," he said, doing a flip in the syrupy water.

As he continued to explore the candy ocean, Golden Sugar came across a giant sea turtle made entirely of chocolate. "Whoa," he said, swimming closer to get a better look. "This is incredible."

The chocolate sea turtle opened its mouth and spoke. "Greetings, Golden Sugar," it said in a deep, rumbling voice. "I am the king of the candy sea. And you, my friend, are our honored guest."

Golden Sugar couldn't believe it. He was being welcomed by the candy king of the sea. "This is amazing," he said, grinning from ear to ear.

The chocolate sea turtle gestured to a nearby candy palace. "Come, Golden Sugar," it said. "We have a feast prepared for you."

Golden Sugar followed the chocolate sea turtle to the candy palace, where he was greeted by a table overflowing with sugary treats. There were cupcakes decorated with gumdrops, cookies with frosting as thick as whipped cream, and even a giant chocolate cake that was shaped like a castle.

Golden Sugar's eyes widened in delight. "This is amazing," he said, grabbing a handful of gummy bears. "I've never seen anything like it."

As he munched on the sugary treats, Golden Sugar noticed something strange happening to his body. He was shrinking. "Whoa," he said, looking down at his tiny hands. "What's happening?"

The candy dolphins and chocolate sea turtle gathered around him, their candy eyes wide with concern. "Golden Sugar," they said in unison. "You're turning into candy."

Golden Sugar couldn't believe it. He was becoming one with the candy sea. "This is insane," he said, watching as his arms turned into licorice ropes. "I never want to leave."

But then, he heard a voice calling out to him from outside the candy palace. "Golden Sugar! Wake up, Golden Sugar!"

Golden Sugar opened his eyes and found himself back in the real world. He was lying on the floor of his bakery, covered in sugar and frosting. His friend, who had been trying to wake him up, was looking down at him with concern.

"What happened?" Golden Sugar said, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Was I dreaming?"

His friend nodded. "You were mumbling in your sleep and thrashing around. I had to shake you awake. Are you okay?"

Golden Sugar looked around his bakery, which was covered in sugar and flour. "I think so," he said, shaking his head. "I just had the craziest dream."

As he cleaned up his bakery, Golden Sugar couldn't stop thinking about his dream. He had never experienced anything like it before. "Maybe I need to take a break from sugar," he said to himself, wiping down a counter. "I'm starting to hallucinate."

347名無しさん:2023/03/20(月) 01:10:08 ID:28zqGTg.
But no matter how hard he tried, Golden Sugar couldn't resist the sweet temptations that surrounded him. He found himself sneaking bites of frosting and stealing candy from his own display cases. "I can't help it," he said to himself. "I just love sugar too much."

One day, as he was working on a new recipe, he accidentally spilled a bag of sugar all over the floor. "Oh no!" he exclaimed, as he tried to scoop it back up. But as he did, he realized something strange was happening. The sugar was moving on its own, forming little sugar creatures that started to dance around his feet.

Golden Sugar couldn't believe his eyes. "What is happening?" he asked, as he watched the sugar creatures do a little jig.

Just then, one of the sugar creatures spoke up. "We are the Sugar Fairies," it said, in a high-pitched, tinkling voice. "And we have come to grant you a wish."

Golden Sugar couldn't believe his luck. "Really?" he asked, his eyes wide with excitement. "Anything?"

The Sugar Fairy nodded. "Anything your heart desires," it said, twirling around on its sugar feet.

Golden Sugar thought for a moment. He had always dreamed of being the most famous baker in the world, but he knew he needed to change his ways if he was ever going to make that happen. "I wish to be the best baker in the world, but without all the sugar," he said, taking a deep breath.

The Sugar Fairy nodded, and with a wave of its tiny sugar wand, Golden Sugar felt a strange sensation wash over him. He felt lighter, healthier, and happier than he had in a long time.

And then, something even more magical happened. The Sugar Fairies started to turn into fruits and vegetables, and the entire bakery was transformed into a health food store.

Golden Sugar looked around in disbelief. "What happened?" he asked, as he realized that all of the sugary treats were gone.

"I think your wish came true," said his friend, who had just walked in. "You're now the owner of a health food store."

Golden Sugar couldn't believe it. He had never imagined a life without sugar, but now that he was living it, he felt better than ever. "I guess I don't need all that sugar after all," he said, as he looked around at the colorful display of fruits and vegetables.

And with that, Golden Sugar started a new chapter in his life. He became known as the healthiest baker in the world, creating delicious treats without any added sugars or artificial ingredients. And while he may not have been ruling over a kingdom of candy and cake, he knew that he was making a difference in people's lives by providing them with healthier options.

As for the Sugar Fairies, they continued to dance and play in the store, happy to be a part of Golden Sugar's new adventure. And who knows, maybe someday they'll grant another wish to someone in need of a little magic.

348名無しさん:2023/03/20(月) 19:04:29 ID:28zqGTg.
Title: The Bandwagon Effect: A Psychological Phenomenon in Social Influence


The bandwagon effect is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when individuals adopt beliefs, behaviors, or attitudes simply because others are doing so. It is a form of social influence, where the actions of the majority impact the decision-making process of individuals. This effect is prevalent in various aspects of society, including politics, consumer behavior, and popular culture. This essay will examine the factors that contribute to the bandwagon effect, the consequences of this phenomenon, and potential strategies to counteract its negative impacts.

Understanding the Bandwagon Effect

The bandwagon effect emerges from the human tendency to conform to the behaviors of those around us. This is due to several reasons:

1. Social pressure: People often feel compelled to fit in with their social group, which can lead them to adopt the same beliefs or behaviors as those around them. This desire for social acceptance can override a person's individual judgment and reasoning.

2. Cognitive shortcuts: Humans often rely on mental shortcuts, or heuristics, to make decisions quickly. The bandwagon effect arises from the belief that if many others are doing something, it must be the correct or optimal choice. This heuristic allows individuals to save time and cognitive resources but can lead to poor decision-making.

3. Fear of missing out (FOMO): The bandwagon effect can be driven by the fear of missing out on something perceived as beneficial or valuable. Individuals may join a trend or movement because they believe they will miss out on potential advantages if they do not participate.

Consequences of the Bandwagon Effect

The bandwagon effect can have both positive and negative consequences:

1. Positive consequences: In some cases, the bandwagon effect can help spread positive behaviors and beliefs. For example, the rapid adoption of environmentally friendly practices or public health measures can be beneficial for society as a whole.

2. Negative consequences: However, the bandwagon effect can also lead to the spread of harmful ideas and behaviors. For instance, it can contribute to the rise of political extremism, unhealthy consumer trends, or the perpetuation of misinformation. Additionally, the bandwagon effect can stifle creativity and critical thinking by encouraging conformity rather than individuality.

Counteracting the Bandwagon Effect

To mitigate the negative impacts of the bandwagon effect, individuals and organizations can employ the following strategies:

1. Encourage critical thinking: Promoting a culture of questioning and skepticism can help counteract the bandwagon effect. By fostering critical thinking skills, individuals become more capable of evaluating the merits of an idea or behavior independently.

2. Raise awareness: Educating people about the bandwagon effect can help them recognize when they may be influenced by it. Awareness can empower individuals to make more informed decisions and resist social pressure.

3. Promote diversity: Encouraging diversity of thought and opinion can help counteract the bandwagon effect. By exposing individuals to a variety of perspectives, they are more likely to consider alternative viewpoints and make more informed decisions.


The bandwagon effect is a powerful psychological phenomenon that plays a significant role in shaping individual and collective behaviors. While it can sometimes contribute to the adoption of positive beliefs and actions, it can also lead to harmful consequences. To mitigate the negative impacts of the bandwagon effect, it is crucial to foster critical thinking, raise awareness of the phenomenon, and promote diversity. By doing so, we can empower individuals to make more informed decisions and resist the pressure to blindly follow the crowd.

349名無しさん:2023/03/20(月) 19:04:51 ID:28zqGTg.
Golden Sugar, a mid-forties guy with a sense of humor and a ton of funny jokes, stumbled upon an essay about the bandwagon effect. "I've always known that I'm the coolest cat around, but let's see what this essay has to say," he said with a smirk.

As he read, he couldn't help but think of all the times he's been a victim of the bandwagon effect. "I'm ashamed to admit it, but I once bought a fanny pack because everyone else was doing it," he said while rolling his eyes.

But Golden was quick to point out that he still managed to stand out from the crowd. "I may have bought the fanny pack, but I wore it in a way that made it look cool. That's just how I roll," he said with a chuckle.

He continued reading and remembered the time when he was in college and tried to convince his friends to listen to a little-known band. "I was like, 'Guys, this band is going to be huge. They're going to be bigger than NSYNC and Backstreet Boys combined,'" he said, doing his best impression of a teenage boy.

But his friends just didn't get it. "It was like talking to a bunch of aliens," he said. "They just didn't understand my superior taste in music."

But, of course, as fate would have it, the bandwagon effect took over, and the band became the next big thing. "I was like, 'I told you so,' but in a really cool and nonchalant way," he said with a grin.

Golden couldn't help but laugh at the memory. "Sometimes, it takes the rest of the world a little while to catch up to my level of coolness," he said.

He continued reading and remembered a time when he started a new job at a tech company. "Everyone was using these buzzwords that made them sound like they were from another planet," he said, doing his best impression of a robot.

At first, Golden refused to use the buzzwords. "I was like, 'Guys, what the heck are you talking about? Speak English, please,'" he said, rolling his eyes.

But then, he started to feel left out. "It was like everyone else was in on a secret, and I wasn't invited to the party," he said with a pout.

So, he decided to give it a shot. "I was like, 'Synergy. Collaborate. Leverage.' I was just throwing out words, hoping they would stick," he said with a laugh.

And to his surprise, they did stick. "I think I was actually onto something," he said with a wink.

As Golden finished reading the essay, he couldn't help but reflect on his experiences with the bandwagon effect. "At the end of the day, you have to find a balance between being a sheep and being a lone wolf," he said.

And with that, he went back to cracking jokes and making light of the world around him. "Laughter is the best way to counteract the negative effects of the bandwagon effect," he said with a grin. "Trust me, I'm an expert."

350名無しさん:2023/03/20(月) 19:40:59 ID:28zqGTg.
Golden Sugar was a man of many talents, but the English language was not one of them. He was always getting into trouble, especially when it came to reading and understanding passages. One day, as he was browsing through the internet, he stumbled upon an article about the history of communication. He thought it would be interesting to learn more about how humans have been communicating with each other over the centuries.
Throughout history, numerous technological innovations have revolutionized the way we communicate. The invention of the printing press in the 15th century laid the foundation for mass distribution of written works. This remarkable device provided an unprecedented opportunity for knowledge dissemination and cultural exchange. Fast forward to the 19th century, when the telegraph emerged as a means of instant communication, connecting people across vast distances. The 20th century saw another breakthrough with the invention of the internet, which has since dramatically transformed human interaction.

Question 1:

According to the passage, which invention played a key role in the mass distribution of written works?

A) The internet
B) The telegraph
C) The printing press
D) The telephone

Question 2:

What was the main advantage of the telegraph in the 19th century?

A) It allowed for cultural exchange
B) It enabled instant communication over long distances
C) It facilitated mass distribution of written works
D) It dramatically transformed human interaction
As he read through the passage, Golden Sugar found himself getting more and more confused. He scratched his head and muttered to himself, "Printing press, telegraph, internet...why do we need all these things? Can't we just shout really loudly?" He knew he needed help, so he decided to ask his friend, a wise old owl named Professor Hoot.

351名無しさん:2023/03/20(月) 19:41:20 ID:28zqGTg.
"Hey, Professor Hoot," Golden Sugar said, "Can you help me answer these questions about the history of communication?"

"Of course, my dear boy," replied the professor. "What are the questions?"

Golden Sugar looked at the passage again and cleared his throat. "Question one: According to the passage, which invention played a key role in the mass distribution of written works?"

The professor replied, "That would be the printing press, my dear boy. It allowed for the mass production of books and other written materials, making knowledge more accessible to the masses."

Golden Sugar nodded slowly, trying to take in the information. "Ah, I see. So, the printing press is like a really big photocopy machine?"

The professor chuckled. "Well, in a way, you could say that. But it's much more than that. The printing press revolutionized the way we share information and ideas. It paved the way for the modern era of mass communication."

Golden Sugar nodded again, feeling slightly more enlightened. "Okay, I get it now. So, what about question two?"

The professor leaned back and stroked his beard. "Question two asks what was the main advantage of the telegraph in the 19th century."

Golden Sugar thought for a moment. "Hmm, let me think. Was it that it allowed people to talk to each other from really far away?"

The professor nodded. "Yes, that's correct. The telegraph enabled people to communicate instantly over long distances, which was a major breakthrough in communication technology."

Golden Sugar grinned. "Wow, I'm getting the hang of this. I'm practically a genius now."

The professor chuckled. "Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves, my dear boy. But you are definitely making progress."

Golden Sugar felt a surge of pride. He had always struggled with English, but with the professor's help, he was finally starting to understand. "Thanks, Professor Hoot. You're the best."

The professor smiled kindly. "You're very welcome, my dear boy. It's always a pleasure to help someone learn something new."

Golden Sugar went back to the passage and re-read it with newfound confidence. He even started cracking a few jokes as he went along. "Printing press, telegraph, internet...what's next? Telepathy? Flying cars? Who knows?"

The professor chuckled at Golden Sugar's antics. "You never know, my dear boy. The future is full of surprises."

As Golden Sugar continued to learn and grow, he realized that English wasn't such a scary language after all. With a little help from his wise old friend, he was able to unlock a whole new world of knowledge and understanding. And who knows? Maybe one day, he would even invent a new communication technology of his own. After all, anything was possible with a little humor and a lot of determination.

352名無しさん:2023/03/20(月) 19:55:25 ID:QdUc9nqI
I ate a baguette kneaded cricket powder. A few minutes after eating I felt nauseous and headache. I never want to eat something including cricket.

353黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/20(月) 19:55:46 ID:QdUc9nqI

354名無しさん:2023/03/21(火) 21:36:03 ID:89yyFPAs
One day, Golden Sugar sat at his desk, surrounded by piles of books and papers, studying English. He had always been fascinated by the language and its nuances, and he was determined to become fluent.

As he pored over the pages of his grammar book, he couldn't help but chuckle at some of the oddities of the English language. "I mean, seriously, who came up with the idea of silent letters? It's like a cruel joke," he mused to himself.

He scratched his head as he tried to remember the differences between "there," "their," and "they're." "It's like trying to solve a riddle. How am I supposed to know which one to use?" he complained.

But even as he struggled with the complexities of the language, he found himself drawn in by its beauty and expressiveness. He read aloud a passage from a Shakespeare play, savoring the rich, melodious words.

"It's like music to my ears," he thought to himself. "English is such a rich and diverse language. I feel like I'm unlocking a treasure trove of knowledge and culture."

As he continued to study, he found an article written in English about globalization.

355名無しさん:2023/03/21(火) 21:36:46 ID:89yyFPAs
Globalization is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has been reshaping our world for several decades. It is a process that has been fueled by advances in technology, transportation, and communication, and that has led to increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of economies, societies, and cultures around the world.

At the heart of globalization lies the growth of international trade. The liberalization of trade barriers and the establishment of international trade agreements have led to an increase in the flow of goods, services, and capital across borders. This has enabled businesses to access new markets, and consumers to access a wider variety of products at lower prices. However, this has also led to an unequal distribution of gains, with some countries benefiting more than others from the process of globalization. This has led to a growing divide between rich and poor countries, and has created significant economic and social disparities within and between countries.

The movement of people across borders, facilitated by advances in transportation and communication, has also had a significant impact on globalization. This has led to greater cultural exchange, with people from different backgrounds coming into contact with each other and sharing ideas and practices. This has led to the development of new cultural phenomena, such as fusion cuisine, music, and fashion, which have enriched our global cultural heritage. However, it has also led to cultural conflicts and misunderstandings, particularly in areas where there is resistance to change or cultural differences. This has been exacerbated by the rise of nationalist and populist movements, which seek to reject globalization and its associated cultural changes.

356名無しさん:2023/03/21(火) 21:37:08 ID:89yyFPAs
Despite its benefits, globalization has also had its critics. Some argue that it has led to a widening gap between the rich and poor, both within countries and between them. They point to the negative effects of global competition on workers' wages and job security, as businesses seek to outsource jobs to countries with lower labor costs. Others are concerned about the environmental consequences of increased economic activity, as businesses seek to maximize profits by exploiting natural resources without regard for their long-term sustainability. Moreover, globalization has contributed to the rise of political and social inequality within and between countries.

In addition to its economic and cultural dimensions, globalization also has geopolitical implications. It has led to the rise of new centers of power, with countries such as China and India playing an increasingly influential role in the global economy. This has also led to new forms of competition and cooperation between countries, as they seek to protect their interests and maximize their gains from the process of globalization. As a result, globalization has not only reshaped the economic landscape but has also had a profound impact on politics, security, and international relations.

In spite of these criticisms, it is clear that globalization has brought significant benefits to many people around the world. It has enabled businesses to access new markets and create new jobs, and has led to the development of new technologies and ideas. It has also enabled people to travel, study, and work abroad, and has led to greater cultural exchange and diversity. However, it is important to recognize that globalization also has its downsides, and that we must work to alleviate its negative effects if we are to build a more just and sustainable global society.

This requires a commitment to inclusive growth, environmental sustainability, and cultural diversity, as well as a recognition of the geopolitical implications of globalization. Governments and international organizations must work together to ensure that the benefits of globalization are shared equitably, and that the adverse effects are mitigated. This includes investing in education and training programs to help workers adapt to the changing nature of work, implementing policies to protect the environment, and promoting cultural diversity and dialogue. By doing so, we can harness the power of globalization to create a better world for all, and to build a more peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable future.

357名無しさん:2023/03/21(火) 21:37:23 ID:89yyFPAs
Golden Sugar sat back in his chair, deep in thought after reading the passage on globalization. As he pondered the various aspects of this complex phenomenon, his mind couldn't help drifting off into a series of humorous musings.

"Man, globalization really is the 'it' girl of the 21st century. Everyone's talking about it and trying to get in on the action," he chuckled to himself. "It's like the high school prom queen of the world."

He couldn't help but smirk as he thought about the rise of fusion cuisine. "I mean, who doesn't love a good sushi burrito or a kimchi quesadilla? It's like culinary world peace, man."

But then his mind drifted to the economic disparities that globalization has caused. "I guess some countries got the short end of the stick when it comes to globalization. It's like a game of musical chairs, and some people just end up without a seat. It's like telling a joke that only some people get, and the others are just left scratching their heads."

He shook his head and chuckled at his own musings. "But seriously, we need to do better. It's like that old saying, 'a rising tide lifts all boats.' We need to make sure that everyone has a boat, and that it's not full of holes."

As he continued to ponder the implications of globalization, his thoughts turned to the environmental consequences of increased economic activity. "I mean, I get it. Everyone wants the newest, shiniest, coolest thing. But at what cost? We're like a bunch of kids playing with toys, not realizing that we're breaking them and polluting the world in the process. It's like a game of Jenga, but instead of stacking blocks, we're stacking environmental disasters."

358名無しさん:2023/03/21(火) 21:37:37 ID:89yyFPAs
He couldn't stop laughing at his own analogy. "I know, I know. That was a bit of a stretch. But seriously, we need to be more responsible. We can't keep playing this game of Russian roulette with the environment."

As he wrapped up his musings, Golden Sugar felt a renewed sense of urgency and purpose. "We need to take responsibility for our actions and work together to build a more just and sustainable world. It's like that old adage, 'think global, act local.' We need to start taking action now, before it's too late. It's like planting a tree. We may not see the results right away, but we know that it's the right thing to do."

With a smile on his face and a renewed sense of purpose in his heart, Golden Sugar felt a bit tired and sat down on his couch, still thinking about the passage on globalization when he saw a news article about people eating crickets as a solution to cope with food shortages. He was intrigued by the idea and decided to give it a try. He went to the store near his apartment and bought a baguette with cricket powder kneaded in it.

As he took a bite, he immediately regretted his decision. The taste was nothing like he had expected, and he could feel the gritty texture of the cricket powder in his mouth. He forced himself to swallow, but soon after, he started feeling nauseous and had a headache.

"What was I thinking?" he groaned to himself. "I should have known better than to eat something like this. It's like trying to solve a food shortage by making everyone eat dirt."

359名無しさん:2023/03/21(火) 21:37:54 ID:89yyFPAs
He sat on the couch, feeling miserable and regretful. "I'm never eating anything with crickets in it again," he vowed to himself.

As he sipped on some water to try to wash away the unpleasant taste, he thought back to the passage on globalization. "I guess this is one of the downsides of globalization, huh? People trying to come up with quick-fix solutions to complex problems without considering the consequences."

He couldn't help giggling at the irony of the situation. "I mean, here I am, thinking about the economic, cultural, and environmental implications of globalization, and then I go and eat a cricket baguette. Talk about a contradiction."

As the nausea subsided and the headache began to fade, Golden Sugar took a deep breath and reflected on the experience. "I guess this is a reminder to always think critically and carefully about the choices we make, both on a personal and global level. We need to consider the long-term consequences of our actions and make choices that benefit everyone, not just ourselves."

With a renewed sense of humility and a lesson learned, Golden Sugar decided to stick to his usual baguette from now on. He may not be saving the world, but at least he won't be feeling sick in the process.

And with that, Golden Sugar started to surf the Internet for a change. As he was browsing online, he stumbled upon a blog written by someone named Black Sugar. Curiosity piqued, he clicked on the link and began to read.

360名無しさん:2023/03/21(火) 21:38:16 ID:89yyFPAs
Black Sugar was a man of routine. He woke up every day at 6:00 a.m., drank his milk coffee, and ate his favorite chocolate cake. But today, something was different. He had an interview at Niigata University, and he was nervous as hell.

The interviewers were tough and interrogated him about his reasons for choosing the dental department. They kept asking him the same question over and over again, trying to get him to admit that he had poor academic abilities. Black Sugar was frustrated and thought to himself, "What's with this 'pressure interview' bullshit?"

As the interview went on, they started asking him personal questions about his partner and his financial situation. Black Sugar was taken aback, thinking to himself, "Isn't this harassment?" But he managed to hold his composure and answer their questions.

After the interview, he went to a nearby restaurant and ordered his favorite dish, the Negi Yama Beta-yaki. It was his comfort food, and he enjoyed every bite. But as he was eating, he couldn't help but think about the interview.

"Maybe I should just forget about Niigata and focus on other medical schools," he mused to himself. He pulled out his phone and began searching for other options.

He found a list of schools he could apply to, but he immediately ruled out the top-tier universities. "I won't even bother applying to any medical school better than Fukuoka University," he said to himself.

361名無しさん:2023/03/21(火) 21:38:31 ID:89yyFPAs
Black Sugar was determined to do well on his upcoming exams, so he made a plan. "I'll focus on the slightly difficult questions, and I'll improve my reading speed. I'll also stop using my phone so much and read more books," he said.

But as the days went on, he became increasingly frustrated with his lack of progress. "What's the point of studying so hard when the questions are so difficult?" he complained.

One day, he decided to seek help from a cram school. He looked up the prices for various options and was shocked to find that the best one cost nearly a million yen. "I guess I'll just have to settle for a self-study room," he sighed.

He spent hours studying every day, but it seemed like he was getting nowhere. "I don't even know how to prepare for the Common Test anymore," he complained to himself.

As he scrolled through an online forum, he noticed that someone had been impersonating him. "What the hell?" he yelled. "I didn't post any of this!" He was infuriated and considered shutting down his blog.

He continued to study and prepare for his exams, but his mental health was deteriorating. He gave up drinking alcohol and tried to cut down on caffeine. He even started stockpiling food, medicine, and other essentials, convinced that war was imminent.

As he looked back on his daily entries, he realized how insane he sounded. "Maybe I should just stop blogging altogether," he thought. But he couldn't resist the urge to continue documenting his journey.

362名無しさん:2023/03/21(火) 21:38:44 ID:89yyFPAs
Golden Sugar scrolled through the latest entry in Black Sugar's online blog. He couldn't help but chuckle at the sheer insanity of it all.

"Man, this guy is losing it," he mused to himself. "I mean, who stockpiles food and medicine because they think war is coming? What's he gonna do, hide in his apartment and eat canned beans?"

Golden Sugar shook his head and continued reading. As he read about Black Sugar's struggles with studying, he couldn't help but relate.

"I feel you, brother," he said to himself. "I've failed my fair share of entrance exams too. But at least I don't sound like a crazy person when I write about it."

He continued scrolling and came across a particularly ridiculous entry.

"Ha! This guy thinks someone's impersonating him online? He must have a pretty high opinion of himself to think someone would bother impersonating him," Golden Sugar laughed.

He leaned back in his chair and pondered the absurdity of it all.

"I mean, sure, I've had some crazy thoughts too. But at least I don't think war is coming and start hoarding supplies. I just eat a lot of junk food and complain about my ex-wife, Pink Sugar," he chuckled.

Golden Sugar took a sip of his coffee and continued reading. As he read about Black Sugar's determination to improve his studying habits, he couldn't stop rolling his eyes.

363名無しさん:2023/03/21(火) 21:39:03 ID:89yyFPAs
"Ah yes, because the solution to failing entrance exams is to stop using your phone and stock up on food. Why didn't I think of that?" he said sarcastically.

He continued reading and came across another outrageous entry.

"Wait, did he just say he won't even bother applying to a medical school better than Fukuoka University? What, is he too good for Tokyo University or something?" Golden Sugar exclaimed.

He shook his head in disbelief and continued reading. As he read about Black Sugar's frustration with the difficulty of the Common Test, he couldn't avoid feeling sympathy.

"I feel you, man. Those tests are brutal. I remember one time I studied for weeks and still managed to fail because I misread a question. I was so mad I wanted to throw my textbook out the window," he laughed softly.

He continued reading and came across another side-splitting entry.

"Oh my god, he's thinking of shutting down his blog because someone's impersonating him? Is he serious right now?" Golden Sugar laughed.

He took another sip of his coffee and continued reading. As he read about Black Sugar's mental health deteriorating, he couldn't avoid experiencing a slight feeling of sympathy.

"Okay, I know I've been making fun of this guy, but I do feel bad for him. Failing exams can really mess with your head. Maybe I should reach out to him and offer some words of encouragement," he thought to himself.

He continued reading and came across the final entry.

"Wait, what? This guy thinks he's in some sort of war zone now? This is getting uproarious," Golden Sugar said, shaking his head in disbelief.

364名無しさん:2023/03/21(火) 21:39:13 ID:89yyFPAs
He continued reading and stumbled upon a comment from someone named "CrazyCatLady69."

"Ha! Even the commenters on this guy's blog are insane. 'Don't worry, Black Sugar, I've got enough cat food to last us through the apocalypse.' What kind of person stockpiles cat food?" he laughed.

Golden Sugar closed the blog and leaned back in his chair, still chuckling to himself.

"Man, that was insane. But I guess it's nice to know I'm not the only one who's struggled with entrance exams. I just hope I never lose my mind like that," he thought to himself.

He took another sip of his coffee and went back to work, but he couldn't stop thinking about Black Sugar's blog. He wondered what had led him to such a state of mind.

"Maybe he just needs someone to talk to, you know? Someone to tell him that it's okay to fail, and that there's more to life than entrance exams and medical schools," Golden Sugar pondered.

365名無しさん:2023/03/21(火) 21:39:29 ID:89yyFPAs
Golden Sugar couldn't resist the urge to take action. He decided to create a parody blog called "The Unhinged Adventures of Black Sugar." The blog would include exaggerated versions of Black Sugar's struggles with studying, entrance exams, and his wild conspiracy theories.

He started with an entry about Black Sugar's wild preparations for the apocalypse. "Day 1: I've decided to turn my apartment into a nuclear bunker. I've ordered five tons of canned beans, a lifetime supply of chocolate cake, and twenty gas masks. You can never be too prepared!"

As he wrote, Golden Sugar couldn't stop laughing. "Oh man, this is going to be hysterical," he thought.

He continued with another entry about Black Sugar's outrageous studying methods. "I've decided to study in a self-made sensory deprivation chamber. It's just me, my textbooks, and complete darkness. I've also started using a hands-free feeding system, so I can eat canned beans while I study. Efficiency is key!"

Golden Sugar couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. He imagined Black Sugar's reaction to this parody blog and laughed even harder.

He also wrote an entry about Black Sugar's bizarre social life. "Today, I held a party for all my fellow preppers. We had a canned bean cook-off, played 'Pin the Gas Mask on the Conspiracy Theorist,' and even held a contest to see who could build the sturdiest bunker out of pillows and blankets."

366名無しさん:2023/03/21(火) 21:39:40 ID:89yyFPAs
Golden Sugar was having a blast writing these entries, and he was excited to share them with the world. He knew that the blog was a bit mean-spirited, but he couldn't help but feel that it would help Black Sugar see the humor in his situation.

As the blog gained popularity, the comment section became a playground for people to share their own exaggerated stories of struggling with entrance exams and preparing for the apocalypse. The community was filled with laughter and camaraderie, as everyone bonded over their shared experiences.

One day, Golden Sugar received an email from Black Sugar himself. "Hey, I saw your parody blog, and I have to admit, it's pretty funny. At first, I was upset, but then I realized that I've been taking everything way too seriously. Thanks for helping me see the humor in my situation."

Golden Sugar was thrilled that his blog had not only provided entertainment but had also helped Black Sugar find some perspective. He replied, "No problem, man. We've all been there. Just remember, there's more to life than exams and worrying about the end of the world. Keep your head up, and don't forget to laugh at yourself once in a while."

From then on, Black Sugar and Golden Sugar became friends, bonding over their shared struggles and learning to laugh at life's absurdities. And as they continued to write their blogs, they discovered that laughter really was the best medicine.

367黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/22(水) 03:58:45 ID:TplOrKwg
I read up to>>342

368名無しさん:2023/03/22(水) 19:59:57 ID:iJSvpXmM
Japan secured an exhilarating 3-2 win over reigning champions USA to claim their third World Baseball Classic title.

Japanese superstar Shohei Ohtani secured the victory in Miami by striking out US captain and fellow LA Angels teammate Mike Trout in the ninth inning.

Japan previously triumphed in the tournament in 2006 and 2009.

Ohtani, 28, expressed that this was the pinnacle of his life and was honored to be part of Japan's winning legacy. He was named the tournament's MVP and made the all-tournament team as both a designated hitter and pitcher.

The fifth WBC came down to a showdown between two of MLB's top players in the final at-bat.

In 2021, Ohtani became the first MLB player to be chosen for the All-Star Game as both a pitcher and hitter.

Trout, 31, signed the largest contract in global sports in 2019, a 12-year extension worth an estimated $426.5m (£324m).

Ohtani triumphed in front of a full house of 36,098 fans, sparking jubilant celebrations among his teammates and in Tokyo.

Trout graciously admitted defeat in the first round, while US manager Mark DeRosa praised the exciting outcome, although he wished it had gone differently.

Philadelphia Phillies shortstop Trea Turner gave the US an early lead with his fifth home run of the WBC, tying the single tournament record. However, Munetaka Murakami and Kazuma Okamoto both homered for Japan, taking the lead. Kyle Schwarber's eighth-inning home run reduced the gap to 3-2 before Ohtani's victory over Trout.

Ohtani emphasized that Japan's win demonstrated their ability to defeat any team in the world.

DeRosa commended his team's unity and camaraderie, despite their disappointment. The next WBC is scheduled for 2026, and Ohtani urges Japan to continue building on their achievements, emphasizing that their journey has just begun.

369名無しさん:2023/03/22(水) 20:00:21 ID:iJSvpXmM
Golden Sugar, a peculiar fellow in his mid-forties, sat in the corner of his favorite coffee shop. He had just finished reading the article about Japan's victory in the World Baseball Classic and couldn't help but marvel at the athletes' tenacity and determination. His eyes wandered towards the window as he began contemplating his own life.

For the past five years, Golden Sugar had been a cram school student, a fact that many found odd, given his age. He was known for his quirky sense of humor and peculiar habits. The other students would often chuckle as he entered the classroom wearing his trademark outfit: a bright yellow suit, mismatched socks, and a polka-dot tie.

One day, as Golden Sugar was leaving the cram school, he overheard a group of students discussing the recent WBC match.

"I can't believe Ohtani struck out Trout!" one exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's like David and Goliath!" another chimed in.

Suddenly, an idea popped into Golden Sugar's head. He decided that he, too, would take on a seemingly insurmountable challenge: becoming a world-class athlete.

Golden Sugar enthusiastically announced his decision to his fellow cram school students. "I shall become the greatest athlete the world has ever seen!" he declared, striking a heroic pose. The students exchanged glances and then burst into laughter.

Undeterred, Golden Sugar approached the cram school's gym teacher, Mr. Muscle, who was known for his no-nonsense demeanor. "Mr. Muscle," he said, "I want you to train me to become the greatest athlete in history!"

Mr. Muscle raised an eyebrow, looking Golden Sugar up and down. "You? You look like you've never lifted a weight in your life!" he scoffed.

"But I've been lifting my spirits every day, and that's got to count for something!" Golden Sugar retorted with a grin.

Mr. Muscle couldn't help but chuckle at Golden Sugar's unique sense of humor. He agreed to train him, figuring it would be an entertaining experience, if nothing else.

Golden Sugar's training sessions were filled with laughter and peculiar exercises. Instead of traditional weightlifting, Golden Sugar insisted on lifting dictionaries and encyclopedias. When it came to sprinting, he preferred to run backward while reciting tongue twisters.

After months of unconventional training, Golden Sugar faced off against the school's star athlete, Speedy McFast, in a friendly competition. Surprisingly, Golden Sugar held his own, showcasing agility and endurance nobody expected.

As the race concluded, Golden Sugar, out of breath but beaming with pride, proclaimed, "You see? I may not have won, but I've proven that even a cram school student like me can chase their dreams, no matter how ridiculous they may seem!"

The crowd erupted in laughter and applause. From that day on, Golden Sugar was no longer known simply as a cram school student but as the man who dared to chase the seemingly impossible, all with a sense of humor that could brighten even the darkest of days.

370名無しさん:2023/03/22(水) 20:04:25 ID:iJSvpXmM
The impact of the war in Ukraine is reverberating throughout Asia, as evidenced by the concurrent foreign visits of Japanese and Chinese leaders, who find themselves on opposite sides of the conflict.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is in Kyiv, pledging unwavering support to Ukraine's president, discussing reconstruction and humanitarian assistance. In contrast, China's Xi Jinping is in Moscow, referred to by Russia's Vladimir Putin as a friend and partner. Despite China's claims of neutrality, its current stance appears more Moscow-aligned than impartial.

On Tuesday, Xi emphasized the importance of China's ties with Russia, referring to the two nations as "great neighboring powers." Kishida's simultaneous visit to Kyiv is striking in light of the events in Moscow. This marks a rare unannounced foreign trip for a Japanese leader and the first visit to a conflict-ridden country since World War II.

During his visit, Kishida paid his respects in Bucha, a town where hundreds of civilians were killed by Russian forces last year. The Japanese foreign ministry stated that Kishida's trip aimed to express solidarity with the Ukrainian people and condemn Russia's use of invasion and force to unilaterally change the status quo.

Kishida's visit responds to pressure from his own Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), as he was the only G7 leader who had not visited Ukraine since Russia's invasion. His trip will likely be well-received by the US, particularly after his recent summit with South Korea's president, which aimed to normalize relations and present a united front against North Korea.

Xi's visit to Moscow is part of China's effort to expand its global influence, while Kishida's presence in Ukraine sends a powerful message regarding Japan's position in the ongoing geopolitical conflict. Japan must carefully navigate its relationship with China, especially as the two economic powerhouses held security talks in Tokyo last month.

Japan is also concerned about the potential parallels between the Russian invasion of Ukraine and a hypothetical Chinese military aggression against Taiwan, which would likely involve Japan. The respective locations of the two leaders on Tuesday are indicative of their current geopolitical stances.

371名無しさん:2023/03/22(水) 20:07:22 ID:iJSvpXmM
Golden Sugar sat in his favorite corner of the coffee shop once again, sipping on his extra-large caramel macchiato with extra whipped cream and sprinkles. He glanced at the newspaper and noticed an article about the Japanese Prime Minister's visit to Ukraine. As he read, an idea struck him like a bolt of lightning.

"Why not become a diplomat and bring peace to the world with my unbeatable sense of humor?" he pondered out loud, causing the barista to give him a curious glance.

Golden Sugar wasted no time. He dug through his closet and pulled out his most extravagant outfit: a multicolored suit adorned with peace signs and a top hat covered in feathers. He confidently strode into the local diplomatic academy, where he was met with raised eyebrows and stifled giggles.

"I'm here to bring peace and laughter to the world!" he announced to the admissions officer, who tried to maintain a professional demeanor.

"Very well, Mr. Sugar," the officer said, struggling to suppress a smirk. "We'll see if your unique approach to diplomacy can make a difference."

Golden Sugar threw himself into his studies with gusto, turning every negotiation exercise into a comedy routine. He would begin discussions with a knock-knock joke and end them with an elaborate interpretive dance.

During a practice negotiation with a mock delegation from another country, Golden Sugar entered the room wearing a cape and carrying a rubber chicken. "Greetings, esteemed delegates!" he boomed. "Allow me to introduce my esteemed colleague, Sir Clucks-a-Lot!"

The room erupted in laughter, and the ice was broken. Somehow, Golden Sugar's quirky methods managed to bring the two sides closer together.

Upon graduating, Golden Sugar was sent on a diplomatic mission to a tense summit between two rival nations. The leaders glared at each other across the table, and the atmosphere was thick with animosity.

Golden Sugar burst into the room wearing a suit made entirely of balloons. "Behold, the amazing Inflato-Diplomat!" he declared, causing the room to fall silent in disbelief.

He proceeded to fashion balloon animals for each leader, turning the tense atmosphere into one of laughter and lightheartedness. "You see, my friends," Golden Sugar proclaimed, "if we can share a laugh together, surely we can find a way to live in peace!"

The two leaders, still chuckling at Golden Sugar's antics, agreed to set aside their differences and work towards a peaceful resolution. News of Golden Sugar's unconventional diplomacy spread far and wide, earning him a reputation as the world's funniest peacemaker.

In the end, Golden Sugar's unique approach to diplomacy taught everyone an important lesson: sometimes, laughter truly is the best medicine for healing even the deepest divides.

372MichaelUnoro:2023/03/22(水) 20:12:59 ID:aeecNaFY
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373名無しさん:2023/03/22(水) 22:13:05 ID:iJSvpXmM
Ambition (野望): a strong desire to do or achieve something. His ambition was to become a successful businessman.
Boundary (境界): a line that marks the limits of an area. The fence marks the boundary of the property.
Conscientious (誠実な): wishing to do what is right, especially to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly. She was a conscientious student who always turned in her homework on time.
Depict (描写する): show or represent by a drawing, painting, or other art form. The mural depicts scenes from the town's history.
Engage (関わる): occupy or attract (someone's interest or attention). The novel engaged my attention from beginning to end.
Fabric (生地): cloth, typically produced by weaving or knitting textile fibers. The dress was made from a soft, flowy fabric.
Gracious (優雅な): courteous, kind, and pleasant, especially towards someone of lower social status. She was gracious to her guests and made them feel welcome.
Hesitate (ためらう): pause before saying or doing something, especially through uncertainty. He hesitated before answering the question.
Immerse (浸す): dip or submerge in a liquid. She immersed herself in the cold water to cool off.
Jargon (専門用語): special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand. The legal document was full of jargon that was hard to understand.
Kin (親族): one's family and relations. She invited all of her kin to the family reunion.
Lavish (贅沢な): sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious. The hotel suite was decorated in a lavish style.
Meander (蛇行する): follow a winding course. The river meanders through the valley.
Nourish (栄養を与える): provide with the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition. The mother bird nourished her young with worms.
Obsess (取りつかれる): preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent. She was obsessed with the idea of becoming famous.

374名無しさん:2023/03/22(水) 22:13:20 ID:iJSvpXmM
Ponder (熟考する): think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion. He pondered the meaning of the poem for hours.
Quaint (風変わりな): attractively unusual or old-fashioned. The small town was full of quaint shops and cafes.
Recede (後退する): go or move back or further away from a previous position. The flood waters began to recede after several days.
Scorn (軽蔑する): the feeling or belief that someone or something is worthless or despicable. She looked at him with scorn and turned away.
Tentative (仮の): not certain or fixed; provisional. The date of the meeting is tentative and subject to change.
Unanimous (全員一致の): (of two or more people) fully in agreement. The jury reached a unanimous verdict.
Vague (漠然とした): of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning. The instructions were vague and hard to follow.
Wary (用心深い): feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems. She was wary of strangers and avoided them whenever possible.
Zeal (熱意): great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective. His zeal for the project inspired others to get involved.
Boast (自慢する): talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's achievements, possessions, or abilities. He never missed an opportunity to boast about his accomplishments.
Coerce (強制する): persuade or coerce (someone) to do something. The dictator coerced the citizens into supporting his regime.
Diverse (多様な): showing a great deal of variety; very different. The group was diverse, consisting of people from different cultures and backgrounds.
Evoke (呼び起こす): bring or recall (a feeling, memory, or image) to the conscious mind. The music evoked memories of her childhood.
Frugal (倹約する): sparing or economical with regard to money or food. She was a frugal shopper and always looked for bargains.
Grieve (悲しむ): feel intense sorrow, especially as a result of a loss. The family grieved the loss of their beloved pet.

375名無しさん:2023/03/22(水) 22:13:32 ID:iJSvpXmM
Golden Sugar had always had a strong ambition to travel the world and see all of its diverse sights. Finally, at the age of 45, he decided it was time to make that dream a reality. He set his sights on Australia, eager to immerse himself in the local culture and explore all of its natural beauty.

As he stepped off the plane in Sydney, Golden Sugar was met with the sight of the vast boundary that separated the airport from the city. He marveled at the towering buildings and quaint shops that lined the streets.

Determined to be a conscientious traveler, Golden Sugar made it his mission to learn as much as he could about the local culture. He visited the local museums and art galleries, marveling at the intricate paintings and sculptures that depicted scenes from the country's rich history.

Golden Sugar was particularly engaged by the local fashion scene, admiring the unique fabrics and designs that were on display in the city's many boutique shops. He even purchased a few pieces of fabric himself, hoping to bring a piece of Australian fashion back home with him.

As he explored the city, Golden Sugar was struck by the graciousness of the locals. Everyone he met was kind and welcoming, going out of their way to make him feel at home.

Despite his initial hesitation, Golden Sugar decided to try some of the local cuisine. He sampled everything from the traditional meat pies to the exotic seafood dishes, marveling at the diverse flavors and spices that he had never tasted before.

Golden Sugar couldn't help but meander through the city streets, taking in all of the quaint shops and cafes that dotted the sidewalks. He felt a sense of nostalgia for the simpler times of old-fashioned towns and their quaint charms.

As his trip came to a close, Golden Sugar felt a sense of grieve for the end of his adventure. He had experienced so much diversity and had made so many new kin from different backgrounds and cultures. He was tentative about leaving, but he knew that he would carry the memories of his trip with him for the rest of his life.

Golden Sugar returned home feeling a new sense of zeal for life. He had learned so much about the world and himself on his journey, and he couldn't wait to start planning his next adventure. He couldn't help but boast to his friends and family about all of the amazing experiences he had had in Australia, and he even managed to coerce a few of them into planning their own trips.

376名無しさん:2023/03/22(水) 22:19:48 ID:iJSvpXmM
Are these words in >>373 and >>374 more difficult than those listed in LEAP?

377名無しさん:2023/03/23(木) 00:37:25 ID:JdTs3bc.
Almost all the words in >>373>>384 are listed in Leap.

378黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/23(木) 00:38:07 ID:JdTs3bc.

379名無しさん:2023/03/23(木) 00:46:27 ID:8EpqYC7s
Ambiguous (あいまいな): having more than one interpretation; unclear | His statement was ambiguous, and I was not sure what he meant.
Benevolent (慈悲深い): kind and generous | The organization was established with the benevolent purpose of helping the needy.
Candid (素直な): honest and straightforward | She gave a candid response to the interviewer's question.
Denounce (非難する): to publicly criticize or condemn | The president denounced the terrorist attack in his speech.
Eminent (著名な): well-known and respected | The eminent scientist received a Nobel Prize for his groundbreaking research.
Facilitate (促進する): to make easier or more convenient | The new software will facilitate our work and save time.
Gregarious (社交的な): outgoing and sociable | She is a gregarious person who enjoys spending time with others.
Hinder (妨げる): to create difficulties or obstacles | The heavy rain hindered our progress on the hiking trail.
Inevitable (避けられない): unavoidable, certain to happen | It was inevitable that the team would lose the game without their star player.
Judicious (賢明な): having or showing good judgment | The judge made a judicious decision based on the evidence presented in court.
Kinetic (運動性の): relating to motion or movement | The kinetic energy of the ball caused it to bounce off the wall.
Lucid (明快な): clear and easy to understand | The teacher's explanation was lucid, and everyone in the class understood the concept.
Magnanimous (寛大な): generous and forgiving | Despite his opponent's bad behavior, the champion showed a magnanimous spirit and congratulated him on the victory.
Nostalgia (ノスタルジア): a sentimental longing or affection for the past | Seeing his childhood home again filled him with nostalgia.
Ostracize (追放する): to exclude or banish from a group | The student was ostracized by his classmates for his strange behavior.

380名無しさん:2023/03/23(木) 00:46:39 ID:8EpqYC7s
Prolific (多作の): producing many works, results, or offspring | The prolific writer published several books each year.
Quandary (苦境): a difficult situation or dilemma | She was in a quandary about whether to accept the job offer or not.
Reprimand (叱責): to scold or rebuke | The coach reprimanded the player for breaking the team rules.
Sustain (維持する): to keep or maintain | The company needs to sustain its growth to remain competitive.
Tenacious (頑固な): persistent and determined | The tenacious hiker refused to give up even when the trail became difficult.
Ubiquitous (至る所にある): present or existing everywhere | Smartphones are ubiquitous in modern society.
Venerate (崇拝する): to regard with respect and admiration | The people venerated the leader for his heroic actions during the crisis.
Wistful (切なげな): having a feeling of longing or regret | She looked wistful as she remembered her childhood memories.
Xenophobia (外国人嫌悪): a fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers | The rise of xenophobia in some countries is a worrying trend.
Yearning (切望): a strong desire or longing | He felt a yearning for the peaceful life he had left behind in the countryside.
Zealot (狂信者): a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals | The extremist group was composed of zealous zealots who were willing to use violence to achieve their goals.
Abhor (嫌悪する): to hate or detest intensely | She abhorred the idea of violence and always sought peaceful solutions to conflicts.
Bewilder (当惑させる): to confuse or puzzle someone | The complex instructions bewildered the new employee, who had trouble following them.
Concur (同意する): to agree with or share an opinion | I concur with your assessment of the situation and believe we should take action immediately.
Deplore (非難する): to express strong disapproval or regret | The organization deplored the government's decision to cut funding for education.

381名無しさん:2023/03/23(木) 00:48:23 ID:8EpqYC7s
Once upon a time, there was a mid-forties guy named Golden Sugar, who decided to go on a sightseeing trip to Spain. He was excited about the trip and looked forward to visiting all the famous landmarks and trying new foods.

When he arrived in Spain, he was greeted by a benevolent tour guide who gave him a candid introduction to the country. However, Golden Sugar was a bit bewildered by the guide's heavy accent, and he found it hard to understand her words. He was afraid to ask her to repeat herself, so he pretended to concur with everything she said.

Golden Sugar was a tenacious traveler, determined to see everything that Spain had to offer. He walked around the city, marveling at the kinetic energy of the people and the architecture. However, his enthusiasm was hindered by his terrible sense of direction. He found himself in a quandary, lost in the maze of narrow streets.

As he wandered around aimlessly, he stumbled upon a group of gregarious locals who were enjoying a festival. They welcomed him warmly, but Golden Sugar was an introverted person and felt like he didn't belong there. He was afraid that he would be ostracized for not knowing their customs and traditions.

Despite his insecurities, Golden Sugar was determined to make the most of his trip. He visited all the famous landmarks, such as the Sagrada Familia and the Alhambra, and marveled at their eminent beauty. However, his lack of knowledge of Spanish made it difficult for him to sustain a conversation with the locals.

Golden Sugar was feeling wistful on his last day in Spain. He felt a yearning for more time to explore the country and experience its culture. However, he had to return to work, and he deplored the thought of going back to his boring job.

As he was about to leave Spain, Golden Sugar realized that he had lost his passport. He was in a state of panic and was afraid that he would be stuck in Spain forever. However, the tour guide was a judicious person who knew how to handle such situations. She venerated Golden Sugar for his bravery and persistence and managed to facilitate his journey back home.

In the end, Golden Sugar returned home, feeling both relieved and abhorrent towards his job. He realized that he had experienced a lot of ambiguous situations in Spain, but he had also gained a newfound appreciation for the country and its people. He decided that he would go back one day, and this time, he would be ready to face any challenge, even if it meant dealing with zealous zealots or xenophobic locals.

382名無しさん:2023/03/23(木) 00:49:07 ID:8EpqYC7s
How about these words above? Difficult?

383黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/23(木) 00:53:20 ID:JdTs3bc.
One-third of them is difficult.

384黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/23(木) 00:59:32 ID:JdTs3bc.

385名無しさん:2023/03/23(木) 02:09:33 ID:xUwKWXYA
You should begin to work as soon as possible.

386黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/23(木) 02:15:17 ID:qbk8IK1k
I am busy studying.

387名無しさん:2023/03/23(木) 02:22:08 ID:/G360N7c
There is no chance that you will be accepted to medical school.
Studying for the exam is no longer a waste of time.

388黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/23(木) 02:28:43 ID:qbk8IK1k
In the difficulty, lies opportunity, I believe.

389名無しさん:2023/03/23(木) 02:37:51 ID:LDC2fixo
Stop dreaming like a child.
You are in your 40's and need to see reality.

390名無しさん:2023/03/23(木) 02:39:03 ID:pBEpZ5T6

391名無しさん:2023/03/23(木) 02:41:03 ID:pBEpZ5T6
What the hell…
This English is too easy to read…


392黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/23(木) 02:42:37 ID:qbk8IK1k
I make my dream come true certainly.

393名無しさん:2023/03/23(木) 02:45:28 ID:230ZBejk
How about >>391?

394名無しさん:2023/03/23(木) 02:46:15 ID:LDC2fixo
You can't do what you can't do.

395黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/23(木) 02:55:21 ID:qbk8IK1k
No. It is difficult for me to read.

396黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/23(木) 02:56:50 ID:qbk8IK1k
Sure, but I can do what I can do.

397名無しさん:2023/03/23(木) 03:01:15 ID:k/kjcwP2
No way. English used here is much more difficult than the exam.

398Gerofk:2023/03/23(木) 03:19:00 ID:WWzx62Ms
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399Alisha:2023/03/23(木) 03:42:25 ID:M2cMhrkk
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400名無しさん:2023/03/23(木) 20:25:46 ID:8EpqYC7s
Affirmative (肯定的な): expressing agreement or confirmation | His affirmative answer gave her reassurance.
Convey (伝える): communicate or express something | The artist's painting conveyed a sense of serenity.
Deplete (使い果たす): use up the resources or supplies of | The company's spending habits were depleting their savings.
Eccentric (風変わりな): unconventional and slightly strange | His eccentric behavior was the talk of the town.
Haphazard (でたらめな): lacking any obvious principle of organization | The haphazard arrangement of the books on the shelf made it difficult to find what she was looking for.
Juxtapose (並べる): place side by side for comparison or contrast | The artist juxtaposed two contrasting colors in her painting to create a striking effect.
Lethargic (のろい): feeling a lack of energy or enthusiasm; sluggish | He felt lethargic and uninterested in anything but sleeping.
Magnify (拡大する): make something appear larger than it is, especially with a lens or microscope | The magnifying glass allowed her to see the tiny details of the insect's wings.
Obliterate (完全に消す): destroy completely; wipe out | The hurricane obliterated the small island, leaving no trace of human habitation.
Paradigm (範例): a typical example or model of something | The theory was a paradigm of scientific research in its field.
Quell (抑える): put an end to (a rebellion or other disorder), typically by the use of force | The police quelled the rioters and restored order to the streets.
Reminisce (思い出にふける): indulge in enjoyable recollection of past events | The elderly couple enjoyed reminiscing about their youth over a cup of tea.
Succumb (屈服する): fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force | The athlete succumbed to the intense heat and collapsed during the race.
Trepidation (恐怖): a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen | She approached the haunted house with trepidation, unsure of what lay inside.
Unprecedented (前例のない): never done or known before | The pandemic brought about an unprecedented shift in global economics and society.

401名無しさん:2023/03/23(木) 20:26:05 ID:8EpqYC7s
Verbose (長ったらしい): using or expressed in more words than are needed | His verbose speech went on for hours, leaving the audience bored and restless.
Belligerent (好戦的な): hostile and aggressive | His belligerent attitude made it difficult for others to work with him.
Conundrum (難問): a confusing and difficult problem or question | The conundrum of how to solve the environmental crisis has yet to be fully addressed.
Disseminate (広める): spread or disperse (something, especially information) widely | The organization's mission was to disseminate information about human rights violations.
Elucidate (明らかにする): make (something) clear; explain | The professor used examples and diagrams to elucidate the complex theory.
Fluctuate (変動する): rise and fall irregularly in number or amount | The stock market tends to fluctuate based on a variety of factors.
Glean (収集する): extract (information) from various sources | The journalist spent hours gleaning information from various documents and interviews.
Harbinger (前触れ): a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another | The first robin of spring is often seen as a harbinger of warmer weather.
Incessant (絶え間ない): continuing without pause or interruption | The incessant rain made it difficult to go outside and enjoy the day.
Lucrative (儲かる): producing a great deal of profit | The company's decision to invest in the new technology proved to be a lucrative one.
Meticulous (細部にわたる): showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise | The chef was meticulous in his preparation of the elaborate meal.
Nihilism (虚無主義): the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless | Some philosophers argue that nihilism is a logical consequence of atheism.
Ornate (装飾的な): made in an intricate shape or decorated with complex patterns | The ornate gold frame added to the beauty of the painting.
Proliferate (急増する): increase rapidly in numbers; multiply | The population of the city has been proliferating in recent years.
Quixotic (空想的な): exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical | His quixotic plan to save the world was met with skepticism by his more practical friends.

402名無しさん:2023/03/23(木) 20:26:28 ID:8EpqYC7s
Golden Sugar, a mid-forties guy with a verbose personality, decided to go on a trip to Shanghai, China for sightseeing. He had always been fascinated by the eccentric culture of the East and was excited to finally explore it himself.

As soon as he landed, he was struck by the incessant noise and haphazard traffic of the city. But being the belligerent traveler that he was, Golden Sugar pressed on, determined to see all the sights.

He visited the famous Bund and was awestruck by the ornate architecture of the buildings. The grandeur of the place was enough to make him feel like he was in a paradigm of a dream.

But as he continued his journey, he realized that he had made a grave mistake. His lack of preparation had left him without any knowledge of the local language, making it difficult to glean information or communicate with locals.

As he wandered the streets, he began to feel lethargic and lost. His trepidation grew with every passing moment, wondering if he would ever find his way back to his hotel.

Just then, a group of street performers caught his eye. They were juggling flaming torches and performing other quixotic stunts. He couldn't help but be impressed by their talent.

As he walked away, feeling a newfound sense of admiration for the locals, he suddenly felt something tap his shoulder. Turning around, he saw a young woman looking at him with a smile.

She spoke in rapid Chinese, making it impossible for Golden Sugar to understand her. But her friendly demeanor and affirmative gestures made him feel at ease.

Using his limited knowledge of Chinese, he attempted to convey his gratitude to her for the unexpected encounter. Though his attempts were met with confusion, he could tell she appreciated the effort.

Feeling a sense of camaraderie with the locals, he decided to try some of the local street food. He eagerly devoured everything in sight, not realizing that he was slowly depleting his wallet.

As he reached for his last few yuan, he suddenly remembered the lucrative business deal he had left back at home. He couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for leaving it behind.

But for now, he was happy to be in the moment, experiencing the wonders of Shanghai. And who knows, maybe he could bring back some of the local culture to incorporate into his own life back in America.

With a newfound appreciation for the city, Golden Sugar decided to leave behind his verbose ways and simply enjoy the beauty of the city. He left Shanghai feeling like he had truly experienced something unique and special.

403名無しさん:2023/03/23(木) 20:28:32 ID:8EpqYC7s
Resilient (回復力のある): able to recover quickly from difficult conditions | Despite the setbacks, her resilient spirit allowed her to keep moving forward.
Transcend (超越する): be or go beyond the range or limits of (something abstract, typically a conceptual field or division) | The artist's work was said to transcend traditional artistic boundaries.
Vindictive (復讐心の強い): having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge | Her vindictive nature led her to seek revenge against those who had wronged her.
Whimsical (気まぐれな): playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way | The whimsical design of the building made it a popular tourist attraction.
Xenial (歓待的な): relating to hospitality or the relationship between a host and guest | The xenial culture of the country made visitors feel welcome and at home.
Astute (抜け目のない): having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage | The astute politician knew how to appeal to different groups of voters.
Berate (厳しく非難する): scold or criticize (someone) angrily | The coach berated the team for their poor performance.
Consensus (合意): a general agreement among a group of people | The decision was reached by consensus after a long and difficult discussion.
Deride (あざ笑う): express contempt for; ridicule | The other children derided him for his unusual clothes and interests.
Empathy (共感): the ability to understand and share the feelings of another | She showed empathy for her friend who was going through a difficult time.
Frivolous (軽薄な): not having any serious purpose or value | His frivolous spending habits led to financial problems.
Glaring (目立つ): extremely obvious or conspicuous | The glaring error in the report was hard to ignore.
Heresy (異端): belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious doctrine | The heresy of his teachings caused controversy and opposition from traditionalists.
Intrinsic (本質的な): belonging naturally; essential | The intrinsic value of the painting made it a valuable piece of art.
Jovial (陽気な): cheerful and friendly | The jovial atmosphere at the party made everyone feel welcome.

404名無しさん:2023/03/23(木) 20:28:49 ID:8EpqYC7s
Kinesthetic (体感的な): relating to or involving bodily movement | Kinesthetic learning involves physical movement and manipulation.
Luminous (輝く): full of or shedding light; bright or shining | The luminous stars in the night sky were a beautiful sight.
Morose (不機嫌な): sullen and ill-tempered | He was morose after receiving the bad news.
Notorious (悪名高い): famous or well-known, typically for some bad quality or deed | The notorious criminal had been on the run for years.
Omnipotent (全能の): having unlimited power; able to do anything | The concept of an omnipotent deity is a central idea in many religions.
Pristine (原始的な): in its original condition; unspoiled | The pristine beach was a popular destination for tourists.
Reciprocate (返す): respond to (a gesture or action) by making a corresponding one | She reciprocated his feelings of love and affection.
Substantiate (実証する): provide evidence to support or prove the truth of | The scientist was able to substantiate his theory with experimental data.
Tantamount (同等の): equivalent in seriousness to; virtually the same as | His actions were tantamount to a confession of guilt.
Ubiquity (普及): the fact of being everywhere at the same time; omnipresence | The ubiquity of smartphones has changed the way we communicate and interact with each other.
Whet (刺激する): sharpen the blade of (a tool or weapon) | He used a sharpening stone to whet the edge of his knife.
Acquiesce (黙認する): accept something reluctantly but without protest | She reluctantly acquiesced to his demands.
Belittle (軽蔑する): make (someone or something) seem unimportant | He belittled her achievements, making her feel worthless.
Condescend (高慢な態度を取る): show feelings of superiority; be patronizing | He condescended to speak to her, as if she were beneath him.
Formidable (手ごわい): inspiring fear or respect through being impressively powerful or capable | The army faced a formidable opponent in the battle.
Gratuitous (無償の): uncalled for; lacking good reason; unwarranted | The gratuitous violence in the movie made some viewers uncomfortable.

405名無しさん:2023/03/23(木) 20:29:53 ID:8EpqYC7s
Golden Sugar was a mid-forties guy who had always been fascinated by Italy. So, he decided to go on a sightseeing trip there, hoping to experience its culture and history. As he set out on his journey, he had no idea what awaited him.

As he arrived in Italy, he was struck by the country's resilience, especially after the pandemic. He exclaimed, "Wow, Italy is really bouncing back from Covid! They're so resilient!"

Golden Sugar was a man who loved to explore and push beyond limits. As he toured the famous art galleries of Florence, he found himself staring at a painting that he felt transcended the limits of his understanding. He said, "This painting is so amazing that it transcends my limited artistic knowledge!"

Golden Sugar soon found himself in the middle of a vindictive plot when he accidentally bumped into an Italian woman on the street. The woman, being very vindictive, started yelling at him in Italian. He had no idea what she was saying, but he managed to respond in his own language, "Whoa, lady, calm down! Your vindictive nature is not helping!"

The next day, Golden Sugar went on a whimsical adventure to explore the hidden alleys of Rome. As he turned a corner, he saw a xenial-looking man waving at him. The man said, "Ciao! Welcome to Rome! I'm Paolo, and I will be your host while you're here. Let's explore!"

Golden Sugar was an astute traveler, always looking for ways to make his trip better. He knew how to read people and situations to his advantage. So, when he found himself lost in a small village, he quickly assessed the situation and asked a group of locals for directions. He said, "Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the nearest train station? I'm an astute traveler and I don't want to waste any time."

As Golden Sugar made his way through Italy, he realized that he had a habit of being late. One day, he was running late for a tour of the Colosseum. When he arrived, the tour guide berated him, "You're late! We can't wait for you all day!" Golden Sugar replied, "I'm sorry, I got lost in the beauty of Rome. Don't berate me!"

Despite the rocky start, Golden Sugar managed to find consensus with the locals and made many new friends along the way. He even managed to win over a group of Italian kids who had been deriding him for his fashion choices. He said, "I may not look like you guys, but I can still have fun. Let's play!"

406名無しさん:2023/03/23(木) 20:30:09 ID:8EpqYC7s
As Golden Sugar explored the Italian countryside, he developed a deep empathy for the people and their way of life. He said, "I feel connected to these people. I understand their struggles."

One day, while walking through a small town, Golden Sugar stumbled upon a group of people engaging in frivolous activities. He said, "This looks like fun! I'm in!"

The next day, Golden Sugar found himself in a glaring situation when he accidentally knocked over a vase in a museum. He exclaimed, "Oh no, my clumsiness is glaringly obvious!"

As Golden Sugar made his way through Italy, he learned about the country's history and religious beliefs. However, he soon found himself in the middle of a heresy controversy when he proclaimed loudly, "I prefer pizza without tomato sauce! Is that a heresy?"

Despite his lack of knowledge, Golden Sugar was able to appreciate the intrinsic beauty of Italy's landmarks. He said, "This place is so amazing that its intrinsic value cannot be measured!"

As his trip came to an end, Golden Sugar realized that he had made many great memories and met some unforgettable people. On his last day in Italy, he met a jovial group of locals who invited him to a farewell party. Golden Sugar happily accepted, saying, "I've had the time of my life in Italy! Let's celebrate!"

At the party, Golden Sugar discovered a new passion for kinesthetic dance. He said, "I never knew I had this much rhythm in me! This kinesthetic movement is so liberating!"

As the night went on, Golden Sugar found himself surrounded by luminous Italian beauty, pristine landscapes, and delicious cuisine. He couldn't believe how much he had learned and experienced in such a short time. He said, "Italy has been an amazing adventure. I never expected to encounter so many formidable moments and people. And the best part is, it was all gratuitous! I didn't have to pay a cent for all this fun!"

As Golden Sugar boarded his plane back home, he felt grateful for the unforgettable trip he had just experienced. He knew that he had acquired new knowledge, made new friends, and discovered a new passion. He said to himself, "I can't wait to come back to Italy and experience it all over again! But next time, I'll make sure to bring my dancing shoes!"

407名無しさん:2023/03/23(木) 23:32:17 ID:8EpqYC7s
Golden Sugar, where are you now?
Have you finished reading everything?
Let's go next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

408Miclbrify:2023/03/23(木) 23:37:00 ID:Dlh6D0Ik
<a href="https://modafinilfx.online/&quot;&gt;can you buy modafinil online</a>

409黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/24(金) 00:10:24 ID:XadtgvO.
Sorry. I don't read them all.

410黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/24(金) 00:16:02 ID:XadtgvO.
I will read the rest of them quickly.

411名無しさん:2023/03/24(金) 04:17:00 ID:H.J38lzg

412名無しさん:2023/03/24(金) 22:32:21 ID:yN5FQj.6
Discrepancy (食い違い): a difference or inconsistency | There was a discrepancy between the two reports.
Guile (狡猾さ): sly or cunning intelligence | The politician used guile to gain the support of the public.
Impartial (公平な): fair and unbiased | The judge promised to be impartial during the trial.
Oblivious (気づかない): unaware or ignorant | He was oblivious to the fact that his behavior was causing problems.
Paradox (逆説): a statement that contradicts itself | It's a paradox that the more choices we have, the harder it is to make a decision.
Reiterate (繰り返す): to repeat something for emphasis | The teacher reiterated the importance of studying for the exam.
Salient (顕著な): prominent or significant | The salient features of the new product were highlighted in the advertisement.
Terse (簡潔な): brief and to the point | The boss's terse email left no room for interpretation.
Adversary (敵): an opponent or enemy | The boxer's toughest opponent was his long-time adversary from the rival gym.
Catalyst (触媒): something that causes a reaction or change | The new policy was a catalyst for increased productivity in the company.
Deprive (奪う): to take away or prevent someone from having something | The drought deprived the farmers of their crops and livelihood.
Enigma (謎): something that is mysterious and difficult to understand | The Mona Lisa's smile remains an enigma to this day.
Fabricate (でっち上げる): to make up or invent something that is not true | The journalist was fired for fabricating a story.
Negligible (取るに足らない): so small or insignificant as to be not worth considering | The difference in cost was negligible, so she chose the higher quality product.
Tactile (触覚の): relating to the sense of touch | The tactile sensation of the soft fabric was pleasing to the touch.
Xenophile (外国人好き): someone who is attracted to or interested in foreign people, cultures, or customs | She was a self-proclaimed
xenophile and loved traveling to new countries.

413名無しさん:2023/03/24(金) 22:32:37 ID:yN5FQj.6
Zenith (頂点): the highest point or peak | The singer reached the zenith of her career with her latest album.
Alleviate (緩和する): to make less severe or painful | The medication helped to alleviate the patient's symptoms.
Barren (不毛な): unable to produce plants or fruit | The desert was barren and inhospitable.
Chastise (叱責する): to criticize or rebuke severely | The teacher chastised the student for not completing the assignment.
Galvanize (活気づける): to stimulate or arouse into action | The coach's motivational speech galvanized the team to win the game.
Hackneyed (使い古された): overused and lacking in originality | The clichéd plot of the movie was hackneyed and predictable.
Jeopardize (危険にさらす): to put something or someone in danger | The company's financial problems jeopardized the jobs of its employees.
Kudos (称賛): praise or recognition for an achievement | The team received kudos for their hard work and dedication.
Laudable (賞賛に値する): deserving of praise or admiration | The charity's laudable efforts to help the community were recognized by the local government.
Maverick (独立した人): a nonconformist or independent-minded person | The maverick artist refused to follow traditional techniques and developed his own unique style.
Ominous (不吉な): giving the impression that something bad is going to happen | The dark clouds were an ominous sign of an impending storm.
Quip (皮肉な言葉): a witty or clever remark | The comedian's quips had the audience laughing throughout the show.
Superfluous (余分な): unnecessary or excessive | The additional features on the product were superfluous and drove up the cost.
Tenuous (希薄な): weak or flimsy | The tenuous relationship between the two countries was strained by the recent conflict.
Veracity (真実性): accuracy or truthfulness | The reporter's veracity was questioned after publishing a false story.
Whet (そそる): to sharpen or stimulate one's appetite or curiosity | The smell of freshly baked bread whetted our appetites for dinner.

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