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A thread that considers the ecology of Golden Sugar part 1

1名無しさん:2023/03/05(日) 13:33:35 ID:6nWJy4xY
Here is a place for Golden Sugar to speak English.

[English ONLY]

205黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/10(金) 00:15:12 ID:5EdLzkQI
Less than five minutes.

206名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 00:17:28 ID:RwH3tCDM
Okay, I trust you.

207黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/10(金) 00:19:30 ID:5EdLzkQI
There are about ten words I do not know what they mean.

208黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/10(金) 00:20:39 ID:5EdLzkQI
Less than six minutes.

209名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 00:31:36 ID:P.eZXoLU
Look up all of them in the dictionary or on the internet and memorize them.

210黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/10(金) 00:35:50 ID:5EdLzkQI
I wrote them in a notebook and memorized them.

211黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/10(金) 01:36:42 ID:5EdLzkQI
I read the text in twenty minutes.

212名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 01:48:58 ID:MM5AgoCc
I doubt that. If so, I’m positive that you could get much better grades on the entrance exams.

213黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/10(金) 02:03:17 ID:5EdLzkQI
I read the text smoothly.

214名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 02:14:29 ID:XD1qVrd.
I read it in 8 minutes.
I’ll give you some questions related to the reading later.

215黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/10(金) 02:17:26 ID:5EdLzkQI

216名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 03:23:12 ID:eUk2dx0c
Hanako, a high school student, was feeling frustrated after reading a confusing passage about grasslands being treated as wastelands. She decided to ask her friend Golden Sugar for help.

"Hey Golden, do you know anything about grasslands being treated like wastelands?" Hanako asked.

Golden Sugar replied, "Of course! Did you know that cows have a grassy sense of humor? They're always chewing the cud!"

Hanako chuckled, "Wow, I never knew cows were so funny. But seriously, do you know why grasslands are important?"

Golden Sugar nodded, "Yes, they're home to all sorts of creatures, from deer to bison to prairie dogs. Without grasslands, these animals would have nowhere to live."

Hanako thought for a moment, "That makes sense. But why do people treat grasslands like wastelands?"

Golden Sugar joked, "Maybe they think grass is greener on the other side, so they don't appreciate the grasslands they already have."

Hanako laughed, "You're such a goofball, Golden. But seriously, what can we do to protect grasslands?"

Golden Sugar replied, "We can start by spreading awareness. Not many people know how important grasslands are, so we need to educate them. We can also support organizations that work to protect and restore grasslands."

Hanako nodded, "That sounds like a good plan. But how can we make people care about grasslands?"

Golden Sugar joked, "Maybe we can start a grass-roots movement!"

Hanako rolled her eyes, "Oh, Golden. That was a terrible pun."

Golden Sugar grinned, "But it made you laugh, didn't it?"

Hanako chuckled, "Yeah, you got me there. But seriously, let's come up with some ideas to raise awareness about grasslands."

The two friends spent the next hour brainstorming ideas, from creating social media campaigns to organizing educational events. They even came up with a silly song about grasslands that they recorded and shared with their classmates.

As they wrapped up their conversation, Golden Sugar joked, "I think we've done enough for today. We need to give our brains a rest, or they might turn into grasslands too!"

Hanako laughed, "Oh Golden, you're always so ridiculous. But thanks for your help. I feel a lot better about understanding grasslands now."

Golden Sugar replied, "Anytime, Hanako. Just remember, when it comes to grasslands, it's not just a bunch of hot air. It's important to take it all in stride!"

Hanako groaned, "Okay, that one was just bad. But I appreciate the effort."

The two friends said their goodbyes, both feeling a little bit lighter and happier after their silly and humorous conversation about grasslands.

217名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 03:38:18 ID:oGXrM7do
What is the most humorous experience you had in your life? Explain it in detail and why is it humorous. (100-200 words)

218名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 05:11:38 ID:RFurSVBo
What is chikubi onanie?
(Explain in 10000-20000 words)

219名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 05:26:42 ID:BTMVFulM
Nipples are small, raised bumps on the surface of the human breast, located in the center of the areola. They serve as the external opening of the mammary glands and play a vital role in breastfeeding. Nipples are typically erogenous zones for both men and women, and can be stimulated during sexual activity to enhance pleasure.

Masturbation is a sexual act that involves the stimulation of one's own genitals for sexual pleasure. It can be done manually, with the use of sex toys, or with the aid of other objects. Masturbation is a normal and healthy part of human sexuality and can be practiced by individuals of any gender or sexual orientation.

While both nipples and masturbation are topics that are often considered taboo, they are both integral parts of human sexuality and deserve to be discussed openly and honestly. In the following sections, we will explore each of these topics in greater detail, providing information on their anatomy, physiology, and cultural significance.


Nipples are typically located at the center of the areola, which is the pigmented area surrounding the nipple. They are composed of highly sensitive nerve endings, which can be stimulated during sexual activity to enhance pleasure. In addition to their role in sexual arousal, nipples are also crucial for breastfeeding. During lactation, the mammary glands located beneath the nipples secrete milk that is then delivered to the baby via the nipple.

Nipples are often considered to be erogenous zones, or areas of the body that are highly sensitive to sexual stimulation. This sensitivity can be attributed to the dense network of nerve endings located in the nipple, as well as the surrounding areola. During sexual activity, nipple stimulation can produce feelings of pleasure and can enhance sexual arousal.

Despite their importance in both breastfeeding and sexual pleasure, nipples are often stigmatized in many cultures. Women, in particular, are often shamed for displaying their nipples in public or for breastfeeding in public. This stigma can lead to a lack of awareness about the importance of nipples in both sexuality and reproduction.


Masturbation is a sexual act that involves the stimulation of one's own genitals for sexual pleasure. It is a normal and healthy part of human sexuality and can be practiced by individuals of any gender or sexual orientation. Masturbation can be done manually, with the use of sex toys, or with the aid of other objects.

There are many benefits associated with masturbation. For one, it can help individuals explore their own bodies and gain a greater understanding of their own sexual desires. Masturbation can also help reduce stress and anxiety, and can promote better sleep. Furthermore, it can be a safe and effective way to satisfy sexual desires without engaging in risky sexual behavior.

Despite its many benefits, masturbation is often stigmatized in many cultures. It is often considered to be a taboo topic, and many people feel shame or guilt about engaging in this activity. This stigma can lead to a lack of awareness about the health benefits of masturbation and can prevent individuals from fully exploring their own sexuality.


In summary, nipples and masturbation are two important topics related to human sexuality. Nipples play a crucial role in both breastfeeding and sexual pleasure, while masturbation is a normal and healthy part of human sexuality. Despite their importance, both topics are often stigmatized in many cultures, leading to a lack of awareness about their benefits and importance. It is important to have open and honest discussions about these topics in order to promote sexual health and wellness.

220名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 05:45:49 ID:RFurSVBo
You don’t need to waste your time to explain this fuckin topic lol

221名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 05:52:25 ID:RFurSVBo
I love ur fucking waisting endeavor, though

222黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/10(金) 11:18:04 ID:iD62mQAs

223名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 12:32:20 ID:hU0Ef2TE
1. "grass is greener on the other side" - This phrase means that people often think that the situation or circumstances they are not currently in are better than the ones they are in.

2. "chewing the cud" - This phrase refers to the way cows regurgitate and re-chew their food in order to properly digest it.

3. "give our brains a rest, or they might turn into grasslands" - This phrase is a playful way of saying that they need to take a break from thinking too hard or they might become exhausted and unproductive.

4."grass-roots movement" - This phrase refers to a movement that starts from the bottom-up, with regular people organizing and advocating for a cause rather than the top-down approach of politicians or established organizations.

5. "take it all in stride" - This phrase means to handle a situation calmly and without getting overly emotional or stressed about it.

224黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/10(金) 12:36:48 ID:32c11m9U

225名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 14:41:14 ID:hU0Ef2TE
Are you done yet?
You don't have to be a perfectionist.
The sooner, the better.

226黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/10(金) 14:45:37 ID:32c11m9U
I am something perfectionist.

227名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 14:54:20 ID:hU0Ef2TE
You are something of a perfectionist.

228名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 15:29:15 ID:hU0Ef2TE

229名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 15:30:17 ID:hU0Ef2TE
Forest Iron: Good morning, Golden Sugar. How are you today?

Golden Sugar: I'm doing well, Mr. Iron. Thanks for asking.

Forest Iron: So, I hear you're having trouble with your listening skills in class.

Golden Sugar: Yeah, it's been a bit of a struggle. I'm not really used to paying attention to the finer details of speech.

Forest Iron: Well, that's where phonetics comes in. It's the study of speech sounds, and it can help you understand the sounds of words more clearly.

Golden Sugar: Really? How so?

Forest Iron: For example, let's say you're listening to a native speaker of English, and they say the word "beach." To your untrained ear, it might sound like "bitch" or "beech." But with a knowledge of phonetics, you can learn to recognize the specific sounds that make up the word, and you'll be able to understand it more clearly.

Golden Sugar: That makes sense. But isn't phonetics really hard to learn?

Forest Iron: Well, it can be challenging, but it's definitely worth the effort. Think of it as a way to sharpen your listening skills and improve your understanding of spoken English.

Golden Sugar: I guess you're right. But where do I start?

Forest Iron: A good place to start would be with the phonetic alphabet. It's a set of symbols that represent the sounds of speech, and it's used by linguists and language learners all over the world.

Golden Sugar: Okay, but how do I use it?

Forest Iron: Well, let's take the word "hat" as an example. In the phonetic alphabet, it would be written as /hæt/. The symbol /h/ represents the sound at the beginning of the word, like a quick exhale of breath. The symbol /æ/ represents the vowel sound, which is similar to the "a" in "cat." And the symbol /t/ represents the final consonant sound.

Golden Sugar: Wow, that's really interesting! But how do I know which sounds go with which symbols?

Forest Iron: That's where practice comes in. You'll need to study the symbols and their corresponding sounds, and then practice listening for those sounds in real-life speech. It's not easy, but with time and effort, you can become a pro.

Golden Sugar: Okay, I'll give it a shot. Thanks for the advice, Mr. Iron.

Forest Iron: No problem, Golden Sugar. Just remember, phonetics is like a secret code that unlocks the mysteries of spoken language. Once you master it, you'll be able to understand and communicate with people from all over the world. And who knows, you might even become a famous linguist one day!

Golden Sugar: Haha, thanks for the encouragement, Mr. Iron. I'll do my best.

Forest Iron: I have no doubt that you will, Golden Sugar. Just keep practicing, and you'll get there. And if you ever need any help, don't hesitate to ask me or any of your other teachers.

Golden Sugar: Will do, Mr. Iron. Thanks again for everything.

Forest Iron: Anytime, Golden Sugar. Have a great day!

230名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 15:34:42 ID:hU0Ef2TE
Forest Iron: Good morning, Golden Sugar! How did your phonetics practice go yesterday?

Golden Sugar: Well, I'll tell you, Mr. Iron. I listened to this podcast, and I thought they were speaking in tongues! I couldn't make head or tail of it.

Forest Iron: Ah, the joys of learning a new language. It can be a bit overwhelming at times.

Golden Sugar: You can say that again. I'm starting to think English was invented just to confuse people.

Forest Iron: Oh, come now, Golden Sugar. English may be a bit tricky, but it's also rich and beautiful. Speaking of which, did you happen to listen to any poetry?

Golden Sugar: Poetry? No way, Mr. Iron. I don't need that kind of stress in my life.

Forest Iron: Well, you're missing out. Listening to poetry can actually be a great way to improve your phonetics skills. You get to hear all kinds of sounds and intonations that you might not encounter in everyday speech.

Golden Sugar: Hmmm, I suppose that makes sense. But I can't promise I won't fall asleep during the sonnets.

Forest Iron: Fair enough. Another thing you might try is practicing your phonetics while singing along to your favorite songs. It's a fun way to incorporate phonetics into your daily routine.

Golden Sugar: Singing, huh? You haven't heard me sing, Mr. Iron. Trust me, it's not pretty.

Forest Iron: Well, then maybe stick to the listening part. Speaking of which, did you have any trouble identifying particular sounds?

Golden Sugar: Actually, yeah. The "th" sound is driving me up the wall. Is it "th" like "think," or "th" like "that?" I can't seem to get it right.

Forest Iron: Ah, yes, the infamous "th" sound. It's definitely one of the trickier ones. One way to think about it is to touch your tongue to your front teeth, like this: "thhhhh." Then try to make the sound as gently as possible. It's not quite like a "t" or a "d" sound, but it's also not quite an "f" or a "v" sound. It's somewhere in between.

Golden Sugar: "Thhhhh," huh? I'll have to practice that one. Maybe I'll set up a tongue gym or something.

Forest Iron: Haha, now there's an idea. And who knows, if you keep it up, you might become the world's first tongue weightlifting champion.

Golden Sugar: Well, I've always wanted to be a world champion at something. Why not phonetics?

Forest Iron: Exactly! Now you're thinking like a true linguist. Keep up the good work, Golden Sugar, and remember, phonetics is your friend.

Golden Sugar: Thanks, Mr. Iron. I'll try to remember that, even when I'm struggling to understand the latest episode of my favorite TV show.

Forest Iron: Hey, don't worry about it. With practice and persistence, you'll get there. And who knows, maybe one day you'll be the one teaching phonetics to a bunch of eager students.

Golden Sugar: Haha, we'll see about that. Thanks again, Mr. Iron. See you later!

Forest Iron: You too, Golden Sugar. Keep practicing!

231名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 15:40:01 ID:4mHngOH.
Are you in Niigata now?

232黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/10(金) 16:07:49 ID:WgaXTA1.
Still in Kyoto.

233黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/10(金) 16:12:26 ID:WgaXTA1.
I have been talking to my aunt in delight.

234黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/10(金) 16:16:57 ID:WgaXTA1.
She tried to give me some pocket money, but I firmly declined it.

235名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 16:58:49 ID:hU0Ef2TE
That was very considerate of her to offer you some pocket money, but it's understandable that you declined it. Did you have a specific reason for not accepting it?

236Judyfut:2023/03/10(金) 17:01:12 ID:BD.nA2Ts
<a href="https://chloroquinearalen.shop/&quot;&gt;aralen hcl</a>

237黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/10(金) 17:05:23 ID:IkRkAbBU
It is pocket money that children, who do not have any skills to earn money, accept innocently.

238名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 17:18:38 ID:hU0Ef2TE
I agree with that point.
Generally, allowance is not something that adults receive from their grandparents.
However, there may be rare occasions where some adults may have to turn to their grandparents as a last resort.

239名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 17:34:23 ID:hU0Ef2TE
Oh, you said your aunt tried to give you some allowances.
That is the last thing that I would expect.

240黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/10(金) 17:35:37 ID:IkRkAbBU
She must have some intention.

241名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 17:38:28 ID:hU0Ef2TE
Your interpretation may be correct.
However, we shouldn't assume someone's intentions without further evidence or communication with that person. It's important to communicate openly and honestly to clarify any misunderstandings or assumptions we may have.

242名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 17:42:18 ID:hU0Ef2TE
Anyway, how come you think so?

243名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 18:06:46 ID:kO5QLpUw
Have you read every comment posted here?

244名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 18:46:46 ID:MzXoOcww
Are you going to be an ophthalmologist or what?

245名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 18:52:14 ID:hU0Ef2TE
Golden Sugar could be heartbroken right now due to rejection from someone.

246名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 18:56:06 ID:hU0Ef2TE
It may take some time for him to come to terms with the situation and move forward with his life.

247名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 21:59:12 ID:hU0Ef2TE
He must be a procrastinator.

248黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/10(金) 22:12:22 ID:IkRkAbBU
Sure I am .

249名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 22:34:23 ID:hU0Ef2TE
Have you ever measured how many hours you stay on this website on average?

250黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/10(金) 22:37:02 ID:IkRkAbBU
I have never thought about such a thing.

251名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 22:43:13 ID:hU0Ef2TE
Golden Sugar seems to spend a lot of time on the internet, perhaps to the point of it being unproductive

252名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 22:51:22 ID:3u0LEwLg
Are you going to take the entrance exam for Niigata University the day after tomorrow?

253黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/10(金) 22:57:48 ID:IkRkAbBU
Yes. I am supposed to. And because of it, my aunt came to and stayed at my house.

254名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 23:06:12 ID:GqwDkjHs
She must be anxious about how well you will do on the upcoming exam. Don’t let her down and do your best. You should nail it.

255名無しさん:2023/03/10(金) 23:09:47 ID:hU0Ef2TE
Take it easy.

256Janefut:2023/03/10(金) 23:10:21 ID:1O0hKYso
<a href="http://toradola.online/&quot;&gt;toradol iv</a>

257名無しさん:2023/03/11(土) 01:02:30 ID:548zGtjs
Golden Sugar “I’ll be back.”

258Zakfut:2023/03/11(土) 01:11:39 ID:Fq10GTs2
<a href="http://canadianpharmacystock.com/&quot;&gt;canadadrugpharmacy com</a>

259名無しさん:2023/03/11(土) 14:13:43 ID:7HMWxpn2
Golden Sugar, a Japanese examinee, was thrilled to visit Niigata, the city where he would be taking his entrance exam at Niigata University. As he walked around the city, he admired the traditional architecture of the buildings and looked forward to seeing the cherry blossoms in full bloom, although he noticed that they had not yet reached their peak.

Golden Sugar enjoyed cracking jokes along the way, making himself chuckle as he passed by a temple. "I heard the monks here had a strict diet. They only ate sushi with holy mackerel!" he quipped.

The next stop on his sightseeing tour was the Niigata City Aquarium, where he was amazed by the colorful marine life. "These fish are stunning! It's like they were ready for their close-up in a Disney movie," he joked to himself.

As the day went on, Golden Sugar grew more nervous about the upcoming exam but decided to unwind in a traditional Japanese hot spring, or onsen, to relax his mind and body. The warm, mineral-rich water made him feel rejuvenated. "I feel like a freshly cooked bowl of ramen," he said to himself with a chuckle.

On the day of the exam, Golden Sugar arrived early at Niigata University. The campus was buzzing with students, and the air was filled with anticipation and nerves. Golden Sugar walked into the exam hall with determination, knowing he had studied hard for this moment.

As the exam progressed, Golden Sugar felt his confidence grow. He had prepared thoroughly and answered each question with ease. He even managed to make himself chuckle with a few internal jokes to keep his spirits up.

After the exam, Golden Sugar felt a mix of relief and pride. He had worked hard and achieved his goal. To celebrate, he decided to indulge in some delicious sushi at a local restaurant.

As he savored the sushi, Golden Sugar reflected on his trip to Niigata. He had explored the city, appreciated its culture and beauty, and accomplished his goal of passing the entrance exam. He knew that he would never forget this trip and was grateful for the memories he had created.

In the end, Golden Sugar realized that his journey to Niigata had been more than just taking an exam. It had been about pushing himself, embracing new experiences, and discovering the beauty of his own culture. And for that, he would always be grateful.

260名無しさん:2023/03/11(土) 17:34:17 ID:7HMWxpn2
"I'm Golden Sugar, and I'm in Niigata now. Finally, a place where everyone shares my love for sugar! Oh wait, that's just my name. Anyway, tomorrow is the big entrance exam at Niigata University, and I'm staying at this hotel for one night. I can feel my heart racing faster than when I see a dessert buffet. This is a big moment for me, and I've been preparing for this day for months."

"As I sit on my bed, I can't help but think about the long road that has led me here. I've studied so much, my brain feels like it's made of sugar - crystallized and ready to melt. But I'm determined to pass this exam and get into Niigata University, even if it means having to cut back on my sugar intake."

"But there's still a part of me that's scared. What if I don't pass? What if I've missed something important? I don't think I can handle a life without sugar or a future without Niigata University. I try to push those thoughts aside and focus on the task at hand. I've done everything I can to prepare, and now it's up to me to give it my all tomorrow."

"I take a deep breath and try to relax. The hotel room is small but comfortable, kind of like a petit four. It's nice to be able to decompress and clear my mind before the big day. But even as I try to relax, my mind keeps wandering back to the exam. I run through different scenarios in my head, trying to anticipate what might be on the test. I remind myself of the study materials I've used and the strategies I've learned. I'm ready to tackle this exam like a sugar addict attacking a cupcake."

"I look out the window at the city below. Niigata is a beautiful place, and I wish I had more time to explore it. But I know that tomorrow is too important to be distracted by sightseeing. Plus, I'm not sure my blood sugar levels can handle any more sugar-infused Japanese treats."

"As the evening wears on, I start to feel more and more anxious. I try to distract myself with a book or some music, but my mind keeps going back to the exam. I wish I could just fast forward to tomorrow and get it over with. Maybe I should have just gone to culinary school instead."

"Finally, I decide to get some sleep. I know that a good night's rest is essential for performing well on the exam. I take one last deep breath and try to clear my mind. I close my eyes and let the darkness envelop me. As I drift off, I hope I don't dream about sugar plums dancing in my head."

"The next morning, I wake up feeling groggy but determined. Today is the day, and I'm ready to face whatever comes my way. I dress quickly and head out to find some breakfast. I'm not sure if I want to go for something sweet or something savory. Maybe I should just combine the two and get some pancakes with maple syrup and bacon. That's the ultimate test of balance, right?"

"As I approach the exam site, I can feel my heart racing faster than a hummingbird's wings. The test is long and challenging, but I feel prepared for it. I'm able to answer most of the questions, and I feel confident that I've done my best. And even if I don't pass, at least I can console myself with a big slice of cake afterwards."

261黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/11(土) 19:30:04 ID:dDQRfWrQ
I will continue to post comments in English on this site.

262名無しさん:2023/03/11(土) 23:48:15 ID:LWyi.n6c
It looks like you didn’t study today at all.
Chances are you know you’ll pass the exam.

263名無しさん:2023/03/12(日) 14:58:08 ID:htmgno0A
How was your test, Golden Sugar?

264黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/12(日) 15:20:06 ID:x5v06EcM
It is an awful interview I had never had.

265名無しさん:2023/03/12(日) 15:32:53 ID:htmgno0A
Golden Sugar: Hi there! I'm Golden Sugar, and I'm looking to enroll in your cram school. I want to become a doctor and I heard your courses are the best way to prepare for the entrance exam.

Staff member: Hey Golden Sugar, welcome! We're glad you want to join our school. But let me tell you, becoming a doctor isn't a piece of cake. Are you ready for the challenge?

Golden Sugar: Oh, I'm more than ready. But please don't make me eat any cake, I'm trying to watch my figure.

Staff member: (laughs) Alright, I promise not to force-feed you any cake. So, what are your goals?

Golden Sugar: Well, my dream is to become a doctor and help people. And also to make enough money to afford a beach house in Malibu.

Staff member: (laughs) I see you have your priorities straight. But don't worry, with our courses, you'll be well-prepared for medical school and Malibu.

Golden Sugar: That's the spirit! But first things first, what's the application process like?

Staff member: It's pretty straightforward. Just fill out the form online or come to our office and do it in person. Then we'll schedule an interview and a placement test.

Golden Sugar: Alright, got it. And how much does it cost?

Staff member: It varies depending on the course and duration, but don't worry, we won't make you sell a kidney to pay for it.

Golden Sugar: (laughs) Good to know. And what about the teachers? Are they as funny as you?

Staff member: (laughs) They're even funnier! We've got some real characters here. But they're also experts in their fields and dedicated to helping students succeed.

Golden Sugar: That's great to hear. But can they tell a good joke? Like, why did the tomato turn red?

Staff member: I don't know, why?

Golden Sugar: Because it saw the salad dressing!

Staff member: (laughs) That's a classic one! You're going to fit right in here, Golden Sugar.

Golden Sugar: (laughs) Thanks! But seriously, any tips on how to prepare for the entrance exam?

Staff member: Absolutely. Our teachers have years of experience and can offer invaluable advice. We also provide mock exams and practice sessions to help you get a feel for the real thing.

Golden Sugar: That's awesome. I'm ready to work hard and make the most of this opportunity.

Staff member: That's the spirit! But don't forget to take breaks and have some fun too. Speaking of which, did you hear about the guy who invented Lifesavers?

Golden Sugar: No, what happened?

Staff member: He made a mint!

Golden Sugar: (laughs) That's hilarious! You know, they say laughter is the best medicine.

Staff member: That's true. And with jokes like that, you'll be curing patients in no time. Just don't give them Lifesavers, they might think you're trying to bribe them.

Golden Sugar: (laughs) I'll keep that in mind. But seriously, I'm excited to learn from your teachers and meet other students who share my passion for medicine.

Staff member: You're going to love it here. We've got a great community of students and teachers who are all dedicated to helping each other succeed.

Golden Sugar: That's exactly what I was hoping for. And if all goes well, maybe I'll even invite you to my Malibu beach house someday.

266名無しさん:2023/03/12(日) 15:33:06 ID:htmgno0A
Staff member: (laughs) Sounds like a plan! But first, let's focus on getting you into medical school. With your determination and our guidance, you'll be on your way to becoming a doctor and living your dream.

Golden Sugar: (smiling) Thanks, I appreciate your confidence in me. But let's not forget about the important things in life, like finding the perfect pair of scrubs.

Staff member: (laughs) Ah yes, the eternal struggle. But don't worry, we'll make sure you're well-equipped for your future career. And who knows, maybe we'll even start a new fashion trend in the medical community.

Golden Sugar: (laughs) I like the way you think. And speaking of trends, have you heard about the new bandage that's sweeping the nation?

Staff member: (curiously) No, I haven't. What is it?

Golden Sugar: (smiling) It's called "sticking plaster". Everyone's talking about it.

Staff member: (laughs) That's a good one! You're definitely keeping me on my toes with these jokes.

Golden Sugar: (grinning) Well, laughter is the best medicine, right?

Staff member: (nodding) Absolutely. And it's not just good for the patients, it's good for us too. Medical school can be stressful, so it's important to have some fun along the way.

Golden Sugar: (agrees) I couldn't agree more. And I'm looking forward to learning and growing with my fellow classmates.

Staff member: (smiling) That's the spirit! And who knows, maybe you'll even find your future medical partner here. They say a couple that diagnoses together stays together.

Golden Sugar: (laughs) I'll keep that in mind. But for now, let's focus on acing those entrance exams.

Staff member: (nodding) You got it. And remember, if you ever feel overwhelmed, just take a deep breath and think of all the cake you can eat once you become a doctor.

Golden Sugar: (laughs) You really know how to motivate me. Thanks for everything, I'm excited to start this journey.

Staff member: (smiling) It's our pleasure. We're excited to have you here, Golden Sugar. Let's make this happen!

267名無しさん:2023/03/12(日) 15:41:30 ID:e.F4Hi3U
What?! Tell me more?

268名無しさん:2023/03/12(日) 15:48:14 ID:htmgno0A
There is no denying that they knew Niigata University was not the career path you desired.

269黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/12(日) 15:50:40 ID:x5v06EcM
No matter what I say, the interviewer said that in fact, I really want to enter the medical course, am I ?

270名無しさん:2023/03/12(日) 16:31:39 ID:htmgno0A
"Man, that interview was a piece of cake," Golden Sugar thought to himself as he walked out of the Niigata University building. "I mean, how hard can it be to impress those professors?"

As he continued walking, his mind drifted back to the interview. "They asked me about my hobbies, and I told them I like to collect rare Japanese candies. I mean, who doesn't love candy, right?"

He chuckled to himself as he remembered the looks on their faces. "I could tell they were impressed. I mean, who wouldn't be? It takes a real connoisseur to appreciate the subtle nuances of a good candy."

Golden Sugar continued his monologue, "And when they asked me about my academic goals, I told them I wanted to be the world's leading expert on the science of sugar. I mean, what else would a guy named Golden Sugar want to do with his life?"

He paused for a moment, his mind wandering to the possibilities. "I could write a book on the history of sugar, or develop new methods of sugar production. The possibilities are endless!"

As he continued walking, he spotted a vending machine selling his favorite candy. "Excuse me for a moment," he said to no one in particular, as he rushed to the vending machine.

"Ah, here it is!" he exclaimed as he inserted a coin and retrieved his candy. "Nothing like a good candy to brighten up my day."

As he savored the candy, he continued his monologue. "I'm sure those professors were impressed with my confidence and knowledge about sugar. I mean, I've been studying it my whole life. It's practically in my blood!"

He chuckled to himself as he imagined the scene at the university. "They probably thought to themselves, 'Wow, this guy really knows his stuff. We need him on our team!'"

Golden Sugar finished his candy and continued his walk, his mind still consumed with thoughts of the interview. "I bet they'll call me any day now to tell me that I've been accepted. I mean, who wouldn't want a guy like me on their team?"

He smiled to himself as he thought about the possibilities that awaited him at Niigata University. "I can't wait to start my studies and show everyone what I'm made of. I'm gonna be the sugar king of Japan!"

With that, Golden Sugar's monologue came to an end. He continued walking, confident in his abilities and excited for the future. Who knows what adventures awaited him at Niigata University? One thing was for sure, he was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

271黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/13(月) 23:00:05 ID:5J8pMLz2
Thanks. I will come to be a doctor.

272名無しさん:2023/03/14(火) 03:57:18 ID:98/QX4w.
Hey, konbanwa, minna-san! Golden Sugar here, your favorite exam flunker! laughs

You know, I've been taking entrance exams for so long now that I feel like a pro! I should get a degree just for taking exams! laughs

But seriously, have you ever taken an exam in Japan? It's like trying to solve a Rubik's cube blindfolded while riding a unicycle on a tightrope! laughs

The questions are so tricky, you feel like you need a degree in psychology just to understand them! laughs

And don't even get me started on the kanji! I mean, who even uses those characters anymore? They're like hieroglyphics! laughs

But you know what they say, "if at first, you don't succeed, try, try, try again." And that's exactly what I've been doing! laughs

I've taken so many exams that I could wallpaper my room with all the rejection letters I've received! laughs

But you know what they say, "every cloud has a silver lining." And for me, that silver lining is all the funny stories and jokes I've been able to make about my exam fails! laughs

Like, did you hear the one about the guy who failed his exam so many times, they made him the professor? laughs

Or how about the one where the student didn't know the answer to a question, so he drew a cute cat instead? He still failed, but at least he got an A for effort! laughs

And then there was the time I accidentally spilled coffee all over my exam paper. I thought for sure I was going to fail, but the examiner said, "Oh, don't worry. It's just a latte mistake!" laughs

But seriously, folks, exams are tough. And it's easy to get discouraged when you don't pass. But you know what? Failure is just a temporary setback. It's not the end of the world. You just have to keep trying, keep studying, and keep your sense of humor intact! laughs

And who knows? Maybe one day, you'll look back on your exam fails and laugh as hard as I am now! laughs

Well, that's all the time I have for tonight, folks. Thanks for listening to my ramblings. And remember, if at first, you don't succeed, laugh it off and try again! laughs

273名無しさん:2023/03/14(火) 04:06:46 ID:7ClSh.is
Golden Sugar gazed at the small, oval-shaped object resting in his hand, his eyes scrutinizing every aspect of it. The egg was smooth, with a lustrous, pearly surface that shone brightly in the light. Its shell was hard, but not impenetrable, with a delicate fragility that made it feel almost precious.

As he turned the egg over in his hand, he noted the weight of it, which was surprisingly heavy for its size. He could feel the heft of it in his palm, a solid weight that belied its delicate appearance. It was warm to the touch, radiating a subtle heat that he could feel even through the shell.

Golden Sugar marveled at the color of the egg, which was a pale, creamy white. The hue was soft and subtle, almost ethereal, and it seemed to glow with a gentle radiance. The egg was the epitome of purity, with an unblemished surface that was free of any marks or imperfections.

As he continued to examine the egg, Golden Sugar noted the symmetry of its shape, which was perfectly balanced and proportioned. The curve of the shell was smooth and even, without any bumps or irregularities. The egg was a masterpiece of nature, a flawless creation that was both beautiful and functional.

But what was truly remarkable about the egg was what lay inside. Golden Sugar knew that within the delicate shell was the potential for life, a tiny, fragile creature waiting to be born. It was a mystery and a wonder, a miracle of nature that never ceased to amaze him.

In the end, Golden Sugar smiled to himself, realizing that he had been describing the egg with an intensity and focus that bordered on the obsessive. But for him, that was the magic of the egg – a seemingly ordinary object that held within it the power to inspire awe and wonder in even the most jaded of souls.

274名無しさん:2023/03/14(火) 04:17:18 ID:7ClSh.is
Golden Sugar sat on a park bench, watching the world go by, when a dog approached him. This was no ordinary dog. The canine had a keen intelligence in his eyes, as if he knew the secrets of the universe. The man looked at the dog and smiled. "Hello there," he said. "What brings you to this part of the park?"

The dog tilted his head and gave a small bark. "I come here to think," he replied.

Golden Sugar was taken aback. He had never spoken to a dog before, let alone one that was capable of having deep thoughts. "You think?" he asked, incredulous.

The dog nodded. "Yes, I think about life and how beautiful and ugly it can be," he said.

Golden Sugar was intrigued. "That's an interesting topic. How do you see life?"

The dog sat down on his haunches and looked up at the man. "I see life as both beautiful and ugly. There is beauty in the world around us, but there is also ugliness. It all depends on how we choose to look at it."

Golden Sugar pondered this for a moment. "What do you mean?"

"Well," the dog replied, "take this park for instance. To some, it's just a patch of grass and trees. But to me, it's a beautiful oasis in the middle of a concrete jungle. I see the beauty in the colors of the flowers and the rustling of the leaves. But at the same time, I see the ugliness of the litter that people leave behind."

Golden Sugar nodded. "I see what you mean. It's all about perspective."

The dog wagged his tail. "Exactly. Life can be beautiful or ugly depending on how we choose to see it. It's up to us to find the beauty in the world around us."

"But what about the truly terrible things in life?" Golden Sugar asked. "What about war and disease and poverty?"

The dog's expression turned somber. "Those are the ugly parts of life. But even in the midst of darkness, there can be beauty. People coming together to help each other, to offer support and kindness, can be a beautiful thing. It's all about finding the light in the darkness."

Golden Sugar nodded. "That's a good way of looking at it. But how do we find that light? How do we stay positive in the face of adversity?"

The dog cocked his head. "That's a difficult question. It's not easy to stay positive when everything around you seems to be falling apart. But I think it's important to remember that nothing is permanent. Everything changes, and even the darkest of times will pass. We just need to hold on and keep moving forward."

Golden Sugar smiled. "You're a wise dog. You have a lot of insight."

The dog grinned. "Thank you. I've had a lot of time to think over the years."

They sat in silence for a moment, watching the people and animals go by. Golden Sugar felt a sense of calm wash over him, as if he had just had an epiphany.

"You know," he said, "I think you're right. Life can be beautiful and ugly at the same time. It's all about perspective and finding the light in the darkness."

The dog nudged his hand with his nose. "I'm glad you see it that way. It's important to remember that life is a precious gift, and we should cherish every moment we have."

Golden Sugar scratched the dog behind his ears. "You're a good friend, you know that?"

The dog barked happily. "I know. That's why I come to this park. I always meet interesting people here."

275名無しさん:2023/03/14(火) 04:17:50 ID:7ClSh.is
Golden Sugar chuckled. "Interesting dogs, you mean."

The dog laughed. "Well, you know what I mean."

They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before the dog spoke up again. "You know, Golden Sugar, I think one of the keys to finding beauty in life is to be present in the moment. To really appreciate what's happening around you, instead of always looking to the past or the future."

Golden Sugar nodded thoughtfully. "I've heard that before. Mindfulness, right?"

"Exactly," the dog replied. "It's about being aware of your thoughts and emotions, and accepting them without judgment. It's not always easy, but I think it's an important part of finding beauty in life."

Golden Sugar thought about this for a moment. "You know, I've been so caught up in my own thoughts lately that I haven't really been present in the moment. Maybe I need to practice mindfulness."

The dog grinned. "I highly recommend it. It can do wonders for your mental health."

Golden Sugar smiled back. "Thanks for the advice, my furry friend. You truly are wise beyond your years."

The dog blushed. "Oh, stop it. You're making me blush."

They both laughed, and the conversation turned to lighter topics. They talked about the weather, the latest movies, and their favorite foods. It was a refreshing change of pace from their earlier deep discussion.

As the sun began to set, Golden Sugar realized it was time to go home. He stood up from the bench and stretched.

"Well, it was great talking to you, my friend. I'll have to come back to this park more often."

The dog stood up as well and wagged his tail. "Anytime. I'm always here."

Golden Sugar scratched him behind the ears one more time before turning to walk away. As he walked down the path, he couldn't help but feel a newfound appreciation for life. The world seemed a little brighter, a little more beautiful, and he knew it was all thanks to the wise words of a very special dog.

276名無しさん:2023/03/14(火) 04:20:04 ID:7ClSh.is
As Golden Sugar walked away, the dog called out to him. "Hey, Golden Sugar, before you go, I have one more thing to say about finding beauty in life."

Golden Sugar turned back to face the dog. "Sure, what is it?"

The dog paused for a moment, as if deep in thought. "I think it's important to remember that beauty can be found in the most unexpected places. Sometimes, we get so caught up in our daily routines that we forget to look for it."

Golden Sugar nodded in agreement. "That's very true. It's easy to take things for granted when we see them every day."

The dog continued. "But even in the most mundane tasks, there can be beauty. For example, have you ever stopped to really appreciate the simple act of breathing? The way our bodies work to take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide is truly amazing."

Golden Sugar thought about this for a moment. "You know, I never really thought about it like that. It's a good reminder to appreciate the little things in life."

The dog smiled. "Exactly. And sometimes, beauty can come from the most unexpected sources. A kind gesture from a stranger, a beautiful sunset on an ordinary day, or even just a good cup of coffee in the morning. It's all about finding joy in the small things."

Golden Sugar smiled back. "Thank you for that reminder, my friend. I'll be sure to keep it in mind."

With a final wave, Golden Sugar turned and continued on his way home. As he walked, he thought about the conversation he had just had with the dog. He realized that finding beauty in life wasn't always easy, but it was always worth it. And with the wisdom of his furry friend, he knew he could navigate the ups and downs of life with a little more grace and appreciation.

277名無しさん:2023/03/14(火) 04:28:35 ID:7ClSh.is
Golden Sugar sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes. "What a dream," he muttered to himself. "Talking dogs and deep philosophical discussions. I must have eaten something weird before bed."

He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stretched, trying to shake off the fog of sleep. As he stood up, he realized something strange. He was still wearing his clothes from yesterday, including his shoes.

"What the...?" he muttered, looking down at his feet. "Did I sleep in my shoes?"

He shook his head and stumbled toward the bathroom, still trying to process the bizarre dream he had just had. As he brushed his teeth, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself.

"A talking dog," he thought. "What's next, flying elephants?"

He rinsed his mouth out and splashed some water on his face, trying to wake himself up fully. As he looked in the mirror, he realized something else strange. His hair was sticking up in all directions, and he had a faint blush on his cheeks.

"Did I really blush in my dream?" he thought, shaking his head in disbelief.

He took a deep breath and headed back to his bedroom, still trying to make sense of what had happened. As he walked, he noticed something else strange. His room looked different, somehow.

He looked around and realized that everything was slightly off. The colors were brighter, the furniture was rearranged, and there was a strange smell in the air. It was a mix of cinnamon and...something else he couldn't quite place.

"What the heck is going on?" he muttered to himself.

Just then, he heard a faint barking noise from somewhere in the house. It sounded familiar, somehow. He followed the sound, and it led him to the kitchen.

As he entered the room, he couldn't believe his eyes. There, sitting at the table, was the same dog from his dream. It was wagging its tail and grinning up at him.

"Good morning, Golden Sugar," the dog said.

Golden Sugar rubbed his eyes, thinking he was still dreaming. "This can't be real," he muttered.

"Oh, it's real all right," the dog replied. "You didn't think our conversation was just a dream, did you?"

Golden Sugar sat down at the table, still trying to wrap his head around what was happening. "I...I don't know what to say."

The dog chuckled. "Relax, my friend. It's just a little bit of magic."

Golden Sugar blinked. "Magic?"

The dog nodded. "Yep. I'm a magical dog, and I decided to pay you a visit in your dreams last night."

Golden Sugar shook his head. "This is crazy."

The dog grinned. "Crazy can be fun, you know. And who says life has to be serious all the time?"

Golden Sugar thought about this for a moment. "You know what, you're right. Maybe I've been taking life a little too seriously lately."

The dog nodded. "Exactly. Sometimes, we need a little bit of silliness and magic to remind us of what's truly important."

Golden Sugar smiled. "You're a wise dog, you know that?"

The dog chuckled. "I like to think so. Now, how about some breakfast? I made pancakes."

Golden Sugar looked over at the stove and saw a stack of fluffy pancakes, topped with whipped cream and strawberries.

"Well, I guess if I'm dreaming, I might as well enjoy it," he said with a grin.

He sat down at the table and dug in, savoring the sweet taste of the pancakes and the company of his magical dog friend. As they ate, they talked and laughed, enjoying the moment.

278名無しさん:2023/03/14(火) 04:35:40 ID:7ClSh.is
Golden Sugar took another bite of pancake and then froze. "Wait a minute...I'm the dog?"

The dog looked up from his own pancake with a puzzled expression. "What are you talking about? Of course, you're not the dog."

Golden Sugar shook his head. "No, I'm pretty sure I am. I mean, I can see my paws right here on the table."

The dog looked at Golden Sugar's hands, which did indeed look like furry paws. "Huh, that is strange. Maybe you are the dog. But if you're the dog, then that must mean I'm...you?"

Golden Sugar's eyes widened. "You're me? This just keeps getting weirder."

The dog nodded. "I guess so. But hey, it's not like we can't handle a little bit of surrealism, right?"

Golden Sugar shook his furry head. "I don't even know what's real anymore. Am I a human or a dog?"

The dog shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe you're both. Or maybe we're just two different parts of the same consciousness."

Golden Sugar's tail wagged. "That's a trippy thought, man. Maybe we're all just one big consciousness, experiencing itself in different forms."

The dog barked in agreement. "Whoa, that's deep. Maybe we should write a book about this."

Golden Sugar nodded eagerly. "Yes, yes! We'll call it 'The Tao of Dog-Human Consciousness.' It'll be a bestseller!"

The two of them laughed and high-fived with their furry paws, feeling like they had unlocked some great cosmic truth. As they finished their pancakes, they continued to discuss the nature of reality and consciousness, getting more and more confused but also more and more amused.

"Wait a minute," Golden Sugar said suddenly. "If I'm the dog, then who's gonna take care of my human body?"

The dog looked thoughtful. "Hmm, good point. Maybe we should switch back before we cause any more confusion."

Golden Sugar nodded, feeling a strange sense of relief. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea. I don't think I'm ready to give up my opposable thumbs just yet."

The dog chuckled. "Yeah, being a dog is fun and all, but it definitely has its limitations."

They closed their eyes and concentrated, trying to switch back to their original forms. After a few moments, they opened their eyes and looked at each other.

"Okay, that's better," Golden Sugar said, flexing his fingers. "I think I like being a human after all."

The dog nodded. "Me too. Although, I have to say, being a dog did have its perks. I mean, I got to eat pancakes without any guilt."

Golden Sugar grinned. "Yeah, that's true. Maybe we should make that a regular thing. Pancake Sundays, but only if we're dogs."

The two of them laughed and continued their breakfast, feeling like they had just been on the wildest trip of their lives. As they finished eating, they looked at each other and grinned.

"Who needs drugs when you've got talking dogs and consciousness-swapping?" Golden Sugar said, shaking his head in wonder.

The dog barked in agreement. "Ain't that the truth. Life is crazy, man."

Golden Sugar nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude for the strange and unexpected experiences that life had to offer. "Life is beautiful and ugly, all at once. But hey, that's what makes it interesting, right?"

The dog wagged his tail. "You said it, my friend. You said it."

279Yonfut:2023/03/14(火) 04:49:09 ID:lY4JC0yU
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280名無しさん:2023/03/14(火) 21:56:40 ID:7ClSh.is
Golden Sugar had lived in Kyoto all his life. He was a man of simple pleasures, content with the rhythm of his days. Every morning, he would wake up early, make himself a cup of tea, and read the newspaper. Then he would go for a walk in the gardens, taking in the sights and sounds of the city.

One day, as he was strolling through the gardens, Golden Sugar saw something unusual. It was a small, golden key, lying on the path ahead of him. He picked it up and examined it closely, turning it over in his hand.

Golden Sugar had always been a curious man, and he couldn't resist the temptation to see what the key might unlock. He walked around the gardens, trying the key in every lock he could find, but none of them fit. He even tried it on the lock of his own front door, but it didn't work there either.

As he walked back to the gardens, he noticed a small, unassuming door that he had never seen before. It was tucked away in a corner, almost hidden from view. Golden Sugar approached it cautiously, wondering if the key might fit.

To his surprise, the key turned easily in the lock, and the door swung open. Golden Sugar peered inside, but all he could see was darkness. He hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should go in, but his curiosity got the better of him.

He stepped inside, and the door closed behind him with a soft click. Golden Sugar was plunged into darkness, but he could hear a faint humming sound coming from somewhere ahead of him. He followed the sound, his hand outstretched in front of him to guide him through the darkness.

As he walked, the humming grew louder, until it filled his ears completely. It was a strange, otherworldly sound, unlike anything he had ever heard before. Golden Sugar felt a sense of unease, but he couldn't turn back now.

Suddenly, the darkness was pierced by a bright light. Golden Sugar shielded his eyes, blinking as his vision adjusted. When he looked up, he saw that he was standing in the middle of a vast, open space.

It was a room unlike any other he had seen before. The walls were made of shimmering gold, and the floor was covered in a thick, velvety carpet. In the center of the room was a large, ornate chair, and sitting in the chair was a woman.

She was the most beautiful woman Golden Sugar had ever seen. Her hair was long and black, and her skin was like porcelain. She wore a dress made of the finest silk, and it flowed around her like a river. She smiled at him, and Golden Sugar felt his heart skip a beat.

"Welcome," she said. "I have been waiting for you."

Golden Sugar felt a sense of confusion. "Who are you?" he asked.

The woman smiled again. "I am the keeper of the golden key," she said. "You have been chosen to enter this room, to see the wonders that lie within."

Golden Sugar felt a sense of excitement. He had always been a man of routine, but this was something new and exciting. He stepped forward, eager to explore the room.

As he walked, the woman began to speak. She told him stories of the world beyond Kyoto, of places he had never seen and people he had never met. She showed him paintings and sculptures, and introduced him to the music of far-off lands.

Golden Sugar felt like he was in a dream. He couldn't believe that he had stumbled upon something so wonderful. He stayed in the room for hours, listening to the woman's stories and exploring the wonders that lay within.

281名無しさん:2023/03/14(火) 21:59:46 ID:7ClSh.is
When he finally left the room, Golden Sugar felt like he had been transported to a different world. The humming sound that had accompanied him on his journey through the darkness had disappeared, and the gardens outside the door looked different somehow, more vibrant and alive.

Golden Sugar walked back to his house, deep in thought. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had been changed by his experience in the golden room. He felt more alive than he had in years, his senses heightened, and his mind racing with new ideas and possibilities.

Over the next few days, Golden Sugar found that he couldn't stop thinking about the golden room and the woman who had welcomed him inside. He began to spend less time on his routine activities and more time exploring Kyoto, seeking out new experiences and meeting new people.

One day, he found himself back in the gardens where he had discovered the key. He approached the door tentatively, wondering if he would be able to find the room again. To his surprise, the key turned easily in the lock, and the door opened once more.

Golden Sugar stepped inside, half-expecting to see the woman waiting for him. But the room was empty, the chair where she had sat now unoccupied. He looked around, feeling a sense of disappointment.

Suddenly, he noticed a small note sitting on the arm of the chair. He picked it up and read the words written on it.

"Golden Sugar, you have seen the wonders of the golden room, and they have changed you. Remember that the world is full of new experiences and adventures, waiting for you to discover them. Do not let fear or routine hold you back. Go forth and embrace the unknown."

Golden Sugar felt a sense of gratitude and awe wash over him. He realized that the woman had given him a gift, not just of the room but of a new perspective on life. He left the room, feeling a sense of purpose he had never felt before.

From that day on, Golden Sugar lived his life with a newfound sense of adventure and wonder. He traveled to new places, met new people, and tried new things. He never forgot the lessons he had learned in the golden room and carried them with him always.

And sometimes, when he was walking through the gardens or sipping tea in his quiet house, he would think of the golden key, the golden room, and the woman who had changed his life forever.

282名無しさん:2023/03/14(火) 22:21:23 ID:7ClSh.is
Golden Sugar was on a mission to create the most epic curry rice dish that anyone had ever tasted. He walked through the grocery store with a confident strut, feeling like a celebrity chef on a TV show.

As he strolled through the aisles, he picked up a baguette and started munching on it. He even made a fake British accent and said, "Mmm, this bread is simply divine. I must have it with my curry rice."

Golden Sugar made his way to the spice section, feeling like a pro. He picked up a curry powder and started to examine it like it was a rare diamond.

Suddenly, a man approached him and asked, "Do you need help?"

Golden Sugar looked up and saw a tall, skinny man with glasses. He said, "Oh, no thank you. I'm just admiring the beauty of this curry powder."

The man replied, "Well, I'm pretty sure it's not going to propose to you. But if you need any help with spices, I'm your guy."

Golden Sugar chuckled and said, "Alright then, spice expert. Which one do you recommend for my epic curry rice dish?"

The man smiled and said, "If you want a flavor explosion in your mouth, you should definitely go for the 'Flaming Inferno' curry powder. But be warned, it's not for the weak."

Golden Sugar's eyes lit up, "Ooh, I love a good challenge. I'll take it!"

As Golden Sugar continued his shopping, he picked up a giant pumpkin and a live turkey. The man from before raised an eyebrow and said, "Wow, you're really going all out with this curry rice, aren't you?"

Golden Sugar replied with a grin, "You know it! Gotta keep things interesting."

He then made his way to the hot sauce section and picked up every single bottle. He said, "I like my curry rice like I like my love life - spicy and unpredictable!"

Next, Golden Sugar headed over to the rice section and picked up a bag of basmati rice. But then he saw some purple rice and said, "Ooh, purple rice! That'll really make my curry rice stand out!"

As he made his way to the checkout line, the cashier took one look at his cart and said, "Wow, you're really going all out with this curry rice, aren't you?"

Golden Sugar replied with a chuckle, "Yes ma'am! Gotta make it epic!"

As he arrived home, he started to prepare the ingredients. He chopped the vegetables and seasoned the turkey, but as he was carving the pumpkin, he accidentally cut off one of his fingers!

Golden Sugar screamed in pain and started to run around the kitchen, holding his hand. He said, "Ah, I've lost a finger! Quick, someone call 911!"

But then he looked at the hot sauce bottles and said, "Wait a minute...I don't need 911. I need a hot sauce band-aid!"

He poured the hot sauce on his finger and said, "Ahh, that's the good stuff. Spicy and healing!"

Finally, Golden Sugar cooked the curry rice and took a big bite. His eyes widened as the flavors exploded in his mouth. He said, "This is it! The most epic curry rice dish of all time!"

But then he felt a weird sensation in his stomach. He said, "Uh oh, I think I might have overdone it with the hot sauce."

He ran to the bathroom and spent the next few hours regretting his decision. But in the end, he still felt proud of himself for creating such a crazy and delicious dish.

283名無しさん:2023/03/14(火) 22:21:59 ID:7ClSh.is
As Golden Sugar was basking in the glory of his epic curry rice, he suddenly realized something was missing. He looked at his hand and screamed, "My finger! I forgot about my finger!"

He frantically searched around the kitchen, hoping to find his missing digit. Finally, he saw it lying on the cutting board, covered in spices and seasoning.

Without thinking, Golden Sugar picked up his severed finger and started to cook it in a frying pan. He said to himself, "Well, waste not want not, right?"

As he took a bite, he winced in pain. "Ouch! This tastes terrible! I should have added more salt!"

Golden Sugar continued to cook and eat his own finger, trying different spices and seasonings to make it taste better. He even made a finger curry dish, but it still didn't taste quite right.

After a few days of trying to cook his own finger, Golden Sugar realized that it was not a good idea. He said to himself, "I don't think I should have eaten my own finger. I should have just gone to the hospital and had it reattached."

Feeling embarrassed and ashamed, Golden Sugar decided to find a way to grow his own finger back. He researched online and found a DIY finger-growing kit.

He ordered the kit and followed the instructions carefully. He planted the finger in a pot of soil and watered it every day. He even sang to it and talked to it, hoping to speed up the growth process.

Days went by, and Golden Sugar checked on his finger every day. Finally, after a week, he saw a small sprout emerging from the soil.

Overjoyed, he continued to care for the sprout, and it grew into a small finger. Golden Sugar was ecstatic, "It worked! I grew my own finger back! I'm a genius!"

Golden Sugar was so proud of himself that he decided to throw a party to celebrate his new finger. He invited all of his friends and family, and they all marveled at his amazing achievement.

Golden Sugar proudly showed off his new finger, and everyone was amazed. One of his friends even said, "You should start your own finger-growing business! You could make millions!"

Golden Sugar laughed and said, "Who knows? Maybe I will!"

And with that, Golden Sugar's epic curry rice dish and his newfound finger-growing skills made him a legend in his own right.

284名無しさん:2023/03/15(水) 03:31:19 ID:CQFDcY6.
As Golden Sugar lay in bed, he couldn't help but ponder the biggest mystery of all time: how the universe was created. His mind wandered, and he began to imagine all sorts of crazy scenarios that might have led to the universe's existence.

Maybe it all started with a cosmic explosion, he thought. A massive ball of energy that suddenly exploded, sending matter and energy hurtling in every direction. Or maybe it was a cosmic battle between two great beings, whose epic clash resulted in the creation of the universe we know today.

As he thought about these possibilities, he chuckled to himself. It was all so crazy and improbable, but that's what made it so much fun to think about. He began to imagine what it would be like if he could go back in time and witness the creation of the universe firsthand.

He imagined himself floating in space, watching as the universe slowly took shape around him. Maybe he would see massive stars being born, or galaxies colliding in a fiery explosion of light and energy. He chuckled again, imagining how strange and surreal it would all be.

But then he started to think more seriously about the question of how the universe was created. He knew that scientists had come up with all sorts of theories, but none of them seemed to fully explain the origins of the universe.

He wondered if there was some deeper meaning or purpose behind it all. Maybe the universe was created by some all-powerful being, who had a grand plan for the universe and everything in it. Or maybe it was all just a random, meaningless event, with no greater purpose or significance.

As he pondered these questions, he began to feel a sense of awe and wonder at the universe's vastness and complexity. It was hard to imagine that such an incredible thing could exist, and even harder to comprehend how it all came to be.

But then he remembered something he had read once, about how the universe might have started as a tiny, infinitely dense point of energy and matter, which then exploded in the Big Bang. It was a wild and crazy idea, but it was backed up by scientific evidence and research.

As he thought more about this theory, he began to see the universe in a whole new light. It wasn't just a random or meaningless event, but rather the result of an incredibly complex and intricate series of events, stretching back billions of years.

He imagined himself as a tiny speck in the vastness of the universe, looking out at the stars and galaxies that filled the sky. It was humbling and awe-inspiring to think about how small he was in the grand scheme of things, and yet how connected he was to everything around him.

He thought about how the universe had evolved over time, from the earliest moments after the Big Bang to the present day. It was a story of constant change and transformation, of stars being born and dying, of galaxies colliding and merging, of planets forming and evolving.

As he lay there, lost in thought, he began to feel a deep sense of gratitude for the universe and all that it had given him. It was a gift beyond measure, and one that he would always cherish and hold dear.

And so he drifted off to sleep, his mind full of wonder and awe at the incredible mystery of the universe and how it all came to be. It was a mystery that he would never fully understand, but one that he would always be grateful to explore and ponder, with his crazy sense of humor and his endless curiosity.

285名無しさん:2023/03/15(水) 03:31:58 ID:CQFDcY6.
Golden Sugar found himself in a dream that felt incredibly real. He was standing in the midst of nothingness, surrounded by darkness and emptiness. Suddenly, he felt an incredible power surge through him, and he knew that he was the Creator of the universe.

With a wave of his hand, he conjured up a massive ball of energy, which expanded rapidly until it filled the void around him. He watched as the energy coalesced into matter and stars, forming galaxies and nebulae that stretched out to infinity.

As he surveyed his creation, he felt a sense of joy and wonder at the sheer scale and complexity of the universe. He understood everything about it, from the tiniest subatomic particles to the largest galaxies and superclusters.

In his dream, he knew the answer to all of the mysteries that had puzzled him before. He knew how the universe had come into being, and why it existed. He understood the nature of dark matter and dark energy, and how they influenced the universe's evolution over time.

He saw how life had emerged on countless worlds throughout the cosmos, from simple microbes to complex organisms that had evolved into intelligent beings capable of exploring and understanding the universe around them.

Golden Sugar felt a sense of awe and wonder at the incredible complexity and beauty of the universe. He understood that he was just a small part of a much larger whole, and that his role as Creator was both humbling and empowering.

As he stood there, surrounded by the infinite expanse of the universe, he felt a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunity to create something so incredible and amazing. He knew that he had a responsibility to nurture and care for his creation, to ensure that it thrived and flourished for all eternity.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the dream ended. Golden Sugar woke up, feeling a sense of awe and wonder at the incredible mystery of the universe. He knew that he would never fully understand it, but he felt blessed to be a small part of such an amazing and complex creation.

From that day forward, he continued to ponder the mysteries of the universe, but with a new sense of reverence and humility. He knew that he was just one small piece of an infinitely larger puzzle, but he also knew that his role was important, and that he could make a difference in the world around him.

And so he continued to explore, to learn, and to grow, always seeking to understand more about the incredible mystery of the universe, and his place within it.

286名無しさん:2023/03/15(水) 18:28:37 ID:CQFDcY6.
Golden Sugar: Hey Dr. Fish, what's up with all these microplastics floating around in the ocean? Are the fish turning into plastic toys or what?

Dr. Fish: (laughing) No, no, no Golden. The fish aren't turning into plastic toys. They're turning into plastic surgeons! They're so used to seeing all that plastic in the ocean, they decided to give themselves a little nip and tuck!

Golden Sugar: (laughing) That's hilarious, Doc! But seriously, what's the deal with these microplastics? Are they really that harmful?

Dr. Fish: Oh, they're definitely harmful. They're like the equivalent of fast food for fish. They eat it up, and before they know it, they're hooked on the stuff. It's like a fish addiction!

Golden Sugar: (laughing) A fish addiction? That's crazy! But seriously, what kind of harm are we talking about here?

Dr. Fish: Well, for starters, the microplastics are messing with the fish's digestive systems. They can't digest it, so it just accumulates in their bodies. And since fish are at the bottom of the food chain, all the bigger fish that eat them end up getting a double dose of plastic!

Golden Sugar: (laughing) So, what you're saying is that if I eat fish that have been eating microplastics, I'm basically eating plastic too?

Dr. Fish: (laughing) You got it, Golden! You're eating fish and chips with a side of plastic!

Golden Sugar: (laughing) That's disgusting! But seriously, Doc, what can we do about this? How can we stop the microplastics from getting into the ocean?

Dr. Fish: Well, for starters, we can stop using so much plastic! We can switch to reusable bags, water bottles, and utensils. We can recycle more, and we can make sure that all the plastic we do use gets disposed of properly.

Golden Sugar: (laughing) So, what you're saying is that if we all stop using plastic, the fish will stop turning into plastic surgeons?

Dr. Fish: (laughing) Exactly, Golden! We can save the fish from a lifetime of plastic surgery!

Golden Sugar: (laughing) That's hilarious, Doc! But seriously, thanks for the information. I'll make sure to spread the word about reducing plastic use.

Dr. Fish: (laughing) No problem, Golden. Just remember, every little bit helps. We may not be able to clean up the entire ocean, but we can start by making a difference in our own lives.

Golden Sugar: (laughing) That's great advice, Doc. Thanks for being such a great teacher.

Dr. Fish: (laughing) Anytime, Golden. And remember, if you see any fish with big lips and a perfect pout, you'll know they've been to the plastic surgeon!

287名無しさん:2023/03/15(水) 18:34:28 ID:CQFDcY6.
Golden Sugar: (laughing) I'll make sure to keep an eye out for those fish! But what about the other effects of microplastics on the ocean? Are there any other consequences we should be aware of?

Dr. Fish: Oh, absolutely. Microplastics can also affect the water quality, as they release toxic chemicals as they break down. Plus, they can entangle marine life, causing harm and even death.

Golden Sugar: (laughing) So, not only are the fish turning into plastic surgeons, but they're also becoming toxic waste dumps and getting caught up in plastic bags? This is getting worse and worse!

Dr. Fish: (laughing) Yes, it's a pretty dire situation. But don't worry, Golden. We can all do our part to help. Even if we can't fix the whole problem, we can make a difference.

Golden Sugar: (laughing) That's a great attitude, Doc! You're like the Marie Kondo of the ocean! "Does this spark joy? No? Then get rid of it!"

Dr. Fish: (laughing) I like that comparison, Golden! We should all be asking ourselves if our use of plastic sparks joy. And if it doesn't, we should find an alternative.

Golden Sugar: (laughing) That's a great way to look at it! Thanks for the laughs and the information, Doc. I'll make sure to spread the word about reducing plastic use and keeping the ocean clean.

Dr. Fish: (laughing) You're welcome, Golden. And remember, every little bit helps. Together, we can make a difference for the ocean and all its inhabitants.

Golden Sugar: (laughing) That's a great message, Doc. And who knows, maybe we'll even start seeing fish with natural beauty instead of plastic surgery!

288黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/16(木) 00:27:34 ID:B6ZSM5Zs

289黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/16(木) 00:30:21 ID:B6ZSM5Zs

290黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/16(木) 00:33:14 ID:B6ZSM5Zs
You have literally talent. I am looking forward to reading the story.

291黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/16(木) 00:37:41 ID:B6ZSM5Zs
Their attitude is not appropriate for public servants.

292黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/16(木) 00:42:30 ID:B6ZSM5Zs

293黄金糖 ◆Y/j.fSkU/c:2023/03/16(木) 00:44:57 ID:B6ZSM5Zs
I read up to >>286.

294名無しさん:2023/03/16(木) 00:47:23 ID:9m/xSlEU
Staff Member: Good morning, ABC pharmaceutical company. How may I help you today?

Golden Sugar: Hey, it's your boy, Golden Sugar, and I'm in desperate need of a magic pill to turn me into a genius. You see, I've failed more entrance exams than I care to count, and I'm running out of ideas. I'm pretty sure I'm starting to develop a phobia of exam halls.

Staff Member: (laughs) I hear you, Golden Sugar. But don't worry, we have something that might just do the trick. It's called "Brainiac", the smartest pill on the market.

Golden Sugar: (enthusiastically) Brainiac, you say? Sign me up, my dude. I'll take as many as you've got.

Staff Member: (laughs) Sorry, Golden Sugar, but Brainiac is no ordinary pill. It's so powerful that you can only take one every ten years.

Golden Sugar: (disappointed) Well, that's a bummer. I was hoping to be the next Einstein.

Staff Member: (laughs) Don't worry, Golden Sugar, one Brainiac pill is all it takes to make a genius out of anyone.

Golden Sugar: (jokingly) That's what I like to hear. Maybe I can finally solve the age-old question of why women always have to go to the bathroom together.

Staff Member: (laughs) Sorry, Golden Sugar, Brainiac can't help you solve that mystery. But it can help you remember where you left your keys.

Golden Sugar: (jokingly) That's good enough for me. I'm tired of walking around the house like a lost puppy.

Staff Member: (laughs) Well, with Brainiac, you'll never forget anything again. You'll be able to remember every single detail of your life, like the time you ate a lifesaver and accidentally swallowed the whole thing.

Golden Sugar: (laughs) Speaking of lifesavers, I have a joke for you. Why did the hipster burn his tongue?

Staff Member: (curiously) I don't know, why?

Golden Sugar: (with a smirk) He drank his coffee before it was cool.

Staff Member: (laughs) That's hilarious, Golden Sugar. You have a talent for jokes.

Golden Sugar: (jokingly) Thanks, my dude. Maybe Brainiac can help me come up with even funnier jokes.

Staff Member: (laughs) Who knows, Golden Sugar? With Brainiac, you could be the next Jerry Seinfeld!

Golden Sugar: (laughs) That's what I like to hear. With Brainiac, the possibilities are endless. Maybe I can finally impress my mom and make her proud.

Staff Member: (laughs) Well, with Brainiac, you'll be able to do anything you set your mind to. You could become the next Steve Jobs or Elon Musk.

Golden Sugar: (laughs) That's what I like to hear, my dude. I could finally take over the world, one funny joke at a time.

Staff Member: (laughs) Don't get too ahead of yourself, Golden Sugar. But with Brainiac, you'll definitely be a force to be reckoned with.

Golden Sugar: (jokingly) I can already feel the genius flowing through my veins. Maybe I should start wearing a lab coat and carry a clipboard around.

Staff Member: (laughs) You do that, Golden Sugar. Just make sure to take your Brainiac pill first.

Golden Sugar: (laughs) Will do, my dude. I'll be the smartest guy in the room, thanks to Brainiac.

295名無しさん:2023/03/16(木) 00:47:57 ID:9m/xSlEU
Staff Member: (laughs) I'm sure you will, Golden Sugar. Is there anything else I can help you with today?

Golden Sugar: (jokingly) Hmm, let me think. Do you have a pill that can make me taller? I'm tired of being the shortest guy in the room.

Staff Member: (laughs) Sorry, Golden Sugar, but we can't help you with that one. But I hear standing on your tiptoes can add a few inches.

Golden Sugar: (laughs) I'll give it a try. Thanks for the tip, my dude.

Staff Member: (laughs) No problem, Golden Sugar. Anything else?

Golden Sugar: (jokingly) How about a pill that can make me rich? I could use a few million dollars right about now.

Staff Member: (laughs) Sorry, Golden Sugar, but we can't make you rich. But with Brainiac, you could come up with the next big idea and make yourself a fortune.

Golden Sugar: (laughs) That's true. Maybe I'll invent a pill that can make people taller and richer.

Staff Member: (laughs) You never know, Golden Sugar. With your sense of humor and creativity, anything is possible.

Golden Sugar: (jokingly) Thanks for believing in me, my dude. You're the best.

Staff Member: (laughs) No problem, Golden Sugar. Just remember to take your Brainiac pill first before attempting any world domination or inventing new pills.

Golden Sugar: (laughs) Will do, my dude. Thanks for everything.

Staff Member: (laughs) It was my pleasure, Golden Sugar. Have a great day.

Golden Sugar: (jokingly) You too, my dude. Don't forget to take your sense of humor pill.

Staff Member: (laughs) I won't, Golden Sugar. It's a daily necessity.

296名無しさん:2023/03/16(木) 04:12:46 ID:9m/xSlEU
Golden Sugar sat alone at his kitchen table, the only light coming from the dim glow of the streetlamp outside. Suddenly, he noticed a small, dark shape scurrying across the countertop. It was a cockroach.

"Hey there, little guy," Golden Sugar said, leaning in to get a better look. "What are you doing up so late?"

The cockroach paused and looked up at Golden Sugar. "Just looking for a snack," it replied. "And you?"

"I was just about to cook up some noodles," Golden Sugar said. "You know how delicious they can be in the middle of the night."

Roach chuckled. "I've heard that before. I think it's a universal truth."

Golden Sugar grinned. "So, what kind of noodles do you like, Roach? Ramen? Udon? Soba?"

"Oh, I'm not picky," Roach said. "As long as they're cooked to perfection, I'll devour them with gusto."

Golden Sugar laughed. "You're a true noodle connoisseur, Roach. Maybe I should hire you as my personal taste tester."

Roach shook its head. "Sorry, Golden Sugar. I'm not really cut out for that kind of job. I'm more of a freelance food critic."

Golden Sugar chuckled. "Well, if you're ever in the neighborhood, stop by and I'll cook you up a delicious batch of noodles."

"I'll definitely keep that in mind," Roach said. "But for now, I think I'll have to settle for scavenging for leftovers."

Golden Sugar nodded. "I know how that goes. Sometimes you just have to make do with what you can find."

Roach climbed up onto the kitchen table and scurried over to a discarded piece of bread. "It's not noodles, but it'll do in a pinch," it said, sinking its teeth into the stale crust.

Golden Sugar watched as Roach devoured the bread, its little legs twitching with pleasure. "You know, Roach, I think you and I have a lot in common," he said.

Roach paused mid-bite and looked up at Golden Sugar. "Oh really? How so?"

"We both appreciate the finer things in life," Golden Sugar said. "Like a good bowl of noodles, or a quiet moment in the middle of the night."

Roach nodded. "That's true. But there's one major difference between us."

"What's that?" Golden Sugar asked.

"Well, for starters, I'm a cockroach," Roach said, gesturing to its antennae and six legs. "And you're a human."

Golden Sugar laughed. "I guess you've got me there. But who says we can't be friends?"

Roach smiled. "I'd like that, Golden Sugar. I've never had a human friend before."

Golden Sugar reached out a hand and stroked Roach's back. "Well, you do now. And don't worry, I won't judge you for being a cockroach. I think you're pretty cool, actually."

Roach blushed. "Thanks, Golden Sugar. You're not so bad yourself."

They sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, the only sound the soft rustling of Roach's wings as it finished off the last of the bread.

"So, what do you say we make a pact?" Golden Sugar said, breaking the silence. "From now on, we're noodle buddies. We'll share our favorite recipes, exchange cooking tips, and maybe even go on noodle-eating adventures together."

Roach grinned. "I like the sound of that, Golden Sugar. You've got yourself a deal."

And with that, they shook hands.

A few days passed after their first encounter.

297名無しさん:2023/03/16(木) 04:13:29 ID:9m/xSlEU
Golden Sugar was taken aback when he saw Roach's family and friends, who had decided to pay a visit to his house. He counted them all and was surprised to find that there were 100 of them!

"Wow, Roach, you really know how to throw a party!" Golden Sugar exclaimed.

Roach chuckled. "What can I say? I'm a social bug."

Golden Sugar couldn't help but laugh at the pun. "Well, you and your friends are always welcome here, but I hope you guys brought some snacks, because I don't think I have enough noodles to feed an army."

Roach gestured to the crowd of cockroaches. "Don't worry, Golden Sugar. We come prepared. We've got all kinds of tasty treats in our backpacks."

Golden Sugar raised an eyebrow. "You guys wear backpacks?"

Roach shrugged. "Hey, we're not savages. We like to travel in style."

Golden Sugar laughed. "Well, I'm impressed. You guys really know how to make an entrance."

As the night wore on, Golden Sugar and Roach's friends and family settled in, enjoying the snacks and swapping stories. Golden Sugar found himself laughing and joking with the cockroaches, feeling more at ease than he ever had before.

At one point, Golden Sugar noticed a particularly plump cockroach waddling by with a plate of food.

"Hey, buddy," Golden Sugar called out. "You look like you've had your fair share of snacks tonight."

The cockroach nodded. "Yeah, I'm getting pretty full. But you know what they say, Golden Sugar - never skip a meal!"

Golden Sugar chuckled. "Well, in that case, let me cook up some noodles for you guys. I think it's time for a midnight feast."

Roach and his friends cheered, and Golden Sugar got to work in the kitchen, boiling water and tossing in the noodles. Soon, the smell of savory broth filled the air, and the cockroaches gathered around, their antennae twitching with anticipation.

As Golden Sugar served up bowls of steaming hot noodles, the cockroaches dug in with gusto, slurping and chewing with relish.

"You know, Golden Sugar, I have to say - you really know your way around a pot of noodles," Roach said, between mouthfuls.

Golden Sugar grinned. "Well, I've had a lot of practice. And it helps to have such appreciative diners."

Roach nodded. "You're not wrong there. We cockroaches may not be the most glamorous creatures, but we know good food when we taste it."

Golden Sugar chuckled. "I have to say, you guys have really opened my eyes tonight. I never thought I'd be having a midnight noodle feast with a bunch of cockroaches, but here we are."

Roach smiled. "That's the beauty of life, Golden Sugar. You never know where it's going to take you. But as long as you have good food and good friends, you can handle just about anything."

Golden Sugar nodded. "You're right, Roach. And I have a feeling we're going to be good friends for a long time to come."

And with that, Golden Sugar and Roach clinked their noodle bowls together in a toast, surrounded by the happy chatter of their newfound friends.

298名無しさん:2023/03/16(木) 15:54:32 ID:9m/xSlEU
Hey there, folks, it's your favorite English education researcher, Golden Sugar, here to talk to you about Japan's English education. Now, I know what you're thinking: "What does this guy know about education? He can barely spell his own name." Well, jokes on you, my name is easy to spell, it's just the color of my skin that's hard to describe.

Anyway, let's get to the point. The pros of English education in Japan are that they start learning at a young age, and they have access to a lot of resources. But the biggest pro is their motivation to learn. They see English as a ticket to better job opportunities and a better life. It's like they're trying to climb Mount Everest, but instead of oxygen tanks, they're using textbooks.

On the other hand, the cons are that they lack opportunities to practice with native speakers, and they struggle with speaking and listening skills. It's like trying to play soccer with a bowling ball, it just doesn't work. And let's not forget about their accent. It's like they're speaking a whole new language. "R" and "L" sounds? Forget about it. It's like trying to tell the difference between a lion and a lyin'.

But let me tell you, folks, the real issue with English education in Japan is Engrish. You know, the unintentional misuse or corruption of the English language. It's like trying to put a square peg in a round hole, it just doesn't fit. For example, I once saw a sign that said "Please do not vomit here." I mean, where else are you supposed to vomit, the palace of Versailles?

And don't get me started on the English phrases they use in their everyday lives. "I'm so busy, I have no time to eat my lunch, it's a big problem." Really? It's not like you're solving world hunger, buddy. Or how about "Let's enjoy a beer and forget about our problems, shall we?" Yeah, because alcohol is always the answer.

But enough about Engrish, let's talk about the real issue here. The lack of opportunities to practice with native speakers. It's like trying to learn how to swim on dry land. Sure, you can read all the books on swimming, but until you jump into the water, you won't learn how to swim.

And let's not forget about the teaching methods in Japanese schools. They focus too much on grammar and not enough on speaking and listening skills. It's like trying to teach a dog how to do calculus. They might understand it, but they won't be able to apply it in real life.

But, hey, don't just take my word for it. As the great philosopher Socrates once said, "I know that I am intelligent because I know that I know nothing." And that's how I feel about English education in Japan. It's like trying to solve a Rubik's cube while blindfolded. Sure, you might get it eventually, but you'll have no idea how you did it.

In conclusion, English education in Japan has its pros and cons, but let's not forget the real issue here: Engrish. It's like trying to bake a cake with salt instead of sugar. It might look good, but it tastes like crap. And with that, folks, I bid you adieu. Remember, if life gives you lemons, make lemonade. And if life gives you Engrish, well, just laugh and move on.

299名無しさん:2023/03/16(木) 16:22:12 ID:9m/xSlEU
Golden Sugar had just arrived in the UK from Japan, feeling a bit jet-lagged but excited to explore. As he was waiting in line at the airport, a man standing next to him struck up a conversation.

"Hey there, stranger," said the man with a sly grin. "I couldn't help but notice your name. Is it really Golden Sugar?"

Golden smiled warily, "Yes, it is. Is there something wrong with my name?"

The man chuckled, "No, no, not at all. I just think it's a bit funny, that's all. I'm Jack, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Jack," Golden replied, eyeing the man suspiciously.

As they chatted, Jack seemed friendly enough, cracking jokes and making Golden laugh. However, Golden couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about him.

Suddenly, Jack grabbed Golden's bag and tried to make a run for it.

"Hey, come back here!" Golden shouted, chasing after him.

Jack sprinted through the airport, weaving in and out of the crowds. Golden chased after him, knocking over luggage and causing a commotion.

As they neared the exit, Jack made a sharp turn and headed towards a set of doors leading outside.

Golden was hot on his heels, but just as he was about to grab him, Jack slipped and fell, sending Golden's bag flying.

"Ha! You fell for it, mate," Jack exclaimed, getting up and dusting himself off. "I'm not really a thief, I was just messing with you. Your reaction was priceless!"

Golden stared at him, panting and out of breath. "That wasn't funny at all! You almost gave me a heart attack."

Jack grinned, "Lighten up, mate. It was just a joke. Let me buy you a drink to make it up to you."

Golden hesitated, but ultimately decided to go along with it. After all, he could use a drink after that stressful encounter.

As they sat down at a nearby pub, Jack continued to joke around and make Golden laugh.

"So, what brings you to the UK, Golden?" Jack asked, taking a sip of his beer.

"I'm here on vacation," Golden replied. "I've always wanted to see London and explore the country."

Jack nodded, "Ah, I see. Well, you're in for a treat. We have some amazing sights to see here, like the Tower of London, Big Ben, and...oh wait, never mind."

Golden raised an eyebrow, "What? What did you forget?"

Jack chuckled, "Sorry, mate. I was going to say the London Eye, but it's broken down at the moment. Typical British engineering, am I right?"

Golden laughed, "You guys love to make fun of yourselves, don't you?"

Jack grinned, "Hey, we have to find something to laugh about. Our weather is terrible, our politicians are a joke, and don't even get me started on Brexit."

Golden shook his head, "I can't even imagine what that must be like. But at least you have a good sense of humor about it."

300名無しさん:2023/03/16(木) 16:22:31 ID:9m/xSlEU
Golden Sugar was enjoying his time with Jack at the pub, cracking jokes and sharing stories. He was starting to forget about the earlier incident at the airport and was even starting to think that Jack wasn't so bad after all.

But little did Golden know, Jack was actually a notorious thief who had pulled off the biggest bank heist in history, stealing a whopping 10 billion dollars.

As they were on their second round of drinks, Jack suddenly turned serious.

"Hey, Golden, I've got to come clean with you. I'm actually a thief," Jack said, looking down at his hands.

Golden nearly choked on his drink. "What?! You're a thief?!"

Jack nodded solemnly. "Yeah, and a pretty good one at that. I pulled off the biggest bank heist in history. Ten billion dollars, baby."

Golden was stunned. "Ten billion dollars? How are you not in jail right now?"

Jack shrugged. "I'm just that good. Plus, I've got some friends in high places. But I'm getting out of the game now. I'm tired of running and hiding. I want to live a normal life."

Golden didn't know what to say. On the one hand, he was shocked and appalled by Jack's criminal past. On the other hand, he couldn't help but feel a little bit impressed.

"So, what are you going to do now?" Golden asked.

"I don't know, maybe become a comedian," Jack joked.

Golden laughed, "Well, you're certainly good at making me laugh."

Jack grinned, "Thanks, I appreciate that. Maybe I'll do a comedy routine about my time as a thief. 'Confessions of a Bank Robber' or something like that."

Golden chuckled, "I think that could actually work. You could make millions."

Jack raised an eyebrow, "Millions, huh? Maybe I should get back into the game after all."

They both laughed, but Golden knew that Jack was just joking. He could see the sincerity in his eyes and knew that he was serious about turning his life around.

"So, what are you going to do with all that money?" Golden asked, curious.

"I haven't really thought about it," Jack replied. "Maybe I'll donate it to charity or something."

Golden nodded approvingly. "That's a good idea. You could really make a difference in the world."

Jack smiled, "Yeah, I think I could. And who knows, maybe I'll even get a chance to meet the Queen and give her a donation in person."

Golden burst out laughing, "Can you imagine? 'Excuse me, Your Majesty, I stole ten billion dollars and now I'd like to give it back.'"

Jack joined in the laughter, "Hey, stranger things have happened."

As they continued to joke around and drink, Golden couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected turn of events. He may have unwittingly befriended a criminal, but Jack had turned out to be a pretty funny and charming guy. And who knows, maybe he really would become a comedian someday.

301名無しさん:2023/03/16(木) 18:56:51 ID:9m/xSlEU
Golden Sugar sat at his kitchen table, staring at the small pile of crickets in front of him. He had read about the benefits of consuming insects as a source of protein, and he was curious to try it for himself. But at the same time, the idea of eating bugs made him feel uneasy.

As he pondered his options, memories of his childhood flooded his mind. He remembered catching grasshoppers and crickets in the fields behind his house, watching them jump and chirp in his hands. Back then, he had never thought of eating them.

But times were changing, and the world was facing a food crisis. The population was growing, and traditional sources of protein like beef and pork were becoming increasingly unsustainable. Insects, on the other hand, were abundant and easy to farm.

Golden Sugar sighed and picked up one of the crickets. It was small and brown, with long, spindly legs and delicate wings. He hesitated for a moment, then popped it into his mouth.

The taste was unexpected - earthy and nutty, with a hint of sweetness. Golden Sugar chewed thoughtfully, savoring the flavors. It wasn't bad, he decided. In fact, it was quite good.

As he ate, he thought about the future. He imagined a world where insects were a staple part of everyone's diet, where crickets and grasshoppers were as common as chicken and beef. It was a strange and unsettling thought, but at the same time, it felt inevitable.

Golden Sugar finished his meal and leaned back in his chair, feeling strangely content. He knew that there were still many obstacles to overcome before insects could become a mainstream food source - cultural taboos, regulatory hurdles, and the challenge of scaling up production. But he felt hopeful that it could be done.

Insects were the food of the future, he thought. And he was excited to be a part of it.

Days turned into weeks, and Golden Sugar continued to experiment with different insect recipes. He tried stir-fried mealworms, cricket tacos, and even chocolate-covered ants. Each dish was a new adventure, a chance to explore the culinary possibilities of this unconventional food.

But as he became more immersed in the world of entomophagy, he began to notice a change in himself. He felt more connected to nature, more attuned to the rhythms of the earth. He began to see the beauty in the small things - the patterns on a butterfly's wings, the intricate structure of a spider's web.

One day, as he was walking through a park, he came across a group of children chasing after a swarm of butterflies. They were laughing and shouting, completely oblivious to the fragile beauty of the creatures they were pursuing.

Golden Sugar approached them and gently explained the importance of treating insects with respect. He told them about the wonders of entomophagy and how insects could be a valuable source of food for the future. The children listened intently, their eyes wide with wonder.

As Golden Sugar walked away, he felt a sense of purpose. He had found something that he was truly passionate about, something that had the potential to change the world. And even though it was a small thing - eating crickets - it was a step in the right direction.

For Golden Sugar, the future was bright. He had discovered a new way of living, a new way of seeing the world. And he knew that as long as he had his crickets, he could face anything that came his way.

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304名無しさん:2023/03/17(金) 01:32:54 ID:2SnpMO32
Golden Sugar was excited to explore the city of Kyoto. He had heard so much about the temples and shrines, the shopping arcade, and the traditional dishes that the restaurants served. As he walked around the city, he couldn't help but talk to himself.

"Well, well, well, look at this place. So many temples and shrines. I feel like I'm in a spiritual Disneyland."

As he approached the first temple, he noticed a group of tourists taking pictures.

"Ah, the classic 'I was here' pose. Let me give it a try."

Golden Sugar stood in front of the temple, holding up his camera and giving a big smile. As he looked at the picture, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Wow, I look like a tourist. Maybe I should put on a Hawaiian shirt and carry a fanny pack."

As he continued walking, he passed by the shopping arcade. The sights and sounds were overwhelming.

"Whoa, this place is like a labyrinth. If I get lost, I'll just follow the scent of freshly baked bread."

He walked into one of the shops and was immediately greeted by the aroma of roasted coffee.

"Ah, the sweet scent of coffee. It's like a warm hug in a mug."

Golden Sugar browsed the store and picked up a bag of coffee beans.

"I don't even have a coffee maker, but I'm still tempted to buy this. Maybe I can just chew on the beans for a caffeine boost."

As he left the shop, he noticed a restaurant that served traditional Japanese dishes.

"Ooh, this looks promising. I wonder what they have."

He walked in and was greeted by the sight of a sushi bar.

"Ah, sushi. The only time it's acceptable to eat raw fish."

He sat down and ordered a plate of sushi.

"Wow, this is fresh. It's like the fish jumped straight out of the ocean and onto my plate."

As he finished his meal, he noticed a group of locals drinking sake.

"Sake? More like 'sake me up before you go-go'."

Golden Sugar chuckled to himself as he paid the bill and left the restaurant.

As he continued his exploration, he stumbled upon a park with cherry blossom trees.

"Whoa, these trees are beautiful. It's like walking through a pink cloud."

He sat down on a bench and watched as people walked by, taking pictures and admiring the flowers.

"I wonder what it would be like to live here. I'd have to buy a kimono and start bowing to everyone."

As he got up to leave, he noticed a street performer playing the guitar.

"Ah, music. The universal language that can make anyone smile."

Golden Sugar stopped to listen to the performer and soon found himself dancing along to the music.

"Hey, maybe I should start a band. We'll call ourselves the Golden Sugars."

As the sun began to set, Golden Sugar made his way back to his hotel.

"Well, that was a fun day. I saw temples, ate sushi, and even danced a little. Tomorrow, I'll have to find some more adventures to go on."

He walked into his hotel room and flopped down on the bed.

"Ah, the sweet relief of a comfortable bed. It's like sleeping on a cloud made of marshmallows."

As he drifted off to sleep, he couldn't help but smile.

"Kyoto, you've won me over. I'll definitely be back."

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