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About translation of Readme of Ñsen001ch

6論外(Rnguy):2017/09/27(水) 23:12:10
各ページごとに設置した「日→英 翻訳チェック用」というリンクをクリックすると


Currently I am producing an instruction manual for the English version, but besides this thread
By clicking the link "for checking translations from day to English" installed for each page
You can open a Google Docs site that contains pre-translated text for each page and post-translated text.

Although it was a document sheet to check before actually writing it, I will inform you that the comment function attached to it is more convenient than I thought.

基本ルールの方 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KR2Rp8wQK2-HnNQ3kb0DgaC_mMFWE46N11axZ42EkfI/edit
縛りの方 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sL0ob8CaGTVax873ddgvy2PP4F4hck6Wr9K2X6ObuFE/edit



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